In the Bible, the rainbow stands as a covenant between God and mankind. But for more than 40-years, the LGBT community has used the rainbow as a symbol of its movement. Now, one former transgender is on a mission to take it back.
Nichol Collins lived as a lesbian and drug dealer for 20 years. But after a brutal attack she became a Christian and now stands up for God and her faith.
Our God redeems and transforms us! Pray with hope in our Redeemer about the sexual revolution rocking our culture with our prayer guide: The Sexual Identity Crisis in America.
She went by the name Esco in the clubs and streets of Los Angeles, where she was known for partying and violence….
“It took me seven months to come out of men’s clothes,” she explains. “I didn’t just jump into dresses right away and my hair was bald and so all my hair has grown back today but I didn’t always feel so beautiful. I felt very awkward, but as I submitted myself to God, he began to beautify me with salvation.”
After breaking free, Collins says God gave her a mandate to restore the Biblical standing of the rainbow which the gay rights movement claims as its symbol.
“I saw a hand coming through the clouds clutching the rainbow and I saw an inscription in those clouds that said ‘Take Back the Rainbow,’ and I jumped up and began to sketch it out,” she says.
The rainbow is mentioned in the book of Genesis Chapter 9 as a promise to Noah after the great flood:
“And God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come. I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.'”
Collins uses inspirational quotes and designs in her Christian clothing line called Globeshakers as a reminder of God’s word.
“The rainbow belongs to God,” she says. “God made a covenant. It was a sign from God, he promised never to destroy the earth by flood but by judgment but by fire on the next time. So, I just believe that we as Christians, we can’t be afraid to wear it.”…
“I have a page called, ‘Overcoming Homosexuality,’ and I’ve gotten a lot of people saying I need to overcome judgment, just spewing all types of venom,” she says, “Putting gay porn and things like that up on my page. And so, I know that they are not happy.”
Despite the backlash, Collins remains determined while spreading the message of God’s love along the way….
“And he’s able to change them from the inside out,” says Collins. (Exerpted from CBN News article by Charlene Aaron)
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🌈🌈👍❤prayers amein
I live in a senior community, “The Fountains at the Carlotta” in Palm Desert, CA. We are part of the http://www.watermarkcommunities.com and have a few homosexuals living here. We have lived in peace and have all been treated with respect. However, in June the Executive Director predominately placed Rainbow Flags in our entrance Lobby to celebrate LGBT month and proposed special SAGE training for residents. We asked that the flags be removed with no success. Many of us felt that was out of order, so I wrote a letter with an a signed petition attached and sent a copy to Watermark’s President C/O David Barnes. It took more than 3 weeks to get action but the Rainbow Flags were finally removed. As part of my letter I explained God’s Rainbow was His covenant and had a very sacred meaning to Bible believers.
As part of a musical I wrote on Noah, I have a song about God’s Rainbow. If you’d like to hear it, it’s on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0Z2wKz-rTQ
God bless you and my prayers are with you.
I agree with Sandra’s prayer, Elizabeth
I’ve been praying for years that the curse over our Fathers rainbow be lifted! Thanks and praise to Jesus for insuring that prayers are answered. His covenant remains. He will restore it for His faithful and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for ALL His children. <3
I lift up those who are in the gay community and pray your peace to be upon them, i pray that your mission would be completed in their lives, my Lord Jesus: that the captivity that they are in due to others sins against them would be destroyed; that the bondages that they are in due to their own sin would be destroyed as they realize their need for you and turn to you and receive your salvation; and that you would heal their broken heartedness as only you can do. I ask a hedge of protection around our Sister Nichol. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
I have said this same thing many times. I’m so thankful to God that I know now that I am not alone! Praises be to the God is the Angel Armies.
Lord God Almighty, please tell your people what to do to accomplish this momentous task. It is overwhelming and seemingly impossible to think that it can be done, and yet we know that with you Lord God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Amen.
Hallelujah for the truth that sets men free. I’m in agreement with Nichol and thank God for the open heaven and the wonderful assignment the Holy Spirit has given her. I declare that this movement will continue to free people as the love of God washes over them and heals and transforms them into the original intent and destiny our Heavenly Father purposed. His love is past our understanding and may it invade every cell of their precious selves. I’m Jesus name I agree with all the prayers of the saints.
I agree and pray with Nicol, “take back Gods Rainbow. Let’s all commit to pray. I see Gods Hand clutching that Rainbow.
May God’s mercy and deliverance overcome the darkness and bondage of the LGBT stronghold and may His power in the blood of Jesus Christ break wide open the darkness of Satan’s lies. The rainbow has been and always will be His covenant, His plan to give “second chances and new life” to those needing His forgiveness and seeking to live by His precepts, trusting in Jesus Christ’s redeeming work at the cross. Take hold brothers and sisters in Christ, of God’s power to redeem those caught in the wasteland of sin within the LGBT belief system. May the Holy Spirit miraculously deliver thousands as they consider the freedom Nichol Collins has found in Christ Jesus, The Only Savior of the world….the Redeemer. Lead her with your wisdom, Father, and protect her from all harm. May others who are being delivered by God’s power, speak out and expose the lies and darkness disguised as love and tolerance. May the stronghold of false teaching within our school systems be abruptly uprooted and dispelled now, and a shield from God be placed over the tender minds of school children being exposed to the agendas of the LGBT profiteers. Let God arise and the enemy (Satan and his demons) be scattered, dispelled, and torn down, powerless to touch our children. Bring back the Bible into our schools, Oh God, by your mighty hand and your perfect will. So be it!
Hi I Don said and agree 100% with Sandra’s and Nichol Collins prayer to Take back God”s Rainbow and to set all the LGBT persons involved believing in satan’s lies be set FREE, in the name of Jesus!!!
Nichol I thank God for what He has put in your heart to do about “HIS” RAINBOW. This same burden is in my heart. We know God gave Noah the Rainbow for a sign, and in the Bible Rev.4:3 and around the throne was a Rainbow. You are on point about taking back that which belongs to our God, count me in that number.
The number 7 indicates completion where the number 6 represents the creation of man. To declare only 6 colors and not 7, speaks to the selfish idealistic ways of a falling people. However, Jesus Christ came that we all may be restored back to Him under His marvelous grace!!! I pray that wonderful women and men of God continue to storm the new age theory’s of how we should live and take back what belongs to the Kingdom of ABBA Father Yahweh and His Righteous creation. God bless you all!
I thank God for delivering Nichol and pray many others would be delivered also.
Thank you Lord these people fits come out of transgender give them strength please continue on their journey the full recovery and helping others in this journey to serve you only in Jesus name we pray amen
May many pray unceasingly for the rainbow to be restored to its covenant value. The rainbow was appropriated
without authority and should be restored to its’ godly meaning. Praise the Lord for issuing His command
to retake the rainbow.
God be with you Nichol…be strong in the power of His might… He will never leave or forsake you even though you may face much opposition from the enemy… hold fast to Jesus and He promises to be with you always…
God’s rainbow has 7 colors, not 6: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Melania’s rainbow dress included the seventh color–violet shoes.
Amen!!! I have said this for years and the word GAY as well!!! Be fruitful and multiply- GOD SAID and replenish the earth!!!!?There is no multiplication in homosexuality…. thank you for listening to your assignment and obeying the call!! THE ARK (Revelations 12 ) will assist you -the Woman clothed with the SON the SUN – God’s light and truth will be with you!!)