I Prayed have prayed
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Tennessee is blessed to have a strong Christian governor in Bill Lee who issued a proclamation calling for a Day of Prayer and Fasting on Thursday. We are also blessed to have a strong Christian woman, Marsha Blackburn, who is our United States Senator.

Thousands of men women and young people gathered on Thursday night for a fantastic time of praise, worship and then passionate prayer,Ā  crying heavenward for Godā€˜s mercy and intervention in our government in these turbulent times. We are called the ā€œVolunteer Stateā€ and certainly we saw a multitude volunteer in this critical time.

With the level of hatred and hostility towards our president in America, coming together and believing 2 Chronicles 7:14 is certainly needed. Outspoken celebrities, biased media, secularists, atheists, and mean-spirited politicians in both parties necessitates our recognizing the spiritual forces intensifying their divisive work behind the scenes.

We pray other governors will follow our lead here in Tennessee and do as our governor and Abraham Lincoln did in the Civil War era in calling people in their sphere to ask God for help in this time of need.

Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs,Ā Intercessors for AmericaĀ board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book,Ā BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (seeĀ www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcastĀ here.


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Atheists Attack Tennessee's Day of Prayer as 'Inappropriate'
October 14, 2019

[…] is where Lee attends. Cultural commentator Larry Tomczak says he participated in the event andĀ reports that thousands of people humbled themselves in prayer: READ […]

Sharon E Smith
October 12, 2019

I and my friend are facilitators for an Intercessory prayer group and our main prayer is that God’s children will awaken and stand on the cornerstone of Jesus’s foundation of truth. That a revival will break out across this nation of America and we will push SATAN and his workers back into hell where they belong. That God will prevail and that through praise, prayer, and faith God will reunite this country as a Christian nation once again. I praise the Lord for the answer to prayer. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says if we seek His face and give up our wicked ways He will hear our prayers and heal our land. THANK YOU GOD, Jesus and Holy Spirit for being on the throne.

October 12, 2019

May what is happening in Tennessee spread like wildfire throughout the United States. I am praying for a revival such as we have never seen in the U.S. And may the minds of our young people be cleansed and changed for what is right. They have been so misled, they need our prayers. God bless them and write your rules in their hearts and minds.

October 12, 2019

I am a former Tennessean & am excited about the call for prayer from the Governor. Am praying it will be the beginning of another Great Awakening. I pray the 3 R’s – Recognition of sin, Repentance of sin, and Revival, for our country.

October 12, 2019

Amen! I was there. Tennessee is moving powerfully for the Lord in many ways lately! Praise the Lord.

Many are fasting on the 10th of every month until the next state calls for a day of repentance and fasting!

Have you heard of this yet.


Heart of the day in song:

October 12, 2019

Thank you for this proclamation and all that it means to issue such a call to the state. May those who participated carry a spirit of prayer to their homes and communities that won’t be out out by busyness or cares of this life. We pray that this would spread to churches so that there will be a call to come together across this nation and cry out to you for forgiveness and help in this dark hour. It seems that there is an increase in wickedness alongside a stirring in the people of God. The battle lines are being drawn with regard to holiness and evil. The spirit of the age is publicly defying your word and your name. Help those of us who love you to “live as citizens of Heaven, conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the good news about Christ.” Philippians 1:22. Help us to “live as children of light! For this light within us produces only what is good and right and true. Help us to carefully determine what pleases you and to take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness… Help us to live wisely, and give thanks to you through psalms and hymns and spiritual singing, making music in our hearts to you.”(Ephesians 5)
All praise to you, the creator of Heaven and earth. You are the only God who acts on behalf of those who wait for you. And we are truly waiting on you. Our hope in in you alone.You have everything we need for life and godliness.

Ken Roberts
October 12, 2019

May this be the beginning of another GREAT AWAKENING in our nation. God we desperately need you.

Daniel Tuchez
October 12, 2019

AmĆ©n!!šŸ™šŸ™AmĆ©n!! We are blessings TN, we are blessings our Nation, we are blessings our president!!

October 12, 2019

Thank you Tennessee for your example and witness. May The Lord pour out His Spirit across this nation and bring unity. May He awaken His people to The truth and cause us to stand as One nation under Godā€™s rule.
From a sister in Ohio.

Laura Otto
October 12, 2019

It was a beautiful night of believers coming together to pray for our state and our nation. The pastors issued a call for all to stop on the 10th of each month to pray for other states and governorā€™s to have a day of prayer for their people until our whole nation calls upon the name of the Lord, confesses their sin, and repents and returns to Him. May Tennesseeā€™s day of prayer be just the beginning for our nation.

Rev. Dennis Sieh
October 12, 2019

May our Wonderful God bless Tennessee with a Spirit of Truth &Unity as our people pray & expect Him to hear & answer. He is worthy of all praise & honor! We never fail when we wholly lean on Him.

October 12, 2019

Amen, Krista

Krista Hilley
October 12, 2019

Thank you Father God for Christian leaders and I pray for more to occupy every state. I pray for eyes to be opened and repentant hearts. A broken and contrite heart Lord you will not despise. Thank you Father for your loving arms around those who love you.

Bless this country!!

    Marina Romeri
    October 12, 2019

    Amen from California! We love you Tennessee…proud of what your governor has done!

Kerry Laney
October 12, 2019

Our Methodist Church in Crossville Tennessee joins with thousands of people across Tennessee to pray for our state and all people in authority including Marsha Blackburn and Bill Lee. We come against the spirits that are causing division in our state and our country, and we pray for a spirit of unity to cause the various political parties to compromise and come to agreement on the issues that affect our citizens. In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may come to pass.

    October 12, 2019

    Amen. I agree
    As a. Proud 71 Year old born in Tennessee
    I agree GOD’s
    Ability to bring
    Unity is needed and important

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