“if Christ has not been raised … we are of all people most to be pitied.” (1 Cor 15:17, 19)
Easter is a season of great gladness for those who know Christ. But for those who are without “the light of the knowledge of God’s glory” (2 Corinthians 4:6), there is nothing to rejoice over.
Jesus left us with the great hope and certainty that He is going to return to bring a new Heaven and a new earth where, we are told, there will be no more sorrow, trouble, or death for those who have believed and followed Him. There will be trouble, sorrow, and suffering for those who have neglected or rejected Him. As Christians, our great task is to obey the command to tell the whole world about Christ crucified, buried, yet risen again. My prayer for you during this season of the year, when we meditate on our Savior’s great sacrifice for us on the cross, is that you will be filled with great peace and hope, because “He is risen!” That is the Good News.
From Genesis to Revelation, we are warned that “it is later than you think.” Paul writes to Christians in Romans 13:11–12: “The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” There are millions of people around the world who do not have peace at this moment because they have never found the secret of peace. Some of them may have riches today as a result of greed and covetousness; but their souls are lean, their hearts are cold toward God, their consciences are dulled, and their minds are blinded. They need to know that there is a God of marvelous love who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this world. And as a demonstration of His mercy, Christ—who is the Prince of Peace—went to the cross to make a way for peace between God and mankind.
Read Billy Graham’s entire pamphlet entitled “He Is Risen” which provides a devotional.
(Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash)
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Passover is from April 8 through April 16th. A remember of the Lamb’s blood which caused death to pass by the houses of God’s people….and so this is our prayer. We thank you God for there is life in the blood and you are the Living God dwelling in your people. Resurrect us anew as we examine ourselves in isolation knowing that the Potter is forming the clay. Resurrect us anew knowing that you are doing a new work in the earth giving us an increase in the knowledge of your unconditional love and faithfulness. Resurrect those who are lost and in fear to be encouraged that God is near and not far to comfort, heal, and forgive them as He did on the cross of Calvary. Thank you Lord that we will come out of this virus with a new hope and new commitment in a future relationship with you as our personal Lord and Savior. Amen
Pastor Regina