On April 10, 2019, two thousand plus people packed into the Washington State Capitol building to protest SB 5395. The “comprehensive sex-ed bill” up for a final vote before becoming law, required all public schools in the state to teach “comprehensive” sex education and gender theory in all grades, beginning with kindergarten. With complete backing from Planned Parenthood, the LGBT lobby, and the state’s educational lobby, the bill was sure to pass. But this day, things didn’t go as planned, God’s people, prepared in prayer, watched from the gallery as SB 5395 was defeated. What happened in Washington State is an example for those of us who see America’s educational system trending more toward social issues at the expense of basic life skills. We will quell this trend if God’s people pray.
Today there is a call to a prophetic group who will tend our children and keep them from spiritual harm as well as physical harm. This person carries the mantel of the Shamar Prophet.
In Genesis 4:19, Cain asks God is he his brother’s keeper. The Hebrew word for keep is “Shamar.” Cain was to “Shamar” his brother, which meant he was to guard, to keep, be a watchman over his brother. A Shamar Prophet is someone with a Godly Spiritual awareness and who will boldly take a stand against injustice, ungodliness, spiritual abuse, physical abuse, and mental abuse. This person knows by the Spirit what is not only wrong at the moment, but also what is wrong for the future.
Months before Washington State’s SB5395 came up for a vote, a small group of intercessors, out of deep concern for the children in their schools, began conference calls to pray over the condition of Washington State’s educational system.
From their calls, three strategies emerged:
- Research that revealed the root causes of decisions made by state legislators and educational elites that brought their school system to the point where the thought of presenting a perverted sex ed program, would be acceptable.
- A comprehensive prayer plan based on their research emerged. They put together decrees and faith-filled prayers that they then distributed across the state.
- United with like-minded believers, they paid no attention to those who were not in agreement. Those who traveled to the state capitol on April 10th were all on the same page that SB5395 should be defeated.
Shamar Prophets sit, often hidden, in every church and every denomination. They know the power of God and how to exercise their authority to bring down strongholds. Now is the time to pray and call them to come forward for the task at hand. They are needed at this time in the history of our nation to confront the evils in the cultural Mountain of Education.
(By Nancy Huff. Visit and
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[…] Another group of parents won the battle in their district, through prayer. Read about it exclusively on the IFA blog, “Don’t Miss this Answered Prayer: An Intercessory Prayer Strategy that Worked in Washing… […]
Thank you WA state for rising up to pray and defeat an evil education system. May your
response be multiplied in every state. Our children deserve so much better than a
transgender, politically obsessed, destructive education. We will keep praying.
Dear Lord, I pray that each Shamar Prophet is increased 1,000 fold as it says in Deut. 1:11 that we may pray; “May the Lord, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times as many as you are and bless you, as He has promised you!! May this beautiful message of truth ignite each of us as Prayer Warriors, too, to go forward as vigilant lovers of our Lord’s principles- to be bold in Him, to continue to allow His goodness to thrive. May the small lit candles give hope to others to boldly pray and set us all as a representatives of His will, His Kingdom on earth. One Prophet said that it will be the Dems., Rep., and by the grace and mercy of God- the true Church will stand up in these evil times. Dear Lord, we humbly come to you for forgiveness of sins with contrite hearts and pray that Your perfect will be done with this liberal sinful world. Thank you for grace/mercy in the past to save, where hearts are deeply turned to yield your Holy Spirit’s lead. May the Shamar Prophets be protected and increased- 1,000fold and continued 1,000fold each after this blaze of zealousness for true Godly principles ignites. May we start to cleanse this land before Your Beloved Son comes! In Jesus name, I pray . Amen!! Eph. 6:10-18 – May we put on the Armor of God daily.
Tonyia I praise God for your reply and pray that all will agree with it! And all seven centers of our world of the church family government military media business education!
Amen! LORD, We call forth Your Shamar Prophets. Lead, guide, protect them and give them the discernment of Your Holy Spirit to know every tactic and strategy needed to protect our children’s minds, hearts, and souls from every attack of the enemy all over our country. Let them rise up in obedience to Your call and fulfill their purpose in Jesus name to Your glory. Let no weapon formed against our children/our country/our future prosper. Shine Your Light and Truth where darkness is plotted. Protect and preserve our Christian freedoms. Let America continually be a beacon on a hill that lights the Way to You for others by serving, honoring, and glorifying You. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yes and Amen In total agreement.
May God confound the wicked and destroy their plans. The ones they make against our children and the future of mankind. May the love of God and the love of his son Jesus Christ overpower the wickedness of Satan! Amen
Yes and AMEN
I pray in full agreement, Amen and Amen.
Yes and amen. I agree with tbe above prayers. Amen
Father God, I touch and agree with all those who prayed for the education systems in this USA and around the world who chose to distance themselves from you. I pray that you would convict those, to pray so that you can answer by fire, in Jesus name. I send confusion to those who have plan for your children in the school, that their plans may be dismantle, in Jesus name. I thank you for the results to come. Amen
Amen Praise the Lord in agreement for this diabolical plan of the enemy to be stopped and completely cutoff in Jesus Name. Confuse scatter and confound the plans of the enemy in all regards with these abhorrent bills coming against our children and grandchildren. Open the blind eyes to your truth Lord for you are truth, give wisdom, remove darkness greater light and I pray a sweeping of conviction and salvation to come to those opposing justice and righteousness for all of us and future generations in Jesus Name
Heavenly Father only you can see the future. I would pray that the devil and all his minions would be completely overtaken by your people that have been called by your name to defeat and defend our schools, church’s and any other places where our children are taught. I pray that the people would come back to you Lord. I pray for a revival. In Jesus name Amen.
Thank You Father for hearing this prayer as 2 or 3 come to You in agreement. Thank You Lord for protecting our children and grandchildren from the darkness that want to reign over the mountain of education. Let Thy kingdom come & let Thy will be done in all of our schools from preschool to graduate work after college & every level of education in our country. AMEN
Amen and PTL for immediate overcoming victories!!!
Lord God call out the Shamar Prophets in every state! That we would see every state have the same answer to prayer we see in this Washington State!
Also Lord convicted us individually with what we know we can do to support the Shamar Prophets and all their work!
Amen! LORD, We call forth Your Shamar Prophets. Lead, guide, protect them and give them the discernment of Your Holy Spirit to know every tactic and strategy needed to protect our children’s minds, hearts, and souls from every attack of the enemy all over our country. Let them rise up in obedience to Your call and fulfill their purpose in Jesus name to Your glory. Let no weapon formed against our children/our country/our future prosper. Shine Your Light and Truth where darkness is plotted. Protect and preserve our Christian freedoms. Let America continually be a beacon on a hill that lights the Way to You for others by serving, honoring, and glorifying You. In Jesus name. Amen.
Dear Lord, please expose the demonic forces that have created and implemented twisted curriculums and textbooks across all school systems from early childhood through higher education institutions. I pray for wisdom and boldness for the parents and faculty to raise up Godly truths that will remove blinders off eyes and open deaf ears to protect our children and youth as they navigate through life. Pray that your kingdom be restored in our schools, homes and hearts, in Jesus name. Amen
Dear Lord, thank you for those prayer warriors who stood and prayed to you against these plans of the enemy. I pray in agreement with Kathleen Banks for you to expose and demolish these demonic “curriculums.” In Jesus name, amen.
Amen! Lord strengthen our homes, please open our eyes to the brokenness in families across our country. Please give fathers a great desire to lead their families and stand up for your Word. Lord I pray you will help mothers to hunger and thirst for righteousness and refocus their hearts toward their greatest calling. Lord open our eyes.
Yes, Lord. I agree with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Oh Lord, please confuse the demonic strategy against our children. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name. Amen.
Yes LORD! confuse the demonic forces in Jesus name