If we do not know our ultimate destination as heirs, we will get STUCK ON THE BATTLEGROUND or TIED UP IN THE COURTROOM…
Like many believers determined to fulfill God’s will and purpose on the earth, much of my journey has been battling the enemy as a spiritual warrior. I have spent a lot of time on the BATTLEGROUND fighting a spiritual adversary through prayer and intercession. I have learned how to use the sword of God’s Word in order to defend myself and stand on His truth. I have also learned how the enemy is a legalist and have spent considerable time in the COURTROOM, presenting cases before the Father so that the threats and intimidation against God’s purposes would stop (see Is 41:21).
Though I have won many of these battles, without realizing it, much of my journey has been spent going between the battleground and the courtroom. It wasn’t until the Lord revealed a higher call that I have been stirred to position myself elsewhere. In this season, I believe He is calling many of us to the THRONE ROOM as rightful heirs to the King in order to RULE in the midst of our enemies. It is HERE that we must head if we are to not only win the various battles of the day, but win the war for our inheritance.
Each place has its purpose and appropriate tools. Each position has it’s time and season and can only be held through grace. On the BATTLEGROUND we use the SWORD. In the COURTROOM we PRESENT THE RECORDS. In the THRONE ROOM, He now extends His SCEPTER.
Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter of Your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness. (Ps 45:6 ESV)
We must know when to stand on the battleground and when to stand in the courtroom. Even so, it is the throne room, alone, that is eternal and untouchable by the enemies of God. There will be a time when the battles stop and the courtroom is closed. All that happens in those two positions are for the sole purpose of getting us to the throne room. It is in the throne room where we stand as joint heirs, not as warriors or defendants. It is there we stand as sons and daughters who hold the scepter of Kingdom authority and rule.
If we do not know our ultimate destination as Kingdom heirs, we will get stuck before we reach it. The enemy will keep us on the battleground, locked in unending battles and skirmishes. If he cannot distract us there, he will keep us tied up in the courtroom with endless red tape, looking for evidence to disqualify us and defeat us. Our accuser will do all he can to keep us from our inheritance and blind us as sons and daughters of the Most High. His jealousy and hatred compel him to keep us from the very place where he once stood in ages past. It is in the throne room where he has no standing, no honor, and no hope. It is the place from which he was exiled for all eternity. Yet, it is the place where we can yield the greatest authority and impact on the earth.
On the battleground, his hordes of demons excel in strategic attacks and relentless assaults. In the courtroom, his bitter envy and selfish pride fuels his ongoing threats and never-ending accusations. But in the throne room, he is not only powerless, but has been denied entry. He has no standing in the glory. It is simply a reminder of what he once had – and lost.
The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” The Lord sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your enemies! (Ps 110:1-2)
If we embrace our call to the throne room, we will know when to walk off the battleground and when to leave the courtroom. Each position has its purpose in achieving the greater goal – that of ruling with the King over all who threaten His reign. We are heirs of righteousness who have been given His scepter to render decisions on His behalf. He is reminding us to stand in confidence as co-heirs and descendants of the throne. On the battleground we are surrounded by enemies. In the courtroom we face a demonic prosecutor. But in the throne room, we are surrounded by His glory. It is from this place that our vision and clarity is most accurate and our decisions carry the most weight. The enemy has no choice but to yield when an heir to the throne extends His scepter and renders decisions on the King’s behalf.
Clouds and thick darkness are all around Him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. Fire goes before Him and burns up His adversaries all around. His lightnings light up the world; the earth sees and trembles. (Ps 97:2-4 ESV)
As we continue to face a spiritual adversary that is relentless in his attacks and persistent in his threats, perhaps it’s time to stop waving our swords and dealing with red tape. Maybe it’s time some of us head to the throne room and learn the power of His scepter in the midst of His glory. Maybe it’s time to stop battling a foe who has already lost. We are being called to rule with the King, not because we are good warriors or effective at winning cases, but because we are heirs to the throne.
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Psalm 125:3 “For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the land of the righteous, so that the righteous will not put forth their hands to do wrong.”
What just exploded in me was that the righteous can do wrong in our resisting evil!
That wrong happens when we forget we are being called to rule with the King, not because we are good warriors or effective at winning cases, but because we are heirs to the throne who render decisions on the King’s behalf of what is his good acceptable and perfect will!
This refreshing,and confirming and very agreeable. Thank you for articulating what many Believers are experiencing!
Absolutely awesome perspective. Thank you for sharing.
Wanda I praise God for his work through you! Which he is using to make me more productive in his kingdom work! Also did you know that the share option no longer leads to a certain article; but to the headline prayer homepage?
We have access to His Presence! What could be more exalted, more precious? Keep praying.
Lord thank You for everything. Thank You that I can come to You in prayer. Lord please purify me. I’d rather be in Your throneroom with You than on the battlefield or in the courtroom. Help me to be a real Intercessor. I want to talk to You Lord. I need You and Your help. Make me what You want me to be. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Amen Ken!
Thank you for this revelatory insight. I am so totally worn out and exhausted from the battlefield and courtroom. I knew I needed to move forward into a different arena. I had actually received an invitation from the Lord “to come up here” because “you have come to Mt. Zion” (Heb. 12:24) but couldn’t seem to get “up there”. I dreamed as well about ever climbing higher, but seemed blocked as I attempted to move forward. I believe this will help refocus my attention and energy. Thank you.
Wow! Perfect timing. What a marvelous reminder to “not be discouraged in well doing for in due season we will reap a harvest if we faint not.” So like a child we enter the throne room knowing that the BLOOD makes a way for us….bathing in His glory. How simple, how childlike, how easy; and how much He wants us there…loving all of us “the best.” Sing a new song of victory. We win because He already won. Hip,hip hurray!
Thank you. I’m in that place as I pray through IFA letter. And the encouragement that is released through the comments. For China to be free to worship. The underground river there to erupt and flood the nation. Words cannot express the gratitude of this truth being put in place. So I pray in my heavenly language and praise the One who makes it possible for us to pray and release His love. Thank you
Wow. I’m receiving all of this and thank you for sharing it. I believe in all three battlefields. But my favorite has always been the secret place with Him. Seated from there with Him in heavenly places. I feel this in a real way when I stand in this God birthed room. It seems I am taller and in another realm. But I’m also thankful that He has shown me the value of the courtroom. The weapon of the Word when sent by His Spirit through my mouth. It all must be done in Heavenly places and you brought it all together in His presence as we enter the rest He has freely given. His glory. His presence hovering over as it was in the beginning let it be again. It’s too big for us but not for Him. Trust in the Lord. With all my heart. Lean not on my own understanding. He will direct my and our steps. Ahhh. Peace. Keep it and let God fight the battle in His way.
Thank you, Wanda, for this timely word about the Throne Room. I am applying it personally. I find it all too easy to be distracted by the issues and personalities and forget (temporarily, I hope) the power and grace of our Commander-in-Chief! I expect your testimony here will prove to be a redirection for many of your fellow intercessors.
Thank you for this powerful word about the throne room. As I read it, my spirit was greatly moved. I am longing for more understanding of how/when to move between the battleground, courtroom and throne room. I sense this is a revelation that God wants intercessors to lay hold of….and not let go.
“Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, would You draw me by Your life giving most holy Spirit into Your eternal presence before You in Your throne room of glory and prepare me to reign in this world as an heir of God and joint heir with Jesus, ruling in the midst of the enemy and pronouncing Your righteous judgements against him who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped and in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if You God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.”
Thank you! Fantastic, and for me a VERY timely, word! As God would have it, he has put on my heart to learn more and study about the courtroom. Besides holy scripture, does anyone have any good resource materials regarding this?
Robert Henderson has several popular books on the Courts of Heaven. He also can be watched on YouTube.
Thank you! Just confirmed with another friend!
God bless you for a most timely Word.
Great warfare wisdom.
Psalm 125:3 “For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the land of the righteous, so that the righteous will not put forth their hands to do wrong.”
To Janette, because I read your comment and quoting the scripture that you did, my spirit was so exploded with that truth and immediately knew that I was to apply that scripture to some land that the Lord is going to lead me to buy in the near future. It will be large And the land must be dedicated and holy to the Lord for my farm and all his purposes to be fulfilled. I just love it when God brings me another clue that this is truly going to happen. and praise be to God our father in heaven who has an incredible love that surpasses our minds. Isn’t that great. How great is our God.
Thanks for sharing this with me, Alice. That verse exploded in my Spirit as well and I’m using it to decree over the land of the USA. A scepter represents authority. I declare and decree that Father God will break all evil rods and scepters already established or seeking to establish ungodly authority in the United States of America. Father, we ask for full heavenly protection over Godly, moral leaders and advancement of your Kingdom on earth as the result of the 2020 elections. Isaiah 14:5 AMP, “The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the (tyrant) rulers.” You can also cut off any past curses over the land you are buying and consecrate it to the Lord. Promise to claim: Psalm 16:6 “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” PTL!
I agree. I go to Free Chapel and tonight Tony Suarez was the guest preacher. He just returned from ministering to the underground church in China. He said that the underground church in China has a prophecy. The Christians who meet in secret there said they were given this prophecy about Trump- that just like God used President Reagan to bring down the iron curtain, God will use President Trump to bring down the bamboo curtain in China so they will be able to worship openly and freely. Praise the Lord!
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS AMAZING, ENCOURAGING WORD OF PROPHECY GIVEN IN CHINA. I am so excited and encouraged!!!! HOPE is ALIVE for next Four Years in USA and Freedom Reigns for our Chinese brothers and sisters❤️
Thank you Thank you for sharing!!
I pray for each of us that as we entreat the Lord’s favor in these days that we “..are not afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you(us). He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” A Deurterononmy 31:8 promise from our Heavenly Father! Thank You Jesus!