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Heavenly Father, we pray for exposure of any corrupt actions in the election. No matter the party, help us to gain the trust back from our government.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania found the state’s mail-in voting law unconstitutional.

The lawsuit was filed by Doug McLinko, vice chairman of the Bradford County Board of Commissioners in Pennsylvania. His argument was that he was unable to perform his duties as commissioner and certify the 2020 election because Pennsylvania’s 2019 election reform law is unconstitutional…

In October 2019, Act 77 was signed into law by Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf with support from both parties. The law, described by PennLive “as the most significant change to Pennsylvania’s election laws in more than 80 years,” greatly expands mail-in voting by allowing a citizen to vote by mail without an excuse. It also allocated $90 million to buy new voting machines and ended straight party voting, forcing Pennsylvanians to actively vote for each candidate on the ballot, rather than make one mark to vote for all candidates of a specified party…

Faddis (Former CIA Officer) said he feels that part of Biden’s large share of Pennsylvania votes is “unfortunately fraud.”

“That’s one of the clear reasons the Democratic party has always pushed mail-in voting, is to get those folks who won’t bother to vote,” he told Just the News. “Because even if you hated Trump, nobody was really psyched about Joe Biden. I mean, it’s very hard, very hard to get motivated about him…”

In Pennsylvania’s last election with straight ticket voting in 2019, more than 726,000 ballots (37% of all votes cast) were straight party, according to PennLive. During that election, “Of those who voted straight party, 51% indicated they were voting straight Republican and 48% straight Democratic,” the Philadelphia Inquirer reported. “Despite making that choice, election directors pointed out that some may have split their ticket by then changing their vote for a candidate to a different party…”

McLinko said 30 election officials across the state stepped down due to the act. “It’s just the way it was handled,” he told Just the News. “It was a wreck, and they don’t need it…”

The act received wide support from Pennsylvania Republicans, and McLinko is facing GOP resistance. “I am fighting the Republican establishment, and that’s my point with Harrisburg,” the Bradford County Commissioner said. “I don’t even like being around them. They’re out of touch.”

“This nonsense that somehow we’re supposed to coddle everybody to get a vote is about as un-American as it gets,” McLinko said. “You know, you get off your duff, and you go vote. If you can’t go vote, you get an absentee ballot. America needs to wake up. They need to question their state representatives and their legislators.”

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(Excerpt from Just The News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Katherine Murray Leisure MD
February 3, 2022

LORD, give us the courage and resources to recruit and volunteer honest POLL WATCHERS for future elections. You have blessed us with bipartisan poll watchers in the past, dear Jesus. You have blessed us with courageous and conscientious election officials in the past. May you help us to be fruitful and multiply. Give us the courage you had, Jesus, when you overturned corrupt money changers at the Temple.

Katherine Murray Leisure MD
February 3, 2022

Senator Robert Casey (D, PA) invited me, a registered voter in MASSACHUSETTS since 2010, by emails to vote ILLEGALLY by mail in PA in August, September, and October, 2020! My name was not listed as a registered PA voter by the PA Dept of State as of October, 2020. But the PA Democratic party clearly wanted me to double vote in PA illegally by mail. I have a call on my residential phone in Massachusetts from the Commonwealth of PA Philadelphia District Court on November 10, 2020, after PA’s fraudulent election returns. I feel so sorry for the hard-working, honest people of central PA, where I lived for 24 years. Their legal votes were negated by widespread fake ballots, probably focused on Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh. Hence, the large November and December, 2020, rallies by patriots on the Harrisburg Capitol steps begging for election reforms. I pray for you, PA, and all our nation’s state election managers!!!

Lori Meed
January 31, 2022

This is my state. It is also the womb of the nation and the home of the LIBERTY BELL. It is time to return to William Penn’s original blueprint, his Holy Experiment, which allows full religious freedom, as well accountability in voting and elections. Father, heal our land! Forgive is where we have not spoken out or stood against corruption and fraud, and where we have increasingly asked government to do that which You assigned to the church. Bring transparency and servant leadership back to Pa and the nation. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray and for Your Glory.

January 31, 2022

Penn live and the Inquirer are regularly quoted wrt Act 77. These are heavily left leaning. To get the insider truth go to PA Sen. Doug Mastriano’s Weekly E-Newsletter for Jan 28, 2022 and read his Op-Ed: How Pennsylvania Democrats Hijacked Act 77.


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