Former Texas representative and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said Thursday that churches, charities and other religious institutions that oppose same-sex marriage should lose their tax exempt status.
And if he becomes president, this is a policy that he will seek to quickly enforce by executive action, according to the LGBTQ plan on his website.
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“Despite the progress we’ve made, members of the LGBTQ+ community are denied lives free of fear or discrimination. President Trump’s administration has made it their mission to roll back protections for the LGBTQ+ community, particularly transgender Americans, defying their constitutional guarantee of Equal Protection. Beto will take immediate executive action to end the assault on LGBTQ+ rights and enact policies that conform to our laws and values,” his plan says.
At CNN’s Equality Townhall, news opinion host Don Lemon asked O’Rourke: “Do you think religious institutions like colleges, churches and charities should lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same sex marriage?”
“Yes,” O’Rourke replied. “There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone or any institution, any organization in America that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us. And so as president, we’re going to make that a priority and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon the human rights of our fellow Americans.”
(Excerpt from Christian Post. Article by Leonardo Blair.)
Consider the response of Edward Graham, grandson of Billy Graham: Edward Graham, grandson of the late Rev. Billy Graham, said he believes that even if a future administration stripped churches and nonprofits of their tax-exempt status because of opposition to same-sex marriage, God would still provide. . . .
Regarding the possibility of Samaritan’s Purse losing its tax exemption for its stance on sexual ethics, Graham responded that “God is bigger than tax exemption.”
“We don’t exist because we’re a business or it’s about the money,” he told CP, “there is a need and God gives us the resources and entrusts us with those resources to do His work.”
(Excerpt from Christian Post. Article by Michael Gryboski.)
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I too know that the Lord can provide.
Although I do have a thought about the money churches receive through various ways of donations… We’ve already paid taxes on the money we receive when we get paid and give us a tithe or however, so to me that would be money getting taxed twice!!!
It does not matter what the government does, God is greater! Take away the tax exemption and God will just provide more funds!
That young man should know that JESUS said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s; Give to GOD what is GOD’s.” When we give our tithes and offerings to the church, in obedience to GOD’s Word, we have given to Caesar, as the money we are giving has already been taxed by the government. Would this man risk taxing GOD’s portion of our income? Would counsel him to re-think what he is threatening to do!
“God is bigger than tax exemption”, is very true. Thank you Mr Graham.
Young O”Rourke wants to remove God from every environ of Public Discourse, he is only another mouth piece of the Long War Against God, and young O’Rourke is in goose-step with it.
Our Constitution and its Ammendments are an outgrowth of thought over a few centuries from those who fled the very type of government young O’Rourke desires to create with all his like minded cronies who want to become president. End times?, sure feels like it in the spirit. I’m sure Corrie Ten Boom would enlighten the Church in the West.
Tax exemptions allow for individuals to generously give to groups and organizations at a local and regional level, thus providing more funds to meet needs. Also, a fuller use of funds and personal attention from the benefactors. Tax exempt laws means less government.
My wife and I have supported several non-profit organizations for years, along with our home Church, which is always first. Until last year the tax exempt laws benefitted us. This year we owed $4,300, due to restructuring of the tax codes. Oops! We had to regroup.
Jesus tells us to give, expecting nothing in return; if someone asks for your shirt, give him your coat also; to work as long as it is day, for the night comes when no man can work. To the rich young ruler, sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you, you follow Me.
There is one talking point, one talking head, Jesus! God’s answer for everything! Perhaps the church needs to be corralled to shake the world off it? God permits Wilderness experiences to become more Christlike, purify motives, bring true humility.
Amen Edward!
but all those who are against the truth will not pass over our prayer and vote
Best thing that could happen to the church….to depend on God for all of our needs.
Amen ! It does begin in and with the house of God. We are the house, and also His people….as
2 (?)Chronicles 7:14 states so clearly that the Lord our God refers; if “My” people who are called by My name,” (us who “claim” to be followers of Jesus Christ !!! Unfortunately there’s more of us claiming than truly obeying)
to humble themselves, and pray and seek His face, and turn from “their”(our) wicked ways…” This passage are condition s in place… that’s “if”….obviously the Lord knew way long ago that many of us His people would not pray…and humble ourselves…how sad this is…. Let’s pray not for a revival, for they are temporary, but for an awakening of His people and for us to remove ourselves from our own pedestals… to wake up !!! We truly do not know the day or the hour of His return…
AMEN! If we GOD’s people would humble ourselves, turn from our wicked (selfish, self-centered, prideful ways), esteem others more highly than ourselves; discern our motives before we act or speak with the objective of acting and speaking in purity; walk in forgiveness, and boldly share our testimonies of the amazing works of GOD that He has done as He transforms us as we CHOOSE to renew our minds through feasting on GOD’s Word, our lives truly would bring light into the darkness and darkness would choose to FLEE. Thank you, Theresa, for your boldness and insight that our “self-idolatry” needs to be put to death so that the pedestals in our lives are only for the LORD JESUS, the Messiah. Such submission comes only as we love not our own lives unto the death and choose to manifest the glory of GOD by our surrender to and dependence on Holy Spirit.
I pray that God will change the hearts of those who oppose His laws. I also pray that those who oppose the beliefs of Americans in the faith community understand the full reasons for the first amendment in our Bill of Rights. God, please protect us from the Jezebel spirit in America. I love you, Lord.
I totally agree with you. This is not about what the government allows, but what does God say. Taking away the tax exempt status would not prove anything. God is Sovereign and the Earth and everything in it belongs to Him. He does not need tax exempt status to run His Church. He is looking for men and women who follow His Word. We are in trouble in America. We were once the first to go to other countries to preach Jesus Christ, but now it seems that WE need more teaching. It seems that anything goes: right is called wrong and wrong is called right. What God calls sin IS SIN; not what we BELIEVE it to be. Our leaders, as a whole, need Jesus. They are of the mind that everything is about them. I fear that America is imploding. We are destroying ourselves. I will continue to pray for forgiveness and mercy for our country.
Do we have zeal for God?
Heavenly Father, we need revival in our country, starting in the church.
Please Lord, send your fire, burn up the dross.
Help us, Lord!
“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”
1 Peter 4:17 KJV
“For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.”
Psalms 69:9 KJV
AMEN!! Edward!