I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for Tarik Johnson and his valuable service to our nation. Let the Capitol Police learn from his story to prevent future failures, God.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This former Capitol Police officer hoped to be called to testify to the House Committee. He wasn’t. His story deserves to be heard.

From Fox News. Tucker Carlson sat down with a former Capitol Police officer who was ignored by the House Jan. 6 Select Committee despite the pivotal role he had that day.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


Tarik Johnson, a 22-year veteran on the Capitol Hill force, was tasked with securing the certification of the 2020 presidential election. …

Despite pleas for help on Jan. 6, Johnson said he did not hear anything, not even from Capitol Police chief assistant Yogananda Pittman, who allegedly kept vital information about the protests from him. The federal intel and law enforcement agencies knew about the warnings of a massive disturbance at the Capitol on Jan. 6, Carlson said, but the frontline officers on duty that day did not know.

“We should have been better prepared that day, and we could have been better prepared that day if the information was disseminated like it was supposed to be,” Johnson said.

Johnson, whose role was to evacuate lawmakers safely, urged for guidance from his superiors but did not hear back. So he took matters into his own hands that day, as seen by footage released by “Tucker Carlson Tonight” from inside the Capitol Building.

However, his career came to a screeching halt after he was spotted outside the Capitol wearing a Make America Great Again hat, which received national attention.

Johnson, a Biden voter, said a Trump supporter placed the MAGA hat on his head. He decided to keep wearing it for self-preservation as he navigated the pro-Trump crowd outside. Johnson was put on an indefinite suspension for doing so and later resigned and lost his pension. …

Johnson still wonders why the January 6 Committee never called him to testify.

“Since you were there on January 6, what did you think of the job of the January 6 Committee?” Carlson asked.

“I prayed almost daily that they would get to me,” Johnson responded. “I was never asked to testify… I was never asked by anybody connected to the January 6 Committee to testify. I asked myself why every day, and every day I might have a different answer. But, you know, pretty much they focused on Donald Trump and not the failures of the Capitol Police.”

“Why do you think [the protesters] were there?” Carlson followed.

“I think that some people there had planned on being violent, some people may have turned violent after what they were going through,” Johnson said. ‘I think that people wanted to support their president, they wanted to- some of those people wanted just to support him. And some of those people didn’t commit violence and some of those people didn’t plan on it.” …

What do you think of Johnson’s testimony? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Patricia Donahue
March 13, 2023

It’s so disturbing what went on that day. So sad for him, losing his pension and not bring called on to testify to the truth!! The word says, be sure you sins will find you out! We must pray and believe that truth will prevail! The lies and actions of those who really perpetrated this will be exposed! I pray for his protection and peace and the hat he will hv his day in court!!

Monoya, Richard James
March 12, 2023

Democ-RAT policy. corruption, treason, deceit, corporate profit, Dear God Jehovah bring justice, Judgement to this country. I ask in Jesus’ name. AMEN

Jill Carrero
March 12, 2023

Father God we praise You for Who You are our Sovereign Lod! We thank You and praise You for This Capital police man’s testimony the superiors Kept Vital Infomation from him and probably others! Father God put a Supernatural hedge of protection around him and his family Lord of angels with flaming swords. Let him come to saving faith in You IF he doesn’t already know You. Let More Undeniable Proof come out public so whole world Will Know of and Reporting on the massive corruption The Government’s Knowledge, The Deep Stapt propaganda machine and Refusal to Prevent it! Lord Hold All those who planned this and supported it and tried to make this into so.eting it was not And Suppress and Manipulate Lord SHOW everyone in J6 Name Amen!!

March 12, 2023

I’m about 150% sure that the lopsided, biased, joke of a committee….spent hundreds of hours & millions of taxpayer dollars in studying who to use, what witnesses to coach & who NOT to use for fear their “lie” narrative would be destroyed.
There was/is no individual on the 1/6 committee that was honest – not one. It doesn’t matter if it was someone’s favorite or state rep. on the committee. All we, the people, had to do was watch the questions asked, how they framed each question & what they tried to tie it to. If anyone could endure watching the “lie-fest” called “investigative committee”, it was easy to see the “venom of hatred” coursing through their entire being…and that’s not being unfair. (and if one of the reps is from your state, then we need to repeatedly “challenge their every word & stance”…and NOT be afraid to do so. Their instructed goal, that came from multiple sources both inside & outside the gov’t., – is & was to destroy Trump, anyone supporting him or anyone trying to stay “neutral” in their position. (blind allegiance to the destructive goals of the committee is imperative)
Mr. Johnson would do well to hire attorneys to, at least get his retirement benefits restored. Personally, I wouldn’t want his job back – especially protecting or working for any element of the present administration. We have watched repeatedly who & what they will destroy if you oppose them or their mindset.
I pray that Mr. Johnson will come to know Christ through all of this & I truly believe in God’s promises of “justice” for those who have abused & disregarded their positions of elected responsibility. The future does not bear well for them. They have completely thrown aside & trashed the responsibility that God “allowed” them to have. Because of their choices to willingly lie & basically commit treason against our citizens, the accountability on them WILL BE severe.

Susan S
March 12, 2023

The 1/6 commission was a farce and a kangaroo court. No real Republicans were allowed to be on it. The way that the 1/6 prisoners are treated is worse than many third world countries. Garland is responsible for this and he is corrupt and evil which is no surprise since he comes from Chicago. Chicago has been committing voter fraud for at least 60 years and its leaders are notorious for being corrupt and evil.

March 11, 2023

Lord God, please bless this young man for telling the truth. May he discover all that You have planned for his life. But most of all, let him be discovered byYou and saved for eternity. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

marty morris
March 11, 2023

It was a complete set-up. “Never let a crisis go to waste” Demorat slogan….People went to the Capitol that
day in support of President Trump and the United States of America that we all love or should love. Love it,
or leave it and don’t let the door hit your buns on the way out! A total criminal tragedy jailing all those people and treating worse than third world countries would. Severe punishments are coming. In God we Trust….

archie curtis
March 11, 2023

this is the type of person we want to work for America, God Bless him, reinstate his job with back pay, in Jesus Name amen

Darlene DeAngelis
March 11, 2023

Father God your children saw through spiritual eyes the lies deceits destruction the enemy right in front of us it’s our own government father God infiltrate the government and clean it out throw the bowels of Hell back where they belong father God it was like this planademic it was all lies father God I think about 9/11 and people fleeing down the stairs for their lives I watched this insurrection and they were taking selfies father God they were talking about having coffee they looked very calm father God this was all a lie and they look like fools father God enough is enough in your word it says vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord all of these evil people that are engulfed in the devil need to understand they are under you God under one nation under God and they need to have a shaken to the core of their soul for what they’ve done in Jesus name I pray enough is enough

March 11, 2023

Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

March 11, 2023

Why wasn’t Johnson called? That is the big question. Johnson. wasn’t called because the Pekosi gang didn’t want him to testify. Pelosi was in charge of security, Trump wanted to have the National Guard, but Pelosi nixed this. Why? Because she wanted to have a group storm the Capitol and blame it on Trump. The Capitol police were outnumbered causing the breach to happen.

I just pray that the American people learn the truth about the Democrat parties woke teaching. God Bless everyone and I hope that people will come back to the Bible’s teachings.

March 11, 2023

Tarik Johnson, thanks for coming forward. I wish more of the crowd people who were present would come forward. It takes a lot of courage to do that. Yes, i believe what you had to say, why do others don’t believe it????? People wake up, we’ve been lied to over and over. Let’s keep praying for our country until godly people take over because the Constitution doesn’t work when immoral, lawless people govern our nation.

Annette Rousseau
March 11, 2023

He can still stand up and tell the truth

March 11, 2023

The January 6 commission had one goal! To blame the Capital (tour) on President Trump so that he could never be president again! It wasn’t a break-in for most, because the capital police opened doors and waved people in. The ones that broke windows and destroyed property were the same ones that destroyed property during the George Floyd riots; antifa and blm that had infiltrated the peaceful patriots! The January 6 commission lied and created false evidence every step of the way and should be made to step down from their tax dollars paid positions for lying to the American people just like Richard Nixon was made to step down! Richard Nixon was way more honorable than the lying January 6 commission! They should also be prosecuted for putting people in jail based only on the commission’s lies! FATHER GOD YOU said “vengence is MINE, I will repay!” I turn these liars and every liar in our government over to YOU; beginning with biden, harris, schumer, mcconnell, hillary, obama; and YOU know the others! Please deliver us from these filthy dreamers and wicked people in JESUS NAME! Amen!

    March 11, 2023

    And of course Pelosi!

    Keith Knapp
    March 11, 2023

    Absolutely Roberta!
    Just as you do, I Pray every day for deliverance from these wicked people running and ruining our government on all levels. I also pray that God would change their hearts and redeem them as He did Saul of Tarsis (The Apostle Paul).
    However, I know that a spiritual revival of professing Christians is absolutely necessary as a precursor to a national revival. Remember the Lord’s proclamation to the children of Israel in 2Chronicles 7:14? His precepts still hold true today.
    Let revival start with us.

March 11, 2023

Please, Lord, God…let the WHOLE truth of Jan. 6th come out so that all the innocent may be set free. This whole thing was part of a plan by the left and was so simple to see through. This was planned to let the Trump supporters know to keep quiet and not try to protest anything or they will end up in jail or prison. Any person with half a mind can plainly see that there is a two sided system in our nation…one for the left and one for the right. All I can say is that the wrath of God is going to come down on the wrong side of this and very soon. Please Lord, God…make the evil ones pay and not the innocent ones in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    March 11, 2023

    Amen, and AMEN!!!
    It was so apparent watching it on the day it happened!

March 11, 2023

He lost his job because he had a maga hat on. That is a sad state of affairs in the U.S. when that causes a person to lose their job. And the fact that he felt he had to leave it on for his personal safety. That is an indictment against the media for spreading hate and lies. The fact he was not called to testify only reinforces the thought the whole Jan 6th was preplanned to discredit the sitting president and the political party that stood with him. Father will you please help open peoples eyes to see that political parties and politics will not save us? Only you can save us.

    Michelle Satterfield
    March 11, 2023

    The actual insurrection occurred on November 8 when there was a coup and they stole the election and removed a duly elected president. They’ve been doing everything they can to be held accountable for what they did. They are the insurrectionist. January 6 was created to divert the attention off of them but will eventually lead back to them. I pray in Jesus mighty name that justice will be done and that it will all be revealed of all the treasonous acts these people have done and that they will be hung or killed for treason. The longest time I really couldn’t understand January 6 until I realize that that’s really what it was always about, was just another staged event to divert everybody’s attention from the interaction that they actually did so they could put a stamp of approval on the election they stole.
    Father God in heaven, we pray for all of these people that have been unlawfully put in jail and are still there or who have been unlawfully prosecuted. Please reveal the truth and let these people be set free.

      March 11, 2023

      Well said, Michelle!

      Praying in agreement in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; amen!

March 11, 2023

Yes, I have no reason not to believe him. It’s a pretty stiff cost to he and his family, if it is not true. I pray for restoration.
Recently I had a dream and I saw Nancy Pelosi with her hands in her pockets. I heard in my spirit. ‘her pockets are full’.
We have not gotten to the truth of what really happened that day, as deceit and chaos surrounded the Capitol and erupted from within the chamber. God will bring all to light and as He has promised will forgive all who humble themselves and repent.
Let’s pray this police officer does that, at the only place of freedom, at the foot of the cross.

Ron Whitley
March 11, 2023

In my opinion he acted appropriately the way a police officer is supposed to act, that mistakes were made on both sides was not good BUT the non-action of the officers superiors is only copying the actions of our corrupt government, THEY ARE A MAJOR DISGRACE!

March 11, 2023

Pelosi and rest of evil cabal plotted caused that insurrection…Trump supporters were agitated…they initially went there to protest peacefully. Another wicked witchhunt against Trump who did win that election! THEY don’t want him back in power…He’s not one of THEM. 😈 vs 😇. He vowed to clean THEIR filthy swamp and THEY know he means what he says and will. Pray for him and his family esp against assassination…They’ve tried many times already…when he was in office. God protect him and his (hedge of protection) and please intervene bring deserved justice to THEM….imprisonment for life! There is no Justice System — THEY are all one big evil flock.. Epsteinites..PizzaGaters..Liars Haters…True satanists..
Make a way Lord. Your will be done. Have mercy on 🇺🇸. In Jesus name. Amen


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