I Prayed have prayed
Father God, please convict people about the need to intercede for our schools. We ask that this First Friday Prayer Call would be inspired and led totally by Your Holy Spirit and that You would hear and answer our prayers.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Not a week goes by without a horrible act of violence somewhere in America, reports of youth embracing once thought radical and misguided ideas like communism, gender fluidity, the danger of biblical Christianity in the public square. Each of these instances is a call for you to pray.

On the first Friday of every month, IFA intercessors gather through a phone conference call, Zoom on the internet, and Facebook live to pray for our nation. Each month special guests join IFA President/CEO David Kubal to pray over specific, timely topics. We have seen incredible answers to prayer in recent months.

In the spring, we prayed with the producers of the movie Unplanned. One thing we asked for was favor on the distribution of the Unplanned DVD. Recently, we reported that the DVD was an Amazon best seller. We also prayed with Abby Johnson, founder of And Then Were None, and subject of the movie Unplanned. We asked the Lord to bless the work of her ministry that helps workers leave the abortion industry. In August, a former Planned Parenthood employee who helped by Johnson’s ministry won a major lawsuit against Planned Parenthood. They were ordered to pay her $3 million for wrongful termination. This is answered prayer!

School is starting all across the nation and God is calling us to pray. For the past six months or more, God has been impressing upon the IFA staff the vital necessity of praying for the public schools: students, Christian educators, curriculum, and the many legal Christian ministries at work in the public schools. We will be praying about education this Friday, September 6 at 1215 pm ET. Our guests are leaders in amazing ministries that are working in the public schools.

Don’t miss this critical time of prayer for our nation’s most important mission field and our nation’s most critical missionaries. Call (712)775-7430 (no code needed), or join us on Facebook LIVE or Zoom webcast.

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Jan Blake
September 3, 2019

Amen, Mark!

Jan Blake
September 3, 2019

Praise God! It is the behind the scenes prayers and volunteering that make a difference.

We were blessed as a community to have all our schools prayed over at least 3-4 times before school started. And the 2 prayer groups that I (and now my recently retired husband) will continue throughout the year.

When the school we are committed to had their prayer service the day before school began our team of 2-3 grew to 58 people including our Mayor & 2 school board members. As the principal would say -ā€œOnly Godā€ can get the glory. We live in turbulent, but exciting times for prayer & Christians to make a change….grateful to be a part of this prayer movement. Thank you for answering the call for the many years you served your community schools.

September 3, 2019

Lord, help those who love you to represent you well in the public school system. Help those who don’t yet know you to do so through them. Protect and save our children and their families! Amen.

Jan Blake
September 3, 2019

The Lord is blessing and working in our public school system in Cedar Hill, TX. Doors have opened for us to pray on campus at several schools and the results have been amazing.

School scores for academic accountability have increased at several schools and parents are enrolling their children from other districts because God is working. Our community and schools are predominately African American and the Lord has and is raising up fellow believers in Him to be in positions of leadership at several schools as well as our new Superintendent along with many of the support staff.

I am Caucasian and have been praying faithfully for 1 year at the neighborhood elementary school where I live. A teacher posted on Facebook an invitation to pray every Monday at 6:45 am and I along with a sister of color are there faithfully to join this teacher and any staff member who is able to attend. God has moved in so many ways and blessed this campus from the Christian Principal who allows prayer in her school to the families that have been touched. We also have a community prayer team led by one of our local pastors who every provides a place of business, church or school to pray every Tuesday am.

We are praying for more school districts to have this freedom and opportunity to pray inside the schools in their district and for more followers of Jesus to be elevated to key positions of authority.

May God hear this prayer and use this avenue of influence to raise up Godly scholars who will lead our nation in the days ahead.

    Ron Bangert
    September 3, 2019

    Where two or more are gathered….is a promise…I will be un their midst. God has a different few of an army. The fauthful prayers of a righteous man can accomplish much.

    My wife and I taught in a public high school system with two campuses, 9,000 9-12 students. Very progressive by today’s standards. In the trenches 24/7, Full Armour/Full Gospel, yet we beat no one over the head. We lived our lives before them. God drew students, parents, faculty, and support staff to us. Leaving a footprint and an open heaven hole for others to access. Behind the scenes 1974-2012.


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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