Coming on the heels of the September 26 Washington Prayer March, he posted the following appeal on Facebook, asking others to join him in seeking God’s direction for our country:
When the survival of King Jehoshaphat’s nation was at stake and his people were in danger from their enemies, he called for a fast. . . .
Today, our nation is at a critical juncture. We need to call out to God for His help, His intervention, and His mercy. It is only by His hand that America will survive and be able to thrive again.
We have an election coming up with so much at stake—two vastly different directions for the future of this country. This not only affects us, but our children and our grandchildren.
“And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord” (2 Chronicles 20:3-4).
I am urging followers of Jesus Christ to fast and to pray for our nation Sunday, October 25. Mark it on your calendars and prepare now. I hope individuals, families, and churches will join me in asking for the Lord’s help and for His will to be done in this critical election. Will you?
(Excerpt from Billy Graham Evangelical Association. Article by Franklin Graham. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons.)
Will you join us for this day of fasting and prayer?
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I’m so thankful to Franklin Graham for calling on Christians and Churches to fast and pray for our nation and our elections. God promises in His word in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray,and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land”. God has never forgotten any of His promises and he has never failed on them either.I pray each day and have been praying for our nation, but I have never fasted before, but wanted to do this because I love God and our nation.Our nation and the world needs God’s help and His blessings. We need God and His help more than ever. President Ronald Reagan once said, “God doesn’t need America, but America needs God. How true a statement and we need Him now more than ever. I fasted and prayed and thank God for His help in doing this. I give God glory and praise as He should receive all glory. He is so worthy. I prayed for our nation, our president and vice president and their families. I prayed for sinners that they would allow God’s only son Jesus Christ into their hearts and lives. I also prayed for people around the world that don’t have enough to eat and go to bed hungry, because for the first time in my life I felt that pain when I couldn’t sleep because of the hunger, but at 12AM Sunday night I completed the fast and I ate. It made me more thankful for the food God has blessed me with and a greater need to pray for those who don’t. I encourage anyone reading this, to take one day this week to fast and pray for our nation if you haven’t already. I’m thankful and glad I did. May God richly bless you.
I agree with my Brothers and Sisters that this Nation be returned back to you and that any that arise against the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, Israel will come Face to Fact with the King of kings and L-rd of lords. Psalms 2, Zechariah 14, and “And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord” (2 Chronicles 20:3-4).
Most precious Father God, Lord Savior, and Holy Spirit…
We are Your people in this day, “our day” , humbly united as Your Body in this nation…in Your world.
We gather as 1 before You- justified by faith alone in You & Your finished work on the cross.
We’re a nation and a people who live in abundance
( compared to most in the world). That can be such a distraction from our desperate need for You. We have fallen short of the work You have given us to do.
-to love You God with all that we are, to believe on the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ & to love our neighbor as ourselves.
We ask Your forgiveness where we have not been Your salt & light.
Oh Lord God…
revive-refresh- heal- and awaken us to Your Presence, Your voice, Your work. Give us hearts of mercy, compassion, & charity toward one another.
Especially the needy, fatherless, unborn and their parents, and the hurting whom we encounter. As Your children in this world, help us see and reach through You.
We carry Your words of life, peace, reconciliation, forgiveness, freedom, hope, and eternity with You.
Instead of judging one another, move us to reach across this country’s divide- in love. Help us to love out loud, Lord, enlivened in Your Spirit.
Father God-within this U.S. of A. …. before and after this election, fill us afresh. Help us to be about Your work- to Your glory- regardless of the outcome of this election. For it truly is about Your Will Be Done.
Good Shepherd, You came to give us life ( Yours). We stand in Your promises. We bow before You with our requests- in this day, “our day”.
Make us useful and diligently united we pray.
We are joined together as one in this.
In praise and thanks to our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen
Thank You for your prayer! I agree and say AMEN! Lord Jesus help us to seek first Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness!
I feel so blessed to be among all these people who are praying and fasting for Father’s blessing upon our nation and for HIS will to be done in this 2020 election. I never worry about praying for GOD’s will because HIS will is always perfect. I seldom ever fast but feel compelled to answer Franklin Graham’s call to fast and pray. God bless Franklin for calling us to fast and pray! I am obeying and will wait until after Midnight tonight before I eat because GOD gets the glory when HIS children obey HIM.
Oh yes He does. You are an encouragement to me. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.
Jer. 33:3 “Call unto me, and I will answer these, and shew there great and mighty things, which thou lowest not.”
Jer.33:19_26 As God made a covenant with day and night, so He makes a covenant with this nation-“for I will cause their captivity to return and have mercy on them.”
I praying and fasting today for Our Lord and Savior to grant HIS mercy on our nation and heal our land
As I fast today
..each moment my hunger is felt…i pray…like jehoshaphat…god spare us from catastrophe. The enemy is at the gate and far outnumber us. I pray righteousness will triumph.
THANK YOU Franklin in directing Gods people to the seriousness of prayer for our nation.
It’s great to be a part of His people gathering in unison.
He will hear us from heaven and heal our land.
Holy Father, You are the first and the last and the winner in this fight of good vs evil. Only You can save us and our nation. We are a difficult people as were the Israelites Please forgive our sins and take this nation back! We were founded on religious freedom and have given ourselves gradually to the.ways of this world.
Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also has become my salvation. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Thank you for your prayers. They resonate in my heart and soul… as does Isaiah 12:2.
God bless you sister. ♥️
I am praying and fasting today for my Nation. Hear our prayers I Lord. Forgive our sin. Heal our land. We’ve been complacent as evil has exploded in our nation over the years. Give us a holy “do over”. Help us to stand with You boldly in love. To God be all the glory!
Ray Niese, Greensburg, IN
Lord, our nation is turning a way that it should not. We ask for your mercy and grace for our nation. Help each one of us that know you, to always do the right thing according to your precious word, In Jesus name amen.
2Ch_7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Yes, I am fasting and praying today. As God’s word says above, we must first humble ourselves and repent and then seek His deliverance for our nation. I thank the Lord that He is a prayer answering God.
I stand as one in prayer & fasting as we are called to do, may the Lord hear our petition and give our nation favor. I also pray for a revival across America!
Yes. I am praying and fasting today for our nation. Asking God to NOT give us the government we deserve, but to have grace and mercy on this nation by giving us a government that seeks to uphold our Biblical values and truths in all things.
I too am praying and fasting today. Our nation is at a critical crossroad-the crossroad between good and evil. The good must be chosen by people standing for America and God’s truth as our beacon to follow. There is no America if there is no God. Please guide us Lord, encourage us to do your will, support your will, and never to rest in complacency. Amen. 🙏🇺🇸❤
I am fasted and prayed today for God’s hand to influence this election. May the Lord’s will be done in Jesus’ name amen.
I will pray and fast to call upon our Lord to have mercy on our nation. And for Christians and all people of moral conscience to rise up and vote Republican.
God, who is mighty to do above and beyond our imagination, please have mercy upon us all,including me, forgive us of our blatant transgressions against You and all your blessing which we have taken for granted. Please don’t judge us as we deserve.
Thy will be done,
Lois McPartlin
Steve McPartlin
We will fast until this evening and pray for our country, for our election and for God to hear our prayers and turn our hearts towards him.
Yes, joining in the fast and praying for our nation. May we truly repent and may God show us mercy by granting us righteous leaders.
Joining in prayer and fasting for our great nation under God. May you hear our prayers dear Lord in heaven. Bring us to our knees. Show your face to us Lord to our nation. May all those who do not know you Lord see your face shine upon them accept your love and grace and follow you. In Christ precious loving name we praise you Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Our pastor had those who were able kneel in prayer today at church. We do need to be on our knees before God.
I will join the fast and pray for our nation !! Bless all who join.
Yes I will pray and I will fast from food at least till evening. If God gives me the strength, all day. Pray for me because I don’t find fasting easy.
Bless You & Praying for you and all the family of God 🙏
Thank you for your prayers and support. I was able to fast till evening which was the goal
God bless and sustain you as you pray and follow His will. You are an encouragement to all of us.
Thank you for your prayers and support. I was able to fast till evening which was the goal
O Lord! May Your will be done!
Amen! 🙏🙏🙏
Yes. I will be participating in fasting and prayer.
How long do we fast 24 hours?
Yes, I think it is for one day, the 25th, but many are fasting all the way to the election. Depending on what you can safely do. Some fast 1 or 2
meals a day or fast from watching TV, or they might just fast from all desserts or favorite foods. I hope to fast from all food tomorrow the 25th and pray, and then the following days till after the election I hope to just eat breakfast and try not to watch TV, like the news. I love to read and pray in agreement with everyones prayers. God Bless all my brothers and sisters in the Lord. 💕🙏
God bless you sister 😘🙏
As a proclaimed follower of Jesus Christ, I have committed to fasting and praying on Sunday, October 25th. When does it start and end? I want to be in unison with the Church.
Morning of the 25th upon awakening to the morning of the 26th. As someone said earlier it can be fasting from 1 meal or 2 meals or desserts or meat or the computer or whatever you need to spend less time on in order to use that time to pray, seek God, and read and pray his Word.
Thank you Hodakat for your reply. I will so humbly submit.
I will join in the prayer and fasting.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, I pray that you hear us and answer our prayers.
Yes, I too will join in fasting and prayer for our country!
Yes, I plan to join you.
Yes, I am fasting and praying with with several prayer initiatives until Nov 3 and beyond. At 3pm Sunday’s I go to the county courthouse to pray, make declarations from the Scripture. Also pray at early voting locations and Post Office. May our Omnipotent Holy God have mercy on America
THANK YOU Dr. Graham for leading us as a country in prayer and fasting. I’m a pastor of a small fellowship We will fast this Sunday. May HIS kingdom come and HIS will be done in America on every front.
Amen To What Suzanne Gill posted.
Yes I will join the fast and prayer this Sunday and will share it as much as I can. I continue to echo Pastor and Rabbi Cohn’s call for our nation to Return, Repent, Reconcile before and to God, and the LORD ALMIGHTY will do His part to Revive and Restore us. May God’s perfect will and plan be done concerning America! May those whom God has predestined to lead our country be elected in this 11/3 election despite all the evil schemes and lies. O Lord, please forgive us our sins and purify our hearts and this land. By Your mercy O Lord, please let Amy Coney Barrett be confirmed successfully next Monday and use her and other God fearing Justices in SC to reverse Roe & Wade so that the sin of shedding innocent blood will no longer be upon our head. Raise up more godly leaders O Lord to replace those who are bent for evil and injustice, so that more of Your plans for our nation will be successfully implemented, and thus Your great Name will be glorified and Your blessings will flow freely upon this land. In the most powerful and victorious Name of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ I pray, amen.
And God bless you
Heavenly Father, we beseech you to protect this country, designed by you for your purpose, and blessed these many years, that we may be granted mercy and benefits which can only be renewed by you, our Holy Creator. Save us from ourselves for we all have sinned and followed the evil one. May it be Your will.
Yes, Brother Graham, I will fast & pray Sunday and ask my church to do the same. We need God’s will for this election now more than ever before.
Yes, I am committed to pray and fast on October 25th. I pray that the Fear of the Lord will fall on this country and that the people of America will turn back to the Lord and repent of their wicked ways.
May God unite all the streams of true intercessors that with one heart and voice we cry out to Him for his mercy and for his will to do be done in America. May all schemes and lies be turned against those who conceive and perpetrate them. Thank you God for godly leadership in Franklin Graham and many others, calling to your people to turn to you in Jesus name. Oh Lord, forgive! Oh Lord, open our eyes! Oh Lord, deliver America!
Is there a service at the billy Graham Centre in North Carolina on the 25 October ?
yes yes
already have
thanks for pointing to Ps 37 in your earlier call
And pray for my second home AUS as we too have the same issues
If Christians don’t get on their knees & cry out for the Lord’s mercy & grace for our country, we will see things we never thought we would in our lifetime. It is scary to see the direction we may be headed for if Christians don’t pray & call on Jesus Christ. Count on me to fast & continue praying for the upcoming election.
I am honored to be able to fast and pray, seeking the Lord for His favor upon our nation.
I will join in the fast and prayer for on Sunday, October 25th.
Absolutely I agree in JESUS Name!
Yes, I will certainly fast and pray on Sunday and on other days,too.
These times are becoming more desperate every day!
The news today that Pope Francis is apparently endorsing same-sex civil unions in a documentary called Francesco is totally shocking.
Yes I will pray and fast! I will ask my family too!
Yes, I will join in fasting and prayer!
Hallelujah!! how Awesome is our Father the God of Heaven and Earth! I will be joining Franklin Graham and thousands of other believers The Beautiful Body of Christ coming together in unity humbling ourselves before our Holy Father knowing that our dependency as His children is for His Mercy His Great Mercy for we as a nation deserve his judgment but once again we cry out Lord remember Your mercy remember the Covenant that You made with our forefathers over this nation. We as Your church do not deserve Your mercy but You are a Holy God who remembers Your Covenant! Remember Your Covenant with America Lord as we come to cry it out for Your mercy!
It is amazing to me to see the hand of our Father orchestrate Unity in His body, on October 25th we will also be joining the worship taking place in Washington DC from 4 to 8 Eastern Time.
The scripture Franklin Graham applied here in 2nd Chronicles 20 I hope everyone will read that whole chapter. At the end of this chapter starting at verse 21 the singers and those who should praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the Army and we’re saying Praise the Lord for His Mercy endures forever.
As We fast and pray on the 25th at the end of that evening all over this nation and from Washington DC, we will be worshipping the King of Heaven Who is worthy of all praise.
Only God can orchestrate the unity of His children in this way. How Awesome and Amazing You are Holy Father!
And when they got to the place of battle their enemies had turned on each and we’re all dead God won the victory for King Jehoshaphat and the children of Judah!
Thank You Gracious Loving Holy Father for the honor and the privilege to join Your beautiful bride for such a time as this! For You are our great defender You are our hope for America!!!
My husband and I will be honored to join the fast and prayer time. Father forgive us for prayerlessness and for abdicating our positions of authority which you have placed on us, your ambassadors. It is time for us, your Church, to arise, to awake from our slumber, put on our armor, blow the trumpet and declare, decree and stand in faith! It is time to come into alignment and agreement with your Word for ourselves, our families, our neighbors, towns, cities, states and nation. As we begin to praise, worship and give thanks to you, the Only Wise God, may the void/vacuum created by our inaction and filled with chaos be overtaken with the glory of the risen Lord!
This is the only way to fulfill 2Chron. 7:14. Also Jeremiah 33:3 – “Call onto Me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know”
I will join.
Lord, during this fast, let our hearts be turned to you. Let our spirit be attuned to Yours. Imbibe us with Your Spirit of wisdom, discernment, understanding,revelation and strength. Our fast is our humility that we depend on you; it is our victory cry that our God reigns above all and He answers and fights for His children. Our eyes are upon You, Lord. For Your mercy, grace, and strength; for us, our children, our grandchildren and generations after us. Holy Spirit move in our nation. Holy Spirit move in our nation. Let it be a beacon of righteousness and hope for all around the world. Let the scales of lies and deception fall off. Father, be exalted in our nation. In Jesus name, Amen
Where ever you hear the trumpet sound, rally to us there. Our God WILL fight for us!
May God receive ALL of the glory from this testimony. I’ve been experiencing so many amazing answers to my recent times of crying out to our one true Triune God including times of fasting and
prayer! May thousands upon thousands join Franklin
Graham’s call and plea. Praise the Name of Jesus!
Yes, I will pray & fast & have told others about this call to prayer & fasting.
I am thankful for the Graham family’s spiritual leadership in our nation! Lord, place a hedge around all godly leaders, help us to walk in obedience to you, & stand faithfully in any persecution.
Psalm 81:13-14 “Oh that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways! I would quickly subdue their enemies and turn My hand against their adversaries.”
I will be praying and fasting on that day!
I will fast on Sunday and I will fast today that God will be with President Donald J Trump during the debates tonight, that Americans will have their eyes, ears and hearts opened to God’s truth and will for this nation. To God be the glory, victory in Jesus!
I often pray the scripture found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and I urge all prayer warriors to do the same. I began hearing prophetic announcements from the pulpit in the 1990’s. They were saying that America was going to go dark and that there would be a shift of wealth. I truly believe that we are there somewhat now..I also believe that it will get worse. Pray for your unsaved loved ones without ceasing..Tell everyone who will listen that time it very short. I continue to call those things that be not as though they are, and speak into the spirit realm those things that need to be..according to the will of our Father, which is in heaven..
I’m going to join in! Just wish my church was informed and praying…..
Dear Sharon,
Would advise you pick up the phone and call your pastor and elders and inform them of this fast and may GOD crown your efforts with success.
Let us fast and pray together and stand and see the salvation of the Lord.
I will join the fast and pass it along to my praying community.
Thank God for mighty men of God to stand strong and lead us to battle. But , yes, the battle is not ours but the Lords , but God has called us to repentance and to cry out to Him the One that can deliver us. We have sinned greatly against our God and we need to repent and turn from our wicked ways and watch Him do a mighty work. For too long we have gone our own way and look what we have????? evil every way we turn!!!!
Please let us fast and pray for God will hear us if we are truely repentant and draw near to Him. God love us so very much, so why would we not desire to draw near to Him and turn from our wicked ways, and see what He will do.
Praise the Lord for Franklin Graham and his call for prayer and fasting. I will be joining on October 25. The Lord Jesus be glorified!
Daily we are praying and fasting even after the election even unto the inaugural event and 4 more years. Till we see the light of a beacon of hope to people who are called by my name to reach unto the LORD ALMIGHTY intervene for America and your families and Israel and the nation’s of the world.we are lifting our voices in prayer at every corner of our property and city that JESUS YESHUA gave us to stand in the gap for. In JESUS YESHUA NAME given to us in times of need and all season by GOD OF HEAVEN.