Healing the Waters Update: Intercessors Take Action
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Healing the Waters Update: Intercessors Take Action
Last month IFA published an article dealing with the timely topic of “healing the waters.” That article began as a prayer for the people of East Palestine, Ohio, where a train derailment caused a poisoning of the river. All of this led the writer on quite a journey. Through an intercessor friend, she learned that mandalas — symbolic diagrams used in Buddhist and Hindu religious rituals — have been ritualistically placed in rivers in cities across the country, her own city included.
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A mandala ritual ostensibly promises to bring “healing and protection” to a city. (You can read more about these rituals here.) The article is a call for the people of God to resist these rituals and reclaim biblical authority over our land and its rivers.
Water is a significant symbol in the Bible. Just as physical water is vital for the biological sustenance of natural life on earth, the symbol of water is equally vital in spiritual terms. Consider the account in John 4, in which Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at a well of natural water and uses its symbolism to introduce Himself as the “living water” for her spiritual thirst. In John 7, Jesus again uses the symbol of water, to offer Himself as the source of “rivers of living water” that would flow up from their hearts. These are representations of the Holy Spirit (see John 4:7–15; and 7:37–38).
In Ephesians, Paul uses water to symbolize the word of God as a cleansing agent. Just as we bathe physically with water, we are to cleanse ourselves spiritually by reading and applying God’s word. And when people commit their lives to Jesus Christ, they are baptized in water.
Waters, Nations, and Deities
Did you know that in the Bible, water can also represent peoples and nations?
And the angel said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages” (Revelation 17:15).
Other religions, too, see water as sacred and life-giving, and some countries still worship water deities. This is why so many different sorts of rituals are performed in water. This article will focus on the mandalas performed throughout the United States — on college campuses, dispersed into our waters, wherever.
IFA’s webcast about mandalas in our waters prompted one intercessor to do research on her own city and see if rituals had been performed there. Alysha Townsend, who lives near Tampa, Fla., did expect to find something, because Florida is a coastal state. But she was shocked to learn just how numerous such rituals actually were throughout Florida.
Alysha went all the way back to 2000 and found a surprising correlation. She created two maps. One was a map of the sites where mandalas were thrown into the waters. She also made a map of places where major Florida storms had occurred, and she overlaid the two. She discovered that these rituals had taken place just before catastrophic storms hit those very places.
If you have read the article on healing the waters, you know that the ritualists create mandalas using the themes of meditation, peace, and enlightenment, but the prayers invoke a deity. Each mandala is dedicated to a god or goddess and is then released into our waterways. Alysha concluded that it was no coincidence that those bodies of water that had been dedicated to idols for “protection” and “healing” are the very places that have suffered the exact opposite. Those cities saw major tropical storms make landfall, some of them catastrophic. Alysha also noticed that the ritualists visited Miami-Dade County several times, and also Broward and Palm Beach counties. As it happens, these three counties are the most liberal-left in all of Florida. Don’t you find that interesting? And it is not only at lakes and near the ocean that these ceremonies are being performed, but also on university campuses — which also happens to be where many Christian young people decide to walk away from the Lord.
Taking Back Our Stewardship and Authority
God has called us to steward the land, and instead we abdicate our authority to false religious leaders to perform ceremonies in the name of other gods. It is not a blessing that they are declaring over our land, but just the opposite. No god can bless us or heal our land but Yahweh the one true God only.
“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth” (Exodus 20:3–4).
Spiritual warfare can be an intimidating topic to some, but we must remember that in Christ, we are victorious. We have been given certain weapons of warfare: the word of God; the blood and name of Jesus; prayer; praise; worship. Remember: You have been given authority by the Lord, and this is something the devil hopes you will never walk in (see Luke 9:1; 10:19). We also are given power to release blessings over the land. We know that a curse can extend to the third and fourth generations — but the blessing of the Lord is for a thousand generations! The blessing is greater than the curse! This is also why the Lord commands us to bless rather than curse.
Alysha is one intercessor who felt compelled by the Lord to take action. She reached out to Anita, her IFA state prayer leader. Together they are now prayerfully seeking the Lord with plans to pray on-site within their residential region. Alysha is praying that other intercessors in Florida will join them by locking arms to pray over various regions statewide. How about you? Will you join in and pray with Alysha and Anita in their commitment to take back the waters and land that the Enemy has stolen? They are standing in the gap, in agreement not only for this nation, but also for the state in which God has placed them for such a time as this.
Pray with us:
Father, thank You for Alysha’s boldness and obedience to heed Your call and stand in the gap for her state. We pray for divine protection over her and over every intercessor who will partner with her and Anita. As they seek Your face, give them guidance and prophetic strategies for taking back the waters. Speak through Your word and through dreams and visions, not just to Alysha and Anita, but also to every intercessor who senses Your stirring to take action. We thank You, Lord. Every other “god” is a mere idol, but You are the one true and living God, and we worship You. We magnify Your name above all others. You are the Lord of all flesh, and nothing is too hard for You. We pray over the lands that have been devastated by storms; we pray for healing, hope, restoration, and, most important, for people to encounter Jesus Christ. We pray that any demonic strongholds over Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach counties would be utterly broken in the name of Jesus, and that we would see captives set free. Lord, come in Your power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Do you feel God calling you to action? Share what you sense He is saying to you.
IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Canva.
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FATHER, bless us as we seek your face we, mourn our sins, and humble ourselves, confess our sins and trust you. In Jesus’s name Amen
You care for your people; renew their water and land. Let them see your loving hand.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
Oh yes, man’s strength and endurance can only be brought upon us through Christ and the Holy Spirit!
We have a PrayerLink team going to 22 Harbors along the coastline. They began in Escambia county on April 22 and we were in Key West and Key Largo yesterday. Now, are headed up the Eastern Seaboard on FL. Will be in Miami and Broward counties today and tomorrow. This ends on Pentecost weekend just north of Jax.
Wow praise God, that is amazing.
Thank you for sharing this, Keena! I love how God gives us similar messages in different ways to set us on a common path.
How can a person find out if this has been done in our local waters
I found out through a simple Google search in my city and state.
I, too, used Google searches. I was able to find articles from the different areas / colleges / museums in Florida that were hosting the mandala events. Some of the articles disclosed the location of what waterway the sands were deposited in as well.
Lance Wallnau has information about the leviathan spirit, which, I think, is a principality at the very least, and there have been other articles recently about it. As you can see in Job, Psalm and Isaiah, it’s a serpent like creature who seems to be a water creature.
Father, thank You for continuing to expose TRUTH piece by piece.
Keep us attentive to Your Word, and what You are doing in the world to turn what the enemy means for evil into something far beyond our imaginations.
I’d like to get in touch with Alysha and Anita to pray over waters in Florida. Please send me more information about how through my email. Thank you and blessings.
Phil you can email here and mention Alysha’s story on IFA. [email protected]
Thank you, Gloria!
Phil, Please feel free to email us at the [email protected] email Gloria listed above…Anita and I are both able to read your message there.
They also placed their sand into StAndrew’s Bay in Bay County Florida over10 years ago. An Intercessor was there and prayed over the waters when they finished. She even place soil from Israel over the place where they dumped the sand. After learning this had happened I personally went to the spot and repented that those curses had been placed in the bay I had communion and placed some into the waters asking that an altar to the Lord be build upon that place in the waters.
Thank you Jerri, I am so encouraged reading these reposnses. Thank you for your obedience and actions.
Thank you for sharing this location! I had not come across it in any of my searches, but there have been several storms that have made landfall in this area, including Hurricane Michael in 2018. Michael made landfall on Mexico Beach (just on the other side of Tyndall AFB from St. Andrews Bay) as a Category 5 Hurricane…this is definitely not a coincidence! I will add the St. Andrews Bay mandala to my map.
Gloria is always encouraging, as well as challenging us to move upon theses concerns with our land and water. Here in WI, God is moving upon this territory, and we are doing both spiritual warfare as well as tangible Biblical motions to show our faith. (Psalm 24) “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god. They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob. Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty— he is the King of glory.”
Psalms 24:1-10 NIV
We are agreeing with our KING & SAVIOR as HE comes in and settles in this beloved land. Declaring REVIVAL and blessings over our first occupants generation! And may it spread to all corners of this territory named Wisconsin!
Thank you for being sensitive to the Lord for your region Mary Jo. I know you mentioned your intercessor friends waiting for so long and seeing no answer. That happens, sometimes the Lord makes us wait, but that doesn’t mean it won’t come to pass. The waiting is the hardest part, but you’ve done your part in obedience to Him and now it’s time for Him to act. Amen to your prayers. Let the King of glory come in!
Awesome! Thank You, Lord!
Years ago our local college invited a Buddhist contingency to come to the campus and build a sand Mandela in the student center. It was open to the public so our team of intercessors visited and watched and prayed as they created this beautiful work out of colored sand. When we would walk into the center the Buddhists would stop and stare at us. We had never spoken a word and they stopped their work until we would leave. We were praying in the spirit without utterance, but they knew. We watched to see what was intended for this very large intricate work when finished and found that they intended to take it to the rivers in Pittsburgh where the Allegheny and the Monongahela meet to form the Ohio river. Before dismantling it they took small amounts and gave it to the students in small glass vials. The word was spread to intercessors in the region and intense prayer began. Lo and behold on the day that this act was to be completed a terrible storm came to the area and they were not able to meet on the shore to finish their ritual. Our prayers were effective for that time. I would be simple minded to think that they did not return covertly and try this again. THIS sand had been neutralized! It was nothing more but colored sand and the demonic assignment was cancelled along with all the sand in those vials that the students took with them that day. When you see something, Do something! That is the word for the day.
Amen Betsey, that is awesome! I pray the readers will read this comment.
I agree, AWESOME!
Wow, wow, wow!!! Thank you, Betsy, for sharing this! Darkness recognizes the light, even without a single utterance.
I remember when Obama was in the white house there were monks who came in and made a design with sand. I assume now it was mandala.
The enemy is within our borders, and increasing in numbers daily. We are a wicked nation, whom has pridefully allowed other religions and god’s to be worshiped. O Lord, we repent of our ignorance of Your Word, and self-made pride which has caused the enemy to grow and attempt to take control. You O Lord are sovereign and will judge accordingly. May we be prepared for the Rapture and your soon return and be about spreading the gospel to a lost world.
Years ago a group of women in Minnesota felt lead to anoint the waters of the Mississippi River. We went to the headwaters and prayed and poured a few drops of oil, bread and salt asking the Lord bless the water and land. Several years later I specifically booked a 3 day cruise in the Caribbean in order to do the same for the waters there, praying that the storms would bring beneficial rain without damage. It was beautifully damage free for several years.
Praise God! I love how the Lord leads his intercessors. Thank you for your obedience.
WOW, Gloria. Amazing article! Great work!
Thank you Jamie
We will be taking action on July 6 over the waterways where the mandalas were released in Pennsylvania/Delaware/New Jersey. It was from the campus of Rutgers U diversity and put into the Delaware River which borders Pa and NJ and runs into Delaware itself. 100 intercessors and worship leaders will board a boat and cleanse the waters! Thank you again Gloria for a thorough, practical article on water spirits!
Go get em’ Lori! How exciting. Praise the Lord, I was really thrilled when you shared this. I came under such warfare writing the previous article I began to wonder if I missed it, but you brought me confirmation. Thank you Lori.
Anita shared with me about your planned trip down the river when I told her about the map I was making. It was certainly confirmation for me that it was God who was sending me down this path and that He has a much bigger plan for all of this than we can fathom! Thank you for sharing…and for heeding His call.
Excellent article!! Thank You for Your strategies to heal the waters, Lord. Raise up Your Army to take back the land. In Jesus name AMEN!
Amen Nancy!