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God, thank You for revealing the bias and religious discrimination in our government.
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Rep. Jordan asked FBI Director Wray to answer for targeting people with what they called “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology.”

From National Review. FBI director Christopher Wray appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning to address allegations from House Republicans that the federal agency has been politicized and is disproportionately targeting conservative Americans.

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Representative Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), chairman of the committee, grilled Wray in his opening remarks, focusing particularly on a leaked FBI memo drafted by an unidentified agent targeting so-called “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology” as a hotbed of potentially violent extremism.

CatholicVote, an organization advocating for religious freedoms and protections, revealed hours before Wray’s appearance that a freedom of information request submitted to the FBI led the agency to insist that “the public is ‘not entitled’ to the records” pertaining to the anti-Catholic memo. …

“Americans have seen the FBI Richmond Field Office put together a memorandum saying pro-life Catholics are extremists,” Jordan told Wray during the FBI director’s first appearance since Republicans retook control of the House. …

Americans have “seen 20 FBI agents, SWAT team members, show up at the home of Mark Houck and arrest him in front of his wife and seven children even though he’d indicated he’d be happy to turn himself in.” …

“The FBI did rescind – thank goodness – the Richmond Catholic memorandum, but they refuse to tell Congress who wrote it and who approved it. And Mr. Houck, when he got his day in court, he was acquitted by a jury of his peers.”

“American speech is censored. Parents are called terrorists. Catholics are called radicals,” Jordan added.

In January, a former FBI agent published a memo created by the agency called, “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.” …

During his opening statement, Director Wray sought to highlight the agency’s bipartisan goal of keeping the United States safe. …

Do you think the FBI is anti-Catholic? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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Ellen Hoffman
July 18, 2023

The left is anti anything that stands in the way of its progressive goals. It wants to change the Constitution because it’s racist, it has worked hard on influencing the youth of our nation, anyone wanting conservative or traditional values us the enemy.

Darlene Estlow
July 17, 2023

We pray for righteousness to prevail. Father, thank you for what is being revealed. We pray that the evil would be dismantled and those who are ruling it would be be defeated.

Ken Budz
July 17, 2023

Lord You said in Your word- When the righteous rule the people rejoice, when the wicked rule the people moan- Prov.29:2. Lord I believe we have the most wicked president and cabinet and Congress ever. Please help more and better candidates get elected. Amen.

Sandy Bell
July 17, 2023

I believe all 3 letter agencies are not only anti catholic but anti- Christ period.
The government of GOD is a threat to their manipulations, power hungry control, and desires for total dominance.
My prayer is that their wicked crafts and devices be exposed , uprooted and destroyed. And that King Jesus would rule bring them all to their knees in true repentance which brings salvation.
Then they become a weapon of war in the hands of the Lord for uprooting, tearing down and destruction of wicked nations and kingdoms.
In Jesus name!!

July 17, 2023

I pray that the hidden agendas be uncovered: like when a woman sweeps the home in the light she removes the spider webs, the dirt in hidden corners not seeble by her eyes: let our leaders that seek the truth uncover the dross of wickedness being endorsed as laws in our nation in JESUS amen.


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