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I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to know how to act when we see wrongdoing. Give us strategy, courage, and the right attitude to speak truth. Guide us. Thank you for those on the front lines who are speaking up for these things on a daily basis.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

What happens when government turns on its people? When the government uses taxpayer funding to promote atheism, abortion, transgender lifestyles instead of protecting free speech, religious freedom and parental rights. This webcast is about pushing back on government gone bad.  Congressman Grothman shares about a government project to promote humanism, and what he and others are doing about it. America’s Mom Sherronna Bishop sounds the alarm about a provision in a Homeland Security bill that could give government and not parents authority over children in a crisis situation. Click below to watch!

You can take action!

Send a message about the project to promote atheism to your elected officials. Click here to send your message today!

Share in the comments below how you are praying about these and other ways the government is overstepping its role in our lives.

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Zoe Ella
July 9, 2022

Under a totalitarian state, family values must be eradicated so that the populace depends completely on the state. Horrible though it may be, children are under the authority of the state, not their parents, and are actually encouraged to report on their parents.

Read: “Brave New World” by Huxley, “Brave New World Revisited” by Huxley, and “1884” by Orwell.

July 9, 2022

Always such great information. How else could we hear directly from these Christian government leaders and experts? It is like we get a personal information session just for IFA. Thank you Kris and Dave for all you are doing

July 9, 2022

Frst of all, we, as Christians, need to pray as though our lives are on the line, because, as freedom-loving Americans, thet ARE on the line. We need to never grow weary in fighting the good fight of faith. No weapon that is fashioned against Him will stand. thr battle belongs to the Lord. We need to be interceding for our nation, binding the influence of the enemy over our out-of- control government. we need to be contacting our elected officals, making them aware of how unacceptable that their overstepping truly is. Most importantly, we need to pray for honest and fair elections. We have the privilige to vote these politicians out of office in this fall’s election, provided that the election is honest and fair. Let’s fervently pray that it will be. Amen.

Susan Campione
July 9, 2022

I touch and agree with your prayer for Wisconsin Congressman and for all of our Statesmen over our Nation, O God. I stand and pray for righteousness and truth and justice. and take authority over the enemy of America in the Matchless Mighty Name Yeshua Hamachiach, Jesus The Lord, King of kings!

Hilda Page
July 9, 2022

Please take Congressman Grothman up on his offer to provide a List of Bill’s we need to oppose! Also, is their a group, in addition to prayer group, formed in Virginia to specifically tackle these Government overreach issues regarding our most-valuable resource and our future, our CHILDREN?
Lastly, it would have been good
to have provided Sherrona and Mike and Debra’s contact info. Thank you both! Germane info!

Al Boggs
July 9, 2022

How many in our government fit the Biblical definition of a fool????? saying there is no God by their actions?

Pat M
July 9, 2022

clarification The library north of me has the 2021 revised LGBTQ edition of It’s Perfectly Normal promoted by Planned Parenthood.

Pat M
July 9, 2022

Thank you Dave Kubal and your incredible staff and resources to help us pray, act, and stand! A friend sent this video yesterday and it was filled with info I need to begin to fight back against my local regional six-county library on two books I object to for young children. I am in the process of formulating a reply to their ideological response to my objections. Your article today is a huge key to this process as it has wording already formulated from the ideas I sketched. Oh yes, these books are already in schools and being taught–It’s Perfectly Normal (the 2014 edition) and Sex is a Funny Word. From a local newspaper article the community north of me has the 2021 revised LGBTG book in their library which was likely donated, oy vey!!

Father, when unrighteousness causes us to throw in our glove for a duel with the enemy, we humbly come before you for righteous words that are firm and uncompromising for the destiny and innocence of our children. All across this land many men and women are in similar battles with school boards. We appeal to heaven to remain pure in You as we wield our pen and voice for Your glory and the protection of our greatest asset–our children, who are our future. Holy Spirit dictate Your strategies to us that we not run off half cocked because the enemy wants to derail goodness moving forward. Bind my/our mind to the mind of Christ. Loose my/our voice and pen only for Your heart and Truth, Jesus Christ. Keep us focused on the prize, our dear children and their innocence.

We repent for not teaching sexuality properly, for sexual abuse that is rampant, sex ed coming into the schools plus not understanding how vile it has become and expecting others to do something about it. We repent for allowing movies and cartoons that are inappropriate to be shown to innocent children. Forgive us and help the defiled women, men and children with the scars from childhood trauma inflicted that has caused their lives to be less than Your original intent and the PTSD-type trauma they live with every day.

We declare our children will be saved and their innocence restored and protected and they will be taught righteous sexuality at the proper maturing time in their life. Deliver us from evil. Revive usA once again!

Beth Wiseman
July 9, 2022



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IFA President
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