Saturday before last, Judge Jeanine Pirro, whose weekly hour on Fox News airs immediately before Gutfeld’s, opened her show with a powerful editorial about the pathetic failure of the House of Representatives to properly chastise freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar for her repeated expressions of anti-Semitism. In the course of her editorial, Pirro made a thoroughly legitimate point: “Omar wears a hijab, which according to the Koran 33:59 tells women to cover so that they don’t get molested. Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?”
It was a perfectly fair question, based on an understanding of Islam that’s presumably not shared by the non-Muslim residents of Minnesota’s fifth district who voted for Omar last November – or, for that matter, by the Michiganders who elected Omar’s fellow Muslim Rashida Tlaib. A hijab is, quite simply, a declaration of adherence to sharia law, and sharia law is antithetical to the Constitution. This is the kind of simple (if uncomfortable) fact about which American leaders, journalists, and educators should have been honest starting on September 11, 2001. But in 2019 it’s too much truth for Fox News, which was quick to publicly censure Pirro for her statement. I criticized the network for this cowardly act. So did a number of others. But most commentators gave Fox a thumbs-up.
I assumed that Fox’s public chiding of Pirro would be the end of it; but no, this past Saturday there was no Justice with Judge Jeanine. According to reports, she’d been suspended. For how long? Unclear. President Trump wasn’t happy. “Bring back @JudgeJeanine Pirro,” he tweeted, advising the bosses at Fox to “Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct.” Katie Hopkins tweeted: “Where is the network’s loyalty? She is the token sacrifice to placate the mob.”
What’s really being sacrificed, of course, isn’t just Judge Jeanine. What’s being sacrificed is the truth about Islam itself. It’s the stubborn refusal of the Western establishment to acknowledge this truth that has led to the absurd and, yes, tragic situation in which we now find ourselves: namely, that while the armed forces of the U.S. and its allies have been combating jihadists in Afghanistan for over seventeen years and in Iraq for sixteen years, resulting in a massive loss of life and treasure, we’ve continued to allow barely vetted Muslims to immigrate into our own countries, permitted mosques to proliferate with little or no official oversight of what’s being preached in them, voted more and more Muslims into positions of power, and shrugged indifferently while cities like Dearborn and Hamtramck turned into Muslim strongholds.
Johnny Jones [a guest on another FOX News show, who was a bomb technician in Afghanistan] lost his legs fighting adherents of the same ideology to which Ilhan Omar subscribes and that Judge Jeanine was suspended for criticizing. None of it makes any sense: if you’re going to keep the floodgates open to them at home, why send young men into battle against them abroad? Why kill them in southern Asia and vote them into Congress in the U.S.? Why wage endless wars while punishing those who correctly name the enemy? If Western leaders had responded to 9/11 in a more sensible and consistent way, we wouldn’t have been in Afghanistan in 2010, Johnny Jones would still have his legs, Judge Jeanine would’ve been on TV last Saturday, and Ilhan Omar, who moved to America in 1995, might or might not still be living in the country, but she sure as h*** wouldn’t be in Congress.
There’s no way to rewrite the past. But we can’t keep marching mindlessly down this dangerous road.
(Reprinted with permission from Front Page Mag, Bruce Bawer reporting)
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Praying Psalm 108:6:13 God is our rescue. He will defend truth! “Holy Father; defend Judge J and return her to television. She is a voice of truth … we pray on in Jesus’ Name.”
America is at War, this war will not be fought with guns or with a military that man made, only by the faithful on their knees in prayer and supplication, if ye abide in me, and my word abides in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you. The word of God is the fulcrum upon which the level of prayer is placed , and by which things are mightily move. God has promised to those who pray his word we obtain his promises of Deliverance. We call upon Jehovah Mekaddishhkem. The Lord Who sanctifies his people to continue to live out our lives holy and pleasing to God. We pray for our enemies and for deliverance from our enemies by the hand of almighty God.
Judge Jeanine is upholding the law of our nation bringing fourth the truth. Fox News has bow to “political correctness”. we must pray against this demonic influence that is so prevalent in America today. We must pray that the law of our land Keeps Us free. Those who are lawmakers of our land uphold our constitution as it is written, not as their personal interpretation of it. We pray for our leaders in both parties to have wisdom of God.
Almighty God, the Christian lives for Christ Alone, to Christ Alone he dies. Amen.
Lord hear our prayers. We cannot allow law breakers to walk all over us. Help al, to see that illegal means illegal and it is nothing under Your power. Help us to stand together in Truth and know Your laws are the ultimate laws of the land. In Jesus’ name I pray, Thy will Father, be done.
I agree , for those who noticed when Obomba was in he disguised his retoric to increase the Islam movement in America . The core believe of this group is hate for those who do not agree with their militant religion
Trying to use cultural laws by the flesh to be spiritual is deception
I found it interesting that representative Omar so adroitly redirected the conversation to make it sound like she was being victimized and Never Answered the Question!
Lord, help us! We in this nation are enabled to have free speech. My prayer is that Fox News and other media will understand that as Omar has the right to say what she says, Judge Jeanie has that very same right. May your people rise up and STAND against the schemes of the evil one.
Arise prayer warriors. Lavish praise on the Holy One, Make your confessions. Pray for the conversion of your adversaries. Live godly lives. If we do all those things are prayers will hit the demonic strongholds like an enfilade and the prayer and praise will disrupt their interior lines. Remember the Almighty nature of
the Lord God. Then He will make mincemeat of the enemies’ plans.
Most recently, the Lord revealed that the democrats, haughty and high-minded, were putting together their plans for the 2020 elections.
They are arrogant in their own wisdom.
But then the Lord showed me His strategy to combat what they are doing.
He wants the SAINTS TO COME TOGETHER IN PRAYER AND CANCEL every one of the democrats’ plans!! Brilliant. They make them, we dismantle and demolish them in prayer!!
We also see the democrats also pushing their agenda of infanticide, socialism, and islam. This is demonic. Thus, to put together some prayer and action points, would like to share the following with you as an outline for what people can begin to pray for. Thank you immensely, and God bless each one of you!!
1. Suppressing FREE SPEECH and TRUTH through their allies in the media, academia, social media, and “attack sharks” via censorship, harassment, insults, and persecution. They don’t want the public to SEE the truth. They want to overwhelm the public with their narrative and shut out other voices.
This must be countered with prayer and with action to get the truth out. The dems have a divisive and demonic platform and the public has to be made aware of that. No more pitting American against American, and no more anti-American values.
2. Attacking those who BRAVELY STAND UP to expose evil in the land. Just yesterday we saw where Fox News does not even want Judge Jeanine on the airwaves! They are sending a message – bow to “political correctness” or else. This is demonic. Satan does not want his evil agenda removed/ PULLED OUT from society. People on the left don’t even want to see anyone supporting Trump or wearing a red hat. People are attacked for their Godly values, their ethnicity, and their hat. They are trying to shut down free speech and especially the TRUTH-BEARERS. They are employing intimidation tactics.
This must be countered again with prayer, with people standing up even more, organizing events, wearing red hats, and openly supporting Trump policies regardless of the intimidation tactics. We cannot back down. And importantly, those in the public who are being attacked publicly MUST BE DEFENDED. We cannot allow them to just be pummeled into the ground, as they did with Tim Tebow and Sarah Palin. This includes President Trump, Judge Jeanine, Brigitte Gabriel of ACT for America, Pamela Geller, Michelle Malkin, etc… WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.
3. Dems want to eliminate the electoral college, pushing for the popular vote which in reality is mob rule. Cancel it!
4. In California during the midterms the dems employed “vote harvesting”. Counter and cancel it.
5. Voter fraud. We cannot have illegals voting. We need Voter ID laws, and states have to stop handing out ID’s to illegals. Voter fraud must be targeted in prayer.
6. Civil unrest and mass chaos. The Lord has warned of this. Violence is the resort of those for whom facts, reason, logic, and truth have all abandoned.
100 years ago America was impacted by ethnic riots. Watch out for the “press fanning the flames”. Watch out. Looking at the disruptive street tactics during the BO years, we can see how the dems can attempt to manufacture an “excuse” to incite rioting to use as leverage against the Trump administration. Very important to cancel that, and to minimize any impact should there be civil unrest, especially that innocent people would be protected.
Amen! May I have your permission to share this?
Very good words, I know that they want to silence those that stand for Jesus Christ , that everyone is to be tolerant toward every group except Christians is pretty obvious. We must do what is written in the book of ACTS. Fight for Unity and the Bond of Peace