Emails and documents obtained by the Wisconsin Spotlight allege that individuals affiliated with Mark Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life took control of election procedures, including giving left-wing advisers “access to boxes of absentee ballots before the election.”
In new, . . .investigations reveal the $1.6 million spent in the city of Green Bay led to the “infiltration of the November presidential elections by liberal groups and Democratic activists,” according to the group.
Pray with Phill Kline of the Amistad Project who is suing Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life as detailed in this article:
Pray for America’s Leaders Live on Thursday, March 18 at 12:15pm ET. or (712) 775-7431.
The Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) placed Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein as the city’s point man for the organization’s effort in the Wisconsin city, who has previously worked for Democratic candidates and interned for a “fiercely liberal” Democrat from the New York City Council.
He attempted to assist Green Bay election officials in “curing” absentee ballots that were returned to the city clerk due to errors in inaccuracies. . . .
While the city clerk declined Spitzer-Rubenstein’s offer, the office of the city’s Democratic mayor applied pressure.
“The grant mentors would like to meet with you to discuss, further, the ballot curing process. Please let them know when you’re available,” Mayor Eric Genrich’s Chief of Staff demanded of the city clerk. . . .
“As you know I am very frustrated, along with the Clerk’s Office. I don’t know what to do anymore. I am trying to explain the process but it isn’t heard. I don’t feel I can talk to the Mayor after the last meeting you, me, Celestine, and the Mayor had even though the door is supposedly open,” the city clerk wrote to Green Bay Finance Director Diana Ellenbecker in late August.
“I don’t understand how people who don’t have knowledge of the process can tell us how to manage the election,” the city clerk added before revealing her staff members were wanting to quit and felt “ignored or bullied” by the Mayor’s office.
“Eventually, Teske could take no more. On October 22, she wrote in an email she was taking a leave of absence. By the end of the year she had officially resigned to take a similar position with the nearby community of Ashwaubenon,” Wisconsin Spotlight notes, adding that in her absence, CTCL’s “Spitzer-Rubenstein and his team ramped up their involvement in the upcoming election, leading just about every aspect of Green Bay’s election administration.”
“The KI Convention Center at Green Bay’s Hyatt Regency was where the election team decided to locate the city’s Central Count and where the absentee ballots were stored, late in the game. Central Count originally was to be at city hall, but space limitations and COVID-19 concerns forced the move to the convention center. At one point, a city official, after talking with a representative from the National Vote at Home Institute, was “brainstorming” about how the city could livestream Central Count at city hall “so that (election observers) do not enter the building,” the Wisconsin Spotlight adds.
CTCL’s Spitzer-Rubenstein was also given keys to the room where the absentee ballots were stored, and a Hyatt Regency checklist instructed staff, “DO NOT UNLOCK GRAND BALLROOM UNTIL Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein IS WITH SECURITY WHEN UNLOCKING THE GRAND BALLROOM DOORS.” . . .
(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Article by Staff Writer. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Dear God , we are asking you for divine justice , that the fraud that these individuals did come to light and justice will be done before the new administration turns our country and lives upside down . We ask for your justice . Amen
Mark Zuckerburg should be sitting in prison, along with a lot of others who have engaged in election fraud. Father God may truth and justice prevail over this situation. In Jesus name, amen.
Father God bring truth and justice to our nation.
Lord I pray that your judgement be upon those that committed deception on our nation.
Egregious! (Shocking, horrific) That so many want to destroy the greatest (not perfect)
nation ever! God have mercy & God Bless America!
The election was obvious fraud, there is no doubt about this fact. Our Government is now run by the Communist Party that call themselves Democrats. All Christian Conservatives need to stand up and take back control of our local, state and federal seats in all aspects of politics and government. This is the only way to change the direction of our nation that God has blessed us with.
This following scripture verse just so happens to be the verse for the day that I receive each morning. We can rest assured that God is watching all of the deception, chaos, cheating, lying, stealing and scheming from His throne. Let’s stand on the promises of God and wait and watch what He has in His marvelous plans for all that is going on! Continue to pray and give Him praise 🙏
Hebrews 4:12-13 NIV “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. [13] Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”
In Jesus name!!
Agreed. However, our fervent prayers must be accompanied by ACTION. Get involved in your local civic organizations & election process today! My city has elections coming up in May for mayor, city council & school board. This is where change begins.
Lord, Please show us why You are allowing all this corruption to happen. This nation/world needs You now more thank ever!! I pray veils are removed and many many hearts turn to You as Your light illuminates the truth! Raise up men of courage to speak up and fight for You Father. May Your will be done on earth as in Heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen
Psalm 91*
Maybe I didn’t read this closely enough but I don’t see “proof” that Zuckerberg’s CTCL group took over the election in this precinct. Oh, I agree that they did – don’t get me wrong here! But an email or note (whatever that screen shot is) only indicates the guy’s “help” and what happened afterwards indicates that at least the mayor was in on the fix but there is no written proof here only speculation. We need either direct evidence (eyewitness testimony of wrongdoing) or indirect evidence (circumstantial evidence). When we HAVE had direct evidence (the eyewitness testimony and affidavits), they were never allowed to be heard by any court. Prayer is our only answer since it appears the courts are in on it too!! God WILL right these wrongs!
I recommend reading the full article at It contains more detailed information than IFA was able to include here. Affidavits, testimony, etc. would be produced in litigation or an appropriate forum.
Dear Father in heaven, we repent for not being better stewards of this wonderful electoral system and nation that you have given us. Please forgive us as citizens for not being more involved and for laxity in holding our local and state officials accountable for the conduct of elections. Forgive us, Father. Please shepherd the continuing and any future election integrity litigation through the court system. Please grant your favor in the hearing of all evidence in the appropriate courts of law, state legislatures, etc. Give courage and wisdom to lawyers, judges, legislators and all those in positions of authority who will hear cases and make decisions regarding election integrity. We are looking to You — our judge, our law giver, and our king, You will save us. (from Isaiah 33:22. We praise You in advance. All honor, glory, power and majesty belongs to You alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Lord God – we pray for actual justice to take place. Do not let them buy their way out of this Lord. Allow every defense they concoct or use to fail completely. In Jesus name amen.
When we decide to sin, knowing we should not, we normally do it because we found a way to “justify” it to ourselves….to “override” our conscience. “We” being believers…children of God.
Non-believers have a different definition of “sin”. Leftism is clearly a “religion”, and the dogmas outnumber those of Christianity or most other organized religions. In Leftism the cardinal “sin” is “to loose”, or more clearly “to fail to win every battle”. The less serious sins are to fail to utilize every possible vehicle, strategy, misrepresentation, manipulation, lie, misinformation, or deception in the “holy” initiative “to win”. They sincerely “beleive” they are right…they are good…their ideals and values are correct and others are incorrect and invalid. In short, they are lost to the evil of the gran deception by the enemy. They cannot allow a conversation of “disagreement” becaue they cannot justify their value system using reason or rational logic. So when challenged they “attack” seeking to “hummiliate”, “intimidate”, and hopefully “destroy” their opponent…who they are convinced is evil. their definition of evil is anyone who believes differently than they do.
“Winning” means Power, and Power means absolute control over the lives of others. At the end of the Leftist rainbow there lies Utopia…Nervana…absolute “Equality”…and every dream come true of peace and tranquility. It is the grand delusion, and the fact that every population in history who has tried their path with the same delusion have ended up causing he misery and death of millions and eventually a Totalitarian state with “No Middle Class”, “No opportunity for individuals to succeed above others through dedication and hard word, and “No freedoms or Liberty (read privaledges) except those granted by the State. Of course when the State has taken the place of God, all freedom and life necessities are either granted or witheld by the state. Those who helped the Totalitarian government to overcome the previously free population are the first to be “eliminated”, because they are the most dangerous “community organizers” and “rebels” who are only useful when a revolution is desired…and once the totalitarian state is in place…there can be no more revolutionary ideas or actions allowed.
We now witness a culture increasingly void of “responsibility”, “accountabiliity”, “honesty (with self or others), “Compassion” (as opposed to virtue signaling of false compassion), young peoples ability to reason or apply logic and truth to their lives, and most of all a strategically destroyed “family unit” and “Religion of the one true God”. Only Satan can cause such a delusion as experienced by those who see value in destroying America from the inside out!
We can pray for revival, and for the Holy Spirit to make TRUTH known…and to give courage to those who must face persecution to stand for Godly values and the Liberty and Freedom so very many have given thier lives to provide to this Country.
Stand UP!! Boldly!! and Face Delusion with truth!
Gary,The Word of God is such a source of encouragement! I was praying in the Lion of Judah spirit yesterday and when I had finished I was looking up a verse for another person. On the way looking for the book of Jeremiah, the Bible opened up to Isaiah 66. The spiritual prayers I had just prayed were Isaiah 66: 1—-! Judgement and hope. I was was like our Lord saying, right on for this is the season of how I am going to do things…last week He gave me a complete message for us His bride…with a vision of dancing with His Bride (us) and He was conveying how we need to flow with Him by being in step with Him, in tune with Him and in harmony with Him! “ in sync”! That is what His Word and His Spirit does for us.
Gary thank you for your awesome insightful, thank you, bless you!
Zuckerberg needs to be tried for treason and jailed for the rest of his life!
So…who is going to do that???
I just continue to pray for truth to be exposed overwhelmingly!!
Americans have to wake up. We cannot just move on and accept that man in the White House. He was placed there by very wicked people on purpose. He is the front man only. Behind the scenes, those who are against America, God and Christians and everything that is good, decent and Holy are pulling the strings. That is why you are seeing the most wicked of bills come forth so speedily from Biden. He is obeying Pelosi and Harris. The true puppet masters and controllers of this country right now. The evidence is overwhelming of voter fraud. Americans have to understand that our voting system has been taken over by foreign nations such as China and Iran. It’s been proven 100%. It’s probably been going on for years. That’s how total red districts over night flip blue. Thats how millions of people watched on election night has Trump was winning and suddenly lost overnight as millions of votes were dumped into Biden’s count. It was internet manipulation by foreign nations. The facts are indisputable and not a conspiracy, but fact. Please watch and share Mike Lindel’s video “Absolute Proof” on Rumble. See link below. The video and expert computer analysis folks that he paid for himself and hired people who investigated thoroughly proving the fraud, the theft in detail, naming the countries, the ips address, the time, the voting precinct and the amount of votes stolen from Trump rolled over to Biden. Our votes will never count again if this is not addressed. It’s huge and it’s corruption on every level. Local, state, courts, judges, Federal. Out of 80 approximate courts that were asked to look into this theft, this election fraud, only 2 would. The rest chose to ignore all evidence and claim “standing” which means they washed their hands of it basically. For what reasons? We don’t know. Perhaps fear or they are in on the conspiracy, only they and the Lord know. AG Barr never was given the information. He has people look at everything, and scrutinize it before hand. Who knows what was in their heads. Anyone that says there was not enough voter fraud to give Trump the election is either in on the theft, blind as a bat, refuses and does not want to know or is ok with the election steal as long as their person wins. This is pure evil and demonic. Watch and share.
I would give 10 amens if possible. Keep sharing the truth. Blessings.
Amen! What happened on Nov. 03, will happen again and again if we don’t wake up! That was a very well planned “election.” God help us to stand! The Word says, “having done all, stand.” We have to do all we can, then stand, and watch God do the rest!
Amen. Prayer is part of our stand
Agreed Entirely! If we don’t deal with 2020, we won’t need to deal with 2022 or 2024. We need to both stand (pray) and post a guard (get involved to insure election integrity at the state level).
Don’t let the Congress pass HR 1, call for a filibuster, especially if you live in the states President Trump won!
these people should be in jail. How can they be so hateful to try and fix an election. (which they did!). I pray for conviction of their souls on this.
Awaken, oh God of Israel! Commander of Angel Armies, arise to punish these treacherous people who oppose you! Don’t go soft on these hard-core killers but you Lord, break out laughing at their plans, amused at their arrogance, scarfing at their sinful ways. Psalm 59:5,8. (tPt) Lord we look to you and you only. You are our help, you, the God of glory and power.
All of this is true and much, much more! Many more stories of the same is out there. I cannot believe how many people are totally unaware of what corruption went on during the Presidential election. Everyone should be careful that they are getting the real truth. Most media outlets are not doing that. Many people DO know what happened, but the media, Big Tech, etc. refused to report it, and they still won’t! Everyone is AFRAID! It always comes back to fear! Until believers refuse to “cave in” to fear and intimidation, we are in trouble! Most believers are not used to aggressively defending what they know is the truth. We are now faced with no other choice but to calll these lies out and for standing up for what’s true and factual. It would be so helpful if pastors would get some courage and take the lead in this!! It is getting harder and harder to get the truth and it will get worse, if we do nothing!
They have been indoctrinated by the left MSM or they simly don’t want to know. Their voted for person got in, that’s all they care about. What amazes me is when supposed Christians (which I doubt are) voted for Biden simply cause they did not like Trump’s demeanor or whatever. America has a lot of repenting to do…alot! It has to start with the church.
AMEN! Well said!
Is there a vaccine to prevent election fraud?
Thanks for the laugh!
It’s not a vaccine, but an antibody treatment- Nip it in the bud at the state level. Use the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment to prevent nationalization of voter fraud. Call your state legislators, let them know you want them to fight for election integrity. The Constitution states the Legislature has the power to select electors, not the executive branch. Most of the states where voter fraud occurred ignored this, we cannot afford to.
How do we get this stuff prosecuted and election nullified.
Wow, but of course the left would say “there was no fraud in the 2020 election.”
O Lord, Only You and You alone know TRUTH! We come before You to ask that You would reveal TRUTH for those who seek Justice & Fairness. May You guide with Your hand of power & wisdom eyes to see, and ears to hear, minds to grasp; REAL facts. May those who have been involved in schemes of cover-up & deception be brought forth in order to have transparency and revelation.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Good Heavens that was spectacular!!
Thank you Victoria!
Heavenly Father, I ask you to help people deeply realize that we all need to put feet to our prayers–that YOU work through Your children and although it is good to pray we also need to wait upon You and ask the question: LORD, what would You have me to do about this? Open our ears Father to recognize your instruction and grant us willing hearts and boldness and courage to step out and speak up. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Thank you for keeping us informed of these kind of developments. Everything that has been hidden is coming into the LIGHT! We pray for truth, justice, and righteousness to
prevail, in the name of our King,
If these allegations are true, is ANYTHING being done? Allegations are one thing. Lawsuits, arrests, and jail time is another. Can, or will, anything be done to change the outcome?
A concerned citizen
Lord we ask not only for exposure but Justice!. Every individual elected illegally must be removed NOW and the rightful candidates be installed from the Whitehouse to every level of government. Father we ask your Divine Interception and Vindication for President Trump and every candidate where elections were stolen.
Amen, In Jesus name!
Father in the name of Jesus, we join together with more prayers and declarations of faith adding to the many that Americans have already brought to you requesting Divine justice on this and other election fraud issues. Father those in positions of leadership in the US courts have refused to hear these cases further and so we depend on you to continue to break through with exposing and bringing forth further proof, naming names and networks who joined together to knowingly and willingly Interfere with this election. Father the media continues to insist there was no fraud and our nation languishes under the new regime, seeing gas prices skyrocket and new and questionable legislation being passed while our true and duly elected president sits with his hands tied unable to finish the work you started through him. Father it was your work from the beginning and we do not look to man we look to you. Some in this new administration have openly attended church which the media has publicized, yet they have been involved in promoting legislation which hurts and undermines our nation and our economy, and favors the special interests of those with anti-Christ And socialist agendas. Father the enemies of our nation have infiltrated so many aspects of our daily life, interfered with our nation’s government, our justice system, our prosperity, our peace, our sovereignty, our military, our children’s education, our patriotism, our crops are laced with dangerous pesticides and issues are looming such as the possibility of forced vaccines and further moral erosion. Father we look to you and your word and the precious promises and encouragement we find there such and thank you for those Such as Psalm 18:17 “He delivered me from my strong enemy, From those who hated me, For they were too strong for me.“ Father and we seek you to deliver us as individuals and as a nation from those who hate us and hate our nation. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
I praying now for the injustices uncovered to prompt election reform so that only valid votes are counted in all our future elections.
We ask for your supernatural intervention.
Amen sister!
Jehovah-Nissi we thank you that you are our banner covering your people.
I proclaim Lord your promise given in Psalm 21:11.
Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.
Lord May we give you Praise at every scheme broken and every wrong righted by your powerful hand. Thank you Precious father Amen
Put them all in jail and openly expose the fraud and corruption and then do what’s right by showing in each of the corrupted locations the fraudulent activity and restore president
Donald J Trump to the office that the people Elected him to again for the second term! Also keep the pressure on the legislature of the state four a full audit of the election including forensic examination of ballots and thorough investigation of the voting machines used through technical experts in this field with complete transparency! Thirdly, make sure that there is never another election held like this one in our state ever again! President Trump called out the fraud right from the start of this whole huge conspiracy scheme. That means from now on everyone must vote in person on election day with a full tabulation of the results that same evening with the exception of absentee voting under the old guidelines where people can prove that they cannot physically go to the polls. Also eliminate all electronica voting machines and systems and mandate paper balloting only with observation equally from both parties and without restriction to there access and ability to move about and investigate anything that seems wrong to them In the voting stations!
Apparently there has to be more targeted prayer concerning the 2020 Election. The enemy of our souls and his minions who stole the election have the collusion of many of our legislators and law Enforcement agencies. Why hasn’t Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Dept. of Justice not taken the reigns of comprehensive investigation of all the layers of apparent fraud that anyone can readily see happened? There will be exposure soon that will cause national disruption; America is not ready for what is about to happen.
Things have been coming together behind the scenes and the shock of what will be brought to light will shake the nation AND the world. We must remain faithful and constant in prayer; ‘The Great Awakening’ is on the near horizon…
I pray everyday that the fraud in this election is exposed and those responsible are punished. I ask the Lord to open people’s eyes to the truth, to give full transparency and that all evil, godless, people involved in this corruption are discovered and brought to justice.
We have had our eyes opened and we praise God for his revelations to us. We know we are to pray and speak. This is a nation God created for HIS glory and we pray and agree the enemy may not be allowed to steal from HIM. God has never lost a battle and will NOT lose this one. Our capital has a fence and military around it showing that they are at war with their own people. We are outside that fence in prayer and will not stop praying for God to release HIS will for HIS nation to continue to tell others about our Lord and Savior for HIS glory. God please bless your America and have YOUR people turn to YOU like never before. We will see victory and we will praise the ONE who all blessing flow!!! Your name JESUS!!
The only comment I have is an old one. “When the lights go out, the Rats come out of hiding.” Think about it!!
Yes and when the lights come on the varmints are finally seen and they run for cover. At point it has become obvious there is an infestation and wise people will seek to protect their home or business building and exterminate before things get worse. Our prayers and claiming the word of God are exterminating the evil, but sadly corruption was infiltrating our nation unnoticed or undealt with for so long it may take awhile to fully expose and eradicate all the traitors. God help us in Jesus name!! Lord shine your light and send your Spirit and Word to our nation to save and deliver us as a people and a nation from fraud on every level, in our lives, our families, our government and in our churches, Including spiritual fraud which are the lies of the devil false teachers, and a false doctrines, including belief that we can look legit outwardly yet cheat God secretly by holding on to sin and yet still prosper. In Jesus name. Father deal with the fraud at its roots in the church as we were intended to rule and reign with Christ yet the imposters have attempted to take the reigns. Lord you are still in control and have already overcome all principalities and powers, help the church to rise up in this and your righteousness and authority and let those lights manifest in our for your glory in Jesus name.
So many people in government and other agencies have gotten by with so much for so long that they no longer blush. Help us, Lord, in this hour and may honest people be heard, evil exposed and those responsible be held accountable.
I pray that the Lord will reveal this corruptness and set the record straight and that righteousness will prevail! Trump won this election but it was stolen from him!
God is all powerful. He created His son Jesus in a virgin’s womb. He parted the Red Sea. He sent manna from heaven and water out of the rock. He raised Jairus’ daughter from death. He made water into wine. He created you and me and we are wonderfully made. He knit us together! Our Father in heaven can move heaven and earth. Let it rain and stop the rain. He has saved me from sickness and death when the doctors couldnt. He woke me up to save a loved one in danger. He fixed my broken charger when I was injured and alone and needed to call for help. God is so much more amazing than I am able to comprehend. He needs us to pray and be obedient. That is part of our contract with Him. I believe it is part of His education of us. We must pray His will to be done on earth. He does not need us to pray and plead but WE need it to become better disciples and trust Him more. He says in Isaiah 43:10-12…..and understand that I am He. Before me no God was formed, nor will there ever be one after me. I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior. It blew my mind when I read that. Wish someone told me that when I was a small kid who wanted to know who created God! But I know now and I am so grateful that He bothered to save me. I believe He will save America in a spectacular way. And everybody in the world will see that He did it. It is His gift to the confused and insecure and sinful world! What is impossible for man is possible for God. And healing and salvation will come as a flood. Amen
I learned first-hand that this election was being played dirty right in my own state of Ct. when they for the first time ever did not ask for identification. I complained from the lowest to highest and was shut down. Please pray that our Democratic tryannical governor Ned Lamont be shut down too!
Why is there no uproar and litigation about this? Action in addition to prayer is needed! Our Lord is providing the evidence for us to act!
Lord God, we praise you. You are the true and living God that hates fraud and injustice. You have declared that vengeance is yours. Have mercy on these wicked leaders. We pray for their salvation but we rest knowing that if they persist they will be reckoned with by a Holy and Just, True and Living God. This is a fearful thing. Those that devise evil will fall into their own pit.
“God has made the sins of evil men to boomerang upon them! He will destroy them by their own plans. Jehovah our God will cut them off” (Ps. 94:23 TLB).In Jesus saving name we Raise our Hallelujah.
Agreed, Lord we trust you to perform your word and we thank you and consider it already done for your glory!
Lord, we shall overcome all this evil in our country, your Word says, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy: Nothing will harm you.” Luke10:19
I do ask that all the evildoers, including in Washington,DC, be punished fully and our elections be corrected before this nation is totally Communistic and torn down.
I read through some of the comments and I know I’m not alone in the frustration I have been feeling. I’m especially grateful that someone shared PS. 37. I’ve known for some time that we are in a season of ‘all thing hidden’ being revealed. I also know that God is still on the Throne. So many are suffering from the events and persecution that have been taking place since the election. Children are suffering greatly by having their lives and friendships stolen from them by not attending school; economically many have lost their businesses, livelihoods, while prices are only beginning to soar on basic necessities like gas and heating; suicides in all age brackets are soaring, etc., etc.,etc..
I read a brief article by Jonathan Cahn last night in which he pointed out that we have gone from the ‘calling evil good’ stage to the ‘calling good evil’ stage. That helped shed some light on this season of persecution and hatred of Truth that’s growing exponentially. 1 Cor. 12:26a ’26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it’. The pain is being felt throughout the entire Body of Christ. It’s not that Pres. Trump was an ‘idol’ as some have accused. It’s simply the Truth of Prov. 29:2 ‘When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.’ There is no doubt in my mind that people who kill babies are wicked.
I know God will get us through whatever suffering we are currently passing through. I, for one, have to trust Jesus even more. I’m sorry to say that I do believe it is going to get far worse before it gets better. As the saying goes: ‘It’s always darkest before the dawn’. I pray for all of us that we can keep our anger in check and trust our Lord to sustain us until the dawn breaks. Know that God is angry, too: PS. 7-11 “God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.”
Luke 21:28 “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”
I, too, believe America is under judgement for the many great sins we have allowed to permeate our culture. Those of us who stand for Biblical morality will be persecuted and suffer for Jesus’ sake. Pray that we will be strong through His Spirit and not compromise.
Father God, thank You, that You uncover and reveal what the enemy’s plans were and his operations. God, bring these actions into the brightest light and into the courts that will HEAR and apply JUSTICE. God, remove unrighteous judges and leaders that will not hear truth and judge with wisdom, the law and legal precedent. We decree Judges AWAKE TO RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE! In Jesus Name Amen
The first thought that comes to mind after praying is once again along with many, many other obvious violations how has no one been held accountable? If this is now common knowledge, shouldn’t they be arrested?
My thoughts, exactly! That’s the terribly frustrating thing about it—seeing them disregard & break the law and have no consequences or accountability! May the Lord step in and change that❗️🙏
My prayer for George also. The evidence has been exposed. WHY NO ACCOUNTABILITY???!!!
I believe with all my heart that justice is coming. We are told to wait on Him. We must be patient. And when it happens it will truly be glorious and GOD will be lifted high and glorified. There will be no doubt Who is in charge. But He has a perfect plan and only He knows what must happen before that successful outcome. Be patient and continue to pray.
Luke 8:17 (NIV) For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that every hidden thing about the 2020 elections will be revealed, and for TRUTH to be spread abroad. Lord, I also pray that YOU will unveil every individual in our local, state, and federal governments whose purpose is to destroy the America that YOU ordained and the Constitution which has kept us free for nearly 250 years. Lord, I cry out to You to destroy the work of the enemy in our midst! Amen.
Connie, what a beautiful & powerful prayer! I stand in total agreement with it in Jesus’ name today❗️🙏
If this election is allowed to stand without people being prosecuted and ballots being examined by honest people, we can never again trust our elections. Our constitution gives states the right to oversee and conduct their own elections, not billionaires nor the federal government.
I agree with Sandy. Just who do they think they are, that they are privileged to override 1/2 the votes and more, in SECRET so no one would know! This is also called stealing and forgery is it not? Or at least committing fraud because they took what belonged to other United States Citizens and changed or stole what they said, plus anything to do with US Mail is also a federal offense. These people are traitors to the United States and our Constitution. The ones doing this are saying they have the right so the job gets done right? No, we all have the right to say and do what “lawfully” is allowed. This is not as in the “cave men days” where might makes right or should we say their $$ money makes them right. Yes they should all be prosecuted for their crimes just as others have been and are still in prison for: like they tried to do to General Flynn.
In agreement with Sandy and Annalisa and I commented likewise before I read their comments. I wasn’t sure if as a Christian I should be feeling that way so I appreciate your comments on accountability. I’ll continue praying for their souls to be saved but that does not excuse their atrocities and treasonous acts.
Shut down Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Google while election interference charges are investigated. These techs have interfered and changed election results illegally
This is news that should have come out before the election. I wonder what, if anything can or will be done to bring voter fraud charges? Satan is slick, but God is all powerful!
Mark Zuckerberg is a communist sleezebag and should be dealt with!
I completely deleted Facebook so as not to support this monster even though my business was on there and even some church related events still on there. I pray everyone follows. We must take a stand. In JESUS name, AMEN!
I get sick of reading articles about voter fraud and see nothing done about it. Someone bringing a lawsuit against some Zuckerberg group, big deal. I want to see them locked up in jail rather then some worthless lawsuit brought against them. But our court system only seems to work for the dumbocraps. Why the hell is that.
I agree it is discouraging, demoralizing, and humiliating how even when the fraudulence is exposed, there is no accountability. Our upper and lower courts are corrupt. Each exposure without accountability it’s like a slap in the face…. The only good thing that I take from this pattern is a knowing, knowing that we don’t suffer this in vain. It makes me even more aware of and thankful for what Jesus did and endured for me, for all of us !
Fret not yourself because of evildoers;
be not envious of wrongdoers!
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,
over the man who carries out evil devices!
Though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish,
they are doomed to destruction forever. Psalm 37
Completely agree. I’m sick and tired of hearing that this or that has been found out and NOTHING IS DONE. Not one of those sleazebags have been held accountable. They will one day I’m sure but for now an election is stolen, there’s a demented old communist FOOL occupying the White House and it appears NO ONE can do anything including me. I walk around every day with my hand clasped over my mouth (figuratively… sometimes actually!)In amazement at the audacity all around me.
Father in Heaven, maker of heaven and earth, I thank you that all this wrong doing involving the election has not been forgotten by you and that we will see a mighty move of your hand righting the wrong as we continue to call out to you and trust that you are working behind the scenes. I declare now that all victory and glory belongs to you. I also thank you for shifting this nation back to the place that you want it to be. In Jesus Precious Name, Amen.
Thank you Lord for exposing the all corruption connected to every election in the United States of America and around the world. Thank you for bringing justice to the nations all around the world. We ask for wrongs to be made right in the 2020 USA election. We pray for people to be awakened fully to any/all corruption in the Federal, State and Local elections. We ask for men and women of God Almighty to hold the seats of Authority in the USA. That all evildoers would be completely exposed and removed. That men and women of God Almighty would rise up and stand together for justice in our land. Thank you Lord that you’re leading this move of God. We love you and thank you for your hand of provision and covering. It’s in Jesus’ mighty name we appeal to Heaven. Amen.
Obviously Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein should have written down how he wanted to help cure the ballots so there would be not mistaking of what he was asking or doing, putting the county clerk in trouble and harassing.
Sovereign Lord Almighty,
I thank You, that You are moving heaven and earth to expose truth and corruption. There is nothing hidden from You and nothing too difficult for You. Thank You for Your faithfulness and for fulfilling Your promises to us. I stand in awe and amazement at the wonder of Your accomplishments. You are shaking the mountains, the earth, and the sea by Your great and mighty hand. Even the unrighteous are are unwittingly executing Your justice in our nation and around the world. I stand in amazement at the wonder of Your deeds. I give You praise, honor, and glory for the shift in the atmosphere. My spirit senses the happenings throughout the whole earth. You are God the Refuge of the Righteous, Psalm 94.
I ask that You protect the innocent children, those who are coming forward as whistleblowers, and those executing justice on Your behalf. Send forth warring angels to surround them with a hedge of protection from all harm, danger, and the evil one. Protect and restore the reputations of those doing Your bidding. If the angels must manifest themselves, allow them to do so. Restore our nation. Thank You for hearing the cries of Your people, Good Father.
In Jesus name, I pray. Amen
Glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus, The Christ. Father in the name of Jesus we thank you that you will…..expose this unGodly corruption. I thank you Lord that nothing not big text, news media, social media etc can stop you from exposing sin and corruption in this country and in the world. Our hope and trust is in you and only you alone. So we wait, we watch, we listen and Pray for your will to be done. Amen and Amen.
Johnette, I speak agreement with your prayer of truth and power today, standing with you in Jesus’ name❗️ Amen, let it be so; let it be done❗️❗️
God we thank you for all the things you are showing us. God, please hasten all the exposure of election fraud for all on the earth to see. God please do with the evil doers as you please. God, also lead all of us praying to you for justice from these evils to be shown the path on witch to turn in order to have justice. We ask of this in the name of your precious son, Jesus. Amen.
Father God, let the evil and deceived ones be disloyal to one another. Let them fight each other for power and control until they destroy their own. We focus not on things seen, but on the unseen armies of angels dispatched to bring a holy wind of justice and righteousness to YOUR church that is waking up to fight! Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered and destroyed!
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Further proof that resident Trump rightfully and honestly won the election. Its sad that the left has to
resort to wrongdoing to get what they want.
God, please help us all. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Amen
Only God knows the the truth about this whole thing. Nobody should bear false witnesses against anybody just to prove a point. If there was an election fraud, may God expose the perpetrators and disgrace them, but if there was no election fraud, may those lying about it be also exposed and be disgraced for lying in Jesus name Amen! May God continue bless us all and direct our paths in Jesus name Amen.
Excuse me! Proof of fraud? Have you not seen the evidence presented by non-mainstream media sources? Where have you been? There’s so much evidence that it would stunt the growth of a baby elephant! The statement of election fraud in 2020 should never be “if there is election fraud”! Of course there was, plenty of it and all the perpetrators know exactly who executed it and where they did it. Don’t be naive; don’t be deceived. Tune up your discerner if you are a professing Christian. Multiplied Christians have already heard from God and we are standing firm in this matter. I pray that you will see the light and no longer go between two points of view.
sadly, they may be permitted to get away with all the fraud on this side of Heaven- especially since those who had a chance to prosecute them failed to do so.. but they will not permanently get away with it. My mother had a dream about judgement day.. how all of us.. starting from the most influental down to the lowest person will have to give account for each and every action (or non-action and indifference) of our lives.. and all that was done in secret will be exposed for everyone to see…
When people do dishonest things, they do so because they CAN, but there will come a time when they will be faced with regret..and why they SHOULDNT have.
This article begs the question: “What would Jesus do?”
Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV
“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”
Matthew 12:36 ESV
“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak…”
One thing Jesus would NOT do is propagate conspiracy theories and lies.
The whole presidential election was unmistakably in error Trump should be reinstated as president
Our Heavenly Father,
I praise Your Holy Name. Thank You for once again revealing the wickedness of those who committed fraud in the election. I pray in the Name of Jesus that You raise up those who are courageous and willing to bring to justice all those who have committed this crime. May You give judges courage to rule in favor of righteousness. May we see by Your grace the removal of Joe Biden
and the return of the rightful victor President Donald J. Trump.
In the blessed Name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Oh Fwther, the Great I Am, please let the truth be uncovered and justice be served on earth as it is in heaven. Your will be done. Please continue to pray for this county, Phil, patriots fighting and Delaware County, PA where the exact thing happened. A few faithful patriots fighting, but with a Soros backed DA, it’s hard to find an uncorrupt or courageous enough judge to hear this case! Pray for God’s intervention in these Sodom and Gomorrah counties!
Blessings and grace and protection over all those who take courage and expose the works of darkness especially concerning these last elections.
I pray for the release of clear information and proof of all the wrongdoing around the elections so that justice can be done and be seen to be done. May the fear of God again protect the nation.
Over the past few years, it has been our prayer that the evil works of darkness be exposed, and we are seeing that come to fruition.
It occurs to me that we also need to be praying that people will actually care. The testimonies of the courageous election workers were staggering — if you’ve ever worked an election and then listened to them give their personal experiences, you realize very quickly that this was a dirty election. Yet the outcome, removing Trump, seemed to be worth it for those who, for whatever reason, simply wanted him out. Honesty, fairness, and integrity mean nothing to many in government and to huge masses of people, and we must pray for their hearts to be turned to begin to reflect the honesty, fairness, and integrity that God would have us care about.
You hit the nail on the head. It’s more than simply accumulating evidence at this point. Mike Lindell’s tape shows plenty of evidence. Very key are turning a blind eye to justice. Their hearts are accepting good as evil and evil as good.
Father God, we pray for the hearts of Judges, Attorney Generals, Prosecutor Offices and other key people that play a role in the election process, that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened. That their hearts would be unhardened to receive truth and they would no longer yield to the whims of satan. That they would recognize lies that are visibly before them and that fear would not dominate their souls. We pray that they have more fear of pleasing you than fearing man and just ‘do the right thing.’ May many of them come to know You and receive you as their Lord and Savior, thus having their minds renewed. May those who already confess you as Lord repent for whatever wicked role they played and follow whatever steps God tells them in rectifying their actions. We thank you Lord in knowing that the prayers of the righteous availeth much. We pray in the Authority and integrity that is in the Name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.
Praying that all truth will be revealed in such a way that no one can deny it
Lord no sin of man is hidden from You. You are our All-Kowing God (John 21:17) You are Judge of all the earth (Acts 10:42)
Lord we ask that the TRUTH would prevail and those quilty of fraud, cheating and stealing would be exposed and prosecuted for their crimes. Thank you for being Sovereign over all things.(Psalm 103:19) in Jesus precious name I pray. Amen
Father, my cry remains…..expose. Expose. Expose. Expose.
Let everything come into the light in such a way that nobody can deny what You expose.
Then, Father, let a wave of accountability and consequences hit every person who intentionally manipulated, funded, devised schemes, hid truth, and lied to the American people……let it be called what it is…..treason. And let Godly people take their places. And let the fear of the Lord fall on America as you release Your roar of justice! Have Your Way!!!!! No stone unturned. In Jesus’ Name!
Lord, we are asking for IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE – that the LAW has to listen to this evidence or audited information. NOBODY seems to be listening cares about this information. Lord, summon your power O God.
Tari, I align my agreement with your prayer and speak that agreement out to the heavenlies, the earth and those beneath the earth this day. I stand in complete agreement with you in this and add that God, the Righteous judge, move decisively and swiftly to show Himself strong on our behalf❗️🙏❗️
Yes, like it has been quoted so often, “It is not who votes but who counts the votes”. If you receive that kind of money there has to be an agreement or understanding it is given “Hands Off”. Who and how the money will be disbursed falls back to established law.
Thank You, Lord, for revealing more lies. Bless and protect Phil Kline and all the people working for the Amistad Project. Protect all of those fighting for truth to be revealed. Confuse and confound those fighting to lie, hide and steal. Thank You for Your answers to our prayers! Thank You that Truth originates in You!
Fraud cannot be covered up for long just as darkness cannot overcome light because truth is light and it shall overcome darkness.
Father God,
We pray you will continue to uncover people who committed frauds in the 2020 general election and remove them before the next election cycle starts. America needs you more than ever to take out the influence of Satan so this nation can once again be the city on the hill.
In the precious name of Jesus Christ, amen.
“The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken.”
Psalms 33:10-11 NLT
God is never in a hurry and is always on time. May He continue to expose the works of darkness.
Lord GOD continue to reveal the truth about the election fraud. Lord I pray for Zuckerberg and all the evil he has done to our country. Reveal the truth, to us the truth about this man and his organization. I pray you will bind this man and his evil ways, in Jesus name! Amen 🙏
This is disgraceful and must be publicized. God is revealing the truth, we as Christians must stand and demand the truth be told.
Oh Heavenly Father, the cry of my heart is for all truth to be exposed and those who committed fraud to be held to account.
In the name of Jesus may wrongs be righted and may Your perfect will come to pass.