Resurrection: The Great Equalizer
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Resurrection: The Great Equalizer
Did you see this headline? ”Chicago Church Fasting From Whiteness During Lent By Ditching Hymns Written By White People.”
Ouch. The article went on to say that the church, headed by a white pastor, is aiming to be more inclusive to people of color, thus promoting unity. I think I understand their intention, but I think it misses the point of Christian unity. My heart hurt when I read it, and it intensified what I have felt burdened to pray for often: unity in the American Church.
Our divisions along racial, doctrinal, political, and socio-economic lines run deep. Volumes have been written about why that has happened. Racial division, which has plagued the church as far back as Acts (Acts 6:1), has come back to the foreground since the unrest and violence triggered by the violent death of George Floyd. There have been lots of helpful suggestions such as these on how to be proactive in ending racial segregation in the church. All good and important stuff.
But I can’t help but think that every human effort to end racial discrimination and segregation in the church is only putting Band-Aids on the wound if it does not go hand in hand with a deep work of the Holy Spirit to change our hearts. The fact that segregation exists is a symptom of walking in the flesh, rather than the Spirit (see Galatians 5:18-24). Some of the works of the flesh that are listed in this text are dissensions, strife, divisions, and enmity. Verse 24 emphatically states that “those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” The fact that visions, tensions, and enmity like racism still exist in the church imply that those works of the flesh have not been crucified in our hearts by us who claim to belong to Jesus Christ.
That is a matter for deep, urgent, and persistent prayer that should be fueled by understanding one of the aspects of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that is all too often overlooked, namely that it is the Great Equalizer.
During Easter we commemorate that Jesus paid for our sins on the cross once for all, and that He rose from the dead for our justification (Romans 4:25, 1 Peter 2:24,25). By His death and resurrection, He provided one entry point into the Kingdom of God for every human being regardless their skin color, ethnic heritage, political views, past deeds, economic standing, language, or anything else. The one entry point given to all human beings is this: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:38) The immediate result of this repentance is that “you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (same verse).
The outcome of repentance and receiving forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit to indwell us is, that we all become members-in-equal-standing of God’s global Church: “There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6) Because of that amazing unification in Christ, we are exhorted to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:1-3)
Easier said than done. As a matter of fact, we can’t manufacture that with human effort, no matter how good our intentions are. Which is why we need a heart transformation by the Holy Spirit. The preceding chapter in Ephesians explains what that transformation consists of: “For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:14-22).
The breaking down of the dividing walls of hostility – which I believe to be both our sinful inclination to discriminate against others, and the anger caused by that discrimination – is done in us by the Holy Spirit, and is key to us walking in our true identity as members of one Body, filled with one Spirit, worshipping one Father, who is over us all, through us all, and in all – a chosen generation, a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a people of God’s own possession from every imaginable background (see 1 Peter 2:9-10). A major aspect of the gospel is that it brings us out of a world where hatred, strife, and divisions reign, even to the point of violence, into a kingdom where love, unity, healing, and equality rule.
The fact that division of any kind, including and perhaps especially, racism, means that either the Holy Spirit is not in us, or that we have quenched Him to the point of not allowing Him to do the work He desires to do in our hearts that leads to love and unity and the visible presence of Christ among us.
Easter – the celebration of Christ’s atoning death and glorious recollection – is the great equalizer. It reminds us that we are one in Christ, that we should walk in the unity He purchased on the cross by His blood and vigilantly oppose any division, any exaltation of outward differences, any strife that have been giving Satan footholds among us.
Divisions, especially those based on outward appearance, deeply grieve Jesus, Who endured unimaginable pain and suffering to pave the way to reconcile the people created in His image to God and to each other, and Who prayed fervently that the people that the Father would give to them would be one (John 17:20-21).
As an intercessor, I identify with the things that grieve the heart of God. His grief over our shortcomings as a church, in this case disunity, awaken in me desperate prayer for His mercy and intervention.
For me, that is where Easter and Intercession come together. As I celebrate the resurrected Christ I do so with a deepening desire for our faith in Him to unite us, to stir the same mind and heart in us that are in Him, and to see wounds of discrimination, injustice, and division healed.
In my own desire to see Spirit-wrought radical change in the Church, I invite you to pray with me throughout this Holy Week:
- That the strife in the world, and in His church, would cause Christians to contemplate that Easter signifies the Great Equalization and Unification that exists for us in Christ.
- That our unity is to set an example to an increasingly dark, divided, and loveless world.
- For a spiritual awakening in the church that a deep work of the Holy Spirit is needed to overcome our divisions, heal our wounds, and unite us in genuine, unconditional love that makes Christ visible to the world. A work that God desires to do, and we must let Him do.
- For conviction of our lukewarmth, worldliness, and clinging on to judge appearances that leads to a repentant, heartfelt, desperate desire for that outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
- For His Church in America to re-enthrone Christ in our hearts, homes and congregations and make His priorities our priorities, His will, our will, His desires our desires, and thus return to walking in a manner worthy of our salvation, pursuing unity at all costs, and making His presence in us visible to the world.
Share your prayers in the comments!
Author Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years’ experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the US. Born and raised in the Netherlands and pastoring his first church in Amsterdam, he moved to the US in 1986. He and his wife Jennifer currently live north of Atlanta, GA When not writing books, he blogs and assists his wife as content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo credit: Canva.
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The spirit of offense is alive and well I see by these comments.
There may be much to do to work this out in our hearts and lives but what more is there to say than a resounding AMEN!
First of all, we don’t commemorate Easter bur Passover!! Easter is taken from the Babylonian idol, ISHTAR, and has nothing to do with our faith! Anyone who observes Easter, must REPENT right now!!
Apart from that, the only way to end all this talk of racism is to “love thy neighbor as thyself, ” period! Whites should not hate themselves for being white and should make no apologies to anyone! Black people need to emancipate themselves from mental slavery, like Bob Marley said!!
If people do not look beyond what is stoked by outside forces to destroy the Church and our country we are lost. Truly I have known very few racists in my almost 60 yrs on this earth. But constantly media and frankly the people in charge of the country talk about white supremacists, where are they? The people pouring over our border are of every color and nation on this earth. They don’t seem to worried about it. I can tell you if people keep on with this farce, you will create those monsters.
Search for the truth, you will not find it in the MSM. Look at the last two years the government and others have absolutely lied to us about Covid. And if you don’t see that I don’t know what to tell you.
Please be praying for legislators/Health Committee, in Sacramento, California on Tuesday who will be voting on a Bill that may allow killing of a baby up to 28 days after birth.
I know you can’t fathom the barbarity of this, like any normal, God/life-loving person…
I’m reminded of His promise to turn the hearts of the fathers (& mothers)to their children & that He would pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh!! This includes legislators who as yet may not know His ways.
This just boggles my mind. How many people actually stop to think of that before they sing a beloved hymn or a praise song? I don’t care who wrote a song, I don’t stop to consider what color they may be. I care about what the song is saying and if it stirs my heart with its words and melody.
I am going to be blunt here and just say it. I think this is one of the most ridiculous thing I have heard to try to show unity within a church by “fasting from whiteness “? What is the expected result of this move? I believe it will result in more disunity and perhaps generate animosity between the people where there was none before. I believe it is a dangerous move for the church and unfair. Why don’t they help the congregants to remember the love of Christ who died on the cross for all of us regardless of color or position. Isn’t what the church is called to do? I will certainly pray for the unity of the church , this one In Chicago as well as the church in general. Considering what is going on today , the immorality we see all around us and tragically it has infected the church as well by many compromises we need to have our eyes fixed, all of us, on Jesus that is our primary necessity
Abstaining from “Whiteness” is not a Christian response.
Developing good character based on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are.
Dr. King had it right in his dream to not judge a person by the color of their skin but the content of their character.
False teachers run deep in the American Church.
Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father, please add my prayer for the unity of all who believe in Jesus,the Christ, the son of the Living God. Bind together with great love ❤️ all who know the Messiah. TrulyLord you want to make all true believers one so we can powerfully share Christ with all the world!! In Jesus’s Name amen. 😊❤️🙏⛪️💪
If we were as busy praying, serving and worshiping in community as we are looking for issues to divide or hurt. We don’t worship with music because it’s “whitish” or blackish” we worship because we are raising voices to God our Creator. I understand that people’s tastes are different such as music genre, but that should not be cause of church division, just different bodies of worship. Some like intellectual preaching instead of emotional preaching. That’s ok, that’s why we have different bodies again. If we all are walking the Biblical walk and not veering to the right or left, if our eyes, ears and nose are where they’re supposed to be, there will be humans with human issues, fighting sin & human nature which is the same in all of us, who have either accepted Christ as their personal Saviour or not. That’s the only two classes of people there are. Period.
My son has immersed himself in the black community. At his wedding he had one white and 3 black groomsmen. He has been the only white guy in pool halls. He has turned against his upbringing in the church. Which grieves me. He has told us that the black community in AL is telling him that blacks are superior to whites and we just got the jump on them with slavery. The church has failed, in so many ways, we failed our children, our communities, and our government. Many I knew did not vote because God is sovereign and He puts the person in power He wants. We are living in a post Christian world. Interestingly enough, our son told us he thought the world would be better without churches, because then common sense could rain. He admitted to us that it turns out people will follow any dumb idea and it’s worse. They need to follow something. My husband told him it’s because our country was formed on Judeo Christian values. If you take them out – you have a man eat man scenario. This is all of our non- Godly wisdom coming out. To change that, we have to participate, at home, at church and in our communities. We are too busy to be of any use. I think we need a great leader to unite us, much like Billy Graham did. A person who is Godly and not political. I personally don’t care what race they are! I look up to different leaders of all races. That are just preaching the gospel. has many races represented. We just need the pure gospel.
1st, looking at this simply with a human eye, not Christian (historic), ask him about the history of blacks. How many non-brutal black governments have there been? Successful ones? Ask him who it was that was selling African people to Muslim & other slave traders? Ask him about how different groups of Africans were discovered living back before Europeans colonized. Finally, ask him why aren’t people of ANY color trying to immigrate or move to countries that are black?
This hasn’t anything to do with “racism” it has to do with fact – historical, sociological fact.
Now, though, the crux. Does this make any difference? No, all it does is show how selfish and evil mankind is, has been and will be, how any and all mankind are at heart and action. There is only one thing that will change any human heart to “good” and that’s what Resurection Sunday is all about. Without the Blodd shed by our Lord Jesus Christ, there is no one good, not even one. Human nature will not allow one to do, be and live unselfishly, honestly, unquestioningly “good” without each individual human dealing severely with his own sin nature and accepting & confessing with his mouth that Christ’s Blood was shed for each of us and covers each of our sin natures to be blessed with God’s gift of Eternal Life.
I hope this helps
I love your insight Great reply thank you
I don’t think banning hymns written by white people help solve the problem on racial discrimination…it fosters it even more. Where the Holy Spirit has inspired these hymns,
I feel they are banning God. That pastor needs to rethink his stretegy. I would not attend his church because of his racial prejudice!
It’s simply not wisdom from above- it’s not pure, peaceable, without hypocrisy, willing to yield ( to God’s Way, nor does it bear fruit that is praise worthy- how sad😢
I expect you mean disunity in the body of christ is not those things you list
Unity in the American Church?? How about unity of all the churches. We all need to come together. Rich and poor alike. From black to white and all the ranges in between. From all the types of names and beliefs of the many churches. Because God is good., I don’t believe he once said to only believe in Hindu, or only believe in Catholic or Methodist ways. I believe whenever we all went and separated the church, we separated the spirit of God. God is All things and ways.
Tina for people who don’t accept the Holy Bible as sent to us by our Creator; they can only have their own opinion as a standard of truth! which will be different from other people’s opinion and so they will have no way to be in unity about what is best for all to do! Except maybe like a broken clock that can show the true time ONLY 2x in 24 hours!
Dear LORD JESUS our SAVIOR. We ask you to help us as a nation to see the hearts of men as your word says you do. You don’t see the outside appearance of man but the heart. As we look into each other eyes this Easter and every day after that we see the hearts of those we look at. That we have no hostility toward each other. As your word says you took our hostility to the cross once and for all so we could be HOLY like you are so you could live inside us because we are HOLY in your sight. As you word says in Eph 2: 14 … and has destroyed the barrier , the dividing wall of hostility. 15-18…18 For through HIM we both have access to the FATHER by one SPIRIT. As in your word of Eph2 : 21 In HIM the whole building is joined together and rises to become a HOLY temple in the LORD. 22 And in HIM you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which GOD lives by HIS SPIIRT. Thank you LORD that our prayers are heard we here in Az have prayer in school now. As you have changed the heart and mind of our Governor here that you had me pray for we also have protection for the unborn. These things we prayed for. We pray that abortion is abolished as in your word in Isaiah 65: 20 Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years,… We prayed & fasted & fought for LIFE in Az . We fought against abortion and assisted suicide in other states. You gave us VICTORY in these. We will continue to fight them until they are not spoken of again as in your word of Isaiah 65: … The former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind. You are speaking of abortion and assisted suicide here. Help us to stop all acts of death against the vulnerable . We LOVE you LORD and your gift of LIFE. Your kingdom is all about LIFE. Amen
Susie ( A Prayer WARRIOR)
I don’t want to lead anybody in the wrong direction God loves all of us he wants to see all of us succeed in life and heaven he doesn’t want to see and body Goto hell that why he sent his son down too died on the cross for our sins
God sent his only begotten son down here on earth to die for our sins not our skin color. Love that he gives you the choice to follow me or lived in hell for your eternal life I will always stick with Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior not cause I have to cause I want too
God created one race: He called it Human. In His Likeness. May Holy Spirit fall on us all to see the Glory of Him in each Human.
“Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away” Is 51:11 KJV
Please don’t Judas me
Treat me as you like to be treated
Please don’t blacklist me
Leave me as you’d wish to find me
Don’t analyze me, sacrifice me
Please don’t Judas me.
Nazareth — Hair of the Dog –album.
A portion of — The Biker’s Creed
My word is my bond.
Give respect — get respect.
Never mistake my kindness for weakness.
I will always stick to my beliefs.
I do not ride because it is “fashionable” to do so.
I do not ride to gain attention, respect, or fear from those that do not ride.
I will not be the aggressor . . . but take no bull snot from anyone.
I will not judge others whether they ride or not.
I will help anyone, biker or not.
I will defend those that cannot or will not defend themselves.
I have ridden to find cures for cancer (of which I am a survivor), for children causes, for charities . . . and for no reason at all.
I ride to live life, to embrace fear, to see the world around me more clearly.
To hear the wind, taste the rain . . . and to kiss the sun.
I ride because ‘wind therapy’ washes away all that is troubling my mind.
I ride to be close to the God who crucified His only begotten Son so I could be reconciled to Him.
I could continue, but shall not for I believe those reading get the gist of what I’m saying and it all boils down to the second line of the song.
Treat me like you want to be treated.
This is an excellent article. If there is one aspect of this article that truly stands out to me, it is that we need to walk in unity as children of the Most high God. We ,as Christ’s ambassadors, need to put aside our petty differences that , in the final analysis, don’t serve any worthwhile service. We are ALWAYS witnesses. How we behave and the choices that we, as individual members of the Body of Christ make, have lasting repercussions. There is a lot more caught than taught.
That is a true counter to the problem but it assumes that the people behind it are sincere. It is based on the false belief that in 1989 communism ceased. The woke movement is just a rehashed communist tactic to divide and disrupt. It takes different forms in different countries. Here they are using race. We need to identify what and who are behind these movements. Remember that for these people the issue is not the issue. The issue is a revolution followed by a dictatorship which will undoubtedly be truly racist among other things.
I have said this before, and if you are a follower of IFA, you have probably read my comment. Racism is not about color, although those who chose to perpetuate racism, would have you believe that; it is about culture. IF WE WERE ALL BLIND, WE WOULDN’T KNOW WHAT COLOR ANOTHER PERSON WAS, ONLY HOW WE WERE TREATED BY HIM. Let us all pray to remember this. EVERYONE IS CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE; if we look at everyone as a child of God, how it would change the world.
“Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the Blood of Christ? And is not the Bread that we break a participation in the Blood of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we who are many, are one Body, for we all partake of one Loaf!!
1Co 10:16-17
We are one Body in CHRIST JESUS, HIS CHURCH. United!! 🙏Praying. AMEN🙌
Our God is a God of infinite variety. This is evident throughout His creation. So it is no wonder that humankind, made in His image, is also wonderfully diverse, both within and across each race. We are made to love God with all that we are… and to love each other “as we love ourselves.” We were made to celebrate and enjoy our diversity! Our national history shows how far we Christians have fallen short of this, but we have come a long way to right wrongs and to heal wounds. We need to keep moving forward; but there are powerful forces of evil in the land (orchestrated by our spiritual enemy) that would keep us looking backwards, focusing on past injustices and cruelties and keeping racial division, bitterness and hatred alive. This, surely, is where the Church of Jesus Christ needs to take a stand and fight the spiritual battle against these divisive, destructive forces. They are real and they are powerful. But the Word of God is far, far more powerful! Let us recommit ourselves daily to live by God’s life-giving words of instruction, showing a dark world the love of God and, with the Spirit’s leading, helping to usher in His kingdom!
I am so please with this post as I have been teaching this Gospel with the men in the Bible Study for years. Thank you!!!! I have been saying for years that this message was lost by the church when it was needed most to preach the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that He Himself is our peace who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall! Hallelujah!!
“Judge not lest ye be judged.”
I believe Jesus said that, no?
As a Harley riding believing biker (who did his teen years in the Sixties) I can sympathize with being discriminated against. Yes, I’m white. Can’t change that. Yes, I’m old school biker. Won’t change that either. But for many of my years on this planet I’ve witnessed division. Not just against one’s skin color or how rich or poor one might be. Throw in what’s happening with the LGBT++++ club and it gets worse.
Do I feel sympathy for those discriminated.
To a degree, but I am a member of a portion of society that can still LEGALLY be discriminated against that has no legal course of action to change it.
Businesses can slap a sign on their doors that read: “No bikers or biker attire allowed.”
Giving us very limited options. First option is to cry foul, but once the cops come their advice is more often than not — “Go find a place that will allow in.”
Trying to find an attorney to take that place to court for discrimination (even in today’s world) cannot be found because — as a judge once told me many years ago — “You can always change the way you look.”
So why is that not the answer given to all those LGTB++++ individuals that are forcing businesses to allow them to wear their sexuality on full display? Muslim’s forcing our military to alter their dress to incorporate their Muslim religious attire. I could go on, but anyone up to date on events of today know of what I speak.
Option 2? Take my business elsewhere and go on with life.
Stopped caring about such things looooonngg ago.
And churches? Got saved in 1976 and back then the only way churches would except a reformed biker was if they allowed said “brethren” to shave them up, trim them up, suit them up . . . and even then they wanted one to sit right down front so they could keep a wary eye upon them.
Even today most churches are ‘cliquish’ (made up of small exclusive social coterie) and one must be like them in order to belong.
I am a biker. A christian biker by the love, grace, and mercy of God; His Son; and their Holy Ghost . . . but a biker nonetheless.
As my wife of 30-years says: “You can tell you’re a biker even when you’re not riding.”
These days my church is riding my Harley which just happens to be my only means of transportation.
Don’t much care if anyone likes me or not.
Remco, you have once again hit the nail on the head! We cannot fix any division apart from.a deep work of Holy Spirit in hearts and in His Body as a whole! Oh God, how we need You now to cause Your Bride to cry out that every spot – defilement from the world – and wrinkle – places where we are not yet fully submitting to serve as Jesus served- would be removed! We want to look like Jesus! Come Spirit of the Living God!
Decree based on Eph Chapter 4 (AMPC)…
Abba Father, I decree that all true believers in Jesus will walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we all have been called with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in Your love, and eager to maintain the UNITY of the Spirit in the bond of peace. For Your Word says, “there is one body and one Spirit—just as we are called to the one hope that belongs to our call–one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all, and that we walk in the grace that was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore Your Word says, “When He ascended on high He led a host of captives, and He gave gifts to men.” In saying, “He ascended,” means that Jesus also descended into the lower regions of the earth. Your Word also says, He Who descended is the One Who also ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things with Himself. He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds (pastors) and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, and for building up the His body, until we all attain to the UNITY of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. I decree that each true believer in Jesus, would speak the Truth in His love, and that we all grow up in every way into Him, Who is the head, from whom the whole body joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, and that each part works properly, making His church body grow so that it builds itself up in His love. I decree, that none of us no longer walk as the unbelievers do, in the futility of their minds. Your Word says, “For they are darkened in their understanding and alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.” I decree that is NOT the way Your true believers learned Christ! Having heard about Him and we were taught in Him, as the Truth is in Jesus, that we put off our old self (we no longer walk or lives as the unbeliever) which belonged to our former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and that we be renewed in the spirit of our minds, and put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. I decree we put away falsehood, and each one of us speak the Truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. That we be angry and not sin; that we do not let the sun go down on our anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. That we let the thief no longer steal, but rather we let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. That we let no corrupt talk come out of our mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. That we do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom we were sealed for the day of redemption. That we let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from each of us, along with all malice. That we be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave each of us.
Abba Father, I decree that all true believers in Jesus will walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we all have been called with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in Your love, and eager to maintain the UNITY of the Spirit in the bond of peace. For Your Word says, “there is one body and one Spirit—just as we are called to the one hope that belongs to our call–one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all, and that we walk in the grace that was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore Your Word says, “When He ascended on high He led a host of captives, and He gave gifts to men.” In saying, “He ascended,” means that Jesus also descended into the lower regions of the earth. Your Word also says, He Who descended is the One Who also ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things with Himself. He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds (pastors) and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, and for building up the His body, until we all attain to the UNITY of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. I decree that each true believer in Jesus, would speak the Truth in His love, and that we all grow up in every way into Him, Who is the head, from whom the whole body joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, and that each part works properly, making His church body grow so that it builds itself up in His love. I decree, that none of us no longer walk as the unbelievers do, in the futility of their minds. Your Word says, “For they are darkened in their understanding and alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.” I decree that is NOT the way Your true believers learned Christ! Having heard about Him and we were taught in Him, as the Truth is in Jesus, that we put off our old self (we no longer walk or lives as the unbeliever) which belonged to our former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and that we be renewed in the spirit of our minds, and put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. I decree we put away falsehood, and each one of us speak the Truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. That we be angry and not sin; that we do not let the sun go down on our anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. That we let the thief no longer steal, but rather we let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. That we let no corrupt talk come out of our mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. That we do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom we were sealed for the day of redemption. That we let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from each of us, along with all malice. That we be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave each of us. In Jesus’ name. So Be It according to Your Word.
This is so sad that people who say they know Jesus Christ would prevert the word and let evil rule in the heart instead of the Holy Spirit. If they are a Christian then the love of Christ should be in their hearts to guide and teach all of us to love like Jesus loved, forgive like Jesus forgive and have that Hope that only comes through the blood of Christ from the Father through His grace. When men are ruled buy their flesh we will see more and more of this in the Church. The Church is supose to be in the world not the world in the Church! Jesus even stated would He find faith on the earth when He comes (Luke 18:8). It is sad to see that people are following the flesh instead of the Spirit. May we all refelect on the things Jesus spoke about this season and everyday! For only through Christ’s Blood can man appoarch the throne of the Father to be forgiven and not by the works of the flesh! Amen.
Great words straight from the Word and exemplify the heart of the Father. We are to love NO MATTER WHAT! Thank you for sharing this with all of us! Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday ✝️🙏❤️
These are last days in which the devil’s been ramping up his divisive attacks as the Bible said it would be. From the former President to the vaccine to the infiltration of CRT & social justice into the church, these issues have created division in my own family with Christian siblings, the likes of which I never imagined. I’m hearing things like homosexuality in the church is a tolerant improvement, living with a partner isn’t sin unless one is being promiscuous, & full-term abortion is now a good & legal means we have to protect the lives of women we lacked before. These things from decades’ long Christian sisters, one who planted the seeds for my salvation. The evil one knows divisions & contention within the church turns off the world to Christianity. Sadly, my efforts to point out these views as compromise have only created a chasm in our relationships that might never be bridged. Stand firm & ask the Lord to pour out His love through us to one another.
Revelation 7:9 gives us a heads up as to what Heaven will look like in this respect, “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb.” Our churches should reflect that reality here and now. Division is of satan, unity a gift of our Creator God. (post “divide and conquer” at We know from 1 Samuel 16:7 that “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” We need to follow our Heavenly Father’s example and command – to love one another as He loves us. In Christ there is unity – “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) And just in case we didn’t get the memo, we get the message again in Colossians 3:11 – “Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” We are made with the diversity and uniqueness that God displays in all of His creation – we are all, each and every one, made in His image. We are all related, all family, all brothers and sisters as we are all children of God. (MLK “I have a dream” speech would agree) We need to recognize this and seek the unity and reconciliation Jesus died to make a reality. Jesus died so that we each individually can be reconciled to God and be reconciled to each other. God forgives us, we are to forgive each other because we have been forgiven ourselves. Praying for Holy Spirit unity in our churches and that we would see others through God’s eyes, looking at the heart and not the outward appearance. Unity honors God and points others to Him. Jesus’s prayer for us – “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.” (John 17:23)
I disagree about racism and division being prevalent in the Church.
In the early church, there was an effort to separate believers on the basis of being Jew and gentile, and even social and economic class.
Thankfully, the early leaders addressed these issues as being wrong. No one is superior or inferior in God’s sight.
I have attended churches that include all races and cultures, and rich and poor.
Unity starts with our unity with God and with having His perspective.
All men are made in His image and likeness and He makes no distinction between anyone.
There is equal access to His throne for anyone who has accepted His Son as their Lord and Savior.
I pray that the Lord raises up more leaders with His perspective.
In the eyes of the Lord there is no color. What about we are one in the spirit, we are one of the Lord? The persecution of color has been men made. But if we’re talking about spiritual things, the Lord loves all and He wants us to love each other. Not singing white hymns is separation and Man made. Jesus cares about the words and glorifying Him. It shouldn’t be about who wrote the words, but the words in itself.
Fasting against hymns written by whites is carnal and lacking discernment. The church leadership is NOT being led by the Holy Spirit because when the Holy Spirit anoints one to write He is not looking at the color of their skin.
George Floyd was a criminal. Not deserving of death, but the liberals have placed him on a pedestal and tried to promote him as a hero. He was not. I believe that racism started again in the Obama administration when Travon Martin was killed by his saying, “He could have been my son”. But, no thought or care about a white teen being killed by a cop or anyone else. Now racism is towards Cacausians, Jews, Asians. Black people are considered the primary, most important race. ALL LIVES MATTER from the pre-born, unborn, and elderly….of all races.
While intentions are good, I believe IFA misses the mark. The primary source of divisions in America is not some inherent desire to focus on differences. America is not a racist nation, though obviously some discrimination occurs. We are being sectionized and divided by elite, often political groups that know the way to gain more power is to destroy a nation, then rebuild it in their image.
Prayers might be more effectively aimed at the true sinners.
On our first short term missionary trip to Kenya the Lord showed us that He see only two races in the world. A father determines a race. Jesus said to the religious leaders of that time, “You are of your father the devil.” To His disciples He said, “Pray our Father.” The enemy has long divided the Church along race lines that in our Father’s eyes do not exist. When my husband and I shared this in Kenya the wall went down between us and we were no longer the white folks from America but “Family”. This is His answer to His Family. Only two races in the world.
I’m saddened to see such an article from IFA. As long as some continue highlighting racial divisions we will have a perception that they exist. It’s not something I ever experience and I have lived in two racially diverse communities. If we are focused on being more like Christ each day-loving one another- and being led by the Spirit, we will be doing what God has designed us for. I’m saddened that this author believes so much hatred exists because of skin color because it is not at all my experience.
All the churches I have belonged to or attended in my city are predominantly white. However there are some blacks who serve either in leadership or music ministry. I’ve witnessed no discrimination against them. I’m actually tired of being told I’m racist and that my nation is racist.
It just keeps widening the divide.
God is color blind. I try to look at people the same way. Being white does not automatically make me racist and frankly I’m so tired of being told I am. It’s a strategy to divide us further. It’s a lie of the enemy.
Totally agree! The enemy seeks to divide us, but the Spirit seeks to unite us! May more of God’s church tune into the Spirit!
Utter nonsense when I go to church there are songs being sung that were written by both black and white people. many Europeans wrote most of the religious hymns because they were around back in the times of Christ. And white people want to feel guilty about their history and that’s a fake guilt
Wow-a very disappointing slant on church attendance and how I should continue to berate myself for daring to be white. I will not apologize for preferring hymns to modern music when I attend church. I also don’t judge attenders at my church for being whatever color God made them. I did not walk into my church and stay because of the color of anyone’s skin but because I felt His presence there and people who made me feel like I was welcome. As referenced in the article that took me to a tip sheet on how to be more inclusive-others might feel overjoyed at going to a mega church to get their Sunday diversity fix but I will stick with my small conservative church where I get fed Biblical truth-not woke worldly views that tout white guilt. That’s not of God but is evil and divisive. I am so disappointed to see this article on this site and the comments are very surprising.
Oops the name is supposed to read Virginia in Tennessee-autocorrect 🤦♀️
We in the church must start at the beginning. DNA research shows information and information cannot evolve and this information was labeled by scientists secular ones in 2003 that people were all descended two people and that there is no such thing as race. When was the last time you saw a man why does a piece of paper we are all bearing shades of brown and the only difference is we have is cultural and religious, therefore the unity of the church can overcome this. See Answers in Genesis online.
Thank you this is greatly illustrated our need to unity ❤️ I always wondered how we could plaster the great divide within the hearts of God’s people! This is the place where discussions can begin if we will let Christ lead us! In Jesus name I pray ❤️
Well written! The heart of the “Father, through the Son, by the work of the Holy Spirit” is well expressed! This issue with the flesh, if dealt directly with true repentance through Christ…as you have clearly explained it…is indeed the key to God’s Kingdom coming and God’s Will being done here/in us, as it is in Heaven! Thank you for this article! It bears witness with the work that I have been recently
directed to do.
I truly believe that this whole BLM is from the devil because it is ruled by socialism and people of all color should look into what and who is behind this movement. Yes I’m white and my husband is black and my children are biracial so I saying this not because I’m racist but I looked into what and who was behind this movement.
Ouch is right. As a predominantly Black woman, I can honestly tell you the pain and wounds of racism seem to continually be doused in salt. The world’s hatred is tolerable, but the church still has a long way to go. As a child my family attended an all white church. There were a couple of people there that loved us as Christ commands, most did not. I did not sing ‘opera’, so I was put down, berated and clowned until I quit the children’s choir…by design. I was 6. I believed those lies for years. But God consistently had others telling me I was musically gifted. In God’s grace, as a senior in High School, I was named Most Valuable Student in Music in our city. I had been nominated by my white high school choir director, who loved as Christ commanded. Yet, the hurt from that church’s choir director still is there. I’ve forgiven, but still have to work through that pain. Praying the Lord restores the years stolen. For me, the Lord hold’s me accountable for my responses. He has shown me hate and love are choices we make. Empathy is needed as Jesus was moved by compassion. My identity as a Christian must prevail. I am wearing Jesus as a garment. He is always cheering us on to love others in response to His love for us. I’m 60 now, yet have continued to be challenged by ‘white’ music, worship teams and my hardship to fit in as my voice is raspy, a deeper register and my piano playing is sometimes jazzy. I often stay home Sunday’s so I can worship God from my heart rather than perform for others or be critiqued by their culture norms. The reprieve helps me to keep smiling, knowing God enjoys my raspy Hallelujahs, jazzy piano and understands sometimes I don’t wanna feel like ‘fitting in’ to that Christendom, I just want to worship Him as He created me and encourage others to worship often, in truth and freely…
Sister don’t let what others think about you stop you for doing what the LORD wants you to do. Just thought the Lord wanted me to say that to you. Be encouraged by the Spirit and sing to our GOD so He is blessed!
You would most definitely be welcome in my mostly white church as we have singers with your type voice on our worship teams and they are much loved. I bet you have a wonderful anointing on your singing. Don’t stay home. Find your fit. Use your gift. I’m sorry you experienced what you did as a child. I hope we’ve matured and grown in the past 50
Years. I cannot imagine any of the churches I’ve attended in the past 30 years would berate a young black child for having a raspy soulful voice OR the color of their skin. Churches who do are houses of religion and not the house of the Lord.
Bev – thanks for sharing. Your story personifies many stories that are overlooked by the race-baiters who keep us divided for their own profit, or like the white family I grew up in out of ignorance.
One only has to look at the story most popular song of the Civil War to see the truth
Happy Resurrection Day Sister!!!