I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we are so thankful we live in a country where we can express our views even if they are not popular. May this privilege continue.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Wow! In merely a matter of days, you sent over 156,000 emails to FOX Sports executives letting them know that the censorship of the voices of survivors of abortion is unethical and unacceptable! Thank you for your incredible outpouring of support to get the Faces of Choice ad played during the Super Bowl.


While we were hopeful that FOX Sports would still give approval, even just hours before the Super Bowl, we never received a direct response from FOX Sports. Their silence is deafening and shameful.

However, the response from all of you gained overwhelming momentum in spreading the message of abortion survivors throughout the media. Articles were published on a number of major news sites and a host of influencers voiced their support of the campaign on social media.

While the Faces of Choice ad will not play during this yearā€™s Super Bowl, we have a few simple things you can do to continue to spread a pro-life message.

You can help in the following ways:

  1. If you have not signed the petition, you can still do so HERE. We will be letting FOX Sports know about your overwhelming response regarding their decision to reject the Faces of Choice ad.
  2. Follow My Faith Votes on social media to stay up to date on this story and others like it. Like, follow, and subscribe to My Faith Votes on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
  3. Utilize our tools to learn of the many ways you can take action to stand for the sanctity of life here.

Thank you for standing with us in this effort to not let our voices be silenced. Let us also stand together at the voting booth in the 100,000+ elections taking place throughout the country this year. Together, we will transform our communities and influence our nation with biblical truth.

(Excerpt from My Faith Votes.)

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February 4, 2020

Father God, Your word stands true today just as it did in the time of Joseph:
ā€œYou intended to harm me, but God intended it for good, to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.ā€
Genesis 50:20
I pray this ad is seen far and wide, with much greater exposure than it would have had during the Super Bowl, and that it wakes pro-choice people to the reality that abortion is murder of a living human being.
I ask this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

February 4, 2020

It hurts my heart that fox turned down this powerful ad, yet a filthy display of porn was allowed to pour into our homes during halftime.
Iā€™m comforted by the fact that we no longer have to rely on the media to get the truth out. These voices of truth will be heard across our land and throughout the world. Iā€™m thankful to God for their lives and for this avenue to tell their stories so others might live.


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