God Uses Sinful People, But …
God Uses Sinful People, But …
When you look back through history, both secular and spiritual, ancient and contemporary, it is clear that God uses sinful people to accomplish His purposes – not just weak people, but sinful people.
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But this does not mean that God always approves of those who He uses.
And it does not mean that there are not consequences to our sins. Sin is still deadly.
In the same way, God uses wounded people to accomplish His purposes, including wounded Christian leaders. But if those wounds are not properly healed, it is likely that those wounded leaders will themselves wound others.
In the Bible, there is probably no greater example of this than Samson, a man called to be a Nazarite (meaning, specially separated to the Lord) before he was conceived in the womb.
As the angel of the Lord said to his mother,
“You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son. Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean. You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb. He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines” (Judges 13:3-5; see also Numbers 6).
Samson, for his part, is best known for two things:
- The supernatural strength God gave him, enabling him to accomplish powerful exploits against Israel’s enemies, the Philistines; and
- His lack of self-control, because of which he ended up with a Philistine woman. Talk about sleeping with the enemy!
And so, even though God used him to kill many Philistines, his folly cost him his freedom, his eyes (literally), his reputation, and ultimately, his life. His last words, spoken as he pulled down a Philistine temple filled with thousands of people who had come to mock him, were: “Let me die with the Philistines!” (Judges 16:30)
Still Samson, despite his sins and weaknesses, is listed as a hero of faith in Hebrews 11, among those
“who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies” (Hebrews 11:33-34).
So, God did use Samson, and the gifts the Lord gave him were his for life, despite his sin, unless he violated his Nazarite oath. That’s why, in Judges 16, after sleeping with a Philistine prostitute, which was about as low as you could go as the national leader of Israel, he got up in the middle of the night and
“took hold of the doors of the city gate, together with the two posts, and tore them loose, bar and all. He lifted them to his shoulders and carried them to the top of the hill that faces Hebron” (Judges 16:3).
This is as remarkable as it is terrifying.
Just because a spiritual gift operates in someone doesn’t mean they are right with God.
Just because God uses a person doesn’t mean He is pleased with them or sanctions them.
In the end, Samson’s folly caught up with him and he paid a severe price for his sins. This hurt the nation as well, since he was called to be their deliverer.
Yet the Lord still called Samson from his mother’s womb and the Lord still gifted him, even though He knew full well that Samson would fall repeatedly. The Lord also saw something positive in Samson’s heart, recognizing him in Hebrews 11 as one of the heroes of faith.
In the same way, God used Martin Luther to spark the Protestant Reformation, which has literally affected the entire world. For Protestants, Luther is one of the giants, a fearless pioneer with a backbone of steel, a man who would not bow, a man with incredible spiritual insight.
For Catholic apologists, Luther is a madman, a clear proof that Protestants are in error.
To quote Luther’s writings against the German peasants,
“Like the mules who will not move unless you perpetually whip them with rods, so the civil powers must drive the common people, whip, choke, hang, burn, behead and torture them, that they may learn to fear the powers that be.”
“A peasant is a hog, for when a hog is slaughtered it is dead, and in the same way the peasant does not think about the next life, for otherwise he would behave very differently.”
For Jews, Luther is the one who wrote that Jewish synagogues should be set on fire and their places of business broken down and destroyed, that rabbis should be forbidden to teach under penalty of death, that passport and travel privileges should be revoked, that Jews should be deprived of good jobs and herded together like Gypsies.
That’s why the Nazis reprinted his writings with glee and why Hitler thought Luther was a genius.
Yet God not only used Luther to bring about powerful and needed reformation in the Church (many Catholics would also agree that there were some things that needed to change back then), but his writings have continued to change lives over the centuries. Both John and Charles Wesley were deeply impacted by Luther’s commentaries on Romans and Galatians, which played a key role to their own spiritual transformation.
So, Luther was used by God, but his weaknesses and sins caused much pain for many.
What is the takeaway for us?
First, let’s not be overly impressed with people. We can honor leaders for their service, but let’s save our high praises for the Lord Himself.
Second, just because someone is gifted or anointed or used by the Lord doesn’t mean they are saintly or holy. We should judge the tree by its fruit, which includes moral conduct.
Third, for all of us, especially those in leadership and ministry, let’s be quick to repent, let’s do our best to acknowledge our weaknesses and wounds and find healing and strength in the Lord, and let’s walk in humility and the fear of the Lord.
In the long run, this will determine whether we do more harm than good or more good than harm.
Does this article stir anything within you? Share your reflections with other intercessors below.
(Used with permission. By Dr. Michael L. Brown from The Line of Fire. Photo Credit: doidam10 via Canva Pro)
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Father: “ Father, thank You for the pleasure of meeting with You in worship. We’re so glad You’re a relational God who loves to experience our company. Thank You for the powerful minds You gave us, including our memories. Remind us to remember. In fact, please bring to our remembrance times we should recall and reflect on. As we do so, cause the benefit in them to be re-experienced. We’re soon coming up on the Easter weekend, or as I prefer to call it, Resurrection Sunday. Who would have thought that a Lamb
Could rescue the souls of men . Well it did !! It was slain for all of us to have eternal Life- if we want it? God loves You!
A very import scripture that we all should have spoken many times: “ AMPC “ For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.” I truly believe this scripture was meant to be reciprocated through a Daily Walk with – JESUS- The Greatest Revelation of God is His Word and having a relationship with God, this was hard for me to fathom until I just started speaking and talking to Him as If He was sitting across from me. That is how I still talk to my children they are my children: Are we not a child of God with the privileges the cross provided? As my interest grew in the scriptures and reading, researching my eyes put the puzzle pieces together with Gods words. Gods words are more than just a weapon – using the Authority He gave us, Faith is not just a word to speak lightly- it is know him, not to know about Him- Romans – 10-17” So faith comes by hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the preaching [of the message that came from the lips] of Christ (the Messiah Himself).” Thank You Jesus for teaching me Prayer is a two way conversation- I pray – You listen and You may drop a few gold nuggets or You may correct me. This gift of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me(us), is the times to encourage or strengthen, direct or do correction. When I learned what discernment was, I thanked You for Your revelations of God’s Words. 1 Kings-3-11” And God said to him, “Because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself long life or riches or the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right,) AMPC – I did ask – and then told God to correct me at any time I may speak incorrectly. Jesus I am not perfect but I do know that You Paid it All for us. God hears us and we must have confidence that what we speak is in Gods Will. Jesus over the years I really try to find Your Words that will accomplish my requests. Speaking Gods words Carrie’s more weight, speaking Gods words inspired by the Holy Spirit it creates the desired results in human lives. Thank You Father for Your Words that teach us to open and close doors – Isaiah 22-22” Then I will set on his shoulder the key of the house of David; When he opens no one will shut, When he shuts no one will open“ AMPC “ 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[d] loosed in heaven.” These are Gods promises to Peter- words that teach us to to be used concerning demonic activity. Jesus what You have said -YOU will do! As we have read and We agree there is an awakening – a great revival ever is coming to planet earth. Lord, You have shown many what You want to do, but first we use Your words we boldly declare that many , many souls will be saved and will be joined into Your Kingdom. Lord Jesus we use Your words and have shown many what You want to do in changing the Government of America, to change, families, to change churches, to change Your people to understand the Word of Righteousness. Jesus we bind the evil being propagated in DC., in our Supreme Courts, in our Executive Branch of our Government will fail. We bind any of the Leftist words that go against Gods Words declaring that all will be exposed and action taken, we ask You to close the doors to the destruction of our children. We decree these decrees be released NOW!! Jesus I just want to say I thank You for giving me a hunger to learn and speak Your words- I praise the Millions of prayer Warriors that are standing and waiting for Your Re-Set and closing the doors of evilness, giving us second chances /none of have been perfect. We are progressively closing doors to evil forces controlling Americans opening doors to the Spirit of Light and Truth. Love You Heavenly Father !💗
Each reference and paragraph stirs my spirit.
But, for the Grace of God, there go I.
And my story could be included – as I am far from perfect. Yet, I am one who is considered a child of God, deeply loved, completely forgiven, totally accepted, fully pleasing and complete.
Wrap my head around that!
And in the words of Paul – who wherever he went either incited a riot or revival, “For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.” Roman’s 7:15. And, yes the consequences.
And then there’s David: Yes, the apple of God’s eye. An outlaw who ran what could be called a protection racket, mercenary who sold his skills to his people’s adversaries and dreaded by his enemies. (Excerpt from: David the Great. Mark Rutland) And, yes, the consequences.
Each word fitting for days as such as these.
LORD, Father of flawed yet forgiven people, Thank You for using me even when I am playing out Paul’s Roman 7:15. Thank You for Your forgiveness.
Your Grace and Mercy are tireless.
Holy Spirit, prompt me when I am about to step into sin – self induced nonsense- that would, can, will cause consequences that I don’t really want.
Thank You in the Name above All Names, Jesus.
Dear Dr. Brown,
As usual, dear brother, you continue to be a LIGHT (as you were called to be) and a voice of calming discernment.
Thank you for this article.
As we are in the Time of the Great Shakings and as everything that is NOT of HIM will be shaken so that what does remain
is OF HIM, I pray every day for Anti-Semitism, Replacement Theology and the errors brought in by Constantine to be
BROKEN OFF “the church”. The Ekklesia has BEEN RISING (especially since PASSOVER 2020) through repentance and
actively allowing The Lord to REMOVE what hinders. I see a beautiful ONE NEW MAN Spirit arising in the Global Ekklesia
which LOVES ISRAEL, is STANDING and PRAYING for the SPIRITUAL HARVEST in the Land–both the Jewish Harvest and
the Arabic Christian Harvest. (But, I don’t see that yet in many of the churches which still seem either asleep or secularized
at this point. How this must grieve both The Father’s and Jesus’ heart!)
Constantine, Chrysostom and Luther did such damage to our True Inheritance…but there is BLESSING and REFINING
when we are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to pull off the “onion skin layers” which are a hindrance and illuminate
the ACTUAL WORD OF GOD. YHWH is mind-blowingly GRACIOUS! The KINGDOM is going to be more glorious than
we can imagine–one great big family–one mishpachah-under Our KING, LORD, SHEPHERD Who will never abuse or
us and giving us a whole new life with HIM! HalleluYAH!
One thing I am seeing is that American believers are way too dependent on fallible spiritual leaders, and have not yet learned
HOW TO BE YOKED to CHRIST. My experience has been one of seeing various denominations all having explosive scandals…and instead of repenting…the leadership closed ranks protecting the abuser, or hid it under the rug, with parishioners or congregations
only TOO happy to “keep the status quo”. The victims were left to “fend for themselves”. But Jesus is SO GRACIOUS to those hurt
by the abuses of churches! He really DOES take what was meant for evil…and turns it for the GOOD! I look on all these exposures as a BLESSING and a MERCY. He is too GRACIOUS to leave those who truly love Him in the grips of those who do not have an AWE, REVERENCE and HOLY FEAR of Him.
May those exposed–repent before Jesus returns. LET another take their office, as is Biblical. LET us all run to our prayer closets
and seek deeper intimacy…so that destabilization caused by scandals does NOT happen to us. We are all called to consecrate
ourselves to prayer and to THE VOICE of THE SHEPHERD. We need the intimacy of hearing from Him–because in modern
American there are just too many Rev. 2 and Rev 3 churches diluting, distorting and outright discarding the ACTUAL IMMUTABLE WORD of GOD-via Ezk. 34 and Jer. 23 false shepherds and wolves. We are just going through the necessary cleansing…let’s
submit to it, so we arise as a Beautiful Bride of Christ prepared for His Glorious Return.
There is a REASON why Yeshua wrote His Aleph-Tav over America and it ends on 4/8/2024 (New Biblical Year-following the EXODUS
TEMPLATE- Exodus 12:2!) with 6 Ninevahs and the final eclipse passing over Eagle Pass, TX and “Little Egypt’–after Him giving us 7 FULL YEARS to REPENT. There is HOLY BLOOD on the Mercy Seat–Let’s focus on HIM (not the scandals of men) and REPENT! He is OUR PASSOVER LAMB of GOD–let’s run and come UNDER the BLOOD and SEEK HIS FACE! THERE is LIGHT in GOSHEN–for HIS LIGHT is HIS EXPRESSION of HIS DOMINION. LET’S FIX OUR EYES on JESUS and serve Him according to the spiritual gifts we have been given and according to the assignments written in our Book of Life–the Holy Spirit will help us to be fruitful servants of The Most High God. Let’s go get that Harvest for Our King! Praise Him!
What is title/source of this YouTube video? I will not search out if do not have additional info.
Thank you…
It is a message with Dr. Drew and the WEF. For informational purposes only. Also look up Mario Marilla and Eric Metaxas re his book letter to churches