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Many of you have read the book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: A Righteous Gentile vs. the Third Reich, by Eric Metaxas.  If you haven’t, you should.  The astonishing parallels between the secularizing of Germany in the lead up and milieu of of Hitler’s reign, and what our nation is seeing today is dumbfounding–and chilling.   Hear what Metaxas has to say about a secular culture and its dangers.

From The Daily Signal:

Bestselling author and talk radio host Eric Metaxas calls religious freedom the core of America’s freedoms. In an interview with The Daily Signal, Metaxas addresses why a secular America is inconsistent with the Founders’ vision and how culture has far-reaching consequences in politics. We also discuss the role of undercover filmmaker David Daleiden and how his videos of Planned Parenthood have reshaped the abortion debate.




By Rob Bluey, The Daily Signal

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