I Prayed have prayed
Father, please heal our land. Use these issues involving our climate to bring people back to Yourself and to motivate them to pray.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The following article was written by George Radanovich, a former U.S. representative for California. What do you think of his suggestions?

I grew up in gold rush country near Yosemite National Park and the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. I’ve spent endless days hiking, fishing and swimming the mountains, rivers and lakes in this part of the world. As a county supervisor and later, as a US congressman representing the forests and farmlands of central California, I know how critical water is to the welfare of the western United States.

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Our weather has changed over the last 20 years.

Before the 2022-23 rain season, California was in the grip of some very strange weather. The dryness of summer would extend into the late fall and even winter months. The weak weather systems that did blow through brought only high winds that intensified destructive wildfires, consuming the dead wood left behind by years of drought. Whatever storms did wet the West were sporadic “atmospheric rivers” and “bomb cyclones.” Springtime would arrive early and with it, an early fire season.

This weather pattern affected the entire western United States. In the Colorado River Basin, lake levels at Glen Canyon and Hoover dams were reaching historic lows. The drought was getting very serious.

In a news story about Lake Mead, the lake behind the Hoover Dam, I remember watching a water agency representative say, “You can pray all you want, but prayer will do no good, we need to act now to cut back water and preserve a dwindling resource.”

Last September, Spencer Cox, the governor of Utah called for prayer to relieve the drought. The negative responses really stuck in my craw, including the scathing criticism of Johnathon Oliver in a twenty four minute diatribe.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation responded to this request by stating, “Nothing fails like prayer. Wishful thinking cannot suspend natural law, much less cause precipitation. Utahns do not need prayers, they need real solutions. Cox should pray on his own time and dime.“

I decided I was not willing to give our water supply up to “climate experts,” government officials or non-believers. The world is still more than we know.

So, in the spirit of salt and light (Matt 5:3-16), I decided to intercede for the climate of California and the western United States. More specifically, I claimed the earth, it’s atmosphere and climate for the Kingdom of God, using the spiritual authority given to all believers of Jesus Christ.

I am hesitant to publicize this, and truly believe that we are only empty vessels for the Spirit of God, but the results speak for themselves. Despite the fears and dire predictions of another dry year, the rains came in the Fall and continued in abundance through April, in California and the western United States. This year Utah had the 10th wettest January in recorded history.

Something strange is happening with the climate of the earth and I don’t know how it plays into Christian eschatology, but I do know that we are called to be salt and light in this world. Also, scripture says that if we turn from our wicked ways and seek the Lord, he will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). We are salt by claiming the earth, the atmosphere and the climate for the Kingdom of God and we are light by proclaiming the Gospel to unbelievers.

Christians have been given great authority to impact the Lord’s Kingdom. I believe that includes the earth, it’s atmosphere and climate. It could be that the lack of prayer and spiritual warfare is the reason our weather is so strange. Perhaps we need to be bold and claim that God will heal our land if we return to Him. Why leave this issue to the “climate scientists” and unbelievers?

What do you think of this article? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Written by George Radanovich, former U.S. Representative. Photo Credit: George Radanovich)

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Robert Baker
December 7, 2023

Wonderful article. God tells us in His Word that He will give us even MORE POWER than He exercised while on the Earth as Jesus. It is happy!!!

Jennifer Morrow
July 26, 2023

God made the earth so it stands to reason he could heal the earth. Prayers are powerful as is our amazing God.

Sherry Nye
July 26, 2023

This is a wonderful article that I truly agree with and it is so well written. I pray every night for our country and the world and I agree with your thoughts
Sherry Nye
Midpines Calif

Carole Fischer
July 26, 2023

I am proud of you.

July 26, 2023

Such a wise article George. We are never to ignore God’s truth. We are asked to pray but also to turn from our wicked ways. Those who ridicule the power of prayer haven’t done that. Nonetheless, I know God hears those who do.

Desiree Mirassou
July 26, 2023

George, what a beautiful and inspiring explanation of our current condition and how prayer should be at the center rather than dismissed.
We are not powerless in His light!

Cheryl Weber
July 26, 2023

Thank you for writing this article. I truly believe God sends messages to wake us up and get our attention.

Rogers Leslie
July 26, 2023

I appreciate the boldness with which George expresses his concerns. Indeed there is power in prayer and as I drove down Central California highways & read countless billboards that simply read “pray for rain” I was reminded to do so. Why would we not cry out to the true source, the living water to provide the resource we need to exist and thrive? If only the water experts can come to grip with this reality, and embrace the fact that Christian’s are pro- conservationists. We must be good stewards of God’s beautiful creation and do our part to responsibly preserve it for future generations.

Goulart Mary
July 26, 2023

Thank you for taking the time to post this!

Patti Sousa
July 26, 2023

Thank you for having the courage to post this. I say Amen!!!

Chief Kuryla
July 26, 2023

We are all tied to the Earth. Those who have spent an entire lifetime secluded in air conditioned houses, cars, offices seek the earth by the droves for respite and rehabilitation. The sound of silence in the mountains, in the pines and great red woods of Yosemite, bring people closer to peace. They seek God through the peace.

Shirley Burke
June 20, 2023

Amen & amen! Thank you for sharing this brave & powerful message!

June 13, 2023

So thankful for you and your message! In addition to prayers and proclamations regarding atmoshpere,etc. I am praying that you personally will be mightily encouraged both in your official capacity and in your prayer life! WELL DONE!

June 13, 2023

Thank you, George. I love what you have said and I totally agree with you. Some people think they are so much smarter than God. Not so. We are to look to Him and He will provide. God has taken care of the climate since the beginning of time and HE does it perfectly when we go to Him.

Mari Williams
June 12, 2023

By George you did it! You proved the so-called “experts” were and are clueless.
May GOD open their eyes to see the truth of HIS promises. Is anything too hard for GOD?
“He wraps the rain in his thick clouds, and the clouds don’t burst with the weight” (Job 26:8)
Praise the LORD for His amazing answer to your believing prayer!
And praise GOD for giving you that amazing gift of faith in HIS AMAZING GRACE!
It did me good just to read about it!
Glory be to GOD!
Thank you for sharing!

June 12, 2023

I suppose too many people don’t know that man has intruments that they try to control our weather. I have been praying that God will over ride their wickedness and be in control I do believe that is why prayer does work. As this testimony has told us.

Susan S.
June 12, 2023

1. I believe in prayer. If you don’t believe in prayer, don’t attack those that do. I thank God for the rain today.
2. Climate tends to go in cycles.
3. I believe we should conserve in arid and semiarid areas. Israelis have made many advances in water conservation in agriculture.
4. These climate experts have been wrong more than they have been right.

June 12, 2023

It is called Geo engineering, chemtrails being used by our government officials to change the weather pattern. I live in California and I see them spray daily. It’s been going on for at least 50 years. Geoengineeringwatch.org Explains why they’re doing it where they’re doing it and the chemicals that are in the spray that are damaging our water system, or soil and humans and oceans.My prayer is that God would push back the evils regarding the damaging of this planet. They are playing gods with our weather patterns.

    June 12, 2023

    Thanks for getting this information out there many don’t know. I hope that soon there will be enough people to put a stop to this. Meanwhile we pray crying out to our God

Lori Meed
June 12, 2023

Wow! Wow! Wonderful article. Agree with him wholeheartedly! The earth is the Lord’s and where His people bring His kingdom in humility and power, His healing and provision come!

Mary Phillips
June 12, 2023

Amen! Our Lord controlled weather and a lot more. Weather does need fixing, but it’s our job to do it. We are the Lord’s stewards over the Earth. I live in the South. I’ve seen “weird” weather affect the peach crop for a number of years. We’ll have lovely warming days and then a sudden freeze at just the “right” time to kill a lot of fruit. We didn’t have weather like this when I was younger. I hadn’t thought to pray about it, but I plan to start now.

    George Radanovich
    July 31, 2023

    Mary, I know some of your peach growers. Great people! This may sound strange but it’s important to claim the climate for the Kingdom daily, kick out evil and ask the Holy Spirit to intervene for your peach growers. The more I engage this way, the more I believe the Kingdom is God is built daily by the warfare of the anonymous believer. Have at it!!

Jean Steffenson
June 12, 2023

I agree with Radanovich. “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” Psalm 24. There are many scriptures about God’s love for the land, our stewardship, how our sins defile it, how He desires it to be healed. I have been teaching and praying about the land since 1986 when the Lord revealed His heart about it to me. I pray more people will know God’s heart for the land, waterways and climate. Our neglect has given place to those the enemy influences for his evil agenda like all the laws and regulations under “climate change and global warming.”

dennis mauck
June 12, 2023

Congressman you are so correct. Thank you for giving all the glory to our GOD. These “intelligent intellectuals” have missed out by not reading and believing scripture. We have a granddaughter who wants to go to Harvard, a former center of education, but sadly only an indoctrination camp. Keep on praying
Thank you dennis

June 12, 2023

The scripture clearly tells all of us if we repent and turn from our wicked ways then GOD Will hear from heaven and heal our land. Those who conclude prayer doesn’t help are ignorant of God’s love and mercy and quite simply are unbelievers. That being said yes I believe man has the responsibility to make cut backs and conserve, but it is usually man’s greed and turning away from GOD that has caused the problems in the first place

Larry Besherse
June 12, 2023

I love it! I believe it! I’ve said for some time that when we are left by the government to “Be fruitful and multiply” the Earth becomes a better place. I grew up in the Columbia Basin in Eastern Washington. I’ve seen the results of human installed irrigation! Much cooler air and Much more food to feed the people!


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