I Prayed have prayed
Father, confound and confuse all efforts outside Your will for the world at this time. Your will be done. Your kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

One year ago, at Mount Sinai in Egypt, a strange mixture of world leaders participated in a climate conference called COP27 (UN Climate Change Conference). There, activists claiming to act for God “broke” the Ten Commandments as a symbol of protest and a sign of their disappointment with inaction on addressing climate change.

“God, I ask you to give humanity the willingness to obey you so that the Earth will not revolt against humanity that has been abusing it,” a Nigerian priest prayed.

Damian Spruce, head of advocacy at Caritas Australia, told Earthbeat (a project of the National Catholic Reporter): “From the heights of Sinai, we looked out at the mountains, the sky, the dramatic landscapes of the Earth and its beauty. We felt that immense duty to protect God’s creation, the glory of the ecologies and environments around us, which are threatened and indeed already being destroyed by climate change. The urgency of protecting the Earth has never been greater.”

This week, COP28 is to begin in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Major world powers will meet there. Intercessors who are “watching on the wall” see the dangers of many globalist responses to “climate change” and the dangers of blaming all of it on humans. Reading the statements above, we wonder about the theology of those who presume to speak for God in this.
As COP28 meets, we are asking IFA intercessors to pray. The meetings will be held Nov. 30–Dec. 12, 2023. Here is a link.
In advance of the conference, Pope Francis has issued an apostolic exhortation titled Laudate Deum, in which he calls for brisk action against the climate crisis and condemns “climate change denial.”

Ahead of the COP28 summit, the Muslim Council of Elders, in partnership with the COP28 presidency, the UN Environment Programme, and the Catholic Church and under the patronage of UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, organized a Global Faith Leaders Summit convening 28 faith leaders to address climate change.[62]

The UAE hired a U.S.-based PR firm, First International Resources, to “counteract all negative press and media reports.”

King Charles will deliver the opening address at the summit, in his first major speech on the climate crisis since becoming monarch.

Pope Francis will travel to the United Arab Emirates Dec. 1–3, where he will deliver a speech, hold bilateral meetings, and inaugurate the Faith Pavilion at Dubai’s Expo City.

  • The heart of the visit takes place on Saturday, Dec. 2, when Pope Francis will address COP28 participants.
  • The Faith Pavilion can host up to 100 individuals and will be the venue for 65 sessions focusing on the efforts of significant religious communities in addressing climate change. The represented faiths include Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Baha’i, Buddhism, indigenous religions, and Zoroastrianism.
  • Prominent religious figures are scheduled, including Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, of the UK; Bishop Thomas Schirrmacher, secretary general of the World Evangelical Alliance; and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, president of the Divine Shakti Foundation.

Bill Gates will be at COP28 wearing two hats:

  • He is the philanthropist urging governments to go further, faster “for the benefit of the world’s poorest people,” who will be at the sharp end of the extreme weather, drought, and flooding that climate change is said to drive.
  • And he is the investor, through his Breakthrough Energy Ventures initiative, which takes stakes in companies and technology that Gates and his advisers think are likely to make a big contribution to combating climate change — and to make money.

Will you consider asking the Lord whether you should take updaily prayer calling for the next two weeks while COP28 meets and until Dec. 12?

COP28 Prayer of Resistance

As James 4:7 says: … Resist the devil and he will flee. …

Heavenly Father, Your name is holy. Thank You that Jesus has shed His blood and given us redemption. We honor You and love You.

Psalm 2:1–6 says:

Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us break their bonds in pieces
And cast away their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”

The “kings of the earth” will assemble in Dubai to distort and deny the Scriptures and God’s plan for humanity, through their human agendas and false narratives about who really controls the climate and rules the world.

Psalm 95:3–5 says:

For the Lord is the great God,
And the great King above all gods.
In His hand are the deep places of the earth;
The heights of the hills are His also.
The sea is His, for He made it;
And His hands formed the dry land.

Father, as Your Ecclesia prayed in unity over COP27, held in Egypt in 2022, sewage backups took place, along with infrastructure problems and logistical disorganization. At the end of that conference, there was no cohesive plan. We ask the following this year for COP28:

That You bind and confuse the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places, bind and confuse the principalities, bind and confuse the authorities, bind and confuse the cosmic powers over this present darkness. They are coming against Your Anointed One and Your Ecclesia through COP28 and other globalist power structures to harm the people through a globalist one-world agenda. Father, assign mighty forces to deter, unravel, and bring confusion and blindness to those in authority, those who have evil intent and use false narratives. Expose them for what they are. Father, we seek a Holy Spirit outpouring so that the world’s people will wake up to the New World Order’s evil plans and rise up against all of this. Thank You for hearing our requests. We look for your mighty hand in the days ahead. Amen.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalm 133:1).

From Liberty Action Network. Photo by Arthur Edwards – Pool/Getty Images.

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November 29, 2023

Lord, I proclaim that you rule and reign in all the earth, and ask that what is true will rise up like cream to the top. That all falsehoods and clever railings will not prevail against what is true. You affect men’s hearts, and I ask that you hover over each speaker’s heart and may false words crash and burn and have no power in the atmosphere and over ears that want truth. Some in attendance have a a measure of truth – may they be convicted to speak that portion to confuse the lies, even if they did not plan to do so. May your will be done in this conference, as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ powerful and mighty name, Amen.

Helen Yarbrough
November 29, 2023

Father God, send confusion and dissent into the leaders of this climate conference so that none of their goals will be accomplished, but instead, their followers will be distracted and dumbfounded. Remove the wicked from leadership in any global effort to control individual nations or population groups, and raise up righteous people to speak the truth of God to those who are deceived about climate issues.

Grant Windholz
November 28, 2023

So many world leaders have put so much time and billions of dollars into climate change that changes it’s name every few years is incredibly ridiculous! These globalist people will surely get their change in climate after Lord God Almighty captures his church in the Rapture!!! Tons of wasted money!! The book of Revelation says EVERYTHING!!

November 28, 2023

YOU confuse the lost… For
Mount Sinai is NOT in Egypt,
on the Sinai Peninsula!
Pharisee Saul/Paul went to Arabia to consult with YeHoVaH. Galacians 1:17 & 4:25… Mount Sinai is in Arabia!!! (Across from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba)

Kenneth Peterson
November 28, 2023

LORD, LORD forgive us of our ignorance and pride of thinking that we, as men can fix this earth and make it better than You did in the beginning of your creation . Let us turn our hearts back to You, and let You do what needs to be done to restore us, all of your creation and this earth. We are thankful in advance for you are going to do. Amen!!!

November 28, 2023

LORD, forgive our ignorance, our pride of thinking that we, as mere men can change or do better than what You did in the creation of this world. Oh that we would turn our hearts back to You, to learn from You what needs to be done to restore our world.

Richard Spurlin
November 28, 2023

And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11 14-15.

Mary Beth
November 28, 2023

How ironic that the symbolic “breaking of the 10 Words” is such a graphic picture of Psalm 2, where it says, ““Let us break their bonds in pieces
And cast away their cords from us.”
Another case of mankind’s religions “creating a god in their own image”.
You alone, YHVH, are God over all of heaven and earth – You created it and You alone will destroy it at Your predetermined appointed time. Respond to those supporting and participating in COP28 just as Your Word says –
“He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”
Laugh, LORD – hold them in derision – speak to them in Your wrath – and distress them in Your deep displeasure!!
I agree with the prayer above as well, and stand in unity with these watchmen on the wall!


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