…I often find myself trying to explain that, historically, women have not lived like this, going full throttle in two directions at once. My grandmother had 13 children and owned the general store that served a whole mining community…but she always had live-in help…
Through the ages, a woman’s life has been more like an accordion that expanded or contracted based largely on what she could physically handle with the needs of her children…
So it’s not like worn-out, working mothers of this generation have failed. There are limitations to what can be pulled off in life…
Our modern myth sees the body as a thing to master, something to overcome by willpower. We persist in the fantasy that men and women are interchangeable and what one sex can do, the other can do just as well.
…A woman with estrogen coursing through her veins is going to have her stomach in knots over the toddler she dropped off at day care not feeling well…She is literally wired to care.
When a woman gives birth, she experiences a physical attachment to her baby beyond any attachment she has ever known. First-year bonding is a holy thing, a season neither baby nor mother can ever get back…
Yet I have watched a growing number of young mothers who…[are] largely oblivious to what they are giving up as they leave their babies to trudge off to a job that will matter far less to them than this relationship…
Oddly, none of the…articles bemoaning women leaving the workplace mention how this departure might benefit children. These smaller creatures hidden behind masks…must somehow magically weather the pandemic on their own…
…[K]ids need a sense of belonging to a family and someone who has time for them.
A working mother who has chosen to come home…has the bandwidth to tune into what’s actually happening with a child. Surely this is a big win for…children…
This pandemic has increased the numbers of mothers with more time to create these deep psychological threads of safety, trust, and support for their children. It has jarred us into reassessing what matters to us most…
Have you or someone you know made the decision to stay home with children? Share in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article by Paula Rinehart. Photo Credit: Paige Cody/Unsplash).
Father God you word says Matt.6:25-27
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?
I have an expectancy- that mothers who chose to stay home to raise their children will have provision as your word declares.
Thank you Father that you are always faithful. In Jesus Name.
Loving Father, I thank you Lord for mom’s that want to take care of their children. Lord I ask for supernatural provision for mom’s to be able to stay home and still support their families. I ask for supernatural wisdom for todays families and for father’s to do what they need to do as leaders in their homes. Lord you made the sacrifice on the cross and shed your blood for us. I plead the blood of Jesus over families help them to make the necessary sacrifices to spend time with their families. In the name of Jesus. Amen