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Lord, reveal truth to our nation and its leaders. Do not let us be deceived, but give us Your discernment.
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Over the past year political biases prevented the American medical community from promoting potential treatments like Hydroxychloroquine from treating the coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the media, and the American medical community shot down its effectiveness early last year after President Trump promoted the drug. This was despite this proof of its effectiveness in treating the virus.

Today over 232 clinical trials have been published on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine on the coronavirus. Using hydroxychloroquine in early treatment, before a patient becomes deathly ill, shows significant improvement according to the studies listed at c19HCQ.com. Yet many doctors still frown on administering the drug to patients as a prophylactic or in early treatment because of Dr. Fauci and the politicized medical community.

On Tuesday Dr. Steven Hatfill, infectious disease expert, told the War Room that the medical bureaucracy blocked an effective treatment in hydroxychloroquine so they could push through experimental vaccines.

Dr. Hatfill told War Room hydroxychloroquine is proven to be effective and costs roughly 60 cents per pill. However, the existence of a proven effective treatment would not have allowed Dr. Fauci and FDA’s Janet Woodcock to expedite covid vaccines. . . .

Dr. Hatfill is right. Fauci is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. . . .

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(Excerpt from The Gateway Pundit. Article by Jim Hoft. Photo by Patrick Semansky-Pool/Getty Images)

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April 22, 2021

As far back as April of 2020 a study conducted by AAPS – (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) showed how effective hydroxychloroquine was when administered early in treatment for Covid-19.


There have been many additional studies worldwide that found the same results and hydroxychloroquine has been used successfully in many countries where politics did not intervene.

Just as the above article stated this information has been kept from the American public because of political reasons. That is just shameful.

April 19, 2021

Oh Lord help us. Why do so many people still believe the misinformation about Hydroxychloroquine? IT. DOES. NOT. WORK. oklahoma stockpiled $2 million using taxpayers money that has now been wasted due to this information. They ran the clinical trials at VA hospitals and hundreds of veterans died during testing.

God loves the truth. But this information here is lies and propaganda. There are no public hospitals in the United States using the drug because it has not been approved and is dangerous for treating Covid. It is for Lupus.

    April 19, 2021

    Your information is not correct. Doctors, who are close friends of mine, have used hydroxychlorequine, ivermectin and budesonide, quite successfully, with their patients that had Covid. They haven’t had any deaths. You are correct that hydroxychlorequine is also used for lupus though. It is sad that so many people are given poor information and false information. It causes great confusion and more fear. God bless you.

      April 20, 2021

      God Bless your doctors for doing the right thing and saving lives. The media’s and politians that have kept people from the truth have hurt millions.

    April 20, 2021

    It has been published in various medical journals that it indeed does work.

    Check out Dr Mccollough’s testimony to the Texas Hearing Committee. It is still on YouTube. He is the most published Doctor in his field in world history. He knows his stuff.

    Check it out. It will amaze you, then you will become very angry that the people you have listened to have either lied to you or don’t know enough to be worth listening to regarding this matter.

    April 20, 2021

    Janice, you will see from the test results reported in this article that the best results were seen where hydroxychloroquine was employed EARLY in the illness. It definitely helps, in any illness, to nip things in the bud at the first signs, before things get out of hand.

    I also vaguely remember reading that the VA trials were conducted on those already very ill with COVID and, as the above-reported results show, hydroxychloroquine is not as effective when applied LATE in the disease process.

    …hope that helps. God bless and keep you, Janice!

    April 22, 2021

    As far back as April of 2020 a study conducted by AAPS – (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) showed how effective hydroxychloroquine was when administered early in treatment for Covid-19.


    There have been many additional studies worldwide that found the same results and hydroxychloroquine has been used successfully in many countries where politics did not intervene.

    Just as the above article stated this information has been kept from the American public because of political reasons. That is just shameful.

April 19, 2021

Lord, please heal all of us while have been hurt and affected by the wickedness of political agenda. We are all hurting, many of us deeply, because politics and greed and money was pushed ahead of people’s lives and truth. O God arise and expose every wickedness that has come out of the Covid pandemic. Bring shame and disgrace to all those who has used it to further their own agenda of corruption, greed, and wickedness in any way. Let their deception be seen and known by all. Humble them. Bring their human wisdom to foolishness. We pray for mercy and healing for our land. Help our nation Lord and save us from evil corrupt politicians. Raise up righteous men who love You to stand up for truth and grant them boldness in Jesus name, Amen.

April 19, 2021

Fauchi is NOT about curing Covid! This man is all about politics! He loves being on T.V.! He thrives on the attention he is getting! This man should have been let go years ago. I, and many others, would never trust anything he says! Because of him, and Drs. like him, they have put our country in grave danger. There truly are good, safe, medications that have been proven to be very effective against Covid. Doctors have treated thousands with these medications with great outcomes on every patient. Covid should NEVER have been made political!! It’s evil!!!

    April 19, 2021

    I believe that, one day, people are going to see what Fauchi, and others, have really done against the American people, and they’re going to be furious! When the truth finally comes out,(and it will), people will be shocked!

    April 20, 2021


J Kingma
April 19, 2021

Help the world to learn the truth, dear LORD!


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