I Prayed have prayed
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth to die for us and save us; for bringing us out of the darkness and into Your light!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Intercessor, how did you feel about the “He Gets Us” foot-washing ad during the Super Bowl?

Have you taken your place on the wall?


By now, most Christians have seen the “He Gets Us” ad, which showcases images of unlikely people getting their feet washed, such as homosexuals, or women considering an abortion. It ends by proclaiming proudly: “Jesus didn’t teach hate. He washed feet.”

But the ad has sparked outrage in lots of Christian circles. Many believers have criticized it, believing that it misses the mark and falls short of biblical truth. Some have even tackled the ad’s theological implications ā€” IFA’s own Dave Kubal among them.

Jamie Bambrick, a Christian content creator on YouTube, has put together his own version of the “He Gets Us” ad, aptly titled “He Saves Us.” This minute-long video features images of people who have been radically changed by the gospel, such as a former jihadist and a former KKK member. The video ends by stating that “Jesus doesn’t just get us. He saves us. ā€¦ Such were some of you.”

Members of IFA’s staff love Bambrick’s video, claiming that it gives them “Holy Spirit chills” and a “joyful, excited heart.” We want to share the video with you as a reminder that Christ not only understands us, but He also calls us higher.

View the video here:

Bambrick listed the miraculous life-change stories represented in the video:

The names/stories are, in order:
Kat Von D
Josh Timonen
Mohamad Faridi
Mike Burden
Jeff Durbin
Sebastian Stakset
Kevin WhittĀ 
Dr John Bruchalski
Laura Perry
Brittni De La Mora
Steven Bancarz
Rosaria Butterfield

Has this video stirred great things within you? Share your thoughts and prayers below!

(Photo Credit: leolintang/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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February 19, 2024

“He Gets Us” was not a bad campaign, only a vague one. Most fail to mention that they do encourage Bible reading – which reveals the full salvation story. ” “He Saves Us” of course implies the transformation Christ can bring, which is more compelling. Perhaps a third video could share that the narrow path to Heaven requires the application of both messages – redeeming the soul and loving enemies into the Kingdom!

February 17, 2024

Why does the video show first the gang member, but when you post it, it comes up with the main photo showing the former lesbian activist? People will be more offended and less likely to view it when this is what they first see. I think showing the gang member first makes it more likely that people will view it.

Pat Bellan
February 17, 2024

This is an awesome video! Thank You, Lord, for giving its producers the vision and courage to create such a masterfully crafted and truthful representation of Christ and what He has done, and is still doing. Bravo! I plan on sharing it.

    Joan Bartruff
    February 17, 2024

    Awesome video. Jesus came to save the lost!! Praise His wonderful Name!! In Jesus’ Name
    Thank You, Heavenly Father, for sending your most beloved Son to die, and shed His precious
    blood to cleanse and redeem we, sinners! Hallelujah! Praise! Glory!

Darlene Estlow
February 16, 2024

I loved the video. The “He Gets Us” ad isn’t quite the truth. It leaves out Jesus. This video speaks the truth.

February 16, 2024

Thank you for representing Jesus more accurately than that othrr tv ad.
You have people’s attention now… my prayer is: you will release more videos about all of who Jesus is and only under God’s anointing. In Jesus Name. Amen.

February 16, 2024

excellent short video-hope it gets out there!

Tabitha Rector
February 16, 2024

Real Truth!

Tanya Whiteside
February 16, 2024

Bless God for Jamie Bumbrick and this video. Father, Your kingdom come. Shine Jesus shine. Blow Spirit blow. Send forth Your Word Lord and let their be Life. We call forth truth, fresh hope, revival, transformation and reformation in Yeshua’s beautiful wonderful powerful Name.

Vicky Maurseth
February 16, 2024

Praise the Lord! That commercial was amazing!

February 15, 2024

Jesus came to preach truth, forgiveness, and grace, not to agree with everyone’s sinning ways. He challenged the Samaritan woman at the well with her lifestyle. He told the harlot that he saved from being stoned, “Go and sin no more.” He washed the feet of His disciples, not the Pharisees. I think the new video is an appropriate response to the ‘He Gets Us’ ad. Although we must guard against it driving a bigger wedge in the Body of Christ.

Victoria Reed
February 15, 2024

Praise God for the whole truth being proclaimed! He changes us from being residents of the kingdom of darkness into light bearers! Hallelujah!!!

February 15, 2024

Yes! I was so happy to see this video of what IS true.

Olga Orta
February 15, 2024

Thank God for such a ad, bc WE ALL have sinned and yet Jesus forgave and washed us also! Whom are we to cast a stone.

    Darlene Estlow
    February 16, 2024

    Yes, we have all sinned but without Jesus, we have no forgiveness. We are lost. Real truth speaks the truth about Jesus.

February 15, 2024

The He Gets Us ad was terrific bc it reached a wide audience with the message that we should not JUDGE or HATE & think WE are better than anyone. Jesus loves us all. Your video took it a step further. But I could NOT criticize the message of the original.

Virginia Roberson
February 15, 2024

That was awesome!!!!!

February 15, 2024

A deceptive ad, to lull folks into delusion.

Mary Lee Lowe
February 15, 2024

Condemnation of a lifestyle slams the door on gospel conversations. There would have been no salvation for the Samaritan town if Jesus had not approached the woman at the well. No salvation for Zacchius or many other unclean Jews if Jesus had not approached them first. He got them then by the power of the Spirit they were saved.

Terry Cook
February 15, 2024

The Super Bowl ad certainly wasn’t the complete story of what Jesus did or does now, but it was at least a start. Might this be similar to what Jesus was getting at in his response to his disciples who wanted to prevent men from doing miracles in Jesus name since they were not part of them–Mark 9:39? The second ad demonstrates how behavior changes when one knows Jesus personally. Now maybe a third ad needs to be done to emphasize that confession and repentance are steps one and two before the outcome of a changed life in Christ is possible?

    February 20, 2024


February 15, 2024

This was the best response I have read to the He Gets Us campaign.

    Vicki Hanacek
    February 15, 2024

    Thank you for posting the URL to Natasha Crain’s article. I agree with the points she made, although I could not have articulated them nearly as well.

    February 19, 2024

    Like most other critics of the “He Gets Us” campaign, Natasha also fails to mention that they do encourage Bible reading. We must not diminish the potential of even the tiniest seed of Truth!

Susan Cerce
February 15, 2024

ā€œHe Gets Usā€? Really!!
Jesus did not die on a cross to make us comfy in our sins, but to clean us up to met His Father.

February 15, 2024


February 15, 2024

I was taken in by the ā€œHe Gets Usā€ ad at first before I realized it was portraying Jesus as of course all loving, but seemingly condoning the lifestyle of those who need to be redeemed (saved) from their sinful lifestyle as a result of HIS Love and not a condoning of their Godless lives.
His Love calls them to come up higher, out of their lifestyle which is without Christ.
I so agree with James Brambicks ad showing changed lives because of Gods Love! That portrays the Truth!! Loved it!!

Rebecca Cress
February 15, 2024

I watched both adds and didnā€™t have a problem with either. The commercials didnā€™t condone these sins but showed the love of God in these situations. No one is going to seek change if they are condemned only thru loving people can we share Godā€™s truth and lead them to salvation.

Sally Jadlow
February 15, 2024

God is love, but He is also just. There needs to be a balance of the two. Unless we know both sides, we are cheating the people we’re trying to reach.

February 15, 2024

Our family was so surprised and delighted to see the commercial! I praised God right then! Loudly!!

Cindy McRae
February 15, 2024

I think the He Saves Us would be an incredible follow up to He gets us. That is the piece thatā€™s missing in the ads. On the positive side, He Gets Us may be the first exposure to Christ at all for countless many! So now, letā€™s work together to bring the full message to them, He SAVES us

Christina Rethwill
February 15, 2024

He gets us ad sounds nice and very loving. However, it infers that we must lower our biblical beliefs to the sinners level and accept their sin as acceptable and right. We are commended to love the sinner but hate the sin. To compromise our faith to appear to be more loving is to love them straight to hell. We need to lead them to the Savior who can save them. Thatā€™s what is missing in the ad.

Brenda Remus
February 15, 2024

Yea Jamie Bambrick. Beautiful! The absolute right message to represent our dear Lord and Savior.

However, I was a confused with the 1st 2 individuals. In the 1st frame, I didn’t know who the people were, or see a change. In the 2nd frame, I thought the witch looked unchanged.

But again, thank you for getting the message right.

February 15, 2024

Thank you

Patricia Mack
February 15, 2024

We live in the age of The Lusionsā€¦.Illusionā€¦.Allusionā€¦.and the formidable DELUSION! It is trueā€¦HE GETS US BUT ONLY TO SAVE USā€¦transform usā€¦deliver us too! Who is HE? JESUS CHRIST! Oh and what did Jesus do with the ā€œpigs?ā€

Karen Reichenberg
February 15, 2024

Yes! And AMEN!

February 15, 2024

Another great article I saw was an opinion piece reprinted in my AFA email which was written by Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation. He details exactly what is wrong with that campaign of’ he gets us’ and instead offers that it should be #HeChangesUs Please look up his article and you will see what I mean. AWESOME opinion and one I share whole- heartedly.

    February 20, 2024


February 15, 2024

Powerful Video.
I agree with He Saves Us message and I am praying that every eye that views it will be touched in Jesus Name!

Megan Charles
February 15, 2024

How I ā€œFEELā€ is irrelevant-the question is What does God say about this?
Its ALL in Scripture. Plainly said,
We MUST confess our sins bfore Christ, accept His sacrifice as our way to Salvation, turn and sin No more. Its not some kind of Get out of jail free card. We must respond to Holy Spirit and TURN OUR LIVES OVER TO HIM. I dont hear any of that in these ads- its like a Prosperity Gospel ( ie osteen) with No requirements on the sinners part. Satan uses some of Gods Own Word to twist and confuse. This appears to be one of these

February 15, 2024

That is a brilliant short video bringing truth and Jesus to all who hears and sees it. Thank you Jamie

Mary Boling
February 15, 2024

That video was very well done and says it all, however it doesn’t really share the gospel either. It doesn’t talk about Jesus dying for our sins, and being buried and alive in heaven now.

Marla Hartzell
February 15, 2024

I donā€™t see condemning here, but I do see is qualifying.
It kind of has the same idea as a crucifix; to have an image of Jesus on the cross constantly itā€™s not the full story. The entire story ends with his resurrection. His death on the cross would mean nothing if not for his resurrection.

Carolyn Powell
February 15, 2024

God doesnā€™t unite sin and righteousness together. Sin separates us from Godā€¦. Repentance brings us out of the darkness into his marvelous lightā€”ā€” (changes our mind and heart)
We are to be a witness of His saving Grace that brings people out of the darkness of sin to abide in him.
I see a compromise in this film that will mislead many and never enjoy falling in love with Jesus, taking up their cross and keeping His commandments to inherit eternal life with him.
Iā€™m not judgingā€¦ itā€™s the Bible judging.

Sandra Hogue
February 15, 2024

I didn’t watch the super bowl, but just seeing that ad now, made me shout the praise of Jesus. He is the Redeemer of all things, all those who will come and believe on His glorious, matchless, soul saving Name…..the Only Son of the Most High God; the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

February 15, 2024

Let us not forget that until we truly believe someone does get us, sees us in our total depravity and helpless condition, and is willing to reach out to us giving us something or doing for us something no one else seems to be willing to doā€¦ā€¦ none of us will experience the transformative power of love and salvation. When we were yet in our sin- JESUS CHRIST died for us. The original video portrays this- the second video reveals what HOLY SPIRIT does after salvation. Please stop condemning those who show the shocking nature of GODS radical love for all who are in sin for we were once there too!!!

    Claudette Faulkenbury
    February 15, 2024

    Amen, Marylou!
    As related in Lukeā€™s Chapter 4, Jesus proclaimed in the Temple ā€œthe Spirit of the Lord is upon me; He has sent me to preach the gospel to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised..,ā€
    The message in the first video , sponsored by Hobby Lobby, by the way, is one of Jesusā€™ overriding LOVE, not condemnation, for EVERYONE!
    This video was viewed by millions of people, many of whom may have never heard of Jesus or HIS countless acts of MERCY. This video planted seeds. It only takes a ā€œmustard seedā€! Alleluia!

skye alison
February 15, 2024

This video is SPOT ON! It conveys honestly, truthfully and convincingly the blessed change Jesus is able to make in people’s lives who come to Him. Praise God for this!

February 15, 2024

This is a much better way of helping those who don’t understand the full possibilities and implications of each one of us has to share what Jesus did on the cross and rose again to provide the universal, only way, to come to Abba Father. These are the ones Jesus was grouping as the Samaritans we are to witness to – outside our comfort zone. Thank you for sharing!

Rich Swingle
February 15, 2024

Iā€™m sure this was already in the works during Tuesdayā€™s Headline Prayer Live, but our God who stands outside of time answered our prayers so profoundly!

Lord, bring more creative answers to our prayers!

Kendrea Stubblefield
February 15, 2024

1 Corinthians 6: 11
And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our GOD

Karen Matlack
February 15, 2024

I had chills watching the Jesus saves us video. I did feel confused by the He gets us video, feeling they missed the mark. There is only One Way, and that is through Jesus dying for our sins. Thank you!

February 15, 2024

I felt like the point of He Gets Us was just that someone on the opposing side of the human spectrum was showing the love of Jesus as a starting point; not that they were being tolerant in way that left them where they were.
This new video, He Saves Us, is very powerful and will be used in the lives of many!

    Terrie Atkins
    February 15, 2024

    He gets us and then he saves us. And then he transforms us as we surrender to Him.

Barbara Caward
February 15, 2024

Praise God! Jesus doesn’t just get us, God changes us. I love him so much. Thank you heavenly Father for the changed life in each of us. Thank you for rescuing us from a wicked life.

Ginger Reed
February 15, 2024

I believe that Jesus would be very pleased. These commercials are moving and thought provoking. It is so great to hear that many people are responding to these video presentations. God works in various ways and I am thankful for the heart of the ministry that is getting the truth out about this Jesus that we serve. I pray blessings upon all that you create for God’s glory and to bring heaven to earth!

February 15, 2024

That last line sounds very patronizing. We are all sinners! Lord thank you for getting us so that you desire to save us,!

Sue Hill
February 15, 2024

I love the video by Mr. Bambrick titled ā€œHe Saves Us!ā€
The ā€œHe Gets Usā€ ad leaves out the issue of sin. In His perfect plan of salvation Jesus LOVES, FORGIVES AND TELLS US TO SIN NO MORE!
I would maybe edit He Saves Us to say at the end ā€œsuch were all of us, because we all need saving. Or something that indicates every person is a sinner and needs Jesusā€™ rescue!
Heavenly Father, thank You that this ad has sparked conversation about You! We pray Your truth of the Gospel is now the topic of millions of discussions and You are being made known and found. Your glory is evident and Your REVIVAL IS COMING! All praise to You Lord. In Jesus Name Amen


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