I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray for peace in Jerusalem. Free the hostages, grant the injured swift healing, and destroy the terrorist threat.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As protestors and politicians seek to blame Israel for its war, these victims paint a horrifying picture of Hamas’ undeniable guilt.

From Christians in Defense of Israel. Michal Ohana was at the Israeli music festival last weekend. When shots rang out at 6 a.m., Michal ran. But the attacks were coming from all sides. When the 27-year-old woman began to stumble from exhaustion, a friend lifted her into his arms and carried her. He raced to a nearby car, stuffing Michal into the stranger’s vehicle, forfeiting his own safety in hopes of saving her.

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But Hamas soldiers saw the car racing toward the desert and opened fire. Bullets riddled the car, but somehow, Michal managed to survive. Spotting an abandoned tank nearby, Michal mustered what little strength she had left, and crawled beneath it. At some point, Michal realized she was bleeding from both her stomach and leg. She had been shot.

“That’s when I started to pray,” Michal said. “That was the moment I thought I was done for, and I started to recite ‘Shema Yisrael.’”

The Shema is one of the most important prayers in Judaism, commanded to be prayed morning and night, and, if possible, right before one dies. …

Michal and the other victims recuperating at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital are appalled by news reports and international community members blaming the attacks on Israel. “As I watch, the media shows a few people killed in Gaza, the number of injured and children. They don’t really know what happens in Israel,” said Michal through her tears, referring to the terror Hamas inflicts. “All we wanted to do was have fun at a party, and I lost most of my friends.”

In a nearby hospital bed, 35-year-old Shani Hadar recounted what she witnessed and endured. Shani and her friends were just arriving at the festival when gunfire broke out. They turned their car around and tried to flee but were quickly surrounded. Shani didn’t realize she’d been shot until she said she saw “pieces of my own flesh flying through the car.” …

“[The terrorists] stole IDF uniforms, and just started knocking on doors and pulling people out and shooting them! Just like that …,” Shani said. “You see them stepping on kids’ heads. Stepping on soldiers. They caught a mother and her children. … They called the parents of a woman who was kidnapped, and said, ‘Your daughter is alive, we’re going to rape her.’ These are beasts. Predators. Animals that don’t know how to act,” Shani continued shuddering. “And it’s always turned around on us. It’s just crazy.” …

Joe Biden may well be caving to the pressure within his party. Just one week ago, Biden gave a speech in which he declared America’s firm and unwavering support for Israel. Yet just yesterday, Biden met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, declaring Palestinians’ “right” to “self-determination,” in other words, a piece of Israel’s land.

Such an arrangement would not only serve as a giant reward for Hamas’ terror campaign, it’s also just the foothold Hamas has been hoping for. 

Share your prayers and scriptures for Israel below.

(Excerpt from Christians in Defense of Israel. Photo Credit: Erick Zajac on Unsplash)

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October 24, 2023

I prayed (am praying continuously)

October 24, 2023

Hamas, is in America!!!

Hebrew definition of Hamas;
Terror Violence Robbery (throughout whole Bible)

▪St Paul wrote about free and slave, Barbarians(Scythians of MAGOG, sons of Japheth in Russia, GOMER TUBAL AND MESHECH, Ezekiel 38 far north)
▪Jonah ran from going to the Hamas, Assyrians in Nenevah of his day. (He knew of YeHoVaH’s LOVING KINDNESSES AND

Gloria Self
October 24, 2023

America had better stand with Israel!!!! If we want God to protect our nation. Hamas is the enemy of God.

October 24, 2023

Rise up, Almighty Lion of Judah! Reclaim Your land! Lord God, Almighty, defend the apple of Your eye! Strike down the evil that continuously raises its ugly head. Lord God, Your kingdom come! Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven! I ask this in the Name of Yeshua our King, our Savior. Amen.

Virginia in Tennessee
October 24, 2023

Oh dear father God. Please help our dear brothers and sisters in Israel! They are Your chosen people and we cry out to you for their protection. Give them courage and strength as they fight against the spirit of darkness attacking them and may the world’s eyes be open to see who the real enemy is! I know this situation breaks Your heart, Lord. Forgive us of our many sins against You and help us to daily seek Your face so that when trials come we can come before You and pray with clean hearts and clean hands. My husband and I pray the grace of our Lord, Jesus, over the land and people of Israel, and we weep with you for what you are going through.
Psalm 33:20-22


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