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Almighty God, reveal all that is hidden in the darkness and bring to justice all wrongdoers related to Jeffrey Epstein. Heal the wounds of all his victims.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

FBI investigators probing the death of Jeffrey Epstein are looking into whether a “criminal enterprise” may have played a role, the Bureau of Prisons’ director revealed Tuesday during testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, who described the death as a “black eye on the entire Bureau of Prisons,” made the admission when questioned by Sen. Lindsey Graham.

“With a case this high profile, there has got to be either a major malfunction of the system or criminal enterprise at foot to allow this to happen. So are you looking at both? Is the FBI looking at both?” the South Carolina Republican asked. “The FBI is involved and they are looking at criminal enterprise, yes,” Sawyer responded.

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New York City’s medical examiner ruled that the convicted sex offender took his own life inside his Manhattan federal prison cell on Aug. 10. The hearing began a couple of hours before it was announced two prison guards on duty during the night Epstein killed himself were charged with falsifying records and conspiring to make false records.

When Graham asked Sawyer how a death like Epstein’s could have happened, she said “the whole situation is still under the investigation of the FBI and the Inspector General’s Office and I’m really not at liberty to discuss specifics of this case. “I can discuss issues around institutional operations, but I can’t specifically talk about that particular issue,” she noted.

Sawyer then explained how Epstein was on suicide watch prior to his death and how the Bureau of Prisons has “different tiers of response if we identify an inmate who appears to have suicidal thinking.” “They move into psychological observation,” she later said. “Psychologists see them routinely, interview them repeatedly and once it’s determined that the threat of suicide seems to have passed, then that inmate can be returned back to open population.”

Graham didn’t seem pleased with her response. “Well, clearly it didn’t work here so we await the report because all the victims of Mr. Epstein have to have their heart ripped out as they will never see justice,” he said.

Later in the hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, lamented how Epstein died “before he had a chance to testify about his crimes, about his wrongdoings and about the other powerful men who were complicit in that sexual abuse. “That was a moment that shocked this country,” he told Sawyer. “There were powerful men who wanted Jeffrey Epstein silenced.

“As I see it there are two — and only two — possibilities for what happened with Jeffrey Epstein,” Cruz continued.

“No. 1, there was gross negligence and a total failure of BOP to do its job with a prisoner on suicide watch that led to Epstein committing suicide,” he said. “Or No. 2, something far worse happened, that it was not suicide but rather a homicide carried out by a person or persons who wanted Epstein silenced. Either one of those is completely unacceptable. Both of those are profound indictments of BOP and our federal incarceration system.”

“Let’s take the more damning of the scenarios. Based on the evidence of which you are aware, is there any indication that Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a homicide?” Cruz asked her.

“Based upon the evidence that I am aware, no, but as I’ve already told the committee, it is still being investigated by the FBI and the Inspector General’s Office,” she responded.

Sawyer, when asked by Cruz about the two guards that were indicted today, also said, “we don’t want people like that working in the Bureau of Prisons.

“They do not represent the vast majority of the 35,000 employees across the Bureau of Prisons. Most of our staff are very high quality, good people doing the right thing. And you are right, this incident was a black eye on the entire Bureau of Prisons,” she said.

“We have some bad staff,” she added. “We want rid of those bad staff who don’t do their job. We want them gone, one way or another, either by prosecution or by termination.”

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Greg Norman.)

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Nancy P.
November 22, 2019

Father please place boldness and courage in the hearts and minds of the people who, both, testify and those who question them to tell the truth! In Jesus Name amen.

November 22, 2019

Father God,
I pray that the outcome of this season of exposure of corruption and criminal activity makes such a strong impression on young people that they will commit themselves to NEVER be involved in such evil.
I pray for Millennials and all other age groups to take it to heart that You are a holy God Who in Your mercy gives people time to repent, but wickedness will be exposed and dealt with according to Your righteousness and justice.
In Jesus name. Amen.

Kimberly Hartfield
November 21, 2019

Lord Jesus, I pray for the victims of this evil to find peace and justice and healing in Your precious and holy name. I pray that all who helped perpetuate this evil be brought to justice. I know that Epstein faced Your ultimate judgement which is better than any judgement he would have gotten here. I trust Your judgement that the guilty will not go unpunished. I pray that Your will be done and that everything hidden will be uncovered! In Jesus name, amen.

Jacquelyn Y Miller
November 21, 2019

Dear God, I find it most unsettling that we are living in a society where the attention of the criminal is more important than the victims. I ask you to give me understanding. I pray for all of the young ladies whose lives are forever changed because of the abuse they had to endure. I pray that you will help them as they try to get back what was taken from them. As someone who was sexually abused, I saw the courts in action first hand. Father you know how the courts can turn things around and make the victims seem to be the guilty ones. That is why so many remain silent. The courts will not help them. You, Father, are the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Did Epstein commit suicide? Should the law be so heavy against the guards while all of those young ladies are left in the lurch? I thank you that you are the God of Truth and in you time, all things will be revealed. I thank You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Donna Nelson
November 21, 2019

Donna (Canada)
It doesn’t take a brain scientist to figure this one out! God knows what is going on! Get ready Bride of Christ our King is coming! Dear Lord may I be ready! Bless you all!

November 21, 2019

Many powerful people involved. The guy committed suicide????
I don’t think so.

Cynthia M.
November 21, 2019

How is it this woman, representing the Bureau of prisons, doesn’t give any thought for the coroner/s who very reasonably explained that this could not have been a suicide, but rather that the markings on Epstein’s neck were those of strangulation by homicide??

May any bribery or collusion by powerful men (& women) be fully exposed!

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