I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, help us be wise with all the resources You have provided to us. Keep us free from love of money and enable us to steward our money wisely.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The American economy is breaking records, some good, some bad. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that a record number of people were employed in July 2019: 157,288,000. The unemployment rate was 3.7%, the same number as June 2019.

Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense. (Prv 12:11)

Unfortunately, the level of consumer debt also broke records. According to the Wall Street Journal, consumer debt (not including mortgages)Ā  is now $4 trillion. This number is record-setting, even after adjusting for inflation. Although incomes have remained at the same level for the past two decades, the cost of college, houses, and cars have risen. Student debt is about $1.5 trillion. Auto debt is $1.3 trillion (up 40% in the last decade) and the average loan for a new car has increased to $32,187.

“In one sense, the growing consumer debt is a vote of confidence in the future. People borrowing money today expect to have the income tomorrow to pay it back. . . . But the debt pile is also an accumulated ledger of economic risk. It should be manageable so long as unemployment remains low. If job losses begin to rise, it would become unsustainable for some share of borrowers.”

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. (Prv 22:7)


What do you think about the current economy? How is your financial situation in this economy?


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Karen Secrest
August 11, 2019

I’ve commented but had an experience I thought significant.
We went out to eat and o got my usual fish and chips. The wait staff encouraged the kids to try a new drink. It was pink lemonade but was $5.00. Soda was $2.00 but now is $3.50. The fish dish was half the previous portion but the price was the same.
This won’t affect many people, but we still believe in value for our dollar.
Fast food says we have to ask for condiments. Yes..no more waste with 10 ketchup.
We feel these changes will affect what we already consider a special occasion
If we go out less because of this trend will others also feel the same? Sign of the times. Recall we’re talking mainly about people whose income has Not increased exponentially over at least ten years.

Karen Secrest
August 10, 2019

California just increased minimum wage. However, residents tell us that within 30 days prices for items of essential need. I.e. car gas, groceries, rent, utilities etc.went up. It became a numbers game.
You asked about my family: we pray about what groceries to buy. We cancelled TV but kept internet got work. We’ve found we dont need to be fashion conscious. We can “get by” with 6 pair of shoes not 20.lol.
And guess what; our lives are calmer more expectant in anticipating how the Lord is going to lead us

We got hit hard on 2008 and we were astounded when Lehman Bros
lost a trillion and it affected the world.

Only God the Father can keep my family finances from going down the tube. Praise Worship for He loves me. Amen

Felicia Penner
August 6, 2019

Lord, protect us from the pride of life and the lust of the eye. Cause your people to have their treasure in heaven where you are. Help us all to seek you regarding purchases. Keep us clear of debt, waiting on you to provide the money if that is what you have for us. Prepare our hearts to lose our wealth should you decide to take it from us. In Jesus name, Amen

Lowell Seaman
August 6, 2019

Alarming. The cost of keeping up with the constant appearance of new technology may be what is driving a good percentage of consumer debt. Being careful about adopting new technology, as the Amish do, could be something all of us should seriously look into, even though we don’t live as the Amish do otherwise. They are able to resist being overcome by the push of technology and the philosophy associated with it through community-something that doesn’t exist hardly anywhere else. May we who follow Christ learn from and by observing these simple Christian communities-I have.

August 6, 2019

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for blessing this nation financially, for giving us opportunities to prosper.
We ask that You teach us first to be grateful, and then to be wise in managing what You have provided.
Teach us according to Your Word the ā€Treasure Principleā€ : that how we use our money is the best indication of our spiritual health.
Thank You for raising up Larry Burkett in the 1970ā€™s to begin teaching Christians Your truths about money, and for the ongoing ministry of Crown today in training Your people.
May our personal money management be an inspiration to those who donā€™t know You yet that Your ways are best.
Please help us have self-control and not greed. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. And may we be generous in supporting the work of Your Kingdom.
In Jesus name. Amen.

Cheryl Willis
August 6, 2019

Lord, help us.

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