I was once told if we’re not careful, 2 percent of the passionate will control 98 percent of the indifferent 100 percent of the time. . . .
Treason and treachery are rampant and our rule of law and those law enforcement professionals who uphold our laws are under the gun more than at any time in our nation’s history. These passionate 2 percent appear to be winning. . . .
If the United States wants to survive the onslaught of socialism, if we are to continue to enjoy self-government and the liberty of our hard-fought freedoms, we have to understand there are two opposing forces: One is the “children of light” and the other is the “children of darkness.” . . .
Time and again, the silent majority have been overwhelmed by the “audacity and resolve” of small, well-organized, passionate groups. It’s now time for us, the silent majority (the indifferent), to demonstrate both. . . .
As a policewoman from Virginia told me, “People don’t feel safe in their homes and our police force is so demoralized we cannot function as we should. In my 23 years with my department, I have never seen morale so low.” . . .
Don’t fret. Through smart, positive actions of resolute citizen-patriots, we can prevail. . . .
Prayers help and prayers matter, but action is also a remedy. Our law enforcement professionals, from the dispatcher to the detective and from the cop to the commissioner, are a line of defense against the corrupt and the criminal. It is how we remain (for now) in a state of relatively peaceful existence.
We must support them with all our being. . . .
Seek the truth, fight for it in everything that is displayed before you. Don’t trust the fake news or false prophets; trust your instincts and your common sense. Those with a conscience know the difference between right and wrong, and those with courage will always choose the harder right over the easier wrong. . .
I believe the attacks being presented to us today are part of a well-orchestrated and well-funded effort that uses racism as its sword to aggravate our battlefield dispositions. This weapon is used to leverage and legitimize violence and crime, not to seek or serve the truth.
The dark forces’ weapons formed against us serve one purpose: to promote radical social change through power and control. Socialism and the creation of a socialist society are their ultimate goals. . . .
We must, however, be deliberate about our optimism. Otherwise, we may get lost in discouragement and despair of any failings we encounter. We must be tenacious in the ultimate end we wish to gain. That end is to remain an unwavering constitutional republic based on a set of Judeo-Christian values and principles. We must not fear these and instead embrace each.
Our path requires course corrections. . . .
Our will, our individual liberties and freedoms, remain powerful forces and must be understood and applied smartly. We must not be overly stubborn. Following the Constitution as our guide and adapting to change as we have throughout history, we learn more about what freedoms humans desire. . . .
It is through our rights and privileges as American citizens that we challenge the political class and leverage our election process so “we the people” can decide who will govern.
We must not allow a small percentage of the powerful to overtake our position on America’s battlefield. We, as free-thinking and acting individuals, must control how we will live and not allow a few passionate others to change our way of life.
To the silent and currently indifferent majority: Wake up. America is at risk of being lost in the dustbin of history to socialism. The very heart and soul of America is at stake.
We the people must challenge every politician at every level.
We also must stand and support our law enforcement professionals: They are the pointy end of the spear defending us against anarchy.
Now is the time to act.
(Excerpt from The Western Journal. Written by Michael Flynn.)
You have prayed for General Flynn for many months. What do you think about his call to action for citizens of the U.S.?
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I would like to leave a message for General Flynn.
I would like to tell him that I and many others are in agreement about us, the conservatives form our own union.
Thank you for your service General. Ex Marine supporting President Trump. You sacrificed twice, when you served in the military and when you served for the President. We support you and the President.
Gods speed. Thank you again.
You’re showing ex-generalFlynn,who ADMITTED of LYING TWICE to the FBI regarding his Russian Collusion facilitating role!!Trump outrageously pardoned traitor Flynn,& now the courts are investigating the legality of said pardon!!Your sanctimonious,Hallelujah Hypocrisy chants won’t save your LYING self!! Vote For BIDEN/HARRIS for an HONEST Democracy!!
The only “treason & treachery”I can see Mr.Flynn,is your Admitted LYING to the FBI regarding Trump’s (& his henchmen) Russian Collusion to cheat & win our 2016 (& 2020)elections!!Prayer’s NOT gonna help your Lying soul!! Vote for BIDEN/HARRIS/BLUE for an HONEST Democracy!!
Father God, open the hearts and ears of the indifferent……Lead us into your plan and purpose in this time.
“Redeeming the time, for the days are evil.”
For those of us who are Christians as well as those who profess to believe, if we don’t love the truth, we won’t recognize it. And if we can’t distinguish an honest man from a liar, we’ll be deceived in the hour of darkness that will quickly come upon us. The reason people are condemned is because they do not love the truth.
Thank you, General Flynn, for pursuing justice in your case because you have served your country well and should be exonerated. Many of us can see that, but some are blind.
God is good, and He will richly reward you as you abide in Him and His words abide in you. Thank you again for enduring against the enemy.
Excellent article. Helpful and specific. I printed it to reread and share with my granddaughters. Thank you for the article and thank you to him. Because of what he unfairly suffered he is worthy of being listened to and learning from.
Thank you for giving us that opportunity.
Dear Gen. Flynn
Why did you lie? Why are you still lying?
Even if you don’t fear man, you should fear God.
You know the truth and God knows how you betrayed your office.
What is done in secret, will be shouted from the rooftops.
You didn’t get away with it. This will hound you and nip at your heels for the rest of your life, sir.
Repent! Turn to the true and living God.
Dear Gen. Flynn
Why did you lie? Why are you still lying?
Even if you don’t fear man, you should fear God.
You know the truth and God knows how you betrayed your office.
What is done in secret, will be shouted from the rooftops.
You didn’t get away with it. This will hound you and nip at your hills for the rest of your life, sir.
Repent! Turn to the true and living God.
You need to repent Mike and ask our heavenly father to open your eyes and remove the strong delusion. I pray the truth will be revealed to you.
We absolutely must rise up and take our country back!!
Thank you, General Flynn for your marching orders which I believe are from GOD!!
Dear Heavenly Father,
General Flynn stands for truth and for America, and what has happened to him is unjustified and unacceptable. We cannot stand for the devil’s hold on our nation, our world, your children any longer. Please girth us in truth, righteousness, and wisdom as we defeat the evil of the darkness that tries to cover the light of the goodness remaining within. We love and reverence you, oh Mighty God, and we need your guidance always. Forgive our ignorant ways, and bring your children back to the Garden of Love and Peace as followers of Jesus, our Savior, your precious Son. Build a wall of protection and an army of angelic soldiers to guard General Flynn and all your mighty warriors who love and desire to serve and glorify your holy name. In Jesus name and with the power of the Holy Spirit we humbly pray, and thanks be to You always for your loving kindness, Amen.
May the Lord open your eyes to truth. I pray that your heart would become soft toward God so that you may be able to hear the truth of what is happening in America. You feel very passionate about this, so my prayer is that your passion would be turned to faith in God, and Jesus by the power of His Holy Spirit. Don’t put your hope in a political party but in God turning the hearts of Americans, to see and know Him then “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”Micah 6:8 (NIV) True justice and mercy are impossible without God
Bruce Baur:
No amount of evidence will ever persuade and idiot.
Mark Twain wrote this for you,
Thank you, General Flynn, for your encouraging words to put prayer and action together. You are so right! We must do both. This is no time to slumber or be indifferent. God bless you for standing strong in the midst of all you have gone through. God will use all of it for His plans and purposes in your life! God bless you and your family.
Thank you for sharing this. This is the only place I have seen anything from Gen. Flynn himself. I am praying for him. May God turn everything in his favor.
You’re a man of God, a man of valor. Keeping you in prayer.
After all he has gone thru, for him to speak out like this is in my opinion heroic. He is 100 % right. His words are both true and encouraging. Now is the time to act!
Lord thank you for General Flynn to be released from the tyranny of socialists, communism that entangled him in a process we know was crooked…. may the prosecution that was on you, be reversed and on them! Warriors are praying for you and Sydnie Powell to stop these cowards. Blessings to you and your family!
Praise God that there are people like general Flynn who are willing to stand where Christ has stood and take on all of our enemy forces! Thank you Father for encouraging him and increasing his and our faith.
Tue effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much!
I sm proud of your composure during the cruel time of suffering. .Peace like a river flows while sorrows like sea billows roar. My Jesus loves you so and will restore to you what you lost maybe 3 fold. Trump really honors you.
It is an awful travesty of what is right and moral that this fine man has been treated as he has by men and women in charge in our great nation . We support him in our family of 42 souls .
We have prayed and continue to pray for General Flynn’s vindication and firm establishment.
We need more brave trained leaders like him to arise and begin to lead the warrriors who will follow.
I believe many are willing to take their stand…they just need instruction, a startegy and sound leadership.
The Lord always used the one to draw out the warriors to fight the battle with His strategy and anointing. God Himself was unltimately the true Champion, because He fought with them and gave them victory.
We need leaders like Joshua and Gideon to ARISE in this hour in the church and in the goverment!
Agree with every word by Gen Flynn. Praying for Good Leaders.
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord,
Like the rivers of water He turns it wherever He wishes.” Prov 21:1
I agree with everything Flynn said. We must get loud and stand against the evil.
Amen. Check out FirewallUSA
Thank you! I want to join with others who are passionate to pray for our nation !
Yes, we must call write, and email all of congress to stop this tide of evil–no more funding for abortion, convict the criminals in Congress instead of ignoring the Rep Omar has committed 3 crimes–AND NO investigation at all.
Congress and Justice Roberts has sold us out to evil, usurped monies, taken bribes, etc. Lobbying must be outlawed and Term limits.
M. Flynn is correct. The Left is destroying us from within. We must repent and EVERY citizen must do more than just vote. Letters, phone calls, get people registered and help them to vote. Am not at all sure we will save this Republic. For God’s sake, tell the Pastors to come out of their pews and lead some marches against the evil legislation in congress.
Hey Nan, We don’t have to wait on our pastors to lead these marches… We are well trained battle ready, mighty warriors for the Lord Jesus Christ… We can lead marches!
Thank you, Sir! Persecution has granted you an amplified voice. Adding my voice my prayers and action as God leads. Let justice roll down. Bless you and your family and the work of your hands.
Yes and I add my voice with yours
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker are now joined by the military as a group to forever known for fighting for FREEDOM.
I SALUTE EACH OF YOU FOR GOING THE EXTRA MILE. Having lost all in the initial battle, now we will see the might of a relentless God who Restores and reminds us who Redeems us each and every time we are faced with that enemy who came to steal, kill, and destroy.
God with God. HIS PROMISES are still true. John 3:16 T LORD is my shepard. I shall not want anything..AMEN
Yesssss Amen!!
Father, Thank you for General Flynn. Continue to bless him and his family. And show us what we must do to heed his message and preserve our Democratic Republic. Bless our law enforcement officials; give them the courage and strength to stand for what is right during this time when they are under attack. In the mighty name of Jesus, I come against every demonic force that has positioned itself against our nation. From this moment forward I command you to cease and desist from carrying out your wicked agenda against America and its people. I pray that every stronghold be broken over this nation, over its leaders, over its citizens. I pray Father that our nation would return to you, would exalt you.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. – Psalm 33:12
He is right on the Money and I do fear for the future of our nation. We all need to stand up against what is happening along with fervent prayer seeking God Almighty assistance.
Lord,thank You for setting this man on the hill and causing him to be a beacon to rally God fearing
patriots to this fight for the life of our nation. Lord, make his voice be heard and please cause his rightful place in President Trump’s administration to be restored to him. Lord, help us to get out the vote in November! Lord set an ever vigilant watch over our elections processes to assure fair elections this November. Lord, bless Gen. Flynn with personal knowledge of You and cause his entire family to so be blessed. Lord, thank you for his leadership and that You caused him to never give up the fight during his legal battle. Lord, please restore all that was stolen from him and all that he lost with an abundance of restitution. Thank You, Lord.
Thank you, Gen Flynn. Now I know why you have been persecuted. I am your side, I love GOD too. What can we do to help you and Trump?
Thank you, Gen Flynn. You are sensible and very wise. Above all thank for encouraging us to be optimistic and giving us clear, actionable steps. You are a great example and encouragement to be brave and optimistic and take action!
General Flynn is right on! Thank you General Flynn! Praying for you!
Thank you, General Flynn! This article is RIGHT ON! And also thank you for your many years of service to our wonderful country, protecting us and helping us grow more and more into what God would have us be.
General Flynn is a shining Trophy of answered prayer!
Glory to OUR GOD who rescues His children from the schemes of wicked men.
Rejoice that we serve JESUS Our Redeemer, Our Wonderful Savior, our Eternal King.
Glory to HIS NAME.
Thank you Lord that You prevailed over Obama’s & Biden’s Satanic, well-organized Plot to destroy America as founded by silencing General Flynn so he couldn’t fully discover through the NSA what those evil people were up to, & thereby destroy President Trump! Donald Trump, American 100% Patriot, has been the roadblock preventing their complete destruction of our beloved country — they are still desperately working thru Obama’s OFA (Organizing For America), which is 100% TO DESTROY our America through Marxist Socialism/Communism!! As Rush Limbaugh says, “Don’t doubt me!” We must fervently pray daily, admitting to God America’s current most grievous sins of murdering babies, (OT Israel’s Molech), homosexuality & other depraved sexual activities
(Romans 1:15-end), asking Him to stay His hand from allowing our complete destruction, for the sake of those who yet will receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior before the Rapture, just as Abraham did in Gen.18 & 19. We must ACT accordingly to stand against these demonically-inspired
anarchists in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6,
2 Corinthians 10:3-5) & in telling the Truth of the Gospel publicly 📖✝️🙏🇺🇸
Spot on!
I praise God for you sir. I thank God for once again He is in control. In your quiet prayers and ours, God’s truth prevailed. May the world see His might and goodness. And May we march on against Socialism and triumph because once again because God is with us, who can go against us! In Jesus Christ name amen
Our God hears our cries for the cleansing that must take place in order to set our nation (and the world) back on her feet. Gen Flynn many continue to pray for you and that your testimony will reflect the power of our Heavenly Father! Your faithfulness will not be in vain. May the blanket of darkness continue to be pulled back so the evil can be removed from our government.
Thanks to the many brave men and women that have stood/fought/represent our military with the grace of our Lord. Thank you General Flynn for your service and may the Lord comfort you and your family for all the heartache you went through.
During these times and especially today, I will continue to find my strength/comfort in the Lord.
Unless the LORD builds a house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless the LORD guards a city, the watchman keeps awake in vain. Psalm 127:1
He lost me at “prayer is important but…..”. This is a spiritual battle. The enemy is not flesh and blood but powers and principalities in dark places. The WORD is the tip of the spear, not the police. Actions are important but…..first and foremost we must be informed by prayer.
Although it is a spiritual battle, it is taking place in a physical realm. I think, as a military man, General Flynn understands that there are many actions that we can undertake to combat the evil we see. It can be as simple as speaking up or it can be as invested as working as a police officer. I understand General Flynn wants us to support the police, but there are many institutions in society that could be considered spears against cultural erosion. They all should be covered in prayer. “Lord, stir up my spirit to do Your will.” -Haggai 1:14. You are right that our first priority should be clinging to God and letting Him guide us. You are right that God is the tip of the spear. “God is my defense.” -Psalm 94:22. Even the spears need His protection.
Thank you, General, for your “Call to Arms” to the Christian citizenry and to all people of goodwill in this blest land!
God Bless You, General Flynn!!! We have seen Truth and prayer prevail in your life!!! Light has overcome darkness!!! Thank you for your service!!!
Thank you General Flynn. If anyone knows the true effects of a tyrant it is General Flynn who was blatantly targeted by one who is {supposed to be honorable} but was anything but}, for his stance for truth.
I believe most of this unrest has the former administration’s hand print all over it hence the statement & I quote (“fundaMentally change America”.)Does that sound familiar & sadly resembles what we are seeing. I also think it is election year politics at its worse. They didn’t use whites, hispanics,, asians etc but blacks to push their narrative to create chaos. People have bowed to the bully pulpit because they have been cowarded into the fear of being called racist. The word used to bully people & sadly folk caved. I say this because of the blatant hypocrisy, not making light of a death but, think about it black on black crimes in Chiraq Chicago has been rampant for years. Where is the outrage at that? Yet a black man dies conveniently on video so all can see. Then riots breakout in the name of black lives matter, I say except in Chiraq Chicago. Hypocrites because they made a saint so to speak out of a criminal & folk have bowed(peLOWsi & her crew in African garb)for fear of being called racist. In God’s eyes all lives matter. Defund police a joke, one black billionaire said blm should form a political party. I say black billionaire where have you been over the years as the ills of the black community have progressed. Such hypocrisy. {I am black thus I speak from my heart for it sickens me that in 2020 race card is called, remember it’s an election year.} Thanks General Flynn Lord God open the blinded eyes. In Jesus name I pray this.
Yes Lord I agree with Gen. Flynn, and ask that the blinders would be taken off those that have been brained washed by our schools and MSM that more and more people would would recognize truth. Thank you Lord for this honorable man whom you placed in this situation to expose what has been hidden for so many years. Bless and continue to protect him snd his family. Amen
Sue you are so right. Brainwashed by msm & schools. It saddens me that the church seems to have caved to fake news. This racism thing is all a distraction. The evil know just what to use to upset folk. This is all paid for by evil means. And it is hypocrisy at its worse. Blm except in Chiraq/ Chicago where blk on blk crime is rampant and has been for years. So we know this is a sinister plot. We need to take off the blinders.
Amen and thank you, Gen. Flynn! The Bible tells us, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 Jn 4:1). My prayer is that the children of light as well as the children of darkness would discover the spirits behind these destructive movements–and through prayer and fasting stop them in their tracks.
Lord God, expose the true motives of these forces bent on destroying our land. The divine purpose of the USA has been perverted, but You alone, Lord, can get us back on track! Inspire Your people to full repentance that Your name will be glorified!
Zech 8: 16-17: “These are the things that you shall do: Speak the truth to one another; render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace; do not devise evil in your hearts against one another, and love no false oath, for all these things I hate, declares the Lord.”
Lord God, All Mighty, All Powerful, Sovereign Lord, You alone can turn us from this darkness and destruction into repentance and revival. Lord, open the blind eyes, unlock death ears and speak to the hearts of all men that we may turn to You and repent from all our sins. Lord, forgive us and pour out Your grace and mercy on our nation and all over the world. The forces of darkness are on the attack and they appear to have taken much ground. But God, You have proved victorious over all evil and even death can’t contain You! Show us Your power and grace. We are over whelmed. Strengthen us through YourHoly Spirit that we may take the Light of Christ to the darkest places! Help us to ready ourselves by putting on the full Armor of Christ! Lord God, bring forth Your wrath over those who have perverted our unity and who have planned to destroy our nation. Lord, please unveil the eyes of believers that they would no longer support unrighteousness and evil. Jesus, please intercede through the power of Your Holy Spirit! Maranatha, Lord JESUS COME QUICKLY! We stand in need! We love You, encourage and strengthen us, oh Lord of Compassion and Mercy! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen
Lord, God, Heavenly Father, I lift up the honorable General Flynn to you and thank you for your loving hands upon him. Bless him and his family and restore to him what was stolen from him 100 fold. In Jesus name and for the glory of Jesus I pray.
Thank you General Flynn for this message of truth, for your unwavering Courage and Integrity.
May God Bless you and your family with great peace and wisdom, may all see God’s hand of Mercy and Favor over your home and works,and may God Bless you in ways you would never imagine.
Thank you Heavenly Father,for your hedge of protection round about General Flynn and his family and thank you for giving him great Faith.
In Jesus name, Amen
May You, the God of hope, continue to fill General Flynn with joy and peace as he trusts in You, so that he may OVERFLOW with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. May You, the God of peace, who brought back Jesus from the dead, continue to equip General Flynn with everything good for doing Your will, and may you work in all of us that which is pleasing to You. Glory to Your holy name!
Thank you General for Your Message of Hope!! We are Praying We indeed Need to Pray,Speak Up And Fight every Lie of the Few Radicals that are Trying to take over Our Constitutional Republic!!!
Thank you for this message and the encouragement to be active. I appreciate our police, who maintain order in our society and protect us. We have seen how a society deteriorates without police, from what the Seattle CHOP zone became after a short time without police. I will pray more for our country. Thank you for this encouragement to pray and to be active.
We need faithful and brave leaders to lead us all. We are praying ready to act with the weapons of our warfare, God so graciously gives us. We should lead by simply putting a flag out today and encouraging law enforcement, speaking up to our political leaders etc. Stand firm!
With socialism would come more attacks on Christianity. Heed Flynn’s call. Put in the full armor of God. Pray diligently, and then act as He leads.
This article , as well as others, is spot on informative and truthful . Greatly appreciated especially in today’s media.
My spirit echos the message of General Flynn. Our hope is found only in God for He is the Force that can grasp the spirit that is behind the darkness that is attempting to destroy America. First, we must continue our intercessory prayers on a consistent bases; second, we must take a stand when given the opportunity; third; we must encourage those within our circle to do the same; fourth; we must open our spiritual eyes and look upon the spiritual horizon observing that which Our God is doing. As we do this God will embolden us through His strength and lift us up above that which may look to be total disaster as it was to the servant of Elisha, “Then the Lord opened his eyes and he saw …the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around…” (2 Kings 6:15-18 ). Father, help us as Your children to lift our eyes above that which the enemy is constantly placing before us, into the heavens where You are and where our faith must rest, in the name of Jesus, Amen!
I agree, unequivocally, with the perspective General Flynn’s thoughtful message. By extension, I agree with Will Durant when he wrote, “A society is not conquered from without until is has destroyed itself from within.
John Michael Grogan DD
Thank you Sir