I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pray that we as a nation will revere the ways of the Lord, and in so doing, have His way made straight before us, as a humble and yielded people.

“He keeps the feet of His godly ones, But the wicked ones are silenced in darkness; For not by might shall a man prevail.” (1 Samuel 2:9)

ā€œAnother Navy ship, the USS John S. McCain, has collided with an oil tanker, resulting in 10 deaths and colossal financial damage. No doubt President Trump was responsible ā€” as President Reagan surely was for Hurricane Kate in November 1985.

Back in the mid-1970s when plane hijackings were new, the philosopher James Burnhan (author of the seminal ā€œThe Managerial Revolution,ā€ et al) quipped that you should always carry a bomb onto an airplane, because the chances of there being two bombs on an airplane were almost zero.

The wisdom behind that quip may be applicable here: What are the chances of there being two horrendous collisions of Navy ships within two months of each other? Especially since, after the USS Fitzgerald collided with a freighter off the coast of Japan on June 17, all Navy ships were surely instructed to be extra vigilant.

Something is wrong. Two possibilities bother the layman. First, that the Navyā€™s computer system has been hacked, allowing foreign agents to fool a shipā€™s personnel into not sensing imminent danger. Second, that the Navyā€™s personnel, training system, or management and command structure, or all of them, are unbelievably inadequate.

The layman wonders why, even if all the sailors on the Navy ship were asleep, drunk or watching ā€œGilliganā€™s Island,ā€ the oil tanker failed to see the USS John S. McCain. But the layman is quickly reminded by a former naval officer that the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers that were involved in the collisions were designed to be as invisible to radar as possible. There are few, if any, right angles above the waterline of the ship, and much of the exterior of the ship is covered in soft padding. A ship that is designed to be ā€œinvisibleā€ to a sophisticated enemy may not appear as a 505-foot destroyer on a commercial shipā€™s radar.

There are other impediments the layman is not aware of. The helmsman of a destroyer is not exactly looking out a window as if he were driving a bus down Fifth Avenue. He is at the back of a room that looks more like the mission control center at Cape Canaveral, reading instruments and getting information from other technicians on the ship. He could see an approaching ship, if he looked, but thatā€™s not really his job. Thatā€™s the function of other people: a lookout, who is an enlisted person, and probably a junior enlisted person.

Whoever is in charge at that hour of night (the captain is snug a bed) gives orders, in order to accomplish whatever the shipā€™s mission is at that time, and woe unto him who crosses those orders. Deviating from the approved course is riskyā€¦.

Modern warfare is complicated, and perhaps too complicated for the traditional rank structure. Enlisted technicians may know more than seasoned officers. If youā€™re in the chopper, who do you want deciding if it should land? That crew was probably lucky the naval officer maintained his position and didnā€™t let the chopper land.

The institutional issue is how much initiative do we allow the crew, whether they are enlisted men or officers? Suppose youā€™re a junior whatever, in charge of the USS John S. McCain. You have been given a mission, and dodging an oil tanker (which, hey, cā€™mon, isnā€™t going to hit you anyway) may compromise that mission. What do you do?

And how well has the Navy trained you and your fellow crew members? Well enough to make the critical decisions necessary to guarantee that a $2 billion destroyer can dodge freighters and oil tankers? Or has the Navy spent its time integrating women into combat roles and onto submarines?

Are Navy personnel, officers and enlisted, trained to use their initiative or only to follow orders? And how much initiative do we really want people driving $2 billion vehicles to take? Would we have more accidents than we have had if rules were not followed, always, to the letter?

Those are questions that need to be answered. But not by the Navy alone. President Trump should appoint an independent board to investigate not just the two recent collisions, but also the whole structure of training for the Navy. We may discover that vastly more funding is necessary if we are to have a Navy that doesnā€™t go bump in the night. Even if we have to take the funds from the left-wing, history-hating resistanceā€™s favorite welfare programs.ā€¦ā€ Ā (Excerpt from Daniel Oliver’s article in The Washington Times – Daniel Oliver is chairman of the board of the Education and Research Institute and a director of Citizens for the Republic.)

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September 4, 2017

I am responding to the new North Korea threat;
Lord God, I pray that anxious hearts would turn to you in prayer as you have designed and commanded us to do. I pray that our leaders would not lean on their own understanding, but in all their ways turned to you God and ask for your wisdom. I pray for a leadership change in North Korea, and freedom for those people, one citizen saying they live in slavery. I pray for good diplomatic channels with S. Korea and China, i pray for wisdom for China and her leaders. I pray for your children in these countries to be called to fasting and prayer, may their hope rise in you. I pray that you would wake up your children here, for our God has removed the hedge of protection from us for our sins of disobedience to Him. Call us oh Lord to fasting and prayer, and bless mightily those of us already engaging in this Principality breaker. Lord God, all of this is sifted through your Father’s heart, help us to learn our lessons well so the lesson may not need to be repeated. In Jesus name, Amen

Elle W
September 3, 2017

Heavenly Father, there have been too many “peaceful” casualties in our armed forces for them to coincidental. Whether these happen from lack of training or from enemies embedded in our midst to bring destruction, we pray that you would provide the answers to these questions. Where the political winds of the day have sought to make our military a social experiment, I pray that faulty focus is broken now, today, in the mighty name of Jesus. May training take its rightful place and displace the useless social experiments. Bring comfort to those who have lost loved ones in these accidents at sea, and also for the many who have been victims of helicopter accidents and flight training accidents. Father, I beseech You, may only those who are dedicated to this country be allowed to work in servicing and maintaining these mighty ships and aircraft. Root out any who may seek the demise of this country, bring to light their deeds. I pray that these problems be addressed in hyper-speed and not fall prey to the usual DC lengthy, unfruitful investigation routine. Oh Lord, hear our prayer. In Jesus’ name – Amen.

Jean Miller
September 2, 2017

Lord I pray for the forgiveness of our nation’s sins. I asked they we be washed with your words. Remove self seekers. Place people in position who have the heart ā¤ of God. Bless America to lay down their acts of righteousness and turn to the righteousness of God. Lord we repent for our nation. Know this Father that all have not bowed to bail. Bless this nation to turn back to their first love so that our nation won’t be cursed. By faith, we pray. Thanks,

September 2, 2017

Lord, what people think and believe always surfaces in Your Light, it does not exclude writers or media, nor the military personnel. God, I lift this issue to You since You are a God of order and You do not change! Just like an battle, You look at the strategy being used and whose strategy is implemented; Men or women, You know all things!, in Jesus name! Please property that which concerns me because so may profess God bless America, but their heart is far from You and Your law. The bible says, many will profess that they know You but Your responds to them is “be far from You for I don’t know you!”. Bible also says that Your children are set apart for Your pleasure. I request Lord that You set apart those that truly belong to You from those who truly don’t (no true submission to You). I cast this care to You Lord as You desire. While You are at work Lord, please protect Your children and help the others turn to You, in Jesus name!

Denice Gerber
September 1, 2017

Father, IJN, I pray that you will bring to light the evil that lies in darkness, and reveal the truth that the enemy tries to hide. Amen and amen.

September 1, 2017

Amen to Felicia’s prayer. Lord please work quickly to prevent further damage and loss of life. And forgive us our many sins as a country. Turn our hearts to you.

August 30, 2017

Lord God, you know that 100 top military officials were relieved of their jobs by our Presidents predecessor, only you know who were given their jobs. We ask that if there is any sabotage or mole in the military that your light would expose them. You also know we have enemies in those waters. Help Mattis to lead well our military in this demoralizing situation. We pray for the families of the 10 sailors that were lost. We look to you for our safety Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.

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