I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You that You will not snuff out the flames that are flickering. Set us ablaze once more with renewed passion and determination to see Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Did you know that we are called to be burning ones for God? Maybe you once felt set ablaze for God, but now feel your once burning flame is just a flicker. Don’t let your fire go out.

Remember, the fire must be kept burning on the altar at all times. It must never go out. (Lev 6:13)

This passage refers to the brazen altar in the tabernacle of Moses. It was a large altar made of wood covered by brass, and it was strictly for sacrifice. Holy fire burned as sacrifices were offered daily and to be continually offered. Why was the fire holy? Leviticus 9:24 says fire came down from the presence of the Lord and consumed the offering, but He also supernaturally lit the coals that were beneath the sacrifice. From this point on, it was the priestsā€™ duty to tend to the fire to make sure it didn’t go out. We know that the old testament often illustrates new testament truths. So, what can we do to keep our fire alive? It takes sacrifice. It will cost you, but the reward outweighs the cost. What you give Him willingly becomes fuel to your spiritual furnace. It’s like throwing gas on a fire.

We are to be a living sacrifice, day in day out.

The brazen altar was the first thing the priest would see entering the tabernacle. It was a place where the Israelites gave burnt offerings as atonement for sins. It was an Old Testament picture of the work of Jesus Christ. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins, in our place. We are instructed in the New Testament to offer ourselves as living sacrifice. We work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:13). We offer ourselves in lives laid down for Him with continual worship, obedience, praise, and prayer. This is not always easy, especially in times like we are facing now. This is one way we keep the fire burning on the altar.Ā Ā 

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrificeā€”the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. (Rom 12:1)

We offer sacrifices of praise.

Let us, then, always offer praise to God as our sacrifice through Jesus, which is the offering presented by lips that confess him as Lord. (Heb 13:15 GNT)

Praise can be done a number of ways. We can sing to the Lord, shout, clap our hands, or dance.Ā 

Praise brought Paul and Silas out of prison.

Shouts from Joshua and the Israelites to the Lord brought down the walls of Jericho.Ā 

David danced before the Lord with all his might.Ā 

Praise is powerful, it’s no wonder Judah always went first into the battle. Here’s a spiritual principle for you. What goes up, must come down. (Ps 47:1,2, Ps 98:4, Ps 149:3, Ps 150:4)

When we lift up our praise to God during times of heartache, distress, and confusion it becomes a sacrifice that moves the heart of God.

In the Old Testament, the sacrifices they brought to the tabernacle had to be bought. In other words, it cost them something. Your sacrifice of praise is costly and precious in the sight of God. He is enthroned on the praises of His people. In other words, when you praise, wherever you are, you invite the Lord to be enthroned in that very situation (Ps. 22:3). When your praises go up, His presence comes down.

We offer sacrifice through giving thanks.

Did you have trouble being thankful through 2020 and now even in 2021? I don’t blame you. Sickness has taken its toll. We have been confined. We are attempting to be silenced through censorship. There are many reasons we could complain, but there’s always something to be thankful for. Giving thanks when it looks like you have nothing to be thankful for brings honor to God and He promises that if you do this He will rescue you. When God promises you something, it never returns void. When thankfulness goes up, His deliverance comes down.

But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. (Ps 50:23)

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High. Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you and you will give me glory. (Ps 50:14-15)

We offer sacrifice through prayer and worship.

We keep our fire burning through a lifestyle of prayer and worship. Remember that brazen altar for sacrifice that God supernaturally lit? The priests took some coals that were burning and transferred them to another altar. The coals were then used to burn incense upon the golden altar.

This golden altar had to have incense burning 24/7. This incense represented intercession.Ā 

The golden altar was strategically placed before the veil where the Holy of Holies was. This was the innermost room of the tabernacle that housed the ark of the covenant. I can imagine the wind blowing through the tabernacle and the smoke of this fragrant and costly incense permeating the Holy of Holies where God dwelled. Again, this altar points to Jesus the Intercessor who lives to make intercession for us (Heb 7:25). Prayer and incense are connected.

And when he took the scroll, the four living beings and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they held gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of Godā€™s people. (Rev 5:8)

As we continually pray, we fill the golden bowls in heaven. Our prayers become incense, a costly and fragrant offering to God. As an intercessor, you know that living a lifestyle of prayer is not easy. We are on the frontlines in the Spirit and often take hits. We become targets of the enemy as we join together in prayer and thwart his plans. But oh how rewarding when we see God answer those prayers.

There may be times we cannot even find words to pray. There may be times you only have tears to offer, sighs and groans too deep for words (Rom. 8:26). The Holy Spirit understands those prayers and intercedes for us. Jesus our great High priest who makes intercession for us is praying for you. He prays when you are weak because He understands our weaknesses (Heb. 4:15-16).Ā  Know that your tears, groaning, and times of prayer are never wasted. When your prayers go up, His answers come down. It may not look like you expect at times, but because you’ve prayed, you have invited God into the midst.

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. (Ps 141:2)

Offer sacrifice through obedience.

Though sacrifice was important in the old testament, God actually said that obedience was greater to Him than sacrifice (1 Sam 15:22). Why is obedience so important? It shows our relationship with the Lord (Jn 14:15). It shows that we trust the Lord even when we don’t understand. Just look at Abraham’s willingness to offer Isaac, which was a picture of Jesus’ sacrifice.

…he (Jesus) humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminalā€™s death on a cross.(Phil 2:8)

Obedience is costly, but some of the greatest miracles come from the smallest acts of obedience. All it requires is your yes. Will you say yes to God again? When your obedience goes up, His blessings come down.

Remember it was the Lord that started the fire on the altar, but it was the priests who were commanded to keep the fire going. If you and I are the royal priesthood (1 Pt 2:9), then it’s our responsibility to keep the fire burning. He provides the fire, but we must provide the sacrifice. The same way you feed a fire to keep it going applies to us spiritually.

Feeling weary and defeated is the perfect time to pray, worship, praise, give thanks, and obey. It provides an opportunity to fan the flames. Remember who first set you ablaze. It was the Lord. He chose you. He called you. He has a purpose for you that He longs to fulfil through you. Just as the Lord set fire to the sacrifice on the brazen altar, He will always set fire to your sacrifice.Ā 

We are called to be burning ones for the Lord who are set ablaze with purpose and passion. That is how the Lord burns for us. He sets us as a fiery seal upon his heart. Brothers and sisters, don’t let the fire on the altar go out. If all you have is a tiny spark, you can still be a burning one for the Lord. Guess what? The smallest spark can start the largest fires. Fires that are constantly being fed, are not easy to put out.Ā 

Rivers of pain and persecution will never extinguish this flame. Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it wonā€™t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore. (Song of Songs 8:7 TPT)

Lord, we thank You that You will not snuff out the flames that are flickering. You are so good to us.Ā  We confess our weariness, doubt, fear, or anything that hinders our fire. As we offer sacrifices of our lives laid down, Lord, provide the fire. Set us ablaze once more with renewed passion and determination to see Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesusā€™ name, Amen!

How are you fanning the flames in your life to sustain you in your walk with God? Share what has encouraged you so you can encourage one another. If you have felt weary, share that too so we can pray for you.

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Joan Diane Bartruff
March 13, 2021

Gloria, Thank you this article. I love the way the Holy Spirit, through your writings, has linked the Old Testament worship requirements to the New Testament.

I am encouraged as I read, “We are called to be’burning ones’.

Powers of darkness attack, and I am left feeling I can do little, or have little purpose in the “big picture”, but when I read your article the Holy Spirit shows me I, and every Christian, have awesome purpose.

What a joy and privilege to be honored to keep the flame burning sending up my (our) prayers which are, “a costly fragrant offering to our Triune God”. What a privilege to be a “flame bearer”. Sacrifice becomes an, “honor”, a “privelege”.

Lord, help me be obedient to prayer. and thank you for this article which will causes me to understand more fully the importance of obedience and prayer. I believe I see the more I am disciplined in my prayer life, the more I will look upon prayer not as a sacrifice on my part, but as a glorious privilege and honor.

Life has meaning. I have a very important job to do to keep the flame burning. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Sharron K. CHRISTY
March 12, 2021

Sometimes as I read through these articles and areas needing prayer, I feel overwhelmed by all that’s going on in our country and the prayer needs.

Mary Kay Bonfante
March 12, 2021

What a beautiful devotional. Yes, I have felt very weary lately, in well doing. I need God’s joy, strength and peace. I am also frustrated in my own personal difficulties, and longing to see my prayers for others answered. God, please fan the flames of your Holy Spirit within me!

Jane Snyder
March 11, 2021

What a wonderful priestly writing straight from the heart of God. Thank you

March 11, 2021

Thank you once again Gloria for blessing us with your Godā€™s inspired article. I always look forward to read them!

March 10, 2021

Thank you. Gloria! What a thought that our sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving are fuel for the eternal flame on our Lord’s altar! And that, together, we can keep that flame burning!

Often, when I feel far from God, He reminds me of Ps 100:4-5a “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good”
Amazing how simple the steps to enter right into His courts! But they do require the sacrifice of our pride, in order to honor Him.

I love, too, His counsel in Ps 42:11 and Ps 43:5 “Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.”
I have found it so true, that when I sacrificially obey Him here, from a heart that’s been self-focused and gloomy, He does indeed put a smile on my face, and light the fire of joy in Him in my heart again.

Another tool sent me years ago from a very helpful ministry was, I’ll call it, The ABC’s of Praising God. For, when we praise men, don’t we say how great they are? We don’t just dance around them or sing choruses; well, maybe sometimes we do. How much more is our One, True, and Living God worthy of our praise!

So, this ABC’s of Praising God relies on our searching the Scriptures, as we read each day, and looking for what He tells us about Himself: His character qualities, His names, His titles, usually just single words (Creator, Comforter), sometimes 2-3 words (Bread of life, Good Shepherd, Worthy of praise), and then recording them next to each letter of the alphabet, as many as you can find, over time.
Some days my heart is so hard when I need to read my list to Him: “You are Almighty, You are my Abba….” that it doesn’t melt til I reach the S’s. But this discipline of praising God in this way has been so grounding, and has helped me keep my heart focused on Jesus, instead of on the disturbing winds and waves around me. A sacrifice up to him of my pride, but you are so right about the blessing He sends back down in return!
Another thing helpful to me about the ABC’s of Praising God is that His Almighty names come much more easily to my heart, to meet specific needs at the moment; He did, after all, say He would never leave us nor forsake us!

Rejoice in the Lord always!

March 9, 2021

It really helped me to realize that, though we as intercessors are eager to serve our Lord and obey and ask of Him, that worship and praise is where we are revived and reminded, where we experience the love of the Father and “see” again His glory and His beauty. It is there we are transformed, rejuvenated, refreshed as we remember that He is above all. I had to realize that I had made prayer into a “work”, where before it had always been a sweet place of intimacy where I talked with God about what was on my heart and He showed me things. I find that when I intercede a lot and worship little, I dry up…my intercessions become a “work”; I become exhausted. For two years I could not pray because I had become so exhausted from interceding in my own strength; I had made prayer a “job”, a “responsibility” I came out of that time determined that my prayer times would never be a “work” again. Now, I may spend 3/4 of the time worshiping and enjoying Him and then make one or two requests in faith. I now aim for quality of intercession rather than quantity. And I can do that throughout the day. Worship of God seems to fuel my intercession. It has completely changed my prayer life. I know this is probably only one piece of the puzzle, but I hope this helps someone. I am praying for all my fellow intercessors, especially the weary ones. I have been there.

Susan White
March 9, 2021

I am so weary through this Covid pandemic. I feel downtrodden and far from the Lord. I want to rekindle that flame and increase my passion for God. Thank you for this article and I am asking for prayers to help me flame the fire for God.

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March 9, 2021

I have been very weary, but I continue to press in and intercede. Prayers greatly appreciated.

    Gloria A Robles
    March 9, 2021

    Prayers Darcy,
    we have all been there. I hope this verse encourages you.

    Isaiah 40:29-31

    He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
    but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Martha Kersey
March 9, 2021

Giving Thanks to my Lord especially when I do not feel like is so up lifting,yes Jesus always hugs me with His grace when I look up with Thanks be šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’•

Mary Murray
March 9, 2021

I absolutely love this article. As intercessors it is easy to get bogged down and discouraged over the sheer flood of evil being released at this time by the wicked. Just as Peter was able to walk on water when he was focused on The Lord but began to sink when he gazed at the storm, we walk in peace when we focus on The Lord of the storm. I do not know what God’s plan is or how long the plans of evil will seem to prosper, but I know the character of the Sovereign Lord. I know that He is absolutely holy, just and righteous and that He declared on the cross that “It is finished.” Praise Him Always.

Keep your focus on The Lord of the Storm. He will work out all the details.

March 9, 2021

Thank you again Gloria for your words of inspiration to me.
I am weary, but I am strengthened daily through God’s word, and through people like you.
There is no one else to go to but the Lord, and God speaks through the IFA ministry! I thank Him daily for every intercessor that continues to pray for our very needy nation.

Yes, I have been wounded by the corruption within certain leaders in my nation. I weep! I pray for them to develop a fear of the Lord; for their sake. Their decisions are affecting millions of people our Jesus died for, & lives for. This is why I weep. It’s not about me. I am 71. It’s about the babies, the children, the Bride of Christ.
I cry out daily to our Jesus to arise and scatter His enemy.
Meanwhile, I do pray for my heart to be enlarged with a deeper love for my Jesus, and for mankind. I do pray for revival in the USA and the entire world.
I also pray that my heart, my life, will remain faithful to my Lord. I offer Him my body to be used for This glory.
I am praying this for every intercessor attached to IFA. We need each other. Two is better than one, and so on….
We are in God’s Army. We do have each others backs.
“Let me/us not weary in our prayers, in this “fight” for the millions we pray for.
We thank You Jesus, we praise You Jesus, “that greater are You within us, than he that is in the world.” “We are more than conquerors” because of You leading us on! We love You!!!

    Gloria A Robles
    March 9, 2021

    Hi Nancy,

    I am thankful for seasoned Intercessors like you who have stayed the course. This post perfectly reflects your heart as an Intercessor. You weep for our nation and corruption. You cry out for the unborn, the children, and the church. You encourage the other Intercessors with your words and impart wisdom.
    God Bless you Nancy.
    I am thankful for your faithfulness and aspire to have your tenacity.
    Thank you for this post.

      March 9, 2021

      Receive your message with thanksgiving.
      We are on our knees together! What an honor!

Theresa Ricklefs
March 9, 2021

I have a strong calling on my life for the nations, and studied them all through college…….Pray fir His timing, I expect signs, wonders, and miracles to follow me and to preach in stadiums……

March 9, 2021

I have been praying for my spirit to receive the holy fire of Jesusā€™ Spirit to grow strong in me; thanking God for the Holy Spirit was sent to us as a Helper!
I need strength to say no, turn from the sin of gluttony and whatā€™s happened is itā€™s rearing up itā€™s ugly head…satan tries to defeat us before we even start!

    March 9, 2021

    I am praying for you right now Laura, & will continue.
    I too had a besetting sin.
    I “stood” on the Scripture, “submit yourself to God, resist the enemy & he will flee.” (Book of James).
    I no longer battle that sin. It is gone! Praise be to God!!
    Not easy, but God, prayers, & support from others, that will cheer you on.
    He is with you. He loves you!
    You can, through Him, overcome.
    I care!

David Scott
March 9, 2021

God blessed my wife with the baptism in the Holy Spirit during the Asbury revival of 1970. Shortly after her experience, she had a vision in which she saw a man lying dead upon a stone altar. As she wondered what God was showing her, she noticed the man changing as life came back into him. He sat up, got off the altar, and stood beside it. She noticed that the man was made of glowing, transparent gold. This is what God wants to accomplish in all of our lives so we can be and do everything mentioned in this article. This also relates to the scripture where Paul told us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. May the Lord give us the grace necessary to make this a reality.

    Darlene Estlow
    March 9, 2021

    Thank you for sharing this.

      Gloria A Robles
      March 9, 2021

      Thank you for sharing! What a beautiful dream.
      Refine us Lord! Purify us.

    Marty Robinson
    March 10, 2021

    The reason I am replying to your comments is what you said about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
    As I read the astoundingly, thought-producing article (on which we are free to comment), all I could
    think of is the exclusion of Fire From Heaven as manifested in the tongues of fire on each of the 120
    who (in the face of great danger) obeyed the Lord Jesus and went back to Jerusalem to wait for the Gift
    of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ commanded them to go back and wait for this. Reflect on the conditions that
    existed there in Jerusalem for some degree of perspective on the importance of this event!!! This very
    action He took indicates His position of power over the evil that existed there (but you will have to
    save that for a later time, as it will deter me from my point here). This Gift they are waiting for is
    being sent for a specific purpose. It is not trash to be discounted and swept away. A mighty rushing
    wind and tongues of fire will impose some kind of reaction, some kind of response; God chooses His
    miraculous acts carefully and purposely and He doesn’t waste them. However, apparently some people do choose to ignore and thereby waste the power of them and to me this is a very serious omission!
    I don’t really care for any enabling explanation as to why people who are supposed to love the Lord
    would do such a thing. It just grieves me so much and saddens me; how must God feel?

      David Scott
      March 11, 2021

      I fully agree with your concerns for the way so many Christians neglect the proper response to receiving the Holy Spirit. The article was too long for me to comment on more ideas and keep my comments brief. The article reminded me of my late wife’s vision and I thought it would add something edifying to the people, who read this. The Bible says we are sanctified by the blood of Jesus, the word of God, and the Holy Spirit. The man my late wife saw on that altar was someone, who submitted to the Lordship of Jesus in such a way that he was fully sanctified. Your comment indicates to me that you are moving in that direction better than most of us.

        Marty Robinson
        March 11, 2021

        Thank you very much, David, for your comments. I prayed for a long time before I
        made them as I did before making these comments. I really did not want to say anything, but to me it was unavoidable due to the fact that if I let it go it would be tantamount to being ashamed of God’s Gift to me that I value highly because it came from Him. There was nothing wrong with the wonderful article or with anything that you said. My concern was that the dispensing of “fire from heaven” and God’s purpose in sending it in the astounding manner in which He did it are seemingly unimportant, as indicated by that very article which does not mention it. Wouldn’t it be of some interest in the edifying of the Body of Christ to mention it, if it was considered to be of value? I am not saying everyone has to speak in tongues or anything like that. For me, it is serving the indispensable purpose for which God intended it to serve. I was not taught anything about this wonderful Gift as I grew up in a Godly home, going to church EVERY Sunday. I loved my church and the ritual of worship and was very “religious”. When I was born again at almost 35 years of age, I began to be taught by the Lord everything I had missed out on that a lot of people were raised up on. It was really a crash course because God knew the difficulties I would have to face in my life and that I could not do it without the “dynamite” of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. I really prefer to reference this Gift as “praying in the Spirit”, as it is a prayer language. However, it has come to my defense in other ways as protection in the face of great danger (more than once). I am not ashamed of anything God does and more often am ashamed that I fail Him so often. As long as this comment appears to be, it has actually been shortened quite a lot, as I try to practice being merciful, especially to really nice people such as you. I appreciate the value of Intercessors For America and do not take it lightly to have the opportunity of sharing with others who love the Lord and want to do His will. Shalom!

          David Scott
          March 12, 2021

          Your response to my comment helps me understand God’s grace in your life better. The fact that you were 35 when God touched you reminds me of a verse where Jesus said that a person, who is forgiven much, loves much. I was 22 when the Lord saved me, so it is likely that you experienced more forgiveness than me. That would explain why you feel the importance of God’s gift more than others. When I read the article, I did not pick up on important points it missed. I was only focused upon what was good in it. I’m glad you pointed that out to make it more complete.

          Marty Robinson
          March 12, 2021

          There was no provision for me to reply to your latest comments, which I very much appreciate. I just want to say that I have always loved the Lord. I
          did not know how much He loved me until that day in 1971 in March. After
          months of listening to Back To The Bible on the radio as I went in to a little
          part time job some distance from my new home, I finally heard the message God wants all of us to get: Jesus paid the price for MY sins and all I said was, “Oh, I understand what you have been trying to tell me, OK”! In other words, I said, “Sign me up; I want this!” I am sure the lady I worked for was a Christian and I know she was praying for me. This experience was a pouring over me of such love and joy and peace and a newness of life – they call it “born again”, but I didn’t even know that term. I had been very religious and was trying to figure it all out without the knowledge I needed. There is a vast assortment of “lost” conditions, but all miss the mark. He did it all and did
          a perfect job and it is a Gift and must be received. Mental ascent is not enough. You are a very thoughtful person and I cannot tell you how much it means for you to give so much thought to the likes of me. Thank you.

March 9, 2021

This is so awesome….thank you Lord for your goodness, your compassion, your mercy and forgiveness…there is none like you
We give you honour glory and strength and we bless your name forever and ever…Amen

    Leslie H
    March 13, 2021

    Thank you Gloria! I am doing a 365 of the Bible and Iā€™m in Leviticus so this really lines up. Iā€™m a bit weary also but your article inspired me to keep my flame burning so it grows. All praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Susan CC
March 9, 2021

Thank you Gloria for these wonderful words of encouragement. In each one, I say, “YES and AMEN!” Thank You Father for ordering them so perfectly in Gloria’s message, as in YOU, everything is YES AND AMEN! ā€œThe Praise of Jesus Christ is saving us.” These are the words I prayed this morning, they are not my own, thank You Lord. Months ago I prayed that I would be enabled to take Jesus’ yoke and LEARN from Him. That too has been honored in so many ways. As far as weariness, “He sets us as a fiery seal upon his heart.” Yes! So in those times, I KNOW to whom I belong and cannot stay there! Thank you again Gloria for a message of so many personal remembrances. I am humbled, I am blessed, I am eternally thankful for all I am in Christ. May we all live fully in Him. Shalom, shalom!

lynn wells
March 9, 2021

This article is just what I needed to read at this time. It is very encouraging! and made me realize that I am not putting my focus on the Lord like I should as his child, and because of that I am feeling weary, confuse, empty and helpless, because of the crooked and harmful path that is being driven and directed towards
my beloved country I’m afraid I have taken my eyes off of Jesus. It is as though my flame is getting dangerously dim. This article has put be back on track to set my flame ablaze by worship, praise, prayers and obedience…I pray that justice will be served

    Gloria A Robles
    March 9, 2021

    This verse has brought me peace time and time again. when I felt burned out like I had no flame left. I pray it blesses you.

    He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. Finally he will cause justice to be victorious.

    (MATT. 12:20)

    Blessings Lynn

J Kingma
March 9, 2021

Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise, in the city of our God, his holy mountain. Bless you, Gloria. I praise the Lord, with you! We are dancing in Jerusalem for eternity!

March 9, 2021

What a beautiful reminder for us all. Lord God help each of us not to grow tired or weary but to constantly fan the flames if Your love, Your peace, Your presence and Your power in our personal lives in our homes, in our schools, in our country. Thank You Father for Your mighty rushing wind that helps us, revives us, rekindles over and over. In Jesus name. Amen

March 9, 2021

Thank you for the historical & biblical background & significance of the brazen altar. This article has definitely encouraged me & is fanning the flames of powerful intercessory prayer in my spirit to the Lord once again. Thank you!


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