Throughout modern history, in every century and on every continent, when confronted with the dire tragedies of this world, people of faith have been compelled by forces in another world and have stood their ground in prayer and in deed. The spread of this deadly virus is the greatest threat of this hour and the church needs to rise up and respond[1], stated Jentezen Franklin as the number of those infected by the CV-19 continues to increase both in America and abroad.
Although most of the world is looking to their government and the medical community in this hour, what will be the response of the Church? Why are people seeking “manna” (wisdom and help) from the secular community when the Church is called to be the “house of bread”? What should be the Christian’s response to the Corona Virus?
“During this time with the coronavirus, fear is gripping the hearts of people around the world,” said Franklin Graham. He added, “There is a mountain of anxiety and alarm, and it is still building. It is as real as the virus itself—but it is treatable. There are people in need that we can reach out to help. Like a fireman runs to the fire, the church needs to respond to crises around us. We who are the church need to stand up and be the hands and feet of the Lord Jesus Christ.”[2]
Truer words have never been spoken. While the world shakes in fear, the Church needs to see the opportunity that stands before us. Daniel 11:32 tells us, “But the people who know their God will be strong and take action.” It’s time the Church took action.
“People need hope. That’s what the Christian faith offers, it offers hope in an uncertain world. People are scared, they’re panicking, and that’s why it’s so important for churches not to cower in fear during this time,” shared Dr. Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. “I am reminded of a quote by A.W. Tozer who said, ‘A scared world needs a fearless church,’”[3]
The world is scared. Can they turn to the Church for help? This is our opportunity, much as it was for David when he faced Goliath and stood his ground in an impossible circumstance. He stood fearless against the giant and cut off Goliath’s head. It is time the Church stands fearless before this pandemic giant and cut off its head. How do we do that? Through extraordinary prayer and scriptural declarations. John Wesley once said, “God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.” Let us take authority over this virus because based on the Word of God, it is under our feet. It is time to declare its demise through prayer. It is time for the Church to take action.
“Sometimes extraordinary problems require a supernatural response. Fearless prayer is what is needed in this moment,” concluded pastor Jentezen Franklin. “Let’s all pray for a swift end to the coronavirus.”
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us (I John 5:14).
ABOUT: Keith Provance is the president of Word & Spirit Publishing (Tulsa, OK). He and his son Jake are the authors of “A Christian Response to the Corona Virus” and the bestseller “Keep Calm Trust God.” For additional information go to: https://wordandspiritpublishing.com/
[1]Jentezen Franklin, https://jentezenfranklin.org/news/all-people-of-faith-must-pray-for-a-swift-end-to-the-coronavirus March 11, 2020.
[2] Harbinger’s Daily Staff, Flying Toward the Storm, “Harbingers Daily,” March 17, 2020. https://harbingersdaily.com/flying-toward-the-storm-samaritans-purse-sends-christians-to-help-in-italy-amid-coronavirus/
[3] Caleb Parke, Pastor Robert Jeffress on Importance of Faith Amid Coronavirus: ‘People need hope’ “Fox News,” March 19, 2020. https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/coronavirus-texas-church-jeffress-first-baptist-dallas-livestream
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“Deadly virus”?? It has a kill rate of about 1.5% or something? This isn’t exactly an airborne AIDS. I don’t understand the fear, unless it can be attributed to CNN’s magnified death predictions.
I think we should pray for the courage, spine and character of America, as well as those high-risk folks who’ve been afflicted.
I think we need to be careful about calling this a “deadly virus”. It is not proving to be any more deadly than previous flu seasons that we have survived. What are the facts? Where is the data? The scary photos we have seen are ones of people with masks and protective gear on; however, it appears that 98% (or more) of people who contract this flu recover.
Yes, let’s pray for health and healing fo those who are sick, but let’s also be in intense prayer for God’s supernatural protection of our government and freedom.
You said it better than I did.
The only area I’d disagree with you on is the description of this as a flu like any other. It is worse — in its contagiousness and in its death rate.
Even so, it is not the bubonic plague, and everyone’s reacting as if it was. Our collective American courage seems to have dissipated. Not a good sign.
We are whaat we focus on. Those that focus on the constant media hype are going to reflect that disturbance in every area of their lives. One media blip says the virus is nearly over. Another says the virus is increasing. Common sense should ask what country, where, when, how much, etc. Or are we just baby birds that are supposed to swallow that regurgitated stuff flowing thru some unknown pen (or beak).
Lord I pray in the name of Jesus,and by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the authority we have in Christ that this virus would dry up and die in a manner that would glorify YOU heavenly Father, so there would be no doubt that You have done this! All glory to God! Amen
We are all praying for an end to this virus, of course! No one wants this to continue. I believe God is hearing His children. However, God does what He does in HIS timing. There is a purpose for this great tribulation that needs to be fulfilled and it needs to be done in GOD’S timing – not ours. Let’s pray for God’s perfect timing in all of this, but most importantly, that we do what we have been mandated to do as Christ’ disciples.
Let’s also pray against “unclean” vaccines, and use the simple treatment/cure that has been discovered with the hydrochloroquine/zinc combo.
**P.S. I’m also praying that Trump will release Dr. Fauci from his duties.
Yes we HAVE to trust God for His timing. We have to rest in Him and be at peace as we pray for the end of this virus and the restoration of our country. Thank you for reminding us of this truth.
Franklin Gram is right , but we need to get back to the new testament norm of Christians laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed. In Fact God’s instructions for healing for Christians is to call for other Christians (elders in the church )for prayer and there is no positive mentions of quarantines and medical treatment made in the Bible . Of course there is a mention of those who Jesus healed who had received no help from doctors. As a young Christian my church was having revival to the extent that if we were sick we made it a point to go to church so we could be healed !
There is even a pivotal verse about staying away from those who seem godly, but deny the power of God to heal ,to save and deliver . Jesus commanded his disciples to preach And demonstrte the power of God . So it was said Jesus disciples are all ignorant unlearned men , but the fact that they had been with Jesus was clear because they were able to do the things Jesus did.
Supernatural healings have taken a serious downturn in America, and the west in general. That might be attributed to watered down Christianity in those areas, though that was not always the case and as far as I know, supernatural healings were not normal then, either.
I do not believe healing is the gift it was in the first century. Of course, this is a subject of debate in the Christian world, but I think the doctrine of ‘cessationism’ holds true.
However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe we should pray for anyone who’s sick — with anything. There ARE supernatural healings, and I also believe God works through our medical profession. We are co-laborers after all.
Father, this morning I agree with my brothers and sisters in prayer and thanksgiving to You for helping us through this crisis. I pray that You will help us to be strong in the midst of it and to bring hope, help, and Your word to those who seek You through it all. Give us the means, the words, and the help to those who are desperately looking for answers to why this is happening, what is happening, and what to do about it. Most of all, help us to fearless and give us direction as You say in Your word, Psalm 32:8. Hold our hands, direct out sight, give us all we need to be the hands of Jesus here in this world, Your world, in Jesus Name, amen.
Also, Psalm 32:6&7