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Father, we pray that freedom would reign in our nation. We pray against this censorship and that truth would prevail in the midst of it.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Facebook announced on Monday it is removing all content that contains the phrase “stop the steal” ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day on Jan. 20.

The company issued a statement saying it was removing content containing the phrase that was used by supporters of President Donald Trump to question the integrity of the 2020 general election. . . .

The social media company said that the move is an attempt to remove content that “could incite further violence during these next few weeks.” . . .

This comes as big tech companies ramped up efforts to police content that they claim could lead to potential harm offline. The companies’ latest round of content policing started after pockets of civil unrest and acts of violence marred otherwise peaceful protests at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. . . .

Facebook said that it has teams working 24/7 to enforce its policies days leading up to and around Jan. 20. They said they have already removed a significant number of posts.

“We will keep our Integrity Operations Center operating at least through January 22 to monitor and respond to threats in real time,” the company said.

The company, which has indefinitely suspended Trump’s account on the platform, has also paused ads in the United States about politics and the elections and said it would keep a number of measures and restrictions that put in place before the U.S. elections, such as not recommending civic groups for people to join. . . .

The targeted moderation by Facebook, Twitter, and other Silicon Valley companies have raised concerns over First Amendment rights and the lack of checks and balances on decisions made by big tech companies. . . .

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) also expressed concern over Twitter’s decision to suspend Trump from social media, saying that it could set a precedent for big tech companies to silence voices. . . .

Apple, Google, and Amazon have also garnered widespread scrutiny for banning the social media network Parler from their services. Parler, which has attracted a large following of classical liberal and conservative-leaning users, has filed a lawsuit against Amazon in an effort to reverse the company’s decision.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Janita Kan. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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January 13, 2021

Saints: I feel so strongly and have for a few years forgive us Lord for stalling and delaying- The church has to pray for strategies to take down and take back this mountain/ monopoly of communication, commerce and freedom of speech Amazon Facebook Google etc so to replace them with a godly counterparts.
LORD I pray and ask those who have the gifts required to do this would rise up and take action and in the meantime those who don’t would hold them up until this is accomplished for Your glory and the advancement of Your kingdom. Lay it on their hearts we ask Lord – open doors of provision for this to manifest.
All glory thanks and honor to You Lord

    Marsha T
    January 13, 2021

    Young Christian man started Gab.com approx 5 years ago because he saw this time coming having worked in Silicon Valley. He was on Warroom today and went thru everything they are doing including working on cell phone because they feel that will be the next vulnerable area of communications. I tried to sign up today but it was totally bogged down,as you can imagine, after Warrooms huge audience 26M went to signup. God had a way for us ready. What a GREAT GOD!!!! WHAT A WONDERFUL FATHER!!!

      Laura K
      January 14, 2021

      Thank you for the info.

      January 15, 2021

      Thank you for taking the time and concern to reply Marsha! I will look into that wow :)Thank God is right!

Laura K
January 13, 2021

Father God I pray that you will visit all of these people who want to control as much as they can with dreams in the night time and visions in the day or the night, such visions that will disturb their spirits until the truth prevails and they turn away from their evil deeds and find You.

Let it be as Your word says ‘And they shall know that I am God’

Glenn R. Freeman
January 13, 2021

I have no use for Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon and now Apple.
For years we have ben fed a steady diet of lies and misinformation for their profit and our demise. Just like our “friends” in China have been doing.

Numbers 16:21 Regarding the rebellion against Moses (ultimately the Lord God Almighty) by Korah with Dathan & Abiram
“Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment”

Job 14:4 “Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? No one!”

Is. 52:11 Depart! Depart! Go out from there, Touch no unclean thing;
Go out from the midst of her, Be clean, You who bear the vessels of the Lord.

Jeremiah 5:31
The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their own power; And My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?


In the words of Patrick Henry:
“Give me liberty, or give me death.”

    Ann Maran
    January 13, 2021

    Lord we know that you do not approve of censorship of our words. It is by words that we are saved. I pray that You would enlighten the heart of the owners of big tech and allow good communication to flow between all people. May all words shared be words of truth. Amen

    January 15, 2021

    Love and appreciate your post!

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