Where the body of Christ sees devastation and turmoil, division and destruction, chaos and anger encircling us and ensnaring many – the Lord is doing His thing. He wastes nothing. He is in the restoration business. He is resurrecting an army of dry, dead bones! He is raising us up – the remnant army – empowering, equipping and establishing His people! He is breathing new life into the ONES who will carry out His will and bring His Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.
His Glory is encircling the earth. Of His Kingdom, there is no end (Luke 1:33).
There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace,
On the throne of David and over his kingdom,
To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness
From then on and forevermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this. (Isaiah 9:7 NASB)
How do establish that which already exists in the heavenlies?
Pray for our spiritual eyes of discernment to be opened and to then speak – to speak clearly and truthfully with little room for confusion. We are called to, if it is possible, to live at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18). What we are NOT called to do is to ignore the darkness that is shrouded in light. We are called to bring the darkness INTO the light! We do not belong to the darkness but are called to be sons and daughters of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:5) and to carry a light that is evident for all to see. Fear should not hold us in bondage to the darkness nor the acceptance or tolerance of such.
Pray for the Church to rise up and own her platform (and find it if she has forgotten what she is called to carry). This is not a numbers thing. Often times God can do far more with less. The smaller the army, the great attention can be paid to detail, strategy and a battle plan. We all hear the ONE voice of the commander in chief and THEN we can confidently go out and enlist others for the King’s Army. And even then, the war cry will not need to be passed from one battalion commander to another. We KNOW our shepherd’s voice and will not listen to another (John 10:4, 5).
It’s not the size of the army. It’s the cohesiveness, the unison, and the commitment to ONE strategic plan to take down the enemy and his “dominion.”
The Lord God Most High is astonishing, awesome beyond words!
He’s the formidable and powerful King over all the earth.
He’s the one who conquered the nations before us
and placed them all under our feet…
God arises with the earsplitting shout of his people!
God goes up with a trumpet blast!
Sing and celebrate! Sing some more, celebrate some more!
Sing your highest song of praise to our King!
For God is the triumphant King; the powers of earth are all his.
So sing your celebration songs of highest praise
to the glorious Enlightened One!
Our God reigns over every nation.
He reigns on his holy throne over all.
All the nobles and princes,
the loving servants of the God of Abraham,
they all gather to worship.
Every warrior’s shield is now lowered
as surrendered trophies before this King.
He has taken his throne, high and lofty, exalted over all! (Psalm 47:2-3, 5-9 TPT)
I wonder if the strategy and greatest weapon is built on the foundation of WORSHIP. You ask, “Who is this Glory-King?” The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! (Psalm 24:8 TPT). We worship our King, the name above EVERY OTHER NAME- above every principality, above every world leader and office of government…and there is no darkness too dark for Him (Psalm 139:11-12).
Let’s unify in the place of worship! We see this happening all across this nation. Where protests and riots have abounded, we also see throngs of people flooding to many of those same places to lift high the name of Jesus! We were created to be a people of praise!
Pray for us to be a people rightly aligned and purpose from that place. Pray for us to be established to a place of holiness and righteousness (Proverbs 14:34). Pray again for the fear of the Lord to enrapture the heart of His people and of this nation.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. (Psalm 89:14 NIV)
(R)ighteousness and justice are the bedrock of His rule. Fire precedes Him; it burns away His opponents on all sides. (Psalm 97:2b-3 VOICE)
For when your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. (Isaiah 6:9 NASB)
As we pray for revival, as we pray for a move, as we pray a return to our first love and a fire in our walk – let’s also pray for a supernatural onslaught of His presence – for it is His presence on the scene that changes everything!
Lord God, we pray for Your name to be lifted high over this nation today. YOU are the only one who can usher in the winds of change and revival. We pray that we, Your Church, would establish ourselves on You, Your Word and Your Glory. Help us step into this season with growing eyes of discernment and clear understanding of the way in which we should walk. Let us be a people rightly aligned with You and Your purposes. Let us be a people marked by holiness and righteousness – that we might reflect Your Glory! YOURS is the NAME above all other names – let us live in light of that Truth today, especially as we prepare for and pray for the upcoming elections. We need YOUR Spirit to move! We need Your breath and Your fire to step up and be Your voice. Raise up Your Church to stand on the platform of the great “I AM” – for there is NO other foundation that will do. We lift high Your name and worship You O King of Kings! We press into You and Your voice today. In Jesus’ holy and precious name, Amen.
Author Suni Piper is a prophetic intercessor who blogs at A Surrendered Life. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Lord God of heaven and earth,as we gather together for the Return,I pray that your people would be united in one mind and one accord. In UNITY. I pray that as thousands of your people are gathered together to pray and worship your Holy name that a mighty tidal wave of your presence would fall on Washington DC and that the fear of the Lord would fall on each individual. That your Holy presence would cause your people to tremble in awe of your magnificence and glory. May you place your warring Angel’s all around this city and hold back the enemy and that they would run in fear of your Holy presence. Let your glory cause them to fall on their faces in repentance.
May you hear the cries of your people as we repent and heal our land.In Jesus mighty name.
Father God, we lift up the “Mass Nationwide Protests” to you, we pray protection over the cities they go to, we pray that you would alert your ‘Watchers on the Wall’ in those cities to cover them with prayer and worship. We ask that the cloud of witnesses would also join us in this effort. We pray for salvation for every young person that has been mind melded through the education system to this ideology of destruction, that they would find freedom in Christ. We pray your Holy Spirit, dear Lord, would bind the demons involved. And we pray this in the power of the blood of Jesus and by His name, Amen.
There is a planned protest over many cities on 09/05/20. A friend sent me a flyer that is online.. look up “Mass Nationwide protest”..I think we need to pray against this.
Excellent, onward christian soldiers. Our time has come. Let’s do this.
I believe this is the time for the church 2 arise singing the HighPraises of God which bring vengeance on every opposing force Psalm 149!
Priceless help, strength and encouragement for intercessors can be found in Derek Prince´s teachings on YouTube “Ruling by prayer”, “Changing the nation through the prayer of desesperation”, “Ministry of Intercession”, as well as several teachings on fasting. You can listen to this while doing light manual work that doesn’t occupy your mind much, so you have time to give it all you have when you then pray.
Christ-centered praise and worship, if persistent and perseverant, builds up a Throne for the King of kings to rule and reign from, in whatever area you choose, whether it be your home, your community, state or nation. For the last two, ask the Lord to raise up more intercessary worshippers in the same area. When it seems that the Heavens are of bronze and your prayers just can’t penetrate, read through Psalm 22 the so-called psalm of the Cross: David had been praying desperately for a long time without any answer at all. When all seems lost, praise and worship will still bring God down to us. Jesus extended Himself as a bridge over the abyss of sin, for us to reach the Father. Now we extend our praise and worship as a bridge from our heart to the Lord’s heart, so that He can still come to us, because we built a bridge over the horrible abyss of so much sin in the nation. When you come to verse 22 in that Psalm, you will see that praise and worship made the breakthrough. All it takes, is one intercessory worshipper who carries the whole nation in his/her heart, to start without being timid or ashamed. The fire will inspire others to join, then the power of God falls to the point that His fame reaches the ends of the earth! What prayer can’t do, intercessory worship will accomplish! Join fasting to that, and you can be sure that you got the enemy on the run!
Listened to Derek Prince. Thank you for your suggestions.
Thank you for reminding us of Derek Prince and his awesome testimonies of praying for nations and pushing back the darkness!! Blessings to you!
Holy Spirit give us words to speak in market place. Like Elijah spoke boldly on Mt. Carmel: choose this day whom you will serve. If God is God serve Him! Jesus told Peter that the devil is sifting him but I have prayed for you. You will come back stronger than before. The time to speak out the praises of our King of kings is now! WILL WE DO IT?
Absolutely encouraged.Thank you Zuni Piper for your prayers and wisdom. May God Bless You.
Excellent reflection of the mighty power of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! How can we be intimidated or fearful when we acknowledge Who He is and what He can do?
Thank you for your encouragement.
Reinforced God’s nugging me to pray with some specific men as group for be leaders of our families and warriors for Christ by his love and shining his truth on the opponents of God’s way.
CHURCH! HEAR THIS! “I wonder if the strategy and greatest weapon is built on the foundation of WORSHIP.” – Suni Piper.
Yes!! Late last night (before I read this), the Lord laid it upon my heart that we need singers to go before the army of the Lord. I prayed through 2 Chronicles 20 in which the King appointed men to SING as they went out at the head of the army.
I would love to see a group of worshipers walking through Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Washington, D.C. and singing in order to break the heavy yoke of violence and chaos and anarchy. Let it be so Lord! If you are the organizing type, please organize this!
Yes I agree the Lord revealed to me through Jehoshaphat story that this year our goal should be PRAISE. Individually grace is my goal but corporately, praise and worship. Time and time again when Gods people sang (or blew trumpets😉🎷)…walls crumbled.
😄🙌 Sing to the Lord in prison! And see what the Lord does! The gospel spreads like wildfire! 🔥 Holy Spirit fill us! We are ready Lord.
They have done it in Portland and Seattle, I believe.
Dear God, In Jesus’Name, I thank you for the encouragement and peace, confidence, fearlessness you grant as I WORSHIP YOU and seek to know you better.
I am thinking what a privilege that I am invited into the presence of the Creator of the Universe to worship and magnify Your Name. Surely, I am not worthy…..
Thank You for making me a “Blood Bought Daughter” covering me with the pure and righteous blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Moving forward, I pray you will inspire Your Church, and every congregation to mature and reach deeper into their faith walk. Thank You for inviting us to be Soldiers of the Cross. Amen
Very encouraging. Last night our prophetic community gathered and one of the songs we sang was by Elevation Worship called Rattle. We sensed that God desired us to declare for the dry bones to come alive in the church and those we know and love. It was very powerful and a woman had a vision of God’s watchmen marching in and lining the walls of the room as we worshiped and made declarations. We are seeing God move in the prophetic worship time and in our lives as we gather to worship God twice a month as a prophetic community. God also gave us a message of His hope for those attending last night and to come to him and rest in Him. Our leader saw angels taking baggage off us us and leaving with it. As the angels did this another person saw them giving us a kiss on the cheek. What a night of worship, giving prophetic words and testimony we had.
Ahhhhh… Worship and praise …Yes! You are correct in Thinking the real power is
Love the scriptures!!
The problem with the world is the church ran by unscriptural pastors and evangelist who do not disciple, the young are aborted, because going to church on Sunday is not discipleship. The church is still to be run by Apostles who do mighty miracles like John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, William Seymour, and Sweg. This apostacy carries over into the world as false leaders and abortion in the political realm:
1 Cor 12:28
28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, ASV
2 Cor 12:12
12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, by signs and wonders and mighty works. ASV
Amen, the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men 1Cor 1:25, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness (part of 2 Cor 12:9.. Let us continue to rely on Holy Spirit in the battle. We shall do exploits because we know our God. Jesus shall reign forever. Let us pray that the marxists, anarchists, rebellious, misinformed, rebellious prodigals come to know their Creator through the love of Jesus Christ.
Lion of Judah, ROAR!!! ROAR!!! ROAR!!!
Standing in agreement.
Yes and amen! Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. Oh that we would be the people of God, with his praises upon our lips and the fire of his spirit in our bones. May we have one heart, one mind and one voice. May the anointing of the Holy Spirit be our witness and testament that God is with us accomplishing his good pleasure and purposes through us. To God be the glory both now and forever. In Jesus name, amen.
Yes, and Amen, to all of the wisdom and knowledge and understanding spoken through You by Holy Spirit to give all glory to the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords throughout the earth. For this is His heart, His intent, and His purpose – to have a people in love with Him, so that His glory will cover the earth and the darkness be put underfoot for Him to truly be exalted throughout the earth. All eyes on Jesus, our victorious King. May we allow ourselves to be a carrier of His glory. “Our all in all”
Yes I am encouraged by this article. I was thinking of Gideon and our Lord using a smaller army to defeat the enemy. I am praying I stop looking at numbers and look for our Lord’s power, wisdom and strength displayed in the army of those who praise and worship our Lord, Commander, and Almighty King of Kings AMEN
YOU are our GOD ALMIGHTY! May we be on our knees in our hearts as well as physically joined together in JESUS NAME
The war in the heavenlies will be won by the high praises of God in our mouth and the two-edged sword in our hand! Psalm149:6
And v8: To bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron.
Our praises bind the enemy.
And we have a God who is so worthy to be praised!