The delusion that is covering our nation and moving across the globe is mind-boggling. Common sense and conscientious governing have given way to a narrative out of the twilight zone. Things we once considered only rumor and speculation about duplicity and corruption along with political malpractice are now being exposed and coming into the light. People are beginning to see the gross darkness that has been slowly consuming us from the inside out and the masses are waking up. The crisis has finally gotten personal enough so that those who once watched from the sidelines are now taking to the streets.
The question is, what is the Church going to do? What will our collective response be to the rising demonic forces and anti-God agenda that is closing in on our freedoms? What kind of action is required from the Ekklesia that will demonstrate the power of our God and the authority of our prayers?
Before the election in 2012 I had a disturbing dream concerning the principalities at work in the high places of our government. It illustrated the strategic role the Church must play in this specific window of time. Though its reference was the previous administration, the larger message was what was happening in the spirit concerning the broader plans of the enemy and the urgent call for believers to take action.
I was shown dark shadows moving within the halls of the White House manipulating those in proximity to power. Plans were being laid and events were being coordinated to coerce and control the masses. It was evident that what was taking place had been carefully planned, orchestrated, and intended for long-term impact. There was just one problem – the saints were praying.
In the dream I saw the dark shadows being alerted to the rising intercession of the watchmen and they decided to counter-attack. They released a nerve agent – a laughing gas – and it began to spread – quickly. In my latest book, “Moving from Sword to Scepter” I share more details about this dream and the spiritual implications of the warning:
This wasn’t just a smoke screen. This gas carried the power to desensitize anyone under its influence. Not only did it blind them to reality, it actually caused them to laugh—to mock—to deny reality in favor of a fantasy.
I could see that the gas was coming toward me and I tried to hold my breath to avoid it. I knew I needed to get out of this place to keep my head clear. When I finally managed to get out, I went to look for my husband who is a pastor. When we got clear, we realized that all the police who had come were now inside this high office under this fog. They, too, were being taken under by this poison! There wasn’t any other help around. We knew we couldn’t attract the attention of the enemy, but knew we needed to GET THE OTHERS OUT into the clear air. We knew that once we got enough of them free from the effects of this toxin, we could take the enemy out together.
Upon waking from the dream, I knew immediately that the toxin that was released to the masses was a SPIRIT OF DECEPTION. Just like nerve gas is sent to constrict and immobilize its victims, hell released a spirit of deception across the land to hoodwink and paralyze anyone in its path. This poisonous spirit is continuing to envelop the earth causing thousands of uninformed and ill-advised citizens to follow a socialist pipe dream and laugh at anyone who suggests otherwise.
As this Great Delusion continues to cloud our judgment and confuse the masses, heaven is calling on the Church to rise up and change the atmosphere. This isn’t just about saving ourselves or our constitutional rights; it’s about confronting the darkness, clearing the air, and breaking the spell. Just like oxygen neutralizes laughing gas, so does TRUTH NEUTRALIZE DECEPTION. This is the power of our words and speaking what is right, honorable, and just.
But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:2,6)
Our charge is to SPEAK TRUTH in order for the deception to dissipate. Words from the throne have power and authority to clear the spiritual airways and nullify the fog of deception. In the dream, we knew that if enough of us got free and clear, we could take the enemy out together. This is the opportunity before us if we have the courage to confront the darkness instead of retreating for safety.
The steps we need to take in this process are simple:
RECOGNIZE what is true and what is false.
REPENT for any agreement with fleshly reasoning instead of spiritual discernment.
REALIGN our mindsets with heavenly perspective and Kingdom purposes.
RELEASE God’s truth and hope to those still in darkness through our prayers, praises, and proclamations.
God has charged us with changing the spiritual atmosphere. As we speak heaven’s words and become champions for what is true and just, the Great Delusion can become the Great Revelation. What the enemy is using to mask the truth can become the Church’s greatest opportunity to reveal a Kingdom yet unseen.
The devil’s smokescreen is no match for the fire of God coming through the mouths of the saints. Now is not the time to play it safe. Now is the time to challenge the gates of hell knowing the King has authorized it and heaven’s host are with us.
What say you?
Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and written for Charisma, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and The Christian Post. She is an author of numerous books, including “Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God.” Follow her blog at
Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash
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I am posting a prayer previously posted in a different place because it is a response to the above article and dream. Heavenly Father, we discern that many in places of responsibility in our government have previously given themselves over to a depraved mind. They have been swept up into the deadly cloud of deception described above. I pray for those whom You may still be able to set free by the work of your Spirit of Truth upon them. I pray for their deliverance from deception, delusion, and a depraved mind. I also pray for those who are so far gone into self, love of power, deception, and depravity of mind that You have to “give them up” as Romans 1 warns. I pray that You will remove them from the government of the USA, either by the discernment of voters or by Your special means. We want your Kingdom to come, Your will to be done in the USA, Your kingdom served around the world by our government and people. We pray that You, for Your Name’s sake, move upon our people with Your Spirit of Truth, bringing discernment. We pray that You show us our part in removing from our Government – on all levels – those who have given themselves over to love of power, deception and a depraved mind. We need discernment because those with a depraved mind may be very good looking,charming, intelligent, convincing etc. We need Your discernment and we need determination to stand for YOU no matter what.
Yes, yes, yes! I have been experiencing many dreams lately with the same theme. Please keep writing these truths. Please keep courageously warning others, especially since Facebook and TouTube and other social media platforms quickly take down anything truthful by Christians. Please put as much truth out in front of the eyes of the public as quickly as you can before it gets censored and taken down.
Yes, sister!! We are pulling down strongholds and speaking forth the Word of God, the two-edged sword that divides asunder the soul and spirit. God’s people are waking up, breathing the fresh air of Holy Spirit and moving forward in power and victory to vanquish the enemy and kick in the gates of hell for the glory of God in the power of Jesus’ name!@
I like teaching that is straightforward, plain and simple.
The clear teaching of scripture is so much easier to understand and obey.
I can become very confused by different peoples’ various visions and dreams and their interpretations.
I am so blessed when GOD speaks to me by a clear word straight from the scriptures.
In the early 80’s, I was invited to attend a meeting at the Women’s Literary Guild in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was told that a New Age guide was going to give the gift of vision. Of course, as any Prodigal daughter would do, I went to receive the gift of vision.
Before I entered the building, I prayed a simple prayer, “Lord, if this is real, let me know. If it is not real, let me know. I am writing to let you know 3 things: God is real. Good and evil surely exists. And God honors the simple prayer.
I thought it would be an intimate affair but the room probably held 500 people, all coming to receive the gift of vision.
Let’s cut to the chase. The so-called leader, Gary Acevedo, who manages and promotes THE AWAKENING, a New Age (EST sort of brainwashing program) proceeded, by way of hypnosis and guided imagery to take us on a journey.
We weren’t being given a gift of vision but the Devil’s personal vision of a New World Order. He invited us to join him in the sky, overlooking the whole world. He said, we could see in the distance a new wave approaching for a new world …
At that point I opened my eyes and looked around the room at all the heads bowed in submission to this vision. One of his assistants rushed over to me, and without words, indicated I needed to continue the journey. So I closed my eyes and even though I could still hear Gary giving HIS vision of the New Age Movement, I received a parallel vision.
As I looked out over the world I saw a filthy, smoggy atmosphere. Dark, poisonous clouds of deception hovering over the whole earth. But I also saw small pockets of clear sky and as I looked down, I saw people with their arms outstretched, seek fresh air and the truth. Humanity was and is being choked off from the truth by imposters claiming to give out gifts of the spirit (small s here).
I left that night wondering about the 2 opposite visions. About 2 weeks later, I get a phone call from Gary wanting to invite me to another event. I asked him point blank how it was that he was able to go around giving out the gift of vision. He proclaimed, “Why should I acknowledge God when I can be like God myself?” Folks, the hair stood out all over my body as I realized I was talking to the devil himself.
I called him out as an impostor and he began to use my life experiences against me. That as an illegitimate born daughter I needed the guidance of a father and he could fit the bill. I told him I would not go any further on his journey and that I would expose his lie of the New World Order. Today, May 9, 2020, I fulfill that promise.
May God reach His hand out to every hand reaching up, gasping for the truth through fresh air. In the name of Yeshua the Messiah may the dominos of lies fall down in this hour. amen
Last night I had a dream in which Dutch sheets came and said,”This is the time to speak. It is a speaking time.” I realize that this decade, in terms of Hebrew numbers, is the decade of the letter pay which symbolizes the mouth and speaking. Many years ago I had a dream about Derek Prince and in the dream he said that those who control the words control the atmosphere. We are definitely in that season now and we have a war of words which will either amplify the truth or amplify the lies. It is time to speak truth boldly.
Thank you, Wanda, for continuing to rally the saints to pray!
It is my understanding that what we call spiritual warfare is essentially and properly declaring TRUTH to displace any and all deception and thoughts (ideas) raised up against the knowledge of Christ (II Corinthians 10:3-5). We must move through metaphors natural warfare to the simplicity of spiritual alignment by declaring truth and “praying with all prayer in the spirit . . . being alert with all perseverance and petition . . .” (Ephesians 6:18) Thank you, Wanda, for turning our eyes in this direction to see this.
I agree, I came from a different era, I can remember, sometime at a church conference, we would worship God for hours, 5 hours, all night, that does not include any teaching. The Holy Spirit would touch us, we would speak in Tongues, fall down in the Spirit, be healed. We were NOT afraid of being under God’s authority. But we loved to be in God’s presence. God choose me to be am intercessor. I am honored, God’s children need to make God in authority of their life, because now earth and the people, the times, will become hard. God is good and His Mercy endures forever. God reigns forever. Jesus is king of kings, Jesus rrules forever. AMEN
Amen and Amen