I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, forgive our country of what it has normalized for our children. We lift up the families that have been impacted. We also pray that the children who have been put through this will be filled with your unconditional and infinite love.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The parents of a 12-year-old Florida girl who tried to hang herself twice at her school after ‘months of secret meetings about her gender identity’ are slamming the district staff who allegedly went behind their backs and ‘created a double life’ for their daughter.

Wendell Perez, and his wife Maria Perez, allege the staff at at Paterson Elementary School – where their daughter was enrolled – violated their parental rights by failing to inform them of the alleged gender identity crisis and developing a plan to help her address it without their consent.

‘We’re talking about the staff from school this information and developing a plan of several sessions with my daughter, for months, talking about issues that are related and that the parents need to be involved,’ Wendell Perez told DailyMail.com on Thursday. ‘They basically created a double life for my daughter…

He also likened the staff’s behavior to that of sex offenders, saying: ‘If we allow this to happen, we are admitting that the sex offenders – the models operating of the sex offenders – is correct, because that is actually what they do. They take advantage of a child, they try to keep things in secret and make them do things that they are not supposed to do.’

He added: ‘There should be no secrets. That’s a red flag. When there are secrets, that’s a red flag.’

The complaint alleges that school counselor Destiney Washington held secret weekly meetings with Wendell Perez’s daughter about her alleged ‘gender identity crisis’ but neglected to alert her parents. It also claims school leaders encouraged other students and staff to refer to the young girl as a boy and even gave her a new name.

It remains unclear why the 12-year-old was seeing the counselor or how the gender identity meetings come of fruition…

According to the complaint, the changes to the girl’s identity increased bullying on campus, which resulted in a level of ‘distress escalated to the point of attempting suicide at school,’ and the girl attempted to take her life on both January 4 and 5, according to the lawsuit.

The family said Thursday that after they were notified of their daughter’s attempted suicide, she was taken by police to a nearby hospital for mental health treatment.

Perez said they had limited contact with her and ‘were not able to comfort her’ during that hard time. About a week later, she was later released into their and is receiving proper treatment by medical professionals. He said his daughter is ‘fragile’ but ‘happy…’

‘Unlike many other parents we’re hearing from, this child did not have a history of mental health issues. There were not other signs of gender dysphoria before this, there was not depression, anxiety. This was generally speaking, a mentally healthy, happy, child,’ Broyles told DailyMail.com on Thursday.

‘One of the things that’s so distressing and makes so clear the school’s liability and fault here is they took a healthy child and after months of meeting with her, in secret, they caused her distressed and in conflict with herself that she felt the desire to end her life…’

There is currently active legislation in the state of Florida, addressing concerns similar to that of the Perez family.

House Bill 1557, also known as the Parental Rights in Education bill, would require school boards to notify parents about specific information regarding a child’s emotional, physical and mental well-being. It would also limit classroom conversation on sexual orientation and gender identity.

How are you praying for these schools?

(Excerpt from The Daily Mail. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Beverly Patterson
February 1, 2022

Father God I cry to you for all children who are being abused by school officials, we are defiantly living in perilous days, I pray that LORD you will draw the ones who are lost and that they will repent and receive you as Lord, Father put your protective angels about the children, and I pray for families to teach their children the truth which is God’s Word, in Jesus name I pray.

Dr. Alma
January 31, 2022

Father, heal this child, reestablish trust between her and her parents, and hold all those guilty of deception, enabling of sexual confusion, and usurpation of parental power fully accountable, removed from their positions and imprisoned. Let this incident help propel the passing of House Bill 1557. Protect Gov DeSantis and his righteous administration and help them do Your will to protect families in Florida and be a role model for all states in US to follow. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lori Meed
January 31, 2022

My heart aches for this young girl and her parents. This age, 12-14, is critical for healthy sexuality to emerge and is dependant on parents, not school officials, speaking life and truth over her. This overreach by any institution is wicked and terribly harmful. Father, we ask for a RESET for all education in this nation. Root it again in biblical values and truth. Rescue the children, as pulling brands from the fire (Jude 1:23), protecting them from evil. Reveal to educators, and others who have any kind of authority over children, how you feel about them being led astray. (Matt.18:6)


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