As a pastor for over 25 years, I have found that most people do not like politics spewed from the pulpit. As believers, we live in and from another Kingdom and seek to live above the kingdoms of this world. The government we aspire to is eternal and ever increasing (Is 9:6-7). At the same time, we live under a civil government as stewards and citizens here on the earth. Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17 give clear credence to earthly governments being sanctioned by God with the authority to protect the people, punish the evil-doer, and provide an environment where people can flourish.
In our form of government we vote representatives into office where laws are enacted and changed through a legislative process. If Christians desire to have a voice in the shaping of our laws and ordinances, we must vote for the candidates that most closely reflect a biblical worldview. In this form of government, our voice is our vote.
As a pastor, I feel a responsibility to teach people about what the Word of God says about the various issues to insure they are thinking from a biblical worldview and not a secular one (Titus 2:1). Without calling attention to specific candidates or parties, I teach what Scripture says about the core issues of our faith and encourage them to compare these truths with the candidates and their parties. Some of the issues that I believe are critical for believers to embrace are the sanctity of life, marriage between a man and woman, religious freedom, and sound financial stewardship. If we can get the basic dogmas of our faith in place, other issues will come into alignment.
As the election season approaches I encourage people to prayerfully consider candidates in the following ways:
- Candidates that support life and biblical marriage are critical in upholding biblical values and a Christian worldview. Even if a candidate is not a believer, they can be God-fearing and honoring of biblical values.
- Determine which platforms are the most biblically aligned. When we vote for a candidate, we are also standing in agreement with their party. We must be sure we are not unequally yoked as believers.
- Look beyond the personality to their message. Some leaders have magnetic personalities, and some do not. Good fruit always follows good leaders, regardless of their style or persona.
Most importantly, I urge the people to pray. We are instructed to pray for all who serve in office and, as believers, we must be bipartisan in our prayers. My call is to preach the Word of God and remind the people of our ongoing opportunity to impact our civil government through our voice AND our vote.
Bobby Alger is the co-founder and lead pastor at Crossroads Community Church in Winchester, Virginia. He is married to Wanda Alger, field correspondent with IFA.
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Father God I implore You in the Holy Name of Jesus that’s above all other names that are named to wake Your people up out of their apathy. Set a Holy Spirit Fire of Concern and Urgency over and in them, in their hearts and spirits, to sense a duty to occupy the land until You come, to stand up with Holy Spirit Boldness to speak out Truth to power and to the apathetic, to fight for the spiritual and civil wellbeing of their children and posterity and for all Americans and for all people everywhere that they all may be blessed by the Righteousness of Christ burning bright in this nation like a “City on a Hill”. Father make this nation a beachhead for the spread of the Gospel — so it will not be a beachhead for all the diabolical things it has become a beachhead for today. Father I pray that Your Church will listen to and be sensitive to the direction and leading and instruction and wisdom of the Holy Spirit and to that Still Small Voice, that Knowing deep in their spirits that You have set apart this nation for godly purposes — to be an example to the whole world of a civil government that is based upon Biblical Principles that were discovered in Your Word by the Pilgrims and that inspired our Founders when they crafted our Constitution and Bill of Rights down to the 1950’s when our national motto “In God We Trust” was made law. Father, wake Your people up!!! Cause them to love and admire and appreciate and be grateful for those precious timeless Principles that You sovereignly inspired our Founders to engrave in our founding documents. I plead the Precious Blood of Jesus against all lying, deceiving spirits that refuse to recognize Your Hand in this nation’s founding and by the power of Your Holy Spirit motivate people to look past any human flaws and failures to Your perfections in our founding. Father give Your Church in this nation and all Americans an appreciation for Your Providence in our founding and I ask for a tsunami of renewed patriotism and love for country to return and be greater than it ever was. Father cause the eyes of Your people and of all Americans to see and recognize all the lies and deception that are flooding this nation through liberal/progressive/socialist/communist/atheist/humanist ETC. people, organizations, and ideologies — through politicians, the media, academia, Hollywood, corporations, sports organizations ETC. Bring these satanic activities, people, and ideologies down through Your power. Father save this nation for those who love and appreciate it. And bless, grant favor and help and resources to all those elected officials who share Your heart for this country and to those who want to serve You by getting involved at the local, state and federal levels —Father, raise up godly, principled candidates and political leaders all over this country. I pray this all for Your Glory and for the increase of Your kingdom and Glory throughout the earth. Amen.
Father God, have mercy on us! Lord, You are patient, all knowing, powerful and long suffering. In this election night I ask o heavenly Father for a shift in the nations values, away from the sin cursed ideologies that have flourished from the previous administration. A shift to a worldview where life is cherished, where justice and righteousness are respected, where integrity is once again expected. Thank You Lord for how You have seen tonight’s elections come to pass. I pray for every Believer in Christ Jesus to be Your hands and feet, marching themselves to the election booth and using their hands to pull the lever in standing for what matters to You alone. Not for personalities or character, for we not war against flesh and blood, but let us stand against those powers and principalities and ideologies against Your will on Earth. In Jesus name we praise You o Holy God. May Your name be proclaimed in victory tonight for those You have chosen, and for the ballot initiatives from which communities will be ruled under