My husband, Sam, and I have lived in El Paso, Texas for 35 years. Sam has been a city chaplain for 27 years, serving the Police Department, Fire Department, and Fire Medical Services. We have both served the DEA as chaplains, and I supported both the Texas and Southwestern Border Sheriffās Coalitions for 5 years, was appointed to the National Sheriffās Association Chaplain Committee, facilitated the Border Sheriffās Posse Prayer Network and founded Border School. For many years I have attended the monthly Law Enforcement breakfast for the leaders of the Law Enforcement community both in El Paso and on Fort Bliss, and currently give the invocation at the breakfasts. As I write this, my husband is at the reunification center waiting with families to learn the fate of their loved ones.
These prayer requests come in the wake of the horrific shooting at an El Paso Walmart on Saturday morning, August 3.
Our first reports were of a shooting at Cielo Vista Mall and a shooting at the Walmart next door, which is on the same property. There was also a report of a shooter a little further down Interstate 10, at Costco. When the dust settled, the actual incident took place at Walmart, and it was horrific. It will take a long time to heal.
One of the special things about El Paso is that the Law Enforcement community is well known for being one of the most unified in the nation, with federal, state, county and local agencies working extremely well together. When the heads of federal agencies rotate into El Paso, without exception they are amazed at the cohesiveness of the Law Enforcement community.
Please join us in praying thatā¦
- those 25 hospitalized in serious and critical condition will live and not die
- the families of the 22 confirmed lost (5 children) will be comforted and supported
- the churches of El Paso will be unified and favored to minister the healing grace of Jesus
- the community will know exactly how to rally around and support Law Enforcement
- the community of El Paso will be united and experience healing
- attempts by anyone to politicize this tragedy will be thwarted
- the fruit of this evil incident will break peopleās hearts and draw them to the Lord, bringing an awakening that will affect the nation
With MUCH gratitude for each one who stands with El Paso as we heal.
(By Pam Faraone,Ā New Day Ministries International)
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Heavenly, Father we pray that the people of EL PASO,TX declare your praise day and night. Everything you have done, Everything you are doing, and Everything you are going to do in the future. We know
that the Lord’s Word never returns to Him void because He watches over His Word to perform it. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Father, this tragedy hit in our backyard! We are devastated and are asking for your healing and guidance. Father, President Trump is set to come to El Paso tomorrow and people are being petty saying he didn’t pay his bill from the last time he was here. This seems petty and out of the subject, but we love our President because he loves You! Please help him to be mindful of the things he does because he tries so hard for our country. Help him to remember the small things so people will know he means what he says when he makes decisions based on what You want for our country! You said in Your word that he who is faithful in the small things can be trusted in the big things. Father! Help him to remember and stop the naysayers and critics who wish to see him harmed or just want him to go away. We trust You Father, in all things because it is You who makes us great. Please heal El Paso and the surrounding cities – her sister cities. Be with the victim’s families and the people who were hurt badly. We are all here mourning and hope for Your touch in our area. In Jesus Name, amen.
May that which the enemy meant for destruction instead be turned around by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit working through the unified body of Christ in El Paso. May it result in powerful advances of the Kingdom of God in El Paso, Texas, and America.
I agree with this mighty prayer, O Lord! Bring lost hurting souls to You through the coming days & months. Unify Your people to be loving harvesters — full of Your Grace and Words of Life.
Through the Power of Jesus Name, so be it!
Standing in agreement with you! Lord may You be glorified mightily! In Yeshuaās Name!
Amen and in agreement – from Illinois
Heavenly Father we know your heart weeps with us as we travail for everyone touched by these tragic murders in our land. We say those injured will live and not die! We pray a fire hedge of protection around our cites as you work to bring help and healing to those the confused, tormented and mentally ill people who want to murder others because they are in such mental pain and anguish themselves. God help them meet Jesus, the one who can heal and help restore them back to mental health and be given purpose to go on to help others, and lead a life of peace! Thank you for policemen and women who respond swiftly to aid people in crisis situations, bless them richly and keep them safe! Bring peace to our land as you unite churches and communities bathed in prayer as Intercessors lead out changing the very atmosphere to one of peace even as the devil roars in vain because the Lion of the Tribe Of Judah roars louder and victoriously bringing help and healing to all who need it. Raise up your army of Intercessors who are Praying and praising, optimistic, bold, courageous and are making a difference in the atmosphere over our cities. Victory is born in the midst of apparent failure. Rise up Intercessors! We are making a difference! The heart of our God has been touched, He fights by our side, and He never loses!
Wake up Churches! Get out of your comfort zones and meet the difficult needs of the mentally ill, this isnāt a medical issue -itās wounded heart issues who needs JESUS! We have been passing the buck far too long. If we donāt want to pay the piper get out and make a difference. Take the first step to find out what your church can do! Yes itās a huge challenge but look what one little woman -Mother Theresa did! Start somewhere! What would Jesus do? Help us Father to step out and minister LIFE where there was death!! We know the ending of the BOOK, letās do our part! We know who goes before us, we know who goes behind, the God of Angel armies is always on our side! We have been given authority! Time is NOW!
I agree with this prayer. Lord, hear our prayers we asked in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
I also agree with this prayer, Lord open our eyes to see the real truth of Jesus in every heart.
In agreement with my precious sister, Praising God for Who He is and for who He has given us…Jesus Christ, who paid our debt of sin and His Holy Spirit, who teaches us and leads us in the holy ways of our Lord God Almighty, The Great I AM, the God of Israel, who was, who is and who is to come. All we know is to praise Him, seek Him and wait upon His presence to move us. Exodus 33:13-16 For if His presence does not go before us how else will we, the body of Christ be distinguished from all the other people on the face of the earth? Thank you Father that this earth is not our home and that you have a home in heaven for your children all who call upon your Holy and Precious Son, Christ Jesus, for salvation…exchanging their old nature for His new nature. Help us father to remain in your grace…to be a sweet aroma of Christ to all in our path, to not be offended easily, that the body of Christ may be ready, a joyful bride in great anticipation, watchful, eager and thankful for the coming of the Bridegroom. Have your way in us as we become less, shall you not become more, O! We need you Jesus, You are the source of our strength; for in you we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
In Christ,
by grace a daughter of the King of Glory
Dearest Father.
We pray above all else that the death of these people will not be in vain. We place a huge canopy of prayer and thanksgiving for the plans you have for El Paso. May there be an awakening of spirits and hearts and
Minds to the nearness of Christ at this time. Bring Hope Light and Salvation to all those who live there; a Mighty testimony of Your Power and Presence in Christās name. Amen
Agreeing with your prayer, Pam. Believing too that Father will reveal the truth of all that has happened and use that truth to advance the Kingdom of God in El Paso and in this nation.
Blessings of shalom. Barb
Dear Lord, I pray for El Paso and for all the people who live there, that the chilling horror of the senseless murders will be healed and those affected directly you will comfort by your Spirit, by the churches, by the neighborhoods. Lord draw near and draw all to you in such days and griefs that we cannot understand. You are near to the brokenhearted. They need your Devine presence in each of their lives; they need the support and love and they need You to lead them in the right paths, touch each life, little and old, each need, each heart with your redeeming love. In Jesus Name, we do ask it. Amen
I stand in agreement with you all that God will comfort the hearts of those who lost loved ones and that what the adversary meant for evil, God will turn it around and make it good…even to the saving and restoration of souls.
Amen. May the enemy of our souls be defeated and in each case may it turn the hearts of all involved to you. As it appeared when people crucified Jesus that the enemy had won….only to find that what the enemy wanted was to kill, steal, and destroy….God used for the good of all who accepted Jesus ā sacrifice …may it be so with each person here. May the kingdom increase with each blow of the enemy. In your precious name Lord Jesus Christ. Allow faith to rise and help people to truly āknowā you Jesus…not a form of religion, but you as a person, the prince of peace, almighty God. Amen.
Father God, there is nothing new under this sun to you. You have walked the corridors of time, and know our beginning and end.
Comfort and strengthen the families of El Paso, in their time of loss and mourning.
May you give strength and peace to those left behind.
We know the enemy comes to steal , kill and destroy. But you , Oh Lord God are our comfort and peace. Hide us beneath beneath the shadow of your wings.
May those in mourning, come to you , that you may bind up the wounds of spirits soul and body.
What the enemy, desires for evil purposes, turn. It to your glory.
Send peace and soundness of mind to those dealing with the effects of this tragedy..
cut off the spirits of death and oppression in this community. May your Holy angels , minister peace and comfort to this community.
In Jesus name we pray, amen
I come into agreement, in Jesus name!
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm on the border and causing the shootings. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name, Amen.
And Holy Spirit, hover over El Paso and the people there. Fill them with the hope of Jesus and comfort them, in Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You for prayer. Lord I pray for the people of El Paso especially for the families that were victimized by this incident. Lord please address the concerns 5hat were listed above. Please Lord protect us from future violence. Most of all Lord call us to You because we need You and Your love Heavenly Father. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I pray in agreement with all these prayers, and decree and declare that the Word of the Lord and His promises will prevail. What Satan has attempted for destruction will be turned for good, and as we unite in prayer and action to comfort and support all those affected by this tragedy, we will experience Thy kingdom come and Thy will being done in El Paso and all the earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
We adore you oh Christ, and we praise you – because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world! Come Lord Jesus – come Holy Spirit, invade the hearts, minds, and souls of all of Gods children so that all we think, say, and do will bring praise and glorify God, our heavenly Father Amen and Hallelujah!
Our Most Holy God, nothing of this is new or surprises You, o God, we have turned our backs to You, Your Holy Word & Your Holy Spirit. We repent as a nation of turning away from the values and beliefs once declared openly in the public square and in our schools and You are disciplining this nation. Father I pray for those that will be delivering comforting words to those who mourn, Father I pray You will raise up righteous men to declare Your word on this generation. The ONLY hope we have is in Christ Jesus.
Your word declares
First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, Himself human, who gave Himself ā a ransom for all, a testimony at the proper time.
Oh Lord the truth is in Your word, I pray it to be declared with confidence it will not be returned void. Send forth those to comfort with a message of Hope and Healing, and warning to turn back to the God of our Founding Fathers, turn back to the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, turn back to Jesus who gave His life on the cross to atone for the sins of woeful man. Lord, may You have mercy upon whom you will have mercy and grace upon whom You will have grace. Cast down the evil doers and the mocked of Your Son if they shan’t bow the knee to Christ. Deliver us O Lord, from the burdens and temptations of the evil one, and may we all forgive as You forgave us. In Jesus name, may Your Gospel be fanned like flames and hearts be changed for Your glory alone.