Praying for the Trump Transition - Live Now Praying for the Trump Transition - Starting Soon
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It’s imperative that we reconsecrate ourselves to intercession and make whatever adjustments are necessary to align ourselves, our families and our churches with the Jesus model laid out in the Bible, particularly in the Sermon on the Mount.

“I believe it’s a great mistake to present Christianity as something charming and popular with no offense to it.” —Dorothy Sayers, author

In our local church, Bible teacher Ray McCollum is leading us in an exposition of the greatest teaching ever given by the greatest teacher who ever lived. Here Jesus, in His masterpiece Sermon on the Mount, succinctly lays out in an orderly fashion exactly what is the normal Christian life.

Who Are Real Believers?

They are “poor in spirit … mourn … meek … hunger and thirst for righteousness … merciful… pure in heart … peacemakers” (Matt. 5:1-9).

What Will Happen to Them?

They will be “persecuted for righteousness sake” (v. 10).

How Do They Affect the World?

They will be the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” (vv. 13-15).

Question: For the past few decades in America, have we practiced our faith the way Jesus outlined, or have we substituted a church-growth emphasis, which is a more comfortable, convenient, consumer-oriented and “seeker friendly” one? The content of our message determines the quality of our converts and subsequently the condition of our churches.

Lest anyone misinterpret, I am radically committed to being intentional and missional in seeking out and reaching unsaved people. Jesus “came to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10b).

I arrange my life to connect with unbelievers daily and usually share the gospel verbally or via my testimony tract with 20 to 25 people each week. I love equipping people in lifestyle evangelism, which is natural, relational and enjoyable. For 44 years, I’ve planted churches and mentored folks to be winsome and engaging, never obnoxious or manipulative in outreach.

I agree that apart from open-air mass evangelism, we should not prematurely confront or unnecessarily alienate the unsaved and unchurched. But in our attempt to reach people, are we at times guilty of sugarcoating the message and shirking our responsibility to accurately declare and demonstrate authentic New Testament Christianity?

Here’s the deal: Millions don’t have respect for what we say because they’re not attracted to who we are. So at this critical time in church history, soon commemorating the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther launching the Reformation, isn’t it time for a second reformation wherein we come to terms with authentic New Testament Christianity reclamation as our top priority?

  • read this entire article from IFA Board Member, Larry Tomczak, CLICK HERE. 
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Lucille McIntosh
April 28, 2017

Most churches in America are spiritually anemic. The gifts of the Spirit are not in operation which causes the church to lack power and resistance to the devil and his agents. Many of the shepherds (pastors) are operating under stale anointing for years and make no effort to improve their spiritual level for the benefit of the church and themselves. Satan’s agents invade the church under disguise, causing problems among the body of Christ and because there is no discernment they continue to flourish undetected. Messages from the pulpits are watered down, weak and ineffective and sins that are running rampant in our society are not being addressed. We need a revival in the churches of America. The past and present leaders of America and the leaders of churches must repent of their sins and the sins of the people in fasting and prayer so that ll Chron. 7-14 can become a reality. Only then will we see God’s hands move to bring peace, protection and everything else that we so desperately yearn for. May God help us to bring this great nation back to Him. Shalom.

Deborah Schultz
April 25, 2017

Thankful to hear this message. I have been discouraged over the past several years well longer than that. My husband and I have been in several different denominations visiting different churches . I am seeing a lack of foundational teaching. We have been saved about 40 years. We are very grateful for the Godly pastors and Teachers in our life. We were given a solid foundation in the word. It’s been years since I’ve seen a pastor or teacher preach or teach a whole book of the Bible. Line upon line teaching. Or a subject as tithing, water baptism, sin and the flesh, submission the list goes on communion. It’s as if everyone assumes that people know all this. And I see people in churches believe and function in the gifts of the spirit but are immature doctrinally. Recently given a CD where the minister was referring to Jesus being baptized by John he said Jesus needed God to open his blind eyes. I listened to it several times to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I quess it is part of the end times. It is a concern we that are older in the Lord need to pray for the church. And ourselves that God will keep us from deception. He reminds me he will keep the wheat and the tares together till he comes. Praying for wisdom how to walk in unity and yet not compromise the gospel.

Dianna King
April 22, 2017

The church needs to face the fact , that we are not special in the US. Our joy is in the Lord, not the US where sin is running rampart! We.need to pray continually for the church and the believers who are being persecuted for their love of Jesus Christ. We are not to be content in peace of America. Our peace comes from God!

Apostle Wanda R. Brown-Reed
April 21, 2017

We are going to have to cry out for mercy for ourselves and for others and keep praying continuously with power and stay focused on God’s word. Leviticus 6:12-13.

Billie Wisecarver
April 21, 2017

I agree. I just pray the church will be prepared to disciple new believers and not waver in our faith

April 21, 2017

I agree. I just pray the church will be prepared to disciple new believers and not waver in our faith

Brenda Forester
April 21, 2017

Amen and Amen!

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