TOPEKA, KS – Now even tire companies are getting into the woke business. WIBW-13 is reporting they were notified by a Goodyear employee that the company has implemented a new policy which buys into the woke culture that anything to do with social justice warrior initiatives is good.
Support the police? As Greta Thunberg would say, “How dare you!”
A picture of a slide reportedly from a “diversity” training program put on by the tire company is titled “Zero Tolerance” and is divided into two columns—acceptable and unacceptable. Under the “acceptable” column are the usual suspects—Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride (LGBT). . . .
Support the police? Sorry, Blue Lives Matter is not acceptable.
Think that everyone’s life is important, no matter the color of their skin? Wrong—All Lives Matter- banned.
How about if you support President Trump? MAGA attire? Nope-not allowed.
How about “Political Affiliated Slogans or Material?” Well, if it isn’t the clearly political Black Lives Matter propaganda, everything else is likewise not permitted in accordance with Goodyear’s “zero tolerance” policy. . . .
Even a tire company is now “down with the revolution.”
The employee who captured the photo of the slide said that it was presented at the Topeka plant by an area manager. The slide was allegedly from the Goodyear corporate office out of Akron, Ohio.
The employee, who was not identified said:
“If someone wants to wear a BLM shirt in here, then cool. I’m not going to get offended about it. But at the same time, if someone’s not going to be able to wear something that is politically based, even in the farthest stretch of the imagination, that’s discriminatory.”
Understandably, the employee had chosen to remain anonymous out of fear they could lose their job, or what is more likely in this day and age, risk putting their life and that of their family on the line by having the gall to criticize Black Lives Matter.
As we saw in Portland a few nights ago, do not cross the “peaceful” Black Lives Matter protesters or they will beat you within one inch of your life. . . .
“If we’re talking about equality, then it needs to be equality. If not, it’s discrimination.”
The news outlet reached out to Goodyear, and in true gutless fashion, they issued a cookie cutter statement:
“Goodyear is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace where all of our associates can do their best in a spirit of teamwork. As part of this commitment, we do allow our associates to express their support on racial injustice and other equity issues but ask that they refrain from workplace expressions, verbal or otherwise, in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party, as well as other forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of equity issues.”
The statement was signed by Melissa Monaco for the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.
So, according to Goodyear, Black Lives Matter, which has clearly established itself as a fundraising arm for the Democrat party is an acceptable political organization for its employees to associate themselves with in the workplace, however supporting the men and women who protect their businesses across the country are not?
Interestingly, Goodyear is more than happy to sell their tires to police departments across the country. In fact, Goodyear tires are the tire of choice on a majority of newly manufactured police vehicles.
Perhaps it is time for police departments across the country to insist that perhaps another tire manufacturer which actually supports police have their tires installed on police vehicles. Maybe Firestone or Continental, who may be less woke than Goodyear, would like the opportunity for the police tire business. . . .
As a matter of fact, if the 800,000 police officers across the country, along with their families implemented a boycott on Goodyear, perhaps they would change their tune.
We’re not sure about you, but for it’s getting tiresome that police officers have been somehow made out to be the bad guys, while Black Lives Matter criminals are held up as martyrs. And once again, we will emphasize we are speaking of the organization Black Lives Matter, not the philosophy.
We need to make that clear, because unfortunately people tend to confuse the two.
So, the next time you are looking for tires for your vehicles, we recommend you bypass the virtue signaling brand and go for the company that just makes and sells tires.
(Excerpt from Law Enforcement Today. Article by . Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
Can you believe this is America? Telling us what we are allowed to support? Comment your prayers and thoughts below!
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Not to take it lightly,but frankly, this is so tiresome, no pun intended!
What to do?
How to pray?
Certainly, if I needed new tires I wouldn’t buy Goodyear.
Please, LORD, protect our Police Officers physically, mentally and emotionally and financially.
I pray,too, that Your children, and all people with a sense of decency would no longer support companies who oppose Law and Order in this land which provided them the opportunity to prosper.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Hmmmmm, Let’s see: Terrorism over peace ….. Terrorism over integrity, respect, honor, a good safe night sleep … hmmmmm Terrorism over life. I really don’t see much option. I think boycotting Goodyear is logical. I’m for life without living in fear. BLM aka Terrorism doesn’t do it for me.
Yes, Eleanor: Church – pray, pray, pray. Then stand up and ‘Just Say NO’ to Terrorism.
Lord God best lover of our soul help us we beseech you to be at work in us for us to see the danger we are in especially the 800,000 police who Goodyear is now against
How we need to pray!
Church: Pray! Pray! Pray!