“Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed significant election reform legislation on Monday. The new law decreases Iowa’s early voting period and closes polls an hour earlier on Election Day. State Sen. Roby Smith, a Republican, says the new law “enhances Iowans’ confidence in the elections in this state by implementing common sense reforms like providing a defined deadline on receipt of absentee ballots, aligning poll closing times for all Iowa elections closer to its bordering states, and bringing the absentee and early vote windows closer to the national average.’ ‘ . . .
‘In order for our republic to maintain the consent of the governed, they must have confidence in our election system,’ Smith says. In a statement released Monday, Reynolds said the new law will give “Iowans even greater confidence to cast their ballot’ and it will promote “more transparency and accountability.’ ‘It’s our duty and responsibility to protect the integrity of every election,’ Reynolds said, adding: ‘This legislation strengthens uniformity by providing Iowa’s election officials with consistent parameters for Election Day, absentee voting, database maintenance, as well as a clear appeals process for local county auditors.’” . . .
In 43 states, over 250 bills have been introduced that are designed to strengthen state election systems and processes, showing that there is momentum for election reform at the state level. More news stories coming out demonstrate the need. Local officials in Texas, New Jersey, and Mississippi have been indicted on nearly 200 total election fraud charges, state attorneys general have announced in recent days. . . .
It’s no surprise that elections have consequences, which is why your vote is critical. Every 10 years, after a new census count, states adjust the boundaries of state legislative and U.S. House of Representatives districts to account for population shifts. . . .
As the U.S. population grows, the number of total districts does not increase in the U.S. House of Representatives. In fact, it sits, by a nearly century-old law, at 435 members. Those 435 seats are distributed among the states by a formula adopted in 1941 and administered by the Census Bureau. States that have grown the most gain seats, and states that grow slowly— or have even lost population — lose seats. Of the 10 new congressional seats expected this year, six are likely to be in Southern states, with one new one expected in North Carolina, two in Florida, and three in Texas. Republicans control the legislatures in those states, leaving them with say over what those new districts will look like — a contrast to other parts of the country where state governments are either divided or where nonpartisan commissions are tasked with redrawing congressional and state legislative lines. Some experts note Republicans could win control of the House in 2022 based on redistricting alone. Whoever controls the map-drawing wields enormous and long-lasting influence over the U.S. political system. . . .
Father God, I ask You to move powerfully in the hearts and minds of our legislators. Give them the knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and discernment to see and recognize how their votes impact their constituents. Give them the courage of Daniel to stand against any legislation that does not restrain evil or promote good. Cause them to know You are sovereign and that their first loyalty must be to You and not their political party.
The right to vote is one of the most sacred rights that we as American citizens can exercise. Legitimate concerns exist about the fairness and accuracy of our elections and there need to be reforms. But dangerous and irresponsible federal legislation known as H.R.1 has now passed in the House and is awaiting a vote in the Senate. If it becomes law, it is certain this would undermine our election integrity forever and elections-related power would be unconstitutionally transferred from the states to the federal government. . . .
Did you send a message to your Senator? Let us know in the comments below!
(Excerpt from My Faith Votes. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Father as i come here again to join my prayers & declarations of faith with the intercessors i thank you for these victories & ask that more states follow suit devising & passing election legislation, laws, & policies that will safeguard our elections from all forms of fraud In the days ahead including safeguarding us from fraudulent election machines as well as electronic & human error. Let there be the type of checks & balances in place to catch & expose any errors so that the results are calculated & presented justly & accurately.
Father i further pray that by your Holy Spirit you would raise up morally uncorruptable men & women with great Godly moral spiritual wisdom & conviction, knowledge & skills to desire careers in politics and government, on every necessary level in our communities, cities, & states: senators, congressmen, governors, & All the branches below them as well as their support staff & advisors. Father let there be a great shift of power that puts political positions & governmental legislative power into the hands & hearts of those YOU consider to be morally ðically righteous and skilled even if they are not fundamentally jews or christians, (as even Cyrus & Darius favored your people in ancient days) raise up these morally ethically righteous leaders who will truly protect our constitution & not allow the oppression Or suppression of any moral law-abiding righteous religion. Father our nation has become a mixed pot of cultures & religions many which honor a righteous law in general & have compassion on the poor, Romans speaks of gentiles who have a law in their hearts, even if they dont embrace an Abrahamic law. Father even an unaffiliated religious form of righteousness in government who truly honors that is far better than one with hidden or outright corruption.
i further pray Father help the Abrahamic community of believers glean the wisdom from your word that you are a God of LOVE & MERCY who desires RELATIONSHIP not religion & give all who claim faith in the God of Abraham the necessary ongoing conviction & wisdom to know the difference & seek YOU above all else & the understanding that to win over the immoral & unbelievers we need to demonstrate your true Godly unconditional love & respect that “rains on the righteous as well the unrighteous” (as your word says you do), not continually spewing threats of hell & hatred, & self righteous finger pointing at them. Jesus saved the adulteress from such unrighteous religious behavior! Father when will those who claim to be yours learn & practice what Jesus truly taught? Grant it NOW Lord worldwide, your world needs this understanding now more than ever the more we have pushed with self righteous fingerpointing religion the more corrupt and in bondage our nation has become to rebellion, atheism, agnosticism, & hedonism & the more the elite have desired to oppress & suppress the unloving & calloused voice of dead religion extremists yet they can never hope to suppress YOU almighty God or your TRUE covenant people, and a true outpouring of YOUR true righteousness and love and Genuine HOLY SPIRIT conviction. Pour it out now Lord. Convict your Abrahamic people of their dead religion their Unloving disrespectful unkind & intolerant opposing everything & anyone who does not openly wear their particular religious brand label, show them how they fight & oppress & hate each other & have done great damage to the overall image of religious affiliation in general world wide such that many heathen want nothing to do with ANY religion yet they are your creations & as such desperately desire truth & genuine love & righteousness & have spirits built with an inner yearning to find & worship the One TRUE God.
Father open the Spiritual eyes & ears & minds of all Abrahamic religions who claim to be yours & claim to truly live by your laws, to understand & discern True worship of you is relationship with you, true Love true wisdom true righteousness can only come from true inner communion with YOU & having your true law in their hearts not from an outward Self righteous religion that oppresses opposes & disrespects others. Father convict all about this & even point it out to the athiests and agnostics & heathen that it is not The true God or true Christianity or True Judaism they oppose but rather the offenders are the imposters of dead religion & those who practice it!
Father raise up true Godly teachers in all the faiths who will Truly point the way to True relationship with the one and only God of Abraham who refuse to worship Dead religion which has contributed so greatly to the hatred & moral rebellion in our world, in Jesus name i receive your response actions & answers to my prayers
I live in Michigan, Democrat Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State. Michigan overwhelmingly voted for President Trump. But because of the 3:48 am drop off of 1000’s of ballots which were curiously 99.9% for Biden. We went too bed KNOWING that President Trump had won and woke up with our jaws hitting the floor going who the heck voted for that 🙄 loser. I Pray for the current administration, all left wing radicals. We must hate the sin Not the sinner. Read Deuteronomy 32:4 (KJV)
He is the Rock, His work is perfect: for all His ways are jugement:a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He.
It is God who judges, not us. Praise God we do not need to walk with that burden. And His Son took care of the rest.
Letters were sent to both NJ senators regarding HR1. In reply, I received the usual form letters thanking me for contacting their office, and assuring me they want the best for their constituents. Writing to NJ ‘leaders’ gives me no confidence that my state is moving in the right direction. Needless to say, ALL of NJ’s ‘leaders’ are democrats.
Yes, I contacted Senators
I am from Iowa. We had a record voter turnout and there were no cases of voter fraud. This legislation is an example of voter suppression, pure and simple.
Election Day is “Election Day!” That’s it!!! Look at the BS going on with Rita Hart! She went straight to Nancy Pelosi. I’m disappointed in her, to say the least.
I sent an e-mail to both of our senators (both Republicans) requesting a no vote on HR1 but have yet to hear from either one. They are conservative but I would appreciate an answer.
Yes, I have sent the message to my representatives and Senators, and will continue to pray for them, as the replies I have received are very disappointing. Far from even listening to my views, they either say, Yes we’re happy to hear from you; or That’s how I vote and will continue to, regardless of what you do or say. It seems I am NOT being represented in Washington, DC.
I have sent multiple messages to my Democrat senators regarding HR1. Their response was like reading the fake news media on the bill… But, at least they know we are paying attention And will hold them accountable.
I have the same results with Senator Casey (D) here in PA. It’s tough reading his staff’s responses and discouraging.
I pray in agreement with you… please GOD intervene ….help us to look deep within our heart to see where we might confess our SINS and humble ourselves to YOU LORD !
Father God, we cry out for Your will to be accomplished in America. Regarding HR1, Father, raise up voices in the Senate that will stand against this unconstitutional attempt to federalize election procedures. Raise up challenges that will clearly show that this legislation is a violation of the constitution and would require an Amendment to the constitution, like the 17th Amendment, not by partisan vote. We cry out for Holy Spirit strategies to restore America to its original covenant with You, forged in the Mayflower Compact 400 years ago. The time has come to restore Your agenda to our nation, in Jesus’ precious and powerful name!
Father we stand against HR1 and it’s attempt to usurp power from the states ( the people) and give it over to the federal govt. Father I thank you that You were involved in the law making process of this country and for that very reason we have been a blessed nation. Father the battle has raged to take You out for a long time. Hear the prayers of your people Father because this fight cannot be won without you. Thank you for everything You have allowed this past year to Father. We know that you use all things to bring glory to yourself, and you are using what the enemy thought would destroy your church to wake us up. Now Father embolden us with strategies and strengthen us to fight this battle. Your Word confirms that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. So Father I pray for my brothers and sisters to awaken from the slumber and to seek You and be obedient when You answer, because we can do all things through Christ who gives us the stet we need, we are only Your footmen, You draw up the battle plan. You said it’s not by power or by might but by Your Spirit, enable us to be willing participants in Your army Father!! I ask in the Mighty name of Jesus🙌🙌🙌
Amen and Amen
Amen!! Yes I have sent a message that I am against HR1 legislation that has already passed in the House.