I Prayed have prayed
Almighty God, we ask for a higher view of You and for the Church to fall to her knees before You. May we put prayer before programs and repentance before refreshments.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prayer is God’s chosen way of directing His actions toward the world and shaping history, David Platt told prayer leaders at a pre-National Day of Prayer breakfast in Washington.

“God in His sovereignty has chosen to make prayer a powerful means by which we interact with Him to effectively shape the course of history. Is this not mind-boggling, totally baffling?” Platt said. “And this is not an overstatement. ā€¦ Don’t underestimate the role of desperate prayer in your life and in the world.”

Platt, pastor of McLean Bible Church in McLean, Va., and former International Mission Board president, preached at the Men’s and Women’s Prayer Breakfast of the National Day of Prayer (NDP) . . .

Beginning with the Great Revival of 1907 in Korea, when less than one percent of the country was Christian, and segueing to today when 10 million Christians live in S. Korea alone, Platt emphasized the importance of the prayers of church leaders in provoking God to act.

“Spiritual awakening started in S. Korea, not when the country started praying, but when church leaders started praying, like really praying,” Platt said, “crying out to God all night in prayer, leading their churches to do the same.”

Churches in America downplay the importance of prayer, Platt said, and rely instead on human strength. . . .

“When is the last time we gathered together for church on Sundays and crowds of people fell on their faces weeping for hidden sin in our midst, crying out for God’s mercy upon us?” Platt said. “What kind of church culture have we created where we — pastors, churches, members alike — are content to go week after week after week in church, watch what happens on the stage, or worship and perform there, and then move on with their lives as normal?”

God’s calling on Moses to intercede for the children of Israel in Exodus 32:7 was Platt’s foundation as he expounded on God’s design for prayer. Platt described a holy and just God who appoints through His mercy and love a mediator for sinners. Platt tagged prayer as part of God’s unfolding plan of mercy.

God will demonstrate His wrath against the people of Israel, unless, unless, unless a man steps in and mediates on their behalf,” Platt said. “God will be true to His covenantal promise to save this contemptible people. So how does he do it? ā€¦ He does it through an unfolding plan; He appoints a mediator to stand in the gap for sinners.”

But in God’s unfolding plan, Platt said, He moves in response to prayer.

“What we’re seeing is that God wills to work through willing intercessors. When we pray God responds,” Platt said. “In His sovereignty, God has not called us in prayer to watch history, but to shape history.”

Moses’ knowledge of God’s unchanging character, or Moses’ doctrine, shaped his prayers.

“See how Moses’ doctrine drives him in devotion. He knows God is in control and he knows that doesn’t make prayer meaningless,” Platt proclaimed. “He knows God has purposes and he believes God’s going to use his prayers to accomplish those purposes.”

Roars, shouts of affirmation and hand clapping erupted among prayer leaders in attendance as Platt encouraged impassioned prayer and confession in daily life.

A high view of God leads to a humble view of prayer. Iā€™m not making this up,” Platt said. “People [in the Bible] pray and fire falls from heaven. People pray and the lame walk, and the hungry eat, and the dead come to life.”

(Excerpted from Baptist Press.)

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Fran Wingquist
May 9, 2019

We need to pray that the church leaders will lead prayer meetings and the members will follow.

May 9, 2019

Yes God has all the answers. We need to pray for church leaders to lead prayers and not the members. Oh let that happen.

Maria Walker
May 9, 2019

To God be the Glory!!! Thank you Father for David Kubal and IFA!!!! Thank you Father for every intercessor and every prayer that has been spoken and is spoken!! For Your Word is Living and Active Sharper then…( Hebrews 4:12 ) Therefore we are confident that what we ask for in prayer using the Word of God we will receive the answer!! Oh Glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your plan for America!!! Thank you that Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!!!! In Jesus Name, Amen!!!!

Bonnie Thiele
May 9, 2019


May 9, 2019

Love this! I have annintercessor friend and we regularly pray for our country, our families and our churches! It is a privilege! He has all the answers!

We the people must stand up for righteousness for our nationā€™s sake!

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