Imagine Esther made aware of Haman’s plot to exterminate the Jews simply shrugging her shoulders and saying, “Oh well, God is sovereign, He’s in control.”
Ephesians 6:10 to the end grabs our attention going full throttle with directives for what is called “the evil day”( have a hankering it’s describing today?). Over and over and over it calls us to “stand” and “pray.” Other action verbs call us to be intentional in resisting the unseen spiritual forces at work to bring destruction.
In this turbulent time where we’re witnessing horrific polling, election and voting scandals, we need discernment to understand how God is uncovering corruption and calling us to perseverance not passivity. The next 30 to 60 days require us to be strong with steel in our spirit and not be spineless as we make our way to the Supreme Court.
“If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small” (Prv. 24:10).
Call for Endurance
Leftist-leaning politicians, pundits and popular celebrities have been determined since 2016 to get rid of President Donald J. Trump. He’s endured so much: illegitimate election… Russian collusion… Stormy Daniels… Tax evasion… Ukrainian “ quid pro quo“…impeachment…a weekly avalanche of accusations and allegations none of which have worked. So now we face what the president predicted months ago with mail in ballots and election shenanigans.
We must retain our composure, avoid hysteria, misinformation and conspiracy theories. Apparent fraudulent activity demands evidence and that is why the brilliant Christian attorney, Jay Sekulow, and his legal team need our prayers and fasting to reveal corruption and reverse any illegitimate coup.
The time for endurance is now. We ask the One interceding for us at the right hand of God to uphold His declaration, “For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore what you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light. And what you have whispered in the ear in private rooms will be proclaimed on the house tops“(Lk.12:2-3).
“He who walks in integrity walks securely but he who perverts his way will be found out”(Prv.10:9).
Ever See the Film “Vendetta?”
On November 5th for over 400 years, the British commemorate “Guy Fawkes Day.” I went there to join in the evening festivities and enjoyed a movie, “Vendetta”, telling the tale. “Brits”recall how Guy and his band of conspirators hid 30 kegs of gunpowder beneath Parliament with the intention of ending King James reign and his political support.
England back then had lots of praying people and history records how someone caught the culprit lurking in the shadows and an anonymous letter surfaced that foiled the plot. The evil perpetrators were executed and many believe divine intervention played a part.
Here’s the deal: Watch this week’s “WEEK-IN-REVIEW” video by Larry Tomczak to encourage, inspire and hopefully enable you to “stand strong in the evil day.”
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcast here.
How do you feel called to stand today?
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This is an article we need to read over and over! Words that build up our faith and not our fears and doubts.
Lord you say in Your Word that if we ask anything according to your Will you hear us, and If we know that you hear us, we know that we have whatever we ask. (1 John 5: 14-15)
Therefore, according to your Word we ask:
“ Do not take (us) away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity, who speak peace to their neighbors but evil is in their hearts. Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavors; Give them according to the work of their hands; Render to them what they deserve. Because they do not regard the works of The Lord, nor the operation of His hands, He shall destroy them and NOT BUILD THEM UP.” (Psalm 28: 3-5)
In Jesus name, Amen!
“For all the promises of God in Him are YES and in Him AMEN to the glory of God through us.”
2 Corinthians 1:20.
Thx for the reminder in Psalms 28:3-5. Will reread and add to prayers.
1 John 5:4-5. (NLT) “For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.”
1 John 5:19 (NLT). “We know that we are children of God and that the world around us is under the control of the evil one.”
A wonderful, encouraging article! We need MORE of these!!! Yes, the Church must not grow weary – we are soldiers in the army of our Lord and we must stand against evil. Yes, God will fight and win the battle for us but He acts on our prayers – that is the part He has given to us (isn’t it wonderful!). And He wants us to stand and watch Him work with praise and thanksgiving on our lips and in our hearts! Praise His Holy Name – Hallelujah! Thank You, LORD!
Saints this election showed ways the democrats have been cheating for quite a while during elections. The whistleblower showed the hammer and scorecard and how it works subtracting votes from one candidate, a republican, and giving the same number of votes to the opponent, a democrat. Other whistleblowers have told of postal employees backdating and throwing ballots away, people “finding” ballots, all with joe biden’s name on them. This corruption is way deeper than we know. Ask GOD to continue to expose the enemies of Americans, us, and to show us what to do! When you don’t know what else to pray, pray the scriptures! BUT WE MUST KEEP PRAYING! FATHER GOD please help us to not be weary and to keep our minds stayed on YOU in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!
First, make sure the President knows about the hammer and scorecard, second call the White House to encourage our President to fight on knowing we have his back. Third, fast and pray so we can hear clearly from GOD! “This kind comes not out but by prayer and fasting!” Last, don’t ever underestimate the demonic diabolical mind and actions of satan’s minions who are behind the scenes attempting to pull strings to destroy America! FATHER GOD wake YOUR People up and teach us to fight using our offensive weapon, the sword of the SPIRIT which is the WORD of GOD, as we fight for our freedom and our country and our President in JESUS MIGHTY Name! FATHER GOD let us know when to stand as YOU finish this battle on behalf of YOUR children in the MIGHTY Name of JESUS! Help us to not be passive or afraid, but to stand boldly knowing that those with us are multitudes more than those with our enemies in the HOLY MATCHLESS NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! Amen!
Yes, perseverance, not passivity!! Time for endurance. Noticing my thoughts that occasionally come up where I’m feeling weary and want to give up. Also, sometimes I’m angry and get mean-spirited. I’m countering these times with more time in the Word and prayer. Some experiences with Word and getting direction from the Lord have been wonderful food for the soul and Spirit. Also, being on this website, reading and writing, is feeding and uplifting me.
There are some great endurance and inspirational resources in cyberspace and with connections I have. One from Jeremiah Johnson about the spiritual warfare we’re in. (https://cf.jeremiahjohnson.tv/prophetic-alert-11-14-2020) He touches on the need to wake up that there is really are ruling elites that are pulling the strings. I’ll add to that that I’m now convinced that “they,” the ruling elite, conspired and brought the Covid 19 virus into the world purposely this year to create the election problem/solution of high volume mail-in ballots where there could be more fraud to manipulate the results in favor of democrats. Call it “conspiracy theory” but I have done a lot of research and think these are facts. Many brilliant people, including believers and leaders in Christianity as well as top attorneys few closely working with the Trump team, believe this as well. (Rodney Howard Browne, Paul Williams, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Dinesh D’Souza, Rob McCoy)
The other very interesting resource, IMO, is Sid Roth interviewing a pastor from Indiana who refers to a vision he had with the Lord that referred him to Revelations 3*. One of the 7 churches was called “Philadelphia.” I just read the verses and it’s mind-blowing, very relevant to endurance and staying the course. In his vision back in August, the Lord told him to beware of Philadelphia. And now look at one of the hubs where there is allegedly the most voter fraud!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP9KCfl-bCM
*Revelation 3:8-10 just few verses (NKJV) but there’s more…7 “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”: 8 “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. 10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”
Thank you for posting this! Very insightful! God bless you!
You’re welcome. God bless you, Patricia!
Hi Patrice, thank you for sharing. I agree. I have also researched and have come to the same conclusion. We are fighting some very strong people and even stronger evil in all of this. But I also believe that through all of this, that God’s Word Romans 8:28 will come to pass …that God will use this evil for good and expose the massive corruption. All glory be to God.
Let’s us continue the battle on our knees.
You’re welcome, Maureen! Glad to hear of your research and same findings. It is such strong evil yet that’s what I love about the Lord. This is all nothing compared to power and glory of the Lord. Whether the truth will prevail this year is debatable but eventually, the righteous, Godly will rule!! Yes, continue the battle on our knees.
I saw that interview on Sid Roth – it was amazing! Jesus is here in response to the prayers of His church, and He will set things right for us – we have an awesome and loving God! I can’t wait to be in the company of all the Saints before His thrown praising Him and casting our crowns at His feet! All Glory to God – may the whole world know that He is God Almighty!
Eeeks – wish I could fix typos… throne not thrown! 🤣
Oh wasn’t it fantastic. I watched again today and have been praying with Revelations 3 which so speaks to these times. Yes, may the whole world know that He is God Almighty!! No dark force can defeat the Lord our God, even if a temporary battle appears to have won.
Thx for the reminder in Psalms 28:3-5 from Marilina Nov 16. Few other verses in m adding to my prayers:
1 John 5:4-5. (NLT) “For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.”
1 John 5:19 (NLT). “We know that we are children of God and that the world around us is under the control of the evil one.”
Greetings Mr.Tomczak in Jesus’ name. Thank you for your timely article, Y-tube video, and podcast. It was both encouraging and timely for rekindling my spirit and soul. It was a breath of Spiritual air and drink of Spiritual water for renewing my mind, spirit, and body. I feel revived to resume Spiritual Warfare regarding the election.
I will also add Attorney Jay Sekulow to my prayer list, asking for a hedge of protection by Heaven’s Hosts of Angels’ Armies, to war in his behalf on earth and in the heavenly realm. I pray for the Blood of Our Redeemer to cover Mr. Sekulow’s spirit, soul, mind, and body. In Jesus’ name,
Father, You are the source of our strength. In Your mercy, give us strength to stand for Your truth. Give us strength to pray and press into you in intercession and fasting. Holy Spirit lead, guide and guard us. Father today we ask that our nation would not be ruled by the unrigtheous and wicked. Let Donald Trump be President we ask and let him stand up for righteousness and justice. Draw him closer to you in humility. And for all those politicians that are against you, free them from the slavery of sin. They are bound by the devil. Set them free Lord in Your mercy. Pour out Your Spirit to overflowing upon the USA, to the glory of Your name. In Jesus name, Amen.
Father God, you are the most high God. Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty. God of mercy, love and forgiveness. All praise and glory to God.
Father God, we repent for our sins and the sins of our nation. Lord we repent for your church, that has not stood in the gap. We allowed evil to creep into our nation, while your church looked away. Forgive us Father for not standing strong on Your Word. We repent for being politically correct and not denouncing what is wrong in your sight…removal of prayer in our schools and public places, not teaching our children Your Word, accepting homosexual lifestyle as normal when it is an abomination to You, celebrating same sex marriage when it is another abomination, and allowing the murder of millions of babies and calling it women’s reproductive health. God help us. God we don’t deserve your mercy but we call out to your Son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua wash us clean with your precious blood. Show us a way to stand strong again as One Nation under God.
Joe Biden strongly supports every one of those sins and evil practices. There is no way we can save our country and continue to go against Your Word and support evil, especially the murder of babies. Father God, give us courage to shout out to the heavens “Joe Biden will never be my president. Kamala Harris will never be my vice president”
Give us strength and determination and commitment to fight the evil and demonic spirits strangling our country. Help us declare and decree on bended knees, 24/7, that we bind and banish all evil spirits and we will no longer look the other way.
Father God we pray for President Trump. Place your impenetrable hedge of protection on him, his family and his administration. Show him a way to bring this country together. Lord we know you will continue to highlight the corruption. We know you have a miraculous plan to resolve these evil election shenanigans with a positive outcome for your anointed and appointed, pres Trump…a plan so brilliant and miraculous that it could only come from you. We pray for your hand on All of this so that, YOU will receive all the Glory.
We pray that this will begin a huge and wonderful revival in America.
All glory to God forever.
Amen and Amen.
Amen, very much encouraged. Lord Jesus, we believe, help us with our unbelief. Praise the Lord , God is working in our country. Help us to walk in faith, pray unceasingly, stand firm. God, please strengthen President Trump and his team, his attorney team, the Joy of the Lord is their strength. Give them wisdom and insight, expose the evidences, pave the way for them. The battle belongs to the Lord. Praise the Lord!
Father God,
We sense the heaviness of pressure mounting and the ominous presence of darkness around us. We recognize the enemy is at work.
LORD, we choose to join You, to stand strong and not surrender. We know that physical force won’t help, because the weapons of our warfare are powerful and can demolish strongholds and lies. These supernatural weapons originate from You. Jesus, by your precious name and blood, as You continue to expose the deception and lies, we will join You and continue to pray in that direction, knowing that You, our Supreme Judge will accomplish Your sovereign will and be honored and glorified. We pray this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen
I feel very confused, angry and unsettled. I know what’s wrong but all I feel I can do is pray and fast and plead with God to stop this madness. the left wing of our government is filled to the brim with corruption, deception hatred and violence. We can see it every day. What I don’t understand is how and why so many church going, professing Christians are going along with it? Because Trump brags let’s vote for the guy who wants abortion on demand? Killing a child is okay but bragging about your accomplishments is evil? I’m frightened! I’m sitting in church with people who approve the brutal murder of a child. No thanks! My pastor said I have more in common with a Christian who is a Democrat than with a Republican who isn’t a Christian? I’m really confused by that statement. I have been studying scripture for thirty years and I totally disagree with that statement. We are to separate from immoral people. But not immoral people of thus world….as Paul said because we have to bring them the gospel. We are to separate from immoral people in the “ church”. Killing a child is totally immoral. Maybe I’m off the wall but I don’t have anything in common with anyone who voted for a man like joe Biden! I’m not judging you. I’m correcting you. You have a deep rooted hatred. God will judge. You who think killing a child is no big deal go ahead and live your life the way you see fit. But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
You are not confused. God has revealed the truth to you.
Too many Christians want to go along to get along and are not the culture warriors they are to be, which is how we got in this mess to start with allowing a particular party to dictate evil things as acceptable. The devil comes to Christians today to deceive, just as he went to Eve and she in turn convinced Adam to disobey God also. My scripture today is Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp into my feet and a light unto my path” Let us go in the way God lights.
thank you! that psalm was given to me when I first became a Christian. It means a lot to me. Thank you for the encouragement…Bless you!
Hi Donna. I’m sorry you are going through a hard time. I’m praying for you. Do you know this song? It is an old Vineyard song from the 90s. https://youtu.be/AQKAS2InMkE Funny, I looked it up on YouTube and this video is from 15 Nov 15, exactly 5 years ago.
You’re the Holy Lord Almighty
by Rick Cole
Part the waters that surround me
Make the wind and waves be still
Pierce the soul of my confusion
Clear the mist and rend the veil
See the longing in my spirit
Know that I choose to be Yours
Lord, I’m hungry and I’m thirsting
to be filled and to be used
You’re the Holy Lord Almighty
And I come to seek Your face
You’re my light, my hope, my mercy
and Jesus is Your name
© 1992 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing