Pray that our nation will cling to righteous thoughts and actions.
“The thoughts of the righteous are just, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.” (Pr 12:5)
“Have we completely lost our minds? In a word: Yes.
Cosmopolitan Magazine has released its February issue, featuring the most recent transgender poster child Laverne Cox on its cover. There is so much wrong on this one page that it makes one’s head spin. . . .
This is little more than a placard for a culture — a cult — of deception and deceit; a snapshot of a people who have literally lost their mind.
When you dumb down the definition of the person to ‘being’ gay, lesbian, queer, or straight; to ‘being’ a homosexual, a transsexual or even heterosexual, you have just admitted you think those who have a given sexual appetite are actually defined by that desire. You are admitting you think ‘that’s just who they are’ and that their very identity is nothing more than the sum total of their libidinous inclinations. Is this not the ultimate insult to the human being?
If the march for human dignity and human freedom means anything, it means we are the imago Dei! We are not the imago dog. We are not defined by our bellies or our libidos. We are not animals but, rather, we are men and women who have freewill in our behaviors, sexual or otherwise. . . .
Glenn Stanton writes, ‘To identify people principally by their sexuality is to reduce people. … We should all reject this with great force. A person’s inherent and undeniable value is rooted in his membership in humanity, not his particularity, sexual or otherwise.’
‘Central to my thesis,’ says Daniel C. Mattson, ‘is that it is a mistake for anyone to say that he is … any sexual identity label currently in vogue today. I view these as graffiti painted on the side of the Holy of Holies, which deface human dignity and mock the image of God. …’
And Pope Francis declares, ‘It’s idolatry when a man or woman loses his or her ‘identity card’ as a child of God, and prefers to seek a god more to their own liking.’
Yes, we have lost our minds. Not only that, but we have lost our dignity and even our identity! In rejecting the obvious, we have most certainly exchanged the truth for a lie and sadly begun to worship the created rather than the Creator. In doing so, we have been given over to a reprobate mind and, thereby, can’t think our way out of a paper bag. . . .
Endnote: It never ceases to amaze me how those who wave the rainbow banner of ‘love trumps hate’ become so vitriolic and vengeful when presented with a logical, cogent argument challenging the vacuity of their own moral paradigm. . . .
But, I suppose if this particular column does nothing else, it will serve to expose the fact that those who pretend to be champions of inclusion are really those most quick to exclude anyone who dares to suggest the obvious: Their emperor has no clothes, and their god is naked.” (Excerpted from The Washington Times, commentary by Everett Piper.)
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Jesus we invite your Kingdom to come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven in all our lives, our nation, and the church. We pray the sleeping church awake to the reality of Your wisdom and revelation in our hearts in the powerful name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen John 16:24 “Until now you have not asked in my name, ASK and you shall receive and your JOY will be full”. Amen and Amen
Lord shake upthode churches who go by your Name yet promote and approve sexually immoral behaviors even ordaining pastors and leaders who live in violation of Your Laws! Open the eyes of the blind. Give esrs to hear Your Spirit and convict us of our sin that we might repent and be cleansed!
When the church is controlled by the state (501C3), what did you expect? When the church begins worshiping Jesus again, then the world will come into order.
This serves as a heartbreaking reminder of just how depraved our nation has become. How it must break the heart of God to see a nation that He has blessed so abundantly and provided the openness to worship Him freely, fall into the pit of deception that the enemy has created. We, as believers, have to return to the throne, re-examine the motivation of our hearts, repenting of the “lukewarm” messages resonating from our pulpits today, and truly seek the heart of our God for the rescue of our nation. Our nation has marred itself in such darkness and spiritual blindness that one might might be tempted to look out in despair. We, however serve a God who is just, righteous, loving and willing to forgive those who simply ask. Let us join together as the church of the living Christ within us, and pray for the tearing down of the strongholds that is gripping our nation and our churches. May we all be forever mindful that “ it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God and that a nation that turns its back on God shall be turned into hell.” Brothers and sisters, let’s pray and get about the business of fighting this enemy from within!!!!!
Brillant article, discussing with heart and truth what we have been made to feel is the unspeakable. Lord God, heal those made in your image who feel so threatened that their sexuality has become their identity. Lord, free them from all bondage, bring them to faith in you. Give us, your Body here, the right words to speak of freedom found only in You, free us from all personal threat, Speak your Peace into this culture war as only You can do. In Jesus name, Amen