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Thank God for the Maine Governor’s veto of a gay conversion ban for minors on religious liberty grounds. He prevented bad legislation and upheld religious liberty—Praise God. Thank Governor LePage and pray for him—CLICK HERE.

Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name. (Psalm 30:4)

Maine’s Republican Gov. Paul LePage has vetoed a controversial bill that would have banned therapy to help minors with unwanted same-sex attraction in the state, saying it posed a threat to religious liberty.

‘This is so broad that licensed professionals would be prohibited from counseling an individual even at the individual’s own request,’ the governor wrote in his veto message, adding that ‘parents have the right to seek counsel and treatment for their children from professionals who do not oppose the parents’ own religious beliefs,’ according to The Hill.

Calling the bill a ‘bad public policy,’ the governor added that he strongly agrees ‘that young people should not be physically or mentally abused if they come out to their parents or guardians because they have experienced sexual or romantic attraction to an individual of the same gender. However, as it is written – ‘any practice or course of treatment’ – can call into question a simple conversation.’

In California, public outcry has delayed the Senate’s debate and vote on a similar bill banning sexual orientation change efforts, which is sometimes called ‘gay conversion therapy.’

Known as AB 2943, the bill passed in the state assembly earlier this year and seeks to declare therapy for individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions or who want to leave homosexuality a fraudulent practice.

The bill was scheduled to come up for debate on the Senate floor last Thursday before the beginning of the summer recess but Evan Low, the Democrat Assemblyman who sponsored the legislation, opted to delay debate until the state legislators return in early August.

In May, Hawaii banned sexual orientation change efforts therapy for minors, joining states like California, New Jersey, Oregon, and the District of Columbia. (Excerpted from The Christian Post, reporting by Anugrah Kumar.)

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Deborah Lemons
July 21, 2018

Oh God, America needs awakening to the Truth of who you are, the truth of your only son, Jesus Christ, to the truth of America’s History, founding and foundation in and following of principles and instruction from your Word, of the absolute trusting and faith in those truths and principles.

America and many other nations needs repentance and returning to you, as we see in Israel’s history over and over. We need repentance and turning away from our sin, our disobedience and rejection and we need your mercy for restoration Lord God, Let your Holy Spirt stir awakening, repentance and even rebuke and return to you. We need your working and your mercy.

Heavenly Father, let the people, let America see what you have created for us (mankind), what your have planned for us, what you have offered us unto eternal life with you, with Jesus, the Son. Let the people see that it is by repentance, obedience and grace that we live in love and peace; that love of God and love of man is part of God’s requirement for peace on earth and hope unto heaven. Lord it is with Thanksgiving, with gratefulness for your love, your mercy and grace, for Jesus, our atonement and hope. We thank you, we praise you for your goodness to us, your blessings to us, your patience with us and your unlimited and unconditional love for us, your creation.

Let your Holy Spirit take our words, our thoughts, our mumblings, unexpressible longings and desires to your bosom and intercede for us, for your working, guidance and wisdom unto us, oh Lord. Thru your son and by his power and authority we pour our hearts out to you.

D Emlet
July 19, 2018

Please pray for my state of Massachusetts. A similar bill has already been passed by state representatives. We pray it dies in the senate and will never become law.

July 19, 2018

Thank You, Heavenly father, for men and women who take a strong stand for freedom, righteousness, and You. I agree with Jubilee’s prayer for abundant blessings and protection for Gov. LePage, his family,the state of Maine, and all government leaders who are standing with him.
We pray that Thy will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen

Jubilee J L Holt
July 18, 2018

I praise God for a Governor who takes a strong stand on what is morally just! Rich and abundant blessings pour from the throne of God and protection for you, your family and the state of Main

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