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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we repent of greed, personally and for our nation. We pray that You would unravel and right the complex wrongs in our institutions. We pray for true justice for all.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

. . .If you are not a member of the ruling oligarchy, you can buy a stock only when it benefits the ruling oligarchy, but not when the oligarch shorted the stock and will lose money. In that case, you can only sell. They, the esteemed members of the system, on the other hand, can do what they want at any point to win the rigged game.

To understand what has happened with GameStop stocks, watch the excellent video at this link:

That was essentially the lesson the American people learned this week about our government-corporate manipulated economy when the oligarchs got together to block people from buying stocks like GameStop after the well-connected Wall Street hedge funds were slated to lose billions on their short-sale gamble. However, what happened this week was emblematic of a broader trend that has taken over our economy this past generation, but should have become patently obvious to the American people since the unconstitutional lockdowns began last March.  . . .

In the ultimate unconstitutional market distortion, the government refashioned life itself with its draconian lockdowns in a way that forced entire chains of commerce only through narrow, well-connected giant companies while crushing small businesses. Just like the GameStop investors on Reddit who were shut down from making profit and could only take a loss in order to transfer wealth to the hedge funds, small businesses were shut down so that the consumer capital would flow to Zoom, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Netflix. Amazon’s stock price has nearly doubled since the lockdowns began last March.

The difference between who was shut down and who was given a waiver to open their business was so arbitrary in Pennsylvania that the auditor general wrote in a report, “The waiver process appeared to be a subjective process built on shifting sands of changing guidance, which led to significant confusion among business owners.” He observed, “Some owners of small businesses may not have had the knowledge to use the right ‘buzzwords’ in their justification for remaining open, or realized they could ask a legislator for help to navigate the process.” . . .

Unlike the left, which seeks to “rectify” this broken system it supported by throwing endless free money at people, we seek to reset the economy to what it’s supposed to be without any government intervention. That begins by ending all COVID restrictions and allowing all those businesses harmed by the illegal lockdowns to go five years without paying taxes or being subjected to costly regulations. It’s time to even the playing field that government distorted.

The way to end double standards is to return to constitutional governance, where there is a limit to what government can do to our lives. The wealthy masters of the universe can lobby all they want, but most subsidies, regulations, market distortions, and certainly restrictions are unconstitutional. Thus, if government can’t do it, the incestuous corruption of the oligarchy lobbying scam comes to an end. The only reason why government is able to rig society through reckless fiscal and monetary policy is because it has stepped outside the constitutional limits constraining the scope of its power.

Take stock for a moment of just a few of the appalling double standards we are witnessing in our economy, government, and society today:

  • The wall to protect Americans from illegal invaders is being dismantled, while a wall is being constructed between the politicians and the people around the Capitol complex.
  • Restaurants were shut down because of the COVID religion, but Walmart and Home Depot weren’t because they supposedly don’t spread virions.
  • Illegal aliens get court injunctions against deportations within hours of filing, even though they have no right to be here, while Americans have failed to secure an injunction against masking and lockdowns in nearly every state for 10 months.
  • Antifa and BLM have rioted nearly every day since last June, yet very few people have been prosecuted. But for one violent incident, the military is deployed even long after it was over, the entire intelligence and national security apparatus is being marshalled against Trump supporters, and the DOJ is now casting such a wide net in prosecutions that it is bordering on First Amendment violations.
  • BLM is such a religion that you can attend endless mass funerals for a career criminal like George Floyd, but not hold a 50-person funeral for your grandmother.
  • Hundreds of thousands of drug traffickers, gang members, and career violent criminals have been released from jail because they were considered “low-level,” while business owners are being threatened with jail time for exercising their property rights.
  • Millions of people who didn’t lose a penny during the lockdowns because of the nature of their jobs received thousands in “stimulus” checks, while small business owners often didn’t receive a penny, and worse, they were forced by a communist mandate not to evict derelict renters, but still had to pay property taxes.
  • The elites disregarded their own unconstitutional COVID restrictions, and then the minute Trump left office, they called for the reopening of schools and restaurants (albeit with the abuse of masks), using data that we were censored for posting online.
  • They bring in more refugees, foreign workers, and illegal aliens, while instituting curfews on Americans within the states. They place travel bans on American residents of other states while inviting illegal aliens to cross the border and use the very hospitals we are supposedly trying to protect with these restrictions.
  • The same courts that said states engaging in voter fraud and illegal election law changes mid-election were the business of the states blocked red states from requiring proof of citizenship to vote. . . .

In all these examples, it’s not that the ruling oligarchs inherently care more about black people, illegal aliens, foreign workers, the poor, or any other class about which it is easy to virtue-signal. It’s that they built a rigged system in which they are empowered by promoting or elevating the plight of those celebrated classes over the whole of the people. If they lost power by doing so – for example, if illegal aliens were conservative – we would see the opposite policies emanating from their citadels.

Article 7 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, which was written by John Adams, states: “Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men.” . . .

(Excerpt from CNS News. Article by Daniel Horowitz. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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February 9, 2021

What media platform can these articles be shared? I am staying away from Facebook and Twitter. This needs to be shared with everyone.

February 6, 2021

The devil is the author of confusion. They are exposing themselves for the world to see. Am certain that the hole which satan digs for the righteous to fall in; himself will fall in. No weapon formed against us will prosper. This is the end times. God is separating the sheep from the goats.

Stella (TX)
February 2, 2021

Yes and AMEN, Loved the read especially in Message Translation Psalm 9, 10 and 49. God’s timing, perfect!

Paul Cirillo
February 2, 2021

Powerful article.

Regina Ford
February 2, 2021

God have mercy!! The swamp continues to drain. Psalm 9,10 and 49 in action! In Jesus name. Amen!!
Open our eyes to see wonderful truths in your word!!

February 2, 2021

Amen, amen, amen!

February 2, 2021

Lord, I pray that you will continue to bring what hides in the darkness out into the light. One speck cf light dispels darkness. I pray that as more corruption in our government is revealed that You use the truth to awaken those who are confused, blinded and apathetic. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 I pray that my sisters and brothers will continue to pray for your hand to move, for you to turn America back onto a path that brings honor and glory to you. Strength all those who are on the front lines, provide all they need to win this battle. Deepen their faith, so all the glory goes to you. We wait expectantly for your victory most holy and almighty God. We did not vote for this evil, we did not choose it. We stand in strength, because we are on the right side of God. In your holy name I pray Jesus. Amen

February 2, 2021

Lord thank You for everything. Thank You that You are a righteous judge. Father we don’t have a righteous justice system in this country. Please help us Lord, we need You. Amen.

February 2, 2021

Thank You Lord that you are the Judge that judges unjust judges. Lord we fix our eyes on You knowing that You will indeed bring justice to those who have cried out day and night before your thrown of grace. Help was to trust in Your timing and always stand on the hope of Your word “You Make all Things Beautiful in Your Time”

jill marshall
February 2, 2021

That summarizes the problem well. What God means for evil, God can change for good. Our only hope.

February 2, 2021

Almighty God and a true revival of this nation is needed to pull us out of this!! May we never give up and give to groups like this that’s truly trying to build America back to the constitution!!

Thomas Cole
February 2, 2021

The government of the United Stares of America has been hijacked by a dangerous criminal cabal who
instigated Covid 19 as cover for an accelerated redistribution of wealth into the hands of the
Globalist oligarchy who have been preparing for over forty years for the cataclysmic events that are about to happen .The lockdowns are hurting small businesses and adversely affecting the health of the nations far out of proportion to the unscientific notion that they are benefitting the collective health, which they are not .More serious a consequence of the lockdowns will be discovered soon when millions of people are stranded helplessly in the coastal cities when the expected mega tsunamis caused by the near Earth alignment with Planet X ,an event that will likely cause a huge global earthquake and trigger a series of tsunamis that will likely wipe out civilisation .
The global elites knew about the incoming Planet X system as long ago as 1979 and commissioned the building of underground Ark cities and military bunker shelters with a transcontinental monorail system that is now fully operational between over 100 underground cities in North America .
According to the astronomer and pastor Gill Broussard the crossing event will happen at the end of March this year,hence why the military have stated that they will be leaving Washington D.C. by mid March .
The Unkted States Naval Observatory astronomer Robert Harrington confirmed that Planet X is real and not a conspiracy hoax but sadly died suddenly and unexpectedly just prior to completing the publicacion of a research paper detailing what he knew about the binary system that is called Planet X that will shortly cross over Earth’s orbit path and will likely tilt our planet as much as 23 degrees and bring d8wn millions of meteors as we go through its debris field.
The event is described very clearly in Revelation 12 ahd referred fo by Jesus in Mathew 24 and by the prophets of old including Ezekiel and Joel ,who described it as the Day of the Wrath of God .
Jesus told us not to worry for he is about to return .Obviously the vaccine is all part of the mark and it should be avoided at all costs ,and so too the PCR tests that contain micro engineered chemicals and the ID chip .
May God bless you and keep your name in the Book of Life ,in Jesus’ holy name amen!

February 2, 2021

Brilliant and tragic.
But God!

Kimberly Stephens
February 2, 2021

I agree with 99% of what is said here except BLM. BLM agenda is not to celebrate or excuse criminals its is to shine a light upon Americas systematic racism and unequal, unjust practices towards Brown and particular Black citizens in every institution in America since slavery and forthcoming. And how the playground of United States constitution should be equal for all Americans. It it is the same arguement you are expressing over the financial market and how the elites & government has over step there boundaries in being fair to all not just some.

    Homeschool Cindi
    February 2, 2021

    Amen to truth! God is just and tells us to “not pervert justice …” and “do not show favoritism …” (Ex 23:2)

    May every source that unequally distributes favor or punishment be rendered ineffective in this land.
    In Christ we are one – there’s no religious, economic, or gender class above the other. (Gal 3:28)

    Woo hoo … whosoever will may come! Yay Jesus!

    Blessings to all!

    Karen A.
    February 2, 2021

    It’s been taken down off their website now, but have you ever read what BLM actually promotes? Dismantling of the nuclear family, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, etc. It is a Marxist organization; its founders have proudly proclaimed they are trained Marxists. Their views and agenda are in direct conflict with a Biblical worldview.

    February 5, 2021

    If BLM was really for black lives they would be protesting outside of Planned Parenthood where more black babies are murdered every year than anywhere else. BLM is only for the black lives that they think matter – not straight, black fathers who are involved in their kids lives or black police officers – they call them blue. BLM is here to kill and destroy the traditional family instituted by God in Genesis and Christian values outlined in the Bible. The leaders have said they are trained Marxist…do not support them. ALL LIVES MATTER and the Constitution states life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL.

Roland Christian Gulke
February 2, 2021

Very informative summary of what is actually underway in this country; the opposite of conferring to the common man, citizen of the US, The Bill of Rights.


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