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Lord, we lift our nation's nuclear energy industry up to You. Guide our officials as they consider these bills.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Back in 1980, the United States was a powerhouse in uranium production, supplying 90% of the uranium used by its nuclear power plants, which generated 11% of the nation’s electricity. Fast forward to 2021, and domestic uranium production has dwindled to just 5%, despite nuclear power now contributing almost 20% of the country’s electricity.

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On February 28, the House passed a bill with a resounding 365-36 vote, aiming to kickstart what one representative is calling a “nuclear renaissance.” The bill’s goal is to cut through regulatory red tape, streamline permitting processes, and foster the development of innovative technologies like small modular reactors (SMRs).

Representative Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) sees this bill as vital for clearing the regulatory hurdles hindering nuclear energy’s advancement. Co-sponsored by Representative Duncan and Representative Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), the Atomic Energy Advancement Act (HR 6544) seeks to facilitate efficient, predictable, and timely licensing and regulation of nuclear energy technologies.

HR 6544 is a compilation of 11 proposed bills, designed to prepare America for the future of nuclear energy. It’s not just about bolstering nuclear power; it’s about supporting the entire ecosystem around it, from job creation to safeguarding critical components and reducing reliance on foreign sources like Russia and China for nuclear technology and fuel.

One of the bills included in HR 6544 is Representative Duncan’s “NRC Mission Alignment Act,” which directs the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to balance efficiency with safety in its regulatory mission. Other bills focus on improving the licensing review process, expediting environmental reviews, and promoting the development of advanced nuclear reactors.

The bill also received praise from Representative Lori Trahan (D-Mass.), co-chair of the House bipartisan Fusion Caucus, who sees it as a significant step towards promoting SMR development and unlocking the potential of fusion energy. She emphasized the importance of fusion energy in creating clean energy jobs and reducing dependence on resource-based energy production.

Despite America’s historical leadership in nuclear energy, countries like Russia and China are now dominating the global nuclear market. The bill aims to address these concerns by enhancing America’s nuclear competitiveness globally.

With HR 6544 now advancing to the Senate, bipartisan support remains strong. Lawmakers recognize the urgent need for a robust nuclear industry to reduce emissions, provide reliable energy, and position America as a leader in clean energy innovation.

In the words of Representative Kathy McMorris Rogers (R-Wash.), “This much-needed modernization of our regulatory framework will restore America’s nuclear dominance. encourage innovation, enable industry to deploy safe, reliable nuclear energy and usher in a new era of U.S. energy leadership.”

What aspect of the Atomic Energy Advancement Act do you believe will have the biggest impact on America’s future?

(Summarized from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: lanasphotos/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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Jessica Renshaw
March 5, 2024

My scientist dad Dr. Earle Reynolds was a top expert for the Atomic Energy Commission on the effects of nuclear radiation on human beings. He found that, whether developed for weapons or energy, war or peace, ionizing (man-made) radiation is neither clean nor safe. Other scientists agree there is NO safe level of radiation; all of it is cumulative and all of it is carcinogenic (causes cancer). Since 1945 nuclear tests, nuclear bombs, nuclear power plants, nuclear accidents, nuclear leaks and nuclear waste have been ecologically harmful or even lethal to surrounding populations of people and animals. Radiation poisons the ground from which we get the crops or animals we eat and the water we drink and fish from. Accumulated nuclear waste, now stored in temporary facilities, is dispersed across the U.S. and is very vulnerable to a variety of disasters. Power plant accidents around the world continue to cause sickness, cancers, and DNA mutations (always negative) down into succeeding generations. And there are national security risks–in every nuclear nation–nuclear reactors are vulnerable to attack by conventional weapons that could trigger nuclear explosions and wipe out whole cities. Ukraine is at constant risk of Russian sabotage that could send deadly radiation by high wind and ocean currents around the world. See my father’s book The Forbidden Voyage (full text) http://forbiddenvoyage.blogspot.com/. Or mine, The Reynolds Family, the Nuclear Age and a Brave Wooden Boat (on amazon), especially chapters on Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima.

Maggie Williams
March 4, 2024

My brother is an electrical engineer who works tirelessly (overtime) as safety engineer to keep the cleanest energy source of power available on the gulf coast. Please pray with me:
Lord of all Power and Light,
You are the source and gracious giver of all our needs, guide and give wisdom to our lawmakers to help the nuclear power industry to provide clean and safe electrical power, from the mining operations to its delivery into our homes and businesses. We thank and praise You for your astounding provision for all our needs. In the precious name of our Lord Yeshua. Amen.


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