Mathematical analysis of election data proves the total votes reported in certain precincts have been manipulated from the original vote count. Edward Solomon is a published mathematician with an emphasis on number theory who has analyzed the precinct vote count in the past 2020 Presidential election in Philadelphia.
I am an engineer and I found the level of detail and mathematical precision challenging. What I have tried to do is to put in plain English what Solomon uncovered.
First, the how. News organizations receive the precinct vote count and then update the totals. Solomon obtained this precinct vote count from Philadelphia and copied it to an Excel file where he could analyze it.
In this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAkc5bf2dSA&t=8s , he shows evidence of vote manipulation. If this video gets deleted from YouTube, it can also be found here on rumble- https://rumble.com/vbb807-edward-solomon-reverse-engineered-the-dominion-voting-algorithm-brilliant-5.html
Next, the what. I want to explain how the data was set up to give you some understanding of his analysis. At 0:44 into the video, the data from the NYT’s feed is shown. Each row shows the time stamp of the incoming data, the precinct from which it came from, Total votes, Biden’s Votes, and Trump Votes. This data is copied to an Excel file and another column is added. That column is a calculated number, the ratio of Trump’s votes to the total votes. This column is important because it is this number, Trump’s votes/Total Votes, that becomes relevant in detecting the fraud. At 2:10, an Excel file is created showing all the pertinent columns, including this Trump major ratio. This data file has also been sorted first by the major ratio and then by the time stamp.
As Solomon was scrolling down through the data, he noticed something interesting. A particular precinct would be reporting their data with a particular ratio. This ratio would remain constant as the data remained in its cue until it was uploaded to update the totals. What he noticed was that this ratio of Trump votes to total votes was then immediately transferred to other precincts. This transfer is shown in nine instances starting at 5:30 to 7:30, 8:00, 11:40, and 12:50 on the video. These precincts would hold that ratio until they reported their results and then the ratio was transferred to more precincts.
The fact that ratios reported were so close in time and these happened hundreds of times in the data set makes the data suspect of being manipulated. Solomon goes on say that the probabilities of these ratios being the same for so many precincts is virtually impossible unless they had been set by an algorithm that forced the actual vote to be changed.
How does changing the ratio of Trump votes to total votes change the results of the election? If the ratio is set by the algorithm to a smaller fraction, it means that votes were subtracted from Trump and added to Biden. The total number of votes counted is the same, but the algorithm gives Biden an advantage.
Solomon believes the fraud could be committed using the following steps:
- First, an area is chosen to rig. It could be a state, a county, or groups of precincts.
- The polls taken from the population in the area provide an estimate of the number of people who will likely vote, the number of votes for Biden, and the number of votes for Trump.
- Let’s say the total number of votes is 1,000,000.
- The polls show Trump will get 52% of the vote and Biden 48%.
- That would be 520,000 votes for Trump to 480,000 for Biden.
- To flip the election, the crooks decide they want 40 ,000 votes moved from Trump to Biden.
- That would make the total to be 520,000 for Biden and 480,000 for Trump.
- They enter the number 40,000 into the algorithm.
- The computer then starts counting the votes in the precincts. Once the precinct count is complete, the algorithm snaps the ratio to a slightly smaller ratio, thus subtracting Trump votes and adding them to Biden.
- It uses ratios that are very similar but slightly smaller than the actual ratios of original valid vote counts.
- This changes the counts in Biden’s favor in each affected precinct ever so slightly so it is not easily recognized.
- This process is repeated thousands of times until the vote transfer of 40,000 votes is reached, which then gives Biden a 52% to 48% win over Trump.
How does the algorithm actually work? Understanding the complete method of vote manipulation is not possible to describe in this short article. Solomon has devised a mathematical model that simulates the algorithm in the Dominion Voting system. It uses advanced number theory to create a “wheel” that includes a model of ratios used to snap to, which then manipulates the votes per precinct to debit Trump votes and credit them to Biden. The complex model can be “rotated” a slight amount to bias the election as much as is needed.
Starting at about 33:00, Mr. Solomon uses some graphics to demonstrate how the algorithm works in the Dominion software. Others videos (over 80 hrs. worth) are also available that detail the mathematics involved to model the system. A background in mathematics is necessary to follow the complexity of the information put forth.
What is important to remember is that the original data set used to obtain the total vote had numbers reported that could not possibly be obtained by random votes. The Trump votes were obviously manipulated (reduced) to flip votes from Trump to Biden.
In another video he says, “I declare I have proof of fraud; I am going to swear under the penalty of perjury that this is true.” He is currently writing an affidavit to be used as evidence in a court of law.
I believe his work is evidence that fraud had occurred and could be used to obtain search warrants to seize servers and allow investigators to find the algorithms that switched the votes. If they exist, they will be found in the servers.
I want us to agree in prayer concerning this discovery of fraudulent activity occurring during the 2020 election.
Michael Guidera is an IFA intercessor, retired from a 35-year career developing implantable medical devices that have brought help and relief to thousands of people. (Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)
Share your prayers for the discovery of this fraudulent activity in the comments below!
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Two articles, worth your time! https://toresays.com/2019/11/22/proof-that-auditing-election-machines-cannot-detect-manipulation-of-votes/
Father i want heed the stirring in my spirit to add to the prayers here, thanks to you for bringing this prayer site forward, this nees/prayer forum and these your people here together to bring forth the information that the media has continually and Desperately Tried to hide and deny. Father they closed our churches And have caused great divisions And their tactics have lulled many to sleep and tobelieve lies but you put together a perfect plan, gifted people with the talents snd determination to see you glorified and to see your spirit and justice come forth to convict and save America and rectify this election, you have brought together a people an army for yourself given us the ability to join together like this online with those who would bring us the news and help us to pray it through together under your leading and direction! This is so awesome and You Lord are awesome above all to have orchestrated all this As part of your perfect Plan to expose corruption on every level and bring complete justice to this election! We give you all the glory and thank you for bringing it all together and leading it on unto full completion, Father you will PERFECT and COMPLETE all this which concerns us, you are A God of order, justice, and completion and we honor you for that!! Thank you!
Father i join my prayers with Michael Guidera and those who are praying for all of the fraud In this election to be exposed, Father we have seen fraud exposed to some degree in some states yet some courts and most media still ignoring And denying it! Father We not only pray for undeniable proof all election fraud to be discovered we pray for full justice and Full media coverage of it! We pray for honest courts honest judges and juries that will accept and not deny the facts and who will bring full justice to arrest and publicly bring the guilty to proper just trial and convict them to a just financial fine and just prison sentence. Father we need your involvement in our justice system We ask you to remove and overcome those who Are suppressing and blocking full Justice and full public exposure, we pray that you awaken the hearts minds and spirits of judicial and government leaders and Citizens that have become numb and calloused to truth and righteousness because of sin and spiritual neglect and also because of the brainwashing numbing tactics of the media. Father awaken, convict, do all the necessary behind the scenes work necessary to uncover the undeniable truth, expose it, shock the nation and world with it and use it to bring in the much needed changes in our government and our world use it as another tool to help usher in moral,ethical, and spiritual revival on every level. Thank you!
Please let this information be brought out into the bright sunlight and someone do something about it.
Please, please, please — when will it be front-page news what Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is announcing: I have a foolproof, scientific way to analyze millions of votes in a day and prove which votes are valid and which are fraudulent. Billions use Jovan’s technological inventions in their phone scanning, at airport scans, and the scans that allow millions of cars to bypass stops at toll booths. Privacy of voters is insured. Courts of law are already using his technology. When will those who represent truth in this election take charge of these ballots (which are owned by the American people) before the election thief villains cause them to disappear? Here is the link that tells you everything:
Praise GOD for you Judith — I have prayed for you and that your information will be available when (and if) it is needed. Just ask anything you need to happen — and the Holy Spirit will hear it and act (that is what the Lord just said). There are many praying, and this is all part of the Swamp being cleaned. AND YES, God’s plan is for Trump to serve this next term too — and his son, Don Jr to take over in 2024. (yes, I have a prophetic ministry. You are Blessed for your ministry.
Father in heaven You are adored beyond all. Father Your power,wisdoms and love is amazing. What could we do without You. We are children, and we need You. Be mighty in the face of evil, and destroy it. In the name of Jesus. Amen
Yes Lord! Raise up those you personally have gifted with the necessary talent, knowledge, know-how, and confidence to find and expose the IT secrets used which will undeniably prove the fraud Then present it publicly before a just Government jury who will bring all those involved to full justice, Father raise up the whistleblowers expose all guilty and bring them and our nation full justice and completion of this in record time as we are running out of time on the calendar but trust that you already heard us had this all figured out from eternity past and are bringing it to pass in Your perfect way perfect timing. Thankyou!
Lord God, praise You for bringing this to our attention. I pray this information gets in the right hands and is added to the mounting evidence of election fraud. Lord, praise You for Mr. Soloman’s work.
I plead the precious blood of Jesus over him and his household. Bless our fight for justice, Lord. Add more intercessors to Your army, bring back those that have been discouraged and strengthen them, strengthen those that are currently standing firm in You. Overwhelm and crush the enemies efforts to cover up their evil deeds. Praise You, Lord for who You are and what You have done for us. In Your Mighty, Mighty name, Amen.
Anyone who has followed what happened during this election knows fraud affected this election greatly. It is obvious and I am amazed by attitudes towards the efforts to uncover the election fraud through ;aw. The media does not announce election results like they did. With all of the sworn testimony from poll watchers and legal work, all of this has to be brought forth and Trump is the winner of the election by far. If this is not brought to light now them no American citizen can have faith in any election in the future and the United States Of America as we know it will cease to exist.
I am agreeing with you in prayer. The Lord hears these prayers and will act. He will move to demonstrate and manifest the fraud and corruption that was planned and executed in this election. He will act to bring light, truth and justice to this deplorable situation. He is a just God and His Word will prevail. The battle is the Lord’s and He is mighty in battle.
I am agreeing with you that God will place a hedge of divine protection around Mr. Solomon and his family and that he will not be silenced. We are grateful for his courage to bring this forward. God grant him skill, wisdom, discernment and a supreme capability t articulate and explain what has occurred.
Father, we are so grateful for men and women like Edward Solomon with minds created by You for complex problem solving and reverse engineering. That You tie them to Your work in the Kingdom is also remarkable and we thank You for that as well. Your word says we are intricately and wonderfully made and this indeed is another aspect of the gifts and talents given to us. We pray protection for these men and women who step up to speak truth and pray their families as well are fully protected everywhere they step. You will stop at nothing to bring forth the revival Your heart so desires and the taking down of the enemy stronghold/stranglehold on our nation and the nations of the world…You are saying LET MY PEOPLE GO…and we join You LET MY PEOPLE GO! LET MY PEOPLE GO! LET MY PEOPLE GO, IN JESUS’ GLORIOUS MIGHTY MAGNIFICENT NAME AND BY HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD SHED FOR US.
Agreeing with you in prayer, that discovery of this fraud will become known by all, and that Truth will be revealed and believed and received and acted upon! Asking the Lord for a multitude of prayer partners declaring that this fraud will not be allowed to stand, but will be rectified to reflect truth. And declaring that justice from God will be allowed.
National repentance.
Please use the following prayer at least once daily until 31 days after the General Election is certified.
Almighty Everliving God, we – the citizens of America – come to you with humbled and contrite hearts. We repent of our tepid faith, our poorly-developed and fruitless works, and our indifference to You and to our neighbors. We are resolved to return to You, to submit to your Will, and to become again “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” From the doors of our homes, from the gates of our communities, from the seat of our governments, and from the depths of our hearts we return to You for you alone are compassionate enough to heal and restore our Nation. Bless our leaders and everyone in authority – including those who develop, enforce, and adjudicate laws – so that they serve with morality, compassion, integrity, wisdom, and justice so we can all live together in Peace. We stand against those who follow the ways of evil and anarchy, threatening to destroy our Nation and to set aside the blessings and wisdom you gave to our founding fathers. We will return to serving God, Country, and family so that your Name may be glorified. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord. AMEN.
Almighty Everliving God,
We humbly ask you to grant us the Grace to seek Truth, to recognize it when we find it, the courage to embrace it wherever it is found, and the wisdom to exclude all else that is not Truth.
In Jesus’ Precious Name. AMEN.
Lord I ask you to have courts and whoever you may want to use to expose the truth about this election. Iask for truth to surface, be accepted and for proper action to be taken so your destiny purposes over America are accomplished. I do not believe we are to go into communism at this time and that you want us to seek you in humility and tenacity as a people in love with you and committed to you as our number one leader. Jesus is Lord. NO King but Jesus. Praise his matchless name. Jesus is the only King over us.
Please check this website for lots of current info on the election fraud and pray that the DOJ would investigate it soon.
Please use the TAKE ACTION button on this site to send the info to various responsible parties.
Jesus I pray that the blinders in our justice system will be removed so that they will see the truth of voter fraud, act upon the evidence and not decline from investigating what is found to be true and most relevant!
Father God, only your Holy Spirit can enlighten and execute this judicial investigation before it’s too late to save our country from evil fraud. Hear our prayers Lord Jesus, and we pray this in your name, amen!!
This WILL get reported to people who can bring this to the attention of the right authorities who will listen?? Does a Giuliani-type know of this yet?? We thank God for people with this skill to understand numbers!! We will pray this is seen by the ones who can do something! LET US ALL KNOW WHERE THIS GOES!!
Father God, expose all fraudulent activity and bring it into the light. Give your truth and strategy to those who are involved in this affidavit. Protect each who is involved and give them your wisdom to walk in your ways. May those who hear this information have ears to hear and align themselves with your purposes.
Father Protect all the equipment that was used to perpetrate this HUGE fraud against WE the people of the USA – Expose every single person who was involved in this treasonous act and may they all be tried as traitors to this great nation.
Lord, thank you for ongoing exposure of fraudulent practices that were implemented in the 2020 USA election. May all these discoveries and evidential proof overturn the election to the truth that President Trump is the true recipient of the votes of “we the people ” to still be our President for the next 4 years to facilitate righteousness and justice and turning away from the corrupt, greedy and wicked ways necessary for the healing and unity of our nation and the expansion of your kingdom! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am truly amazed and praising You for your answers to our prayers, the way in which You are working! I just want to praise & worship You – for You are Good, Wise, All-Knowing, Omni-Present, Worthy of our praise, Just, and Holy! We stand amazed seeing Your Hand in this election!
We continue to ask that You do miracles, not only to set America in the right direction once again, but that MANY LOST will see and marvel at what happens and place their trust in You because they are in need of a Savior and in One whom they can entrust their lives to. Save the lost whom you love, and change lives!
We serve an indescribable God!!! Be glorified!!!!
In Jesus Name we pray,
Susan C.
Thank you for this beautiful prayer. You have captured and put into print what is in my heart.
Thank you, and blessings to you!
May the light of Hanukkah, the LIGHT IF THE WORLD, expose deeds done in darkness!
May the Light of God’s brilliance illuminate the minds of those investigating these matters.
We command blind eyes to be opened, in the name of Jesus! We command deaf ears to be opened in the name of Jesus!
We decree that the end of the matter is going to be better than the beginning! We decree that we do not trust in chariots, we do not trust in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God!
Deliver us!
Hallajuah! Yes, the “end” will bebetter than the beginning! The Lord Had me praying to bring this to completion also, many are praying and we need to remember to ask the Lord to fully undeniably expose all the various types of corruption and each participant and also to bring it to justice and a full completion. Thank you Father do all these we pray and we know you are fully able to fulfill every detail of each and every prayer! Thank you!!
Lord God of heaven and earth, Your word says that “if we agree on anything that we should ask, it shall be done . . .” We pray that all of these fraudulent schemes to cast or count illegal votes be brought to light, exposed, and cast out. Let all of the schemes of the enemy to rig the election fail. In the mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we ask these things, Amen!
Yes Lord……defeat the evil that has been done!!!!!!God bless America….with truth……
Agreeing in prayer for Mr. Solomon to have divine protection and opportunity to submit his evidence to investigators and truth of this evidence will flood information sites and Americans will be informed that there is “credible evidence” of voter fraud in this election. I pray the mainstream media’s deceitful and constant mantra that there is no credible evidence of voter fraud be exposed to connect their participation in this diabolical plot to steal this election from the majority of American voters. In the name of Jesus, I ask.
Very well worded; I agree in Jesus’ name.
I agree with you in the name of Jesus. Many are being led astray because of the determination of our news media to report what they want you to believe, not what is really true. May God’s light shine upon these people and expose them for the lies they tell.