I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray that these investigations into the Afghan withdrawal would bring to light everything amiss. We continue to pray for the people of Afghan and the Americans still in Afghanistan--for help and hope.
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The State Department‘s inspector general is launching a series of investigations into the Biden administration’s last diplomatic moves in Afghanistan.

The reviews will focus on the State Department’s Special Immigrant Visa program, Afghans processed for refugee admission into the U.S., resettlement of refugees and visa recipients, and the emergency evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, according to an Oct. 15 memo to Secretary of State Blinken first reported by Politico and confirmed by Fox News.

Diana Shaw, the acting inspector general at State, told Congress that her office was launching “several oversight projects” related to the end of the U.S. military and diplomatic missions in Afghanistan.

“Given the elevated interest in this work by Congress and the unique circumstances requiring coordination across the Inspector General community, I wanted to notify our committees of jurisdiction of this important work,” Shaw wrote in a letter to the foreign affairs and intelligence committees of both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate.

Other inspectors general offices, including those at the Department of Defense and the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, are also likely to launch similar probes of the withdrawal, Politico reported. . . .

Biden infamously assured Americans that the Taliban would not storm the U.S. Embassy in Kabul the same way the North Vietnamese stormed the U.S. Embassy in Saigon in 1975, but events disproved this confident prediction, as footage of Kabul eerily echoed Saigon.

(Excerpt from Fox News.

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October 21, 2021

Just like America has lost standing throughout the world, federal agencies have lost the trust and confidence of Americans. Just about any “investigation” is window dressing–LOOK! We’re doing something! The results will come out as a “little deal” not the really big deal that it truly is and was. President Biden’s “decision” was costly and we’ll never learn the complete truth of his incompetence.

So I pray for America, for patriotic citizens who stand up to bureaucrats and their “rules and regs” that Americans must live by. Americans have lost too much respect to expect truth to be revealed.

I pray that those who deceived America. May God deal with unrepentant sinners with justice.

October 21, 2021

That’s like the wolf guarding the chicken house!!! This State Department has done more to HINDER U.S. citizens and vetted Afghan refugees than anyone else!! Ask anyone, who has tried to get people out of there! So……they are going to “investigate??” Are you kidding?
Thank you, Father, that You have seen ALL that has been done and everyone that did it! We wait for Your justice!

Rosalie Skwiers
October 20, 2021

Loving Father, Lord you know I have heart felt compassion for those left in Afghanistan. The Bible tells me you had compassion. I know you know how I feel. I ask Lord you forgive my Nation for leaving Americans and others in a very dangerous place. Forgive us for leaving weapons behind, forgive us for waste. Lord shine a light into the tunnel of the unknown and let truth and justice prevail. In Jesus name. Amen


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