I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we know we can trust You to answer in Your time. We believe You, and we thank You. Let Your revival come to our cities!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the faithfulness of God. I write this to encourage you that He is faithful. If you have been praying long for revival, don’t grow weary. His timing is perfect. 

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Earlier this year, IFA published an article about pagan rituals that had been done in the past near rivers and other bodies of water across the country. I did some research and discovered that one such ritual had taken place in my own city in 2016. This happened at the River Walk, a tourist attraction that flows into the San Antonio River. The ritual involved placing a mandala (a cloth or paper graphic image dedicated to pagan deities) into the river. Prayers were offered up to some foreign god or gods to “protect” our city. In early March, I went to the San Antonio River and extended my hands and prayed, asking our Lord to heal our land and our waters, to break curses, and to reverse what the enemy had done. I then prayed a blessing over my city and besought the Lord for revival. This has been my prayer assignment for the city for over 10 years.

Now, one month later, we’ve been experiencing more rain than usual for Texas. I honestly hadn’t thought much about it until I saw the local news reports that the River Walk and surrounding areas had flooded. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but it turns out that God was all over it. He was answering prayers. The image of the River Walk’s flooding was significant to me, because that’s the exact location where the pagan ritual had been done. 

At the beginning of this year, a 20-year-old pastor named Santiago Robles was seeking the Lord. He was seeking God not for himself, but for his city and to pray for unity. Feeling stirred and inspired by the move of God we all witnessed at Asbury University, in Kentucky, Pastor Santiago felt this was a sign for taking action. On Sunday, Feb. 26, he and 30 others gathered at the San Antonio City Hall to pray and worship. They asked God to “flood the streets” with revival. That’s when San Antonio began seeing abundant rainfall — and this was not just some needed relief, but also a sign of confirmation that God was hearing the prayers of His people. Pastor Santiago and the church members decided to keep meeting every Sunday evening, for 12 weeks. During that time, members of other local churches joined those believers to pray for revival and unity.

Then, on May 20, a citywide gathering took place. The SA Flood the Streets prayer/march, as the event was called, saw some 25 pastors and roughly 800 people turn out, with at least 30 churches represented from across the state. The local news media showed up and covered the event, which saw people crying out publicly in repentance, prayer, worship, unity, and entreaties for God to bring revival to the city. It was such a blessing. Pastor Santiago said this: “Our idea was to flood the streets of our city with prayer and worship. We aren’t just praying for revival, we want to be the revival. We want to be the difference in our city. The gathering and the rain is speaking for itself. Even the local news are asking questions. They don’t understand why we are seeing so much rainfall, since it’s abnormal this time of year; But we know it’s both a physical and spiritual manifestation of the prayers. Change is happening here, and it’s happening through our worship.” 

The pastor added: “We have been so blessed to have city officials allow us to continue having prayer and worship here weekly. We know that they are limited to what they can say, but I believe they are allowing us to continue, because they realize the need for prayer and worship in our city.” 

At SA Flood the Streets, the Lord’s presence was made manifest as believers came together with one purpose: to worship, pray, unify, and march through the city exalting and proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ over San Antonio. 

When believers are in one accord, something happens. When prayer and worship are a continual offering unto the Lord, the atmosphere changes. When Jesus Christ is front and center, things cannot stay the same. These are ingredients for revival.

The disciples left the Mount of Olives and returned to Jerusalem, which was less than a mile away. Arriving there, they went into a large second-floor room to pray. Those present were Peter, John, Jacob, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Jacob (the son of Alpheus), Simon (the zealot), Judas (the son of Jacob), and a number of women, including Mary, Jesus’ mother. His brothers were there as well. All of them were united in prayer, gripped with one passion, interceding night and day (Acts 1:12–14 TPT, emphasis ours).

The events of that passage take place after the Lord’s ascension. Most of us know what happens next, as described in Acts 2: There is a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit, the Church is born in new power, and revival hits the region. We must never stop believing that God can do that again. 

And God does nothing by accident. I just “happened” to stumble upon something spiritual involving a river in my city and whose power needed to be broken in Christ’s name. I had no idea that at that very same time and not very far away, God was raising up a young man to stir up a hunger in others for revival and unity in the city. People showed up in obedience to pray, to worship, and to prophesy over their city. Such boldness and faith will always catch God’s attention.

So what happens next?  

Well, as Pastor Santiago says: “It doesn’t end here. Flood the Street SA will continue to hold worship and prayer meetings in front of the City Hall at least once a month, and in 2024 our goal is to flood the streets in Austin, Texas.” 

This is only the beginning of what God wants to do. Scripture reminds us not to despise the day of small beginnings, because the Lord rejoices to see the work begin (see Zechariah 4:10). I’m reminded of Ezekiel’s vision about the river that flows from the temple of God. That flow went from ankle deep, to knee deep, to waist deep, and until it got so deep that the river was uncrossable (see Ezekiel 47:1–6).  I sense that that’s what’s happening in the spirit realm now. The rivers are rising! 

Having prayed for revival in my city for so long myself, I began to wonder if I’d missed it. But after being blessed to participate in SA Flood the Streets, I was reminded that God’s timing is perfect. 

One young pastor is compelled to take action, and what starts as a weekly time of prayer and worship rolls into months — and this shows no signs of ending. What began as ministry to the Lord in intercession for a city has spawned a movement. So, what do you suppose would happen if this were multiplied to other cities? 

Now is the time to rise up! Keep contending, keep worshiping, keep praying, and keep prophesying and declaring His promises — over your family, over your city, over the nation. Amen! God is not done yet! He is raising up His remnant for such a time as this.

How are you praying for your city? Let’s all share our prayers below, and let revival fire begin!

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Ret. Ps. Larry Hopkins
June 15, 2023

The Lord spoke to me 9 years ago to start praying for our city of Bartlesville OK. He said He wanted us to pray in the center of town. Do to a Godly City Manager we has been able to pray every Tuesday at noon in the City Hall conference room.for the past 9 years. We do believe this was a call for such a time as this.

Janie Dill
June 14, 2023

So happy to hear about this group. About a year and a half ago I felt God calling me to start praying for San Antonio. I had lived here all my life and hadn’t given it much thought although I was regularly praying for our country and government. Anyway, I began praying for our city, mainly that our streets and drivers would be protected as they drove, that they would be born again, that our churches, schools, businesses, events be covered with the blood of Jesus. Also, I pray that the forces of darkness will not be able to carry out their evil plans but come to know Jesus. I’m very happy to hear of this group SA Flood the Streets. Just imagine if every city in the US, big or small, in every state had an intercessor or several praying regularly for them, that it would absolutely turn our country around more quickly. God’s blessings to all of you

June 13, 2023

Thank you for the articles and prayers . Please pray for us in Western Australia as we face new challenges with our state and Federal governments.
Come Lord Jesus come

Mary Beth
June 13, 2023

LORD, I cry out for the city of Longview, TX. We too are receiving unseasonal rains, as I understand it. We are only recently residents here but are praying for a mighty move of Holy Spirit. Let the rivers continue to rise. Give us Your heart for Israel and the nations – beginning in our own communities.

Valerie Arreguin
June 13, 2023

I live in San Antonio and would like to know the date and times for gathering for prayer and worship at the City Hall each month so I can be there. Thank you for your prayers so far. Yes we ware /:are in dire need of ridding our city of any pagan rituals. And, thank God for the rain as well! Alleluia

    June 13, 2023

    Valerie, I don’t believe they are meeting in front of city hall anymore. Actually several churches are hosting prayer events all around around San Antonio. Can I please have your email?

Susan Eddlemon
June 13, 2023

God is seldom early, but He is NEVER late!

Jeffrey Johnson
June 13, 2023

Father God, Lord Jesus, pour your spirit out on Charlotte, NC and surrounding towns including Rock Hill, SC, Gastonia, Concord and Monroe. Help us to unite in prayer for the return to relationship with our creator and savior. Through your powerful spirit, let it be! The Glory is yours! Amen!

Gwen Valenti
June 13, 2023

Lord Jesus, I repent for my complacency in this land of milk & honey. I thank You for the blessings that have made my life so enjoyable, but as I have kicked back with the sigh of contentment the enemy has slipped in & stirred unbelievable evil. Open our eyes to all the schemes of the devil & his demonic army. Give us wisdom & strengthen our battle muscles of prayer & worship and action. Forgive us Lord Jesus & heal our land. Raise up Godly leaders to govern our people & Lord Jesus Knock the teeth from the mouth of the enemy & bring them down…ALL to Your glory & honor in Jesus name I pray.

Sue Hill
June 13, 2023

Heavenly Father, You are ALMIGHTY AND GLORIOUS. Your timing is indeed perfect. Thank You for hearing our prayers. Father God, we pray for Norfolk VA. We declare REVIVAL will break out here. We ask for our local churches to unite in prayer for our city and its people. Please help us to obey You Lord. We claim Your promises and decree Your kingdom come here as it is in Heaven. All GLORY TO YOU LORD. In Jesus name Amen

    Janet Drawhorn
    June 13, 2023

    I agree with this prayer adding my city of Dickinson, Texas and cities surrounding us:
    Texas City, Lamarque, Hitchcock, SantaFe, Arcola, Bacliff, San Leon.


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