“There are three levels of attack coming upon our nation.” Those words from a recent prophecy repeated like a loop in my mind.
My first impulse was dread. It felt ominous. But seconds later, God dropped His perspective in my heart regarding the prophetic warning. At that moment, I wanted to do a happy dance. For I could see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Days before, I had read Jeremiah Johnson’s Urgent Prophetic Alert, revealing the three waves of attack coming upon our nation. The first was fear. The second, hate. The final, and strongest wave, would be greed.
With this sobering word, it is imperative we understand how to pray. The first two attacks have already occurred as we can see with the virus and the riots. We must have the insight of God concerning the third wave, yet to be released.
As I prayed, a familiar Scripture came to mind.
But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Ti 6:9-12).
As this Scripture sprung up in me, I knew it was my answer to prayer. This was the reason for a new hope and excitement. I took a deep breath, realizing we were finally getting to the root of this challenging season in America.
From experience, I’ve learned when the root is gone, we have victory. Once the root is removed, everything that sprouts from it is destroyed.
Consider the following–although we are encouraged to stay inside to slow the virus, it doesn’t destroy it. While we may be able to deal with division and hate by bringing awareness through peaceful protests, it doesn’t remove the division and hate. If we want to get to the bottom of all these issues, we must deal with the root.
The Bible says the love of money, or greed, is the root of all kinds of evil. Therefore, the spirit of greed must be pulled up from the root – and all the evil that is attached to it.
“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Mt 18:18).
The Amplified Bible gives us further insight to this scripture; I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth shall have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth shall have [already] been loosed in heaven.
When we bind the spirit of greed and forbid it from operating in our nation, God will back our words. Angelic hosts will hasten to perform God’s word on our behalf (Heb 1:14).
We are not asking God to do anything He hasn’t already accomplished. He has judged this spirit and declared its outcome.
And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness (greed) they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time, their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber (2 Pt 2:2-3).
The Amplified Bible says their destruction is on its way. I agree! I believe the destruction of the spirit of greed in the United States of America is on its way. It is our responsibility to pray in agreement with God’s Word for its removal.
Isn’t it revealing that a primary strategy of the spirit of greed is exploit with deceptive words? We see this in the media day in and day out as they feed us with stories of hate, division, and fear, wrapped up in deceptive words. Make no mistake, these things are the fruit of a spirit of greed.
Remember, our warfare is not with flesh and blood, but principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness. It’s time we, as a Body, deal with and demolish the spirit of greed. It’s time we get to the root of the problem, and thereby obtain ultimate victory.
Share your comments on how you have seen the spirit of greed in our world lately and also how you were encouraged by this article!
Kim Potter is a writer, minister and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. For additional information, or to receive her daily writings, go to
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Personally, I think there is a lot of greed driving the response to COVID-19. I hear of potential treatments that are inexpensive and safe and readily available, and I get the impression that there are elements of the medical community that don’t WANT them to work.
I thank GOD for Intercessors For America. I now have much more information to Interceed in prayer for. I only have 2 Intercessors that pray with me. I desire more. Father, bring in more Intercessors. In Jesus name!
As I prayed about binding the spirit of greed in our country the Lord pricked me. I felt He said, start with your own greed. Oh boy. So many sins we don’t recognize in ourselves. Almost everything in our culture nudges us toward greed, lusting after something. All of the advertisements, drive through food, Amazon, TV, phones…. think of the ways we have gotten used to instant gratification. And once we get used to it, we are unhappy when we can’t get it! As we “get to the root” of greed, let us first ask the LORD to shine His light into our hearts and expose our own greed, our lust for anything that is not of Him. 1 John 2:16 “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes , and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.” Lord, we ask forgiveness for our worldliness. We repent and we plead only the blood of Jesus. Wash us clean of our own lusts and greed, as we seek to intercede against this insidious spirit in our country. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen
Right on sister. The church in America- Body of Christ- is just as guilty as anyone else. We need to judge ourselves, repent and get our eyes off the world then cry out to God for forgiveness and we will begin the breaking of that spirit of greed. Father, in the Name of Jesus, we pray for the Body of Christ to love one another, and look for ways to give to others rather than feed our own appetites. Father, have mercy on our foolish ways and help us to walk worthy of our calling to care for the orphans and widows; give our money to the needy and heed the prompting of Your spirit in spending our money so that we can lay up treasures in heaven and not on earth. Father, we confess that as Americans have become presumptuous in our comfort and forgotten how to sacrifice for the good of others. Pour out on us a sense of Godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Your People need Your Spirit to empower us to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters both here and in other places.
Father has given us a land with milk and honey,and done we taken this land for our pleasure and gained. We even charge for our prayers. I get so many mail from ours people in the United States asking for money to vote for the your opponent, why do we have to pay them to run for elections, voting rights is free. I remember when I was of young age, the ones that’s running for election was paying the voters money to go out and voted for them. Jesus turn those tables up because of using His house of a money chains. That’s exactly what American has become a money chains. Its from the Saints to the unbeliever. We done made this United States out of a great hell basket only to passed it on to other’s Countries that was innocent.
I dont know how to address this..we have to live in the world and not be part of it.
I feel like it is impossible to avoid this greed be the best,to look the best
to have the nicest house, to ..and it goes on and on.
I dont know how to weed it out of our seems like if we had a massive revival
people wouldnt worry about these things. Please break down the prideful spirit that alot
of people have since that would be from the pit of hell..but help us as christians turn to You
instead of worrying about things of the world and then that others would turn to you. Please
work on the pride that we have in our christian families..that isnt love. May our love be
the thing that draws others to yourself.
Heavenly Father, we sever the dark roots of fear, hate and greed over this nation, and we declare that they are bound in Jesus’ Name! Send Your angels to tear off the dark veil over this country. We bind the stronghold of rebellion, and loose Your PEACE! We pray that what is meant for evil, You will turn to good! Oh Lord, bring restoration! We declare that God’s truth will prevail, and that our God rules in America!
You gave the diagnosis but no remedy. Where is the how to? That is so common.
It’s not always the job of the prophetic person to give the solution.
In the Bible, prophets always had an answer.
Linda, two scriptures come to mind. The Love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. I Timothy 6:10.
Also, II Chronicles 7:14. If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Besides the spirit of Jezebel being exposed there has been a spirit of greed (Old Testament Baal was the name of this spirit). This spirit of greed was the second narrative in the founding of this nation. The first narrative was the founding fathers who were only about the freedom to worship & starting a Christian nation, however, there was a second narrative that ran parallel: trafficked human beings & instituted slavery, along with Jim Crow laws later; suppressed women; stole land & massacred the first nation people; laws & justice favoring the wealthy; abortion; etc. Follow the $ trail. Unfortunately, the Jezebel spirit and Baal spirit have infiltrated the church. This is why Paul says the judgment begins in the house of the Lord & that God will shake everything that must be shaken. God wants to root out the partnership with the enemy of His church so she can partner with God in the Great Harvest & expanding the Kingdom of God. We must have eyes only for Jesus. We must also be Holy Spirit empowered only. Ephesians 4:11 is important for church government: apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, pastors. The church can no longer only operate with 2 or 3 offices. Since the re-establishment of the apostolic and prophetic giftings and offices the church has matured and become more powerful, more anointed. Just my thoughts. Blessings!
So true! We see this spirit of greed all around us in our town. Our town is FULL of illegals because one political party is greedy for the votes. Now, the illegals have destroyed every park and every place our community once held dear. Because there are sooooooooooo many people who do not speak English in our area, businesses have ONLY hired bilingual speakers for the last 9 years. No one who speaks English only has been able to find employment for almost a decade. English speaking workers have been demoted in exchange for people who speak Spanish. The people who did have a job prior to this mass expansion of illegals were unable to move up in their careers because they did not speak Spanish. Other people were fired to make room for Spanish speaking employees. We are a “fire at will” state so people can be fired and replaced by bilinguals. It has resulted in massive amounts of English only speakers being unemployed and unable to find work for many years. Additionally, the health risks have risen exponentially. Natural born citizens who have lived here their entire lives were contracting diseases a few years ago that our ER said they had never seen or heard of. Diseases that our country had eradicated over a century ago started reappearing all over our county when the illegals entered. Our communities have begun programs where we stay up all night long to watch out for Thieves. Things we never thought would happen to a quiet, Christian area have erupted all over. Rapes, murder, etc. You name it and our county has seen it as a result of the greedy politicians who wanted votes at the expense of the lives and safety of natural born citizens.
One example of greed that comes to mind is the legalization of marijuana. It first started with medical marijuana which I knew would not stop there. When I sent an email to someone regarding the decision to do this, they responded with, ” the State’s need the money “(taxes). So, what it means is that, whatever problems arise out of bad behavior, as long as money is involved, we will look the other way. The drug culture is completely dependent on the sale and profits made by getting the youth to indulge. Now local governments are considering the money coming in through taxes. GREED. This makes me furious because we know how drugs destroy lives. This must stop.
Shortly after marijuana was legalized in Colorado, my husband and I saw an interview conducted with a neonatologist — he indicated that the # of babies born with THC in their systems had grown exponentially since the legalization. I have to wonder if those babies will be more predisposed to drug addictions as they grow. And Barbara, you’re right … it’s ALL about greed. I do not reject that there may be some medical advantages, but there should be extremely tight regulations.
Alleluia! I’ll be in prayer joining my heart with the church to annihilate this root of greed!
What I see is the Greed for Power to control people’s lives and run the country, and the world. Lots of money helps bad leaders do this, so of course they are also greedy for money to have that kind of power and control.
LORD, we break this Greed down in every form, with every root. We know this is really satan’s agenda, and we bind up his power in the BLOOD of JESUS, and loose America, Israel, and the world to the HOLY SPIRIT of God for salvation and redemption through CHRIST JESUS our LORD. Thank You, Father, that YOU care for this country and this world, and YOU hear our prayers to redeem our country from all evil, and greed.
Father God, Your Word states in 1Ti 6:9-12(YLT) “and those wishing to be rich, do fall into temptation and a snare, and many desires, foolish and hurtful, that sink men into ruin and destruction, for a root of all the evils is the love of money, which certain longing for did go astray from the faith, and themselves did pierce through with many sorrows; and thou, O man of God, these things flee, and pursue righteousness, piety, faith, love, endurance, meekness; be striving the good strife of the faith, be laying hold on the life age-during, to which also thou wast called, and didst profess the right profession before many witnesses”.
Father we know the love of money is the root of all evil. Forgive us, forgive our nation for bowing to the spirit of mammon and greed (intense and selfish desire)as we repent for our nation and even ourselves. As Jesus stated in Luke 16:13 “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Father, forgive our nation for putting you on the self as we desired to serve mammon and greed. Right now in the matchless name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of mammon and greed over America. Let this spirit be seen for what is, to destroy, steal and kill all in the name of money. Restore America, restore families, restore the church, as the true children of God pray and proclaim Your Word. Send forth Your angels, Your warring angels to assist us in tearing down the idol of mammon and greed in Jesus name.
I have been so burdened for our country. And have been praying against the spirits of fear deception and violence. This article gave me insight into the spirit of greed. Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you for this insight. It registers true with me and encourages me.The fear in American citizens is partly due to money to pay bills and provide for families.Installing fear in us to buy vaccines that may not be good for us could make certain people rich and powerful and manipulate control of our country.yes,Our economy has several big companies ,not all,who pay poor wages to foreign labor factories out of greed.The root of slavery was mostly in getting cheap labor to make a profit.If other ways to harvest crops had been available,perhaps slavery wouldn’t have been used to such an extent, but we see the feelings that have grown out of that root of the love of money. Socialism and Marxism are rooted in coveting what belongs to someone else and believing it should be theirs.Yes, let’s bind the spirit of greed and speak God’s provsion for our families and nation. Besides binding, What do we need to loosen to help us? Law and order? What do we need to say ?
In response to your question of the antithesis to greed, the answer is lavish generosity! One of the most notorious traits of our loving Father is His abundant giving — up to and including the Life of His SON. We walk by FAITH and not by sight.
Thank you for this current focus. There are actually more than 3 that are used often concurrently and sequentially.
Read Nehemiah again and the 7 strategies satan has always used to prevent God’s wall of protection to be rebuilt…
physical danger-threats of attack
Then see how Nehemiah responds to each one. Remember also how God put Nehemiah in authority in the midst on behalf of his beloved nation.
Also, pray against the 7 giants in our land (deut 7:1-2) with walled cities– each tribe meaning …
Hope this helps in some way. Here’s a link to one of my studies, Giants in your Land.
I have been so burdened for our country. And have been praying against the spirits of fear deception and violence. This article gave me insight into the spirit of greed. Thank you for sharing this.
Impressed upon my spirit while praying, is the reminder that greed is not just about money. It is also a ravenous lust for power. Thank you for the article. It was illuminating!!
That makes sense to me. Often they go together.
Once again, IFA chooses to “heal my people slightly” with a word like this. Jer. 6:13-15 Rather than binding and loosing, its time to humble ourselves in repentance. Greed is a symptom of idolatry. Worship of money. The LOVE of money is the ROOT of all evil. 1 Tim 6:10. Jeremiah Johnson’s word came from a conversation with a demon?! Apostle Paul warned Timothy about giving heed to seducing spirits in 1 Tim 4:1
For the love of money is ” A ” root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1Timothy 6:10
Thank you, Kim, for this article.
I really appreciate the tireless work of IFA.
I honestly looked up the definition of “greed” to get a better handle on how it applies to today’s spiritual climate.
“ GREED ~ INTENSE and SELFISH DESIRE for something, especially wealth, power, or food.”
I keep thinking on the words “intense and selfish desire” .. wow, just think what that will drive people to say and do.
Agreeing with all in prayer!
From the first of the pandemic, you saw companies rush to make profits from everything from masks to meds to promised vaccines. Obviously, those are helpful, but the rush to make the Covid vaccine for instance that promises a goldmine for whomever gets it to market first and successfully is a display of greed. There were millions invested in the Wuhan lab, and the agencies and companies and some of the big players in this arena have made billions on drugs and vaccines. The people pulling the strings for some of the extremist groups rioting are known to be billionaires. And of course we will see an obscene amount of money spent on the upcoming election battles. I pray that God’s people will have their eyes opened as the economy comes back, they will be generous and remember their fellow believers suffering overseas, as well as here and honor God. Love before money and Jesus above all.
I have prayed about this spirit of greed with you in faith, but Ido have a question.I don’t see the connection of greed with fear and hate. All kinds of evil means many for sure, but I don’t see the connection with these 2. Could you enlighten me?
Marla, all 3 of those spirits blind people to God’s truth. Kim was referring to 3 waves of attacks against America.
In Matthew 6:24, Jesus says “No man can serve two masters;for either he will hate one,and love the other;or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.He cannot serve God and mammon.” The spirit of fear was the first wave hitting America when Covid-19 hit us. “Fear not” is written over 130 times in the KJV of the Bible but how many Christians are living in fear? We are told to pray and not worry and trust God not man.
I hope this helps.
I agree with what Michelle Taylor has said that greed is often about power. Greed for money is often more about power than, say, physical comfort. I see fear and hatred being used and manipulated in order to give certain groups of people power.
Praying in agreement, and praise God for this warning word so we can pray and halt in His authority and binding power in His name. Let discerning eyes see that EVERY agenda we see these elite, demonically inspired globalists, is for our harm and not our good. That the globalist mindset IS to place a few people in power to control and destroy. The enemy would have that the vaccine agenda SEEMS like it is for our good BUT who is behind it? Who is pushing it the most? The liberal pro-death, pro-abortion (pro-murderers), the pro-shedding on innocent blood ones.
Because of greed, the enemy has used people willing to be used to pervert all the things of God. People’s identities, using vaccines filled with cell proteins and DNA from aborted babies in them, perverting His creation and perfect design by altering our food genetically and spraying it with death causing (cancer causing pesticides) and all sorts of poisons and chemicals not of God. All of these things are for the max profit of the elite and the elite and to steal, kill, and destroy people.
SO much to pray about regarding what grows out of the root of greed but GLORY to God, Jesus destroyed the root of ALL sin and ALL that grows out of it by His powerful blood. So we have authority over all this, so Father, inspire IF MY PEOPLE to do what we are called to…pray heaven into the earth and use our covenant right and blood-bought authority as one to take back this land in Jesus’ name, amen.
When our state government decides to take more and more of our money away from us so they can fund their programs based on the gospel they made up in their own heads, such as “environmental justice” and no restrictions on things that God hates, that’s greed.
D. R. I agree wholeheartedly with your analysis. “Thank You, Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name that you reveal truths to Your people so we can seek You through prayer, and bring Heaven to Your earth. Amen”
Amen and God bless.
Like Wesley and Derek Prince, I believe God does nothing but through our prayers.
I agree with Kim and sense in my spirit that greed is the juggernaut that Satan is going to use as his last attempt to bring this nation under the control of globalism. We hear this more often now than in the past due to the feeling of the leaders of this movement, that they have the USA by the nap of the neck and are planning their next and last move to break the back of resistance to globalism. Every nation within our world that has fallen into this plot has lost their sovereignty along with their freedoms. However, you will notice that the promoters of this plan are highly visible and very rich. These leaders are the ones that become the power brokers within the “New Government”. These are the folk who are the strongest advocates of this “New Government” who also control most of the nations riches while the underlings live off of the “crumbs.” These folk are driven by greed and as the Bible says 1 Tim 6:9ff, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” I pray along with Kim and all others agreeing that this “spirit of greed-root of all evil” will be broken and our nation set free from it’s yoke, in the Name that is above all Names, Jesus Christ, Amen!
In the Mighty, Strong Name of Jesus, I agree with Kim and Jerry! And, I bind the spirit of greed (covetousness) in the USA! Thanks be to God for His Word on this matter, quoted in this article! I declare these Scriptures over the USA and the churches! Hallelujah and Amen!